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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy A Troubled Boarding School [CS]


Hot Dog for President
Far away and out of the sight of normal cities of modern age, children from grades 6th to 12th are sent here until they graduate! But why?! Why would I leave my child here for so long?

Because they're 'freaks of nature'...you said it yourself, ma.


<-- School
<-- Cafe
<-- Bulletin Board
YOUR CURRENT LOCATION: Registration Office​

Anything with an star (*) has a note with it, notes are at the bottom with their matching colored star (*).

Any issues the school should know*
Staff or Student*

Basic likes and dislikes
Basic loves and hates

*A small description including weight and height. Images are optional
*Try to sum up the personality the best you can, but you don't have to.
*Family bloodline, how they turned into what they are if they did, homeland mention, why they were sent here, etc.
*Allergies, medical issues, mental issues, etc etc.
*If staff please know you're going to be a teacher of some sort! Please state what grade and subject. Can be a mixed grade class. If student, please list what grade and if anything higher than a newbie please state how many years you've been here!
*Clothing style mention is most appreciated, since your character may change clothing especially for classes like gym or for events that happen in any arc here!
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Rillie Harrison
Mermaid - Koi breed

Her scales look like a shimmering gold fish's, with a shiny rose color. Her hair is a lighter rose, and her eyes are a bright green that's lit up by natural light. Her skin is a rosy olive tone. She weighs 199.8 lbs, and is 5 ft tall due to her wheelchair problem on land. She's 5'7'' in length from head to tail fins.
Rillie is a gleeful, cheery young woman that's obsessed with stories, and it's obvious
What happens when you get too curious about the surface and end up swept away in a storm? You get taken away, far away! Luckily this place exists! She was found on shore miles away from the school campus, and was given a special made dorm room with a large tank for her, and plenty of room for guests that can't breathe underwater! She states she came from the Atlantic, and lived in one of the cities underwater. She doesn't say anything else about her family from there. She's one big reason most areas in the school there's large fish tanks that are open at the top for easy travel, and her classroom has a large one so she's not stuck in a wheelchair all the time!
Any issues the school should know
She's stuck in a wheelchair for long amounts of time on land, so she's not very mobile on land!
Her and cold temperatures? No can do! She's going to be late, and is going to have trouble with travel anywhere away from warmth, especially warm water!
Staff or Student
Staff - Swim class assistant for classes 8th through 9th , Creative Writing teacher for 10th and 11th grades
She always wears a button down and a skirt on land, but underneath it is a special swimsuit that's school appropriate, and perfect for a slippery fishwoman.

Eiquinn Ramyet
With heterochromatic eyes, which aren't truly natural, his eyes are red and indigo, indigo obviously being his natural color. His hair is a deep blue with a violet shimmer, and his skin is a flushed pale tan tone. He stands at approximately 5'8'' and weighs 130 lbs.
He's viewed as just another doormat, but don't let that deceive you. He's great at taking initiative, and is able to break a few limbs if he really has to. Seemingly emotionless at first glance, Eiqiunn is a strong emotional rollercoaster.
He lived with a witch he called Grandma. She treated him coldly, but it was only out of love. The world was a crazy place out there, and most people would want him dead. He's a demon...he was brought here after an event at his last school. He was hunted down by the older kids who somehow knew he was a demon. He'll be safe here...temporarily.
Any issues the school should know
Anything holy can make him sick. It can't harm him too much but...it can ruin his energy for a while.
Staff or Student
Student - 10th grade student of 4 years in this school​


Todd Grayson

Age : 11
Gender : Male
Species : Beast

Appearance : Todd is short and slim. Standing at 4'4 and weighing only 31 lbs, he is slightly larger than his animalistic counterpart, the red fox. Most of his body is covered in red-orange fur. The fur changes to white on his chest, on the underside of his head, on his neck, and on his inner legs. As you get closer to his hands and paws the fur transitions to black. Same can be said for the tips of his ears and on his tail.

Personality : Todd is rather easy going, yet serious at the same time. In a casual setting he is calm and very easy to get along with. He is caring and sincere, even to those who aren't even friends. However, when it comes to work of any kind he is very serious. He takes any kind of work he gets, not to mention he loves and is very enthusiastic to work, with a very professional attitude despite his age. When it comes to a group project of any sort he is quick to take the lead, no matter who he is working with. But when work begins to frustrate him things take a turn for the worst. He will become very aggravated and his work begins to become sloppy, then he realizes he's messed up and is thrown into a nervous/panic attack. Some say his work attitude is way too intense for his age. No one knows why he is like this.

Bio : Ah, the Grayson family. It consists of Todd, of course, his father Samuel, mother Rachel, younger brothers Henry and Stewart, older brother Edward, younger sisters Lucille and Jessica, and older sister Jasmine. Their home; deep within an English forest, near a human's home. Ever since they all were little kits everything seemed to be a competition, and when I say everything I mean just about anything could become a competition for them. Todd always seemed to be the most intense out of them when it came to this. His parents were glad that he tried so hard to do something to impress the, but his effort also sparked concern. How would he react when he failed? They found out soon enough. It was when he was about 6 when they saw it.

The kits were homeschooled for a while and one day while they were working on an "assignment" and Todd began to trip up on a few questions. They soon saw the three stages of Todd's failure. Number 1; Frustration and Anger, number 2; Realization and Regret, and finally, number 3; The Nervous/Panic attack. It confused them at first. He never acted like that before, but this was also the first time he's messed something up. They could really only hope that it doesn't happen again.

Eventually, Samuel and Rachel thought it be best they went to the same school they went to. But they didn't want to leave, well, everyone except for Todd. Todd was the only one who really wanted to further their education. To become more intelligent. So, he was the only one sent. He's in sixth grade now.

Any issues the school should know : Parents think he has Anxiety disorder. Other than that, his size. He is tiny and frail.

Staff or Student : Student/6th

Basic likes and dislikes : Todd enjoys work of any sort. Whether it be mental, school work or physical work. He also likes to help out in any way he can. What he doesn't like is messing up that work.

Style : His clothing style can be described as business casual to professional. Usually consisting of a button up vest as well as a long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up. In regards to lowers he usually wears khaki-like pants, except said "pants" are more like shorts due to his digitagrade legs.
Name Esmeralda Weatherwax
Age 16
Gender female
Species human
She is taller then most girls her age at 5'10" and weighs 120 pounds, she has amber brown eyes and she keeps her medium length brown hair combed, she isint very athletic and her skin is rather soft.

Personality* a sweet but studious girl who enjoys the occasional prank, soft spoken with a quiet voice makes her hard to understand once in awhile. she is a bit of a nerd enjoying comic books and does rather well in classes

Bio* Born to parents who adored books full of fantasy and adventure, They named her after one of their favourite discworld characters, a Witch commonly known as Granny Weatherwax, little did they know how appropriate her name would be. Growing up things would happen without an explanation, things the child hated would disappear and reappear in a hard to get to place even for a grown adult, They had an issue with bullies ending up in any water source nearby like her schools pool, and the older she got the more obvious her powers became. When she got angry, things burst into flame, when she was sad, plants died around her, happy they bloomed greater then any other in their species, when she panicked she started to fade away and she is panicking a lot due to her powers running amuck and her inability to control them, every time she thought she had a handle on it it would snap back and the kids were making fun of her. One day she walked into school wearing a full witch getup and proclaming curses on her other tormentors, tired and upset at the bullying, one students homework and books disappeared and he failed a major test that day, another found all their items vanished from the locker and everything that disappeared ended up on the roof of the school this of course wasnt acceptable behaviour so the principle expelled her and her parents brought her here.

Any issues the school should know* She has almost uncontrollable powers and can set things on fire when angry.

Staff or Student* student, this is her first day! (also, for things like gym she would wear a normal gym outfit in black and such.)
Theodore "Theo" Rocha

14 1/2


Wolf Halfling

(Couldn't find any image that suited what I had in mind so I'll edit this with a sketch or something one day rip)

5'7 - 139 lbs

His hair is a medium brown, slightly cool in tone. Its parted asymmetrical, with one side neatly curling away from his face. The other, larger part drifting just above his eye constantly. Its cut short, but that doesn't stop it from slightly curling outwards everywhere. His face is a bit slender, but its not a large contrast from his body. His eyes are a slightly warm gray in color. And, If you get them under the right lighting they almost look like a pale yellow. His skin is what most would describe as a light tan.

His body, is what you would expect of a normal 15 year old boy. Its slightly more toned due to his more physical hobbies like hunting. And is quite masculine despite his smooth, girly skin.

When he experiences an extreme negative reaction he subconsciously lets out his tail. He scrambles to hide it.

On his own accord, he can however shift into whatever he's supposed to be. Furrier. More wolf like lower legs. And sharp nails. Not to mention that tail he wishes he could slice off.

Upfront, he looks quite bored. As with most people with relaxed faces. Those who know him would probably say he's quite outgoing however. His actual personality towards those he's closest with is quite different. He's almost mom-like in itself.

His mother sent him to live with his grandmother in a different country at a young age because she had a hard time caring for him due to finance. So he never saw her that often. His dad left before he was born. Or rather he got gutted saving his mother. It seems to affect his mom to the present but he doesn't really have an emotional attachment himself. He was raised by his grandmother as an avid Catholic in the coming years. In fact, he has a necklace with a cross around it with him at all times. He had plenty of friends in his normal life before he recently was outed as a halfling and was shunned by his town.
His only option was to take the money he was saving up and use it to come here.

Has a habit of accidentally ditching a single class in particular because he sleeps in obscure areas during lunch break.


Style: He wears whatever when he's in a comfortable setting. Even if its just his briefs. When he goes out he tends to put a little more effort into his clothing. He keeps up with current trends he thinks are actually nice so most of the time he doesn't look like an absolute disaster.
KJ Winters

Name: Kai Jaye 'KJ' Winters
Age: 16
Gender: Male without shifting
Species: Shape-Shifter, mainly animal based but can shift human forms which takes up great amounts of power and energy

Height - 5'3'' without shifting
Weight - 102lbs without shifting
Hair - Light Gray without shifting
Eyes - Black without shifting
Skin Tone - Whitest of Whites
Clothing - He shape shifts the clothes to be on him, usually baggy jeans and an oversized hoodie (he doesn't wear shoes) and the colors tend to change.

Kai is a creative yet introverted kid. He was bullied for being so quiet and shy which only made him more quiet and shy. His father's abuse didn't help either. He is a singer and musician first and foremost. He writes his own music and plays covers sometimes. His curiosity made him really want to tour and play music which boosted his ambition. He could be considered a doormat in some areas and doesn't show his anger which could be a good thing, because only when he's angry, he snaps, and it isn't pretty. He is incredibly smart and knows a lot about stuff that don't really matter in everyday life. For example, he can recite the countries of the world song off by heart. It has no practical use. He just can. His brain lets him down though as his want for more can lead to rash and reckless decisions. He is also incredibly impatient, often doing the wrong thing instead of waiting which can lead to him not being focused and other things.

The only child of a shapeshifter mother and a human father. After his mother gave birth to him she finally told her husband that she was a shapeshifter. He was in disbelief and hatred until his son's hair turned from blonde to blue to red to gray in a few minutes. His father hated it, the fact that he had a monster for a son. He divorced his wife and let her have full custody of their son. This was good. Everything was good. He learned how to control his emotions and handle shapeshifting. Only it all went down hill really fast. His mother died when he was 10 and so he could no longer be homeschooled and his father would have custody over him. He was a mean, cruel and selfish man. He forced him to be a real manly kid and to never show his abilities to anyone. One time he almost did and that was the first time his Dad hit him. When he was 15 the abuse had gotten worse and he told someone, an old man who just so happened to be a sorcerer. Kai was happier that he knew the old man. The old man, who was called Mercury Fragworth, later took Kai out of that house and got him to live with him. Mercury had a few younger friends with powers and they met Kai. Kai was happy he could do so much now. He signed up for a school where a bunch of other people like him stayed. He could finally be happy.

Staff or Student: Student (Sophmore)
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Ava Styx

Age: 16
Gender: Female


Appearance: She stands only 5"1 and 98 lbs with long black hair and eyes. She's quite pale and thin.
Personality: She's very witty and a quick thinker in high risk situations. She's compassionate and kind to everyone.But can be very mischievous.

Bio: Ava is the only child of the wealthy and high society Janet and Mark Styx. Growing up her parents always knew she was..different. For one she had oddly pointed ears. She was extremely agile and smart. But often got into trouble for pranking teachers or wondering off to explore. Doctors told the Styx that she just had abnormally developed ears and an extreme condition of ADHD. But after 16 years they had had enough and sent her away.


Style: Her clothing style is hipster and casual.Her go to is usually sneaker,t-shirt and a leather jacket
Name: Nathan Dalca /// /// Francis Sato /// /// Sam Chaney /// /// Holly Hawkins
Age: 16 /// /// 12 /// /// 14 /// /// 17
Gender: Cisgender male /// /// Cisgender male //// /// Genderfluid, AFAB /// /// Cisgender female
Species: Strigoi (Vampire, sort of, but he doesn't like to be called a vampire and I don't blame him) //// /// Nopperabou /// /// Mage, baobhan sidhe (Also like a vampire) /// /// Hulder
Appearance: Lean, with an even shape of body and average stature. Tall face, with an evenly sloping jawline, upturned nose, steady brow, pronounced canines, and reddish brown eyes. Short, titian hair and pale skin. /// /// Short, thin, with a slim jaw and black hair of moderate length, and black eyes. Slightly curved brow, pronounced canines, flared nose. (At least when his face is there) /// /// Short, heavy-set both of fat and muscular, with dark hair that just nearly reaches the shoulders when down, gray eyes, fair skin, and large feet. A wide face with a jaw that rounds to a pointed chin and a lot of space between the eyes and the eyebrows. Has a below-knee amputation on the left leg. /// /// Tall, with a pear-shaped build and long, straight hair that is medium brown and normally tied back. A slim face with a nose slightly above average in size, a steady brow, and wide eyes. Never conceals her tail, which is more reddish than the hair on her scalp and bovine in shape with a white tip.
Bio: He was born with the caul, with teeth, and with a tail. His family laughed it off but when he lost his milk teeth, his first taste of blood began a searing hunger. /// /// His father, an expatriate from japan, was a nopperabou, but never told his wife. Years after the man's death, his son would come to find out all on his own, fueling impossibly high expectations from his mother. /// /// Sam's father was a wizard, and xir mom was a baobhan sidhe. Sam grew up knowing about xir magical properties. /// /// Holly grew up with a mom who was also a huldra, even if her father is human.
Any issues the school should know: He has mild eczema, and is attempting vegetarianism which for a hematophagous person is.... complicated. /// /// He has ADHD, dyspraxia, and sensory processing disorder. /// Has anosmia, and does not have xir whole left leg. /// /// Has dyspraxia
Staff or Student: Student /// /// Student /// /// Student /// /// Student
Style: Casual and average, including dark colors. Favors red and blue. /// ///Mostly graphic tees, cargo pants, and whatever your average geek might wear. /// /// Kind of goth, sometimes with a Victorian inspiration, and with stripes whenever xe can wear them. /// /// A casual style, often layered or with graphic tees and favoring cheerful or nature inspired pallettes
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Sycano Tremelle
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Leshy
~ A forest fairy from Slavic Mythology ~


Height: 6 feet 1 inch
Weight: 143 lbs



Likes and Dislikes: Sycano enjoys sweet, sugary smells and tastes, and warm days. He dislikes dry air, but he dislikes humid air, and he prefers air that is neither too dry or too humid. As strange as it may be for a deity of the forest, Sycano actually dislikes his home. Having felt trapped there since his birth, he rejects it like a dog to its carrier, and does what he can to avoid it. Aside from this, Sycano also avoids spicy food, and he greatly dislikes the cold.

Bio: Sycano was born in the forest under his father, a leshy, and his mother, a nymph. They weren't cruel to him. In fact, his parents were actually quite loving, to the extent that Sycano was pampered and controlled to the point of not even feeling alive. He was utterly untroubled, and so, he became trouble. Sycano's protest first began as something small. He'd play jokes on his parents and other forest inhabitants. Then, one day, Sycano threatened to leave. His parents weren't listening to him. They weren't giving him freedom, and so, he decided his only choice was to leave them. They agreed to loosen their hold on him, if only a little, and managed to come to an agreement with him. Sycano would be sent off to a school for creatures and people like him, where he would be within his parent's reach, but still get that taste of freedom he longed for.

Traits: Sycano might seem like an angel. He's always smiling and kind. He'll compliment your outfit and brighten your day little by little, but, what happens when he's out of sight? To most, Sycano is a model student. He gets good grades, behaves in class, and is a pleasure to be around. What most people don't see is the little devil living inside of him. Out of view, Sycano becomes a propagator of trouble. He'll pull pranks, tell lies, start fights, anything to feel that rush of freedom and invincibility he'd longed for. However, on the inside, Sycano doesn't feel very much. He doesn't get close people easily, and while his facade of goodness lets him interact with others well, he never really makes friends. He can't trust people. His parents held him back for too long, and now, he really can't figure himself out. He does want friends and he wants to smile as brightly as others, but how can he when all he's ever dreamt of is freedom? His ideal freedom, in its self, is another cage he's trapped himself in.

Style: Sycano is almost always in a coat or sweater. He just gets cold too easily. For that same reason, he's always wearing full-length pants. He only shows a lot of skin on the hottest, sunniest days, which he seems to marvel. Also, while a little uncanny of a guy, Sycano enjoys wearing jewelry.


Any issues the school should know?
Sycano can't handle temperatures below freezing for over twenty minutes and must stay inside on particularly cold days. Winter is a time of death for the forest, and as such, is a time of weakness for Sycano.

Staff or Student: Student - 10th

Dorm: Top 1st Room - Yellow Dorm​
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Name Praxia

Age 19 (Over Millions of years old)

Gender Female

Species Demon

Appearance Praxia stands around 5'2", and weighs in at about 85lbs. Her eyes are a stormy grey with flecks of reddish-pink. Her skin tone is blood red, and her extremities (i.e. fingers, toes, nose, elbows, etc) darken into a rusty red (as shown).

Personality Condescending, Sarcastic, Witty, Cold, Merciless, Hot-headed, Flirtatious

Bio Praxia was a weapon of an old god long before the time of mortals. In her God's ruled land, chaos reigned free and many lesser demons suffered in the hands of yours truly. When the time of the old gods came to an end and mortals were wrought from the Earth itself, Praxia found herself at a crossroads. She could either risk the afterlife with her kind, or trap herself in a mortal body to experience this life for herself. She knew if she stayed in her true form, she would be caught even in death for all of her wrongdoings. So she changed her appearance and entire form, cramming as much of her power as she could in the feeble mortal body. Though her host is immortal, it is not the kind of immortal she felt as a demon. She considers herself mortal, despite the fact her host has lived for thousands of years. No one really knows why Praxia decided to come to this school. She didn't have any family reasons or any problems with the government. She signed herself up, though even she doesn't know the exact reason why.

Any issues the school should know Praxia has schizophrenia, as whispers of her past life often haunt her, begging her to break free of her form, which they believe serves as a trap for her powers. They are constantly reminding her of what she could be if she did not restrain herself.

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  • Name~
    Jose Eli Farlin. Her name is actually pronounced 'Hoes-ae', but a lot of people including her parents, just call her 'Joe's'. Her father is named Joe, so it's explainable.

    She's 25, although looks more at 20 due to all the skin treatments she's had in her lifetime.


    Female, lesbian. Very nonchalant about it.

    A specific breed of succubus in which isn't a demon, which technically makes it not a succubus but a lot of people do consider it still one, like tomato being a vegetable. Has a thirst for toxins and usually gets that by either hunting down poisonous plants or venomous animals. However, after her body has taken out the main nutrients she needs, she needs to inject it into someone else with her tail, otherwise she'll get weaker and weaker until eventually, she dies. This byproduct's harm is based on the person's immune system.
    Low- They will get immensely sick
    Average- They would only feel a little nauseous for an hour.
    High- They will only feel their emotions drain for 20 minutes to an hour.
    Immune- They only feel a slight pinch.

    French facial features. She has completely white skin and light blonde hair that reaches 6 inches below her shoulders. She is only 19 pounds but isn't skinny, she has a rather average shape but her insides are very light, which results in her being drastically brought down. She is 6'5. She is flat chested, and doesn't have much curve, tall but not as tall as that giant in the next tab. She has extreme under eye circles. She has light purple eyes.

    She has skin patches on her body which are translucent and show some of her organs. Her muscles, skin tissue, and bones being transparent in order for this to happen. She has a somewhat transparent, long and skinny tail that is finished off with an arrowhead. A lot of people mix her up for a demon which easily causes backlash, but is understandable due to her close resemblance. As her skin goes to her feet and hands, the skin fades into a clearness.

    Well, uh, let's just say she isn't the most liked. She's brutally honest, simplistic, overly serious and quite harsh. She admits her faults just as well as she admits other's. She's the least amount of naive and doesn't let emotions get better of logic, but while doing so she can be rather hurtful and not give a shit. Jose is an lazy, miserable, no-good alcoholic and she has no problem showing it. She's not involved with her students, she usually just writes something on the chalkboard and does her own thing. She's always hungover, sometimes you could tell she's drunk even at class. She's immensely careless and melodramatic even at during the most dramatic situations, there could be an earthquake and she'll lazily roll her eyes and continue reading her book. She can get disgusted easily, shows anger very rarely. Sometimes likes innocently messing with people for amusement. When you get closer to her she acts more so like a child, becoming more playful.

    Bio~ ( Optional to read, can be saved for later when it comes more informational and better described. )
    Her mother was a succubus and her father was human. And they spoiled her rotten. She was given gifts upon gifts, violin classes being one of them, as they wanted to to be a violinist. It helped that they had been rich, her father racked in a lot of money and her mother married him because of it, it isn't hidden stuff either. Her father had been her mother's sugar daddy, and they mentioned it a lot while Jose was around who would cringe immensely. Her parents weren't prude and wasn't afraid of how they acted in front of Jose when she was a kid, they were very nonchalant about drastic things. They would buy their daughter's affection with gifts, she wasn't to complain, though. She enjoyed it. Although, sometimes they had treated her like an exotic accessory to bling up. But, who was she to complain? There's plenty she's got here. Her father was a cheater--no, not relationship wise, casino wise. He was fairly good at what he did, and the casino had always been on his case but never quite caught him in the act. The casino quickly got fed up with this, nobody wins 50,000 slot machine games in a row. So, they took it in their own hands. They hired a gang to kidnap Jose for a high ransom. Though, what they hadn't expect was the family to not pay at all. Claiming they didn't want to give away that money. The gang persisted until the family stopped responding. The gang hadn't actually planned this far, and their next actions had been entirely blank. They had only been hired to kidnap her for justice, not.. This? Jose had been highly stubborn with the whole ordeal, refusing to do anything the gang said. Finally, the gang's patience wore thin and they threatened to kill her, which had no impact on the way she acted. Stuck, they tried threatening her with a multiple array of things, which she didn't believe. Out of ideas, they threatened to take away her milkshake, which instantly made her cry out her eyes. She was forced to work as a bartender and fulfill chores around the building. It had been hell the first three months, because all the gang did was drink and party. She hated their laid back attitude, how they were so damn.. Nice? Honestly, she expected to be tortured. She'd rather BE tortured. Hell, she wasn't allowed to pick out her clothes or go shopping! But, they treated her more and more like family as months passed. She wasn't pampered with gifts, given money, but yet it felt weird, almost.. Nicer. Days and days she would wonder about this, why her parents never gave her the same. As a lot of time passed, her attitude became softer and she began warming up to them, questioning a lot of things. This changed when one by one they started dying. It started with the leader, who died brutally through a car crash. Major loss was felt in the gang. It worsened when a second person came out dead, and then another, and another. Every week, another person would die. It slowly became clear that someone had been hunting them down, and the survivors were trying their best to both keep themselves and going and survive.

    oooooooooooo As three people remained, the power turned off and they both rushed Jose to hide, she didn't want to comply, wanting to stick by them until death. They desperately locked her in the closet with a phone, saying they'd be back. Jose yelled and scratched at the door for hours but eventually gave up and began weeping. It took 9 hours to pass until the door opened, which caused her to run up to it out of startled joy, screaming out her happiness as she hugged an unfamiliar substance. Confusion quickly ran. She felt it pat her back, and her mother's voice arrive. "It's okay. They're gone now."

    It was back to her old life. As if none of that ever happened. She grew distant from her parents, less of someone who she used to be and now fearing them. She became more self aware, how her family would show her off like a brand new toy, all while only shedding off pretty things to keep her close while treating her like trash. Her violin classes became flimsier, and she did less and less of a job. She would begin rejecting the gifts and become extremely quiet, it was understandable, considering she was stuck with the family who had killed her her family. She began wondering if they had kept her there all those years so that they wouldn't have to bother raising her themselves. She grew up as a violinist like they had wanted. It had started off great, but she would stop attending rehearsals and become more and more less motivated. She was fired, disappointing her parent. And now, she's at where she's at.

    Any issues the school should know~
    She doesn't inject the poison byproduct into other people unless absolutely necessary, causing her to be sick a lot but still go to work. Gungar often insists that she's free to do it to him, but she doesn't listen.She doesn't tell many people about her problems, and when it's let out unwillingly, she doesn't let people help her.

    Staff or student~

    She is a teacher in math, teaches grades 7-10. After school, she has an extra class in french for all grades who want to get a little bonus credit for the future. She's been a teacher here for 3 years, doesn't communicate with other teachers other than Gungar, who she had previously shot in the shoulder.

    She typically wears bland, meh clothing. Leans more towards anything dull colored. If you handed her a neon green shirt, she would most likely sheath her eyes from the light and hiss at you.You'd have to force her to wear anything formal.

    Basic likes and dislikes~
    Her favorite food and plant are rosary peas. She dislikes anything with a too flavor-y taste. She enjoys distracting herself from problems and dislikes people who remind her of them. She doesn't like anything flashy or out there, goes old school regardless of occasion. Although, like the hypocrite she is and proudly admits, she still uses phones and technology.
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- Charlotte Giolla

- 15

- Cis-gender female

- Human 'cursed', with a hellish set of armor.

- 160.2 cm // 5'3''
- 43.7 kg // 96 lbs
- Charlotte never takes off the suit, due to her inability, so not much is known about her actual appearance.
- A skintight, dark-grey, suit clamps around her body, showing almost every non-existent curve that she posses.
- Charlotte appears malnourished even though she eats plenty of food.
- The hole where her heart should have been, seems to lead into a molten core. No one has tried sticking their hand in though.
- Charlotte may summon the chains at will, but they will always connect to the hole in one end.
- She can willingly take the hood down, but chooses not to.

- Charlotte may seem polite and kind at first, but she's very violent and quick to anger.
- She's not afraid of invading the privacy of other people, if it helps herself.
- Charlotte can appear manipulative at times, and attempts to get her will, through violence.
- Though she may -somehow- gain friends, she will always put her own life over them.
- Despite all these horrible quirks, Charlotte is also brave.
- She stands by what she means, and is willing to defend her reason.
- Even if she puts her life before her friends, she won't abandon when times get though.

Bio (You can choose to read this later)
- Charlotte didn't exactly live a happy life, before. Her mother left her at a young age, and her father soon turned into an abusive alcoholic. Her education was horrible, and many believed she would live on the streets when she grew up. A few years ago did she make those beliefs true. She ran away and lived without a place for a few months.
- One day while in the bank, hoping to get some goods, a group of robbers came in. With bystanders at the group's mercy, one of the robbers decided to have some fun. He noticed Charlotte, and went over to her, gun in his hand. Afraid, Charlotte begged for her life, saying she would do anything. When he told her to kill a bystander, she hesitated but agreed.
- With a shaking gun in her hands, she looked at the pleading bystander in the eyes. Tears were rolling down their face. Charlotte took a deep breath, and shot. She stared at the dead corpse, and wondered what would happen now. The robber chuckled, while his team-mates were shouting at him for doing something so stupid. His response was to grab Charlotte and take her with them.
- When they arrived at the hideout, Charlotte quickly found it wasn't just that small group. An entire gang had home here, and she was the newest member in the family. For the first time in what felt like forever, Charlotte felt appreciated and at home. She grew closer and deadlier, with the gang, and she felt on top of the world. Charlotte felt she could do anything, but this feeling was soon denied.
- On a 'mission' to an abandoned laboratory, Charlotte and her crew were ambushed. Turns out there were still people, and turns out they were also armed. Charlotte was quick to leave the team behind, rushing over to a still functioning elevator, to get out of the area. The elevator went down, and at the bottom floor, Charlotte the truly abandoned part of the building. Dark and dusty was the hallway Charlotte followed. At the end, she found a door, leading to a small room. It was faintly lit, and in the middle of the room stood the source of the light, and it being a set of armor, that sparked Charlotte's interest.
- Charlotte studied the suit closely, admiring every detail it had. Standing behind it, she tried it one and found herself filled with a rush of power. Surely she could take on the ones, who attacked her earlier. And surely she did. She had never felt this great before, showing no mercy to anyone. In the heat of fun, she forgot who was who, and killed everyone in the building. That included the team-mates. Realizing her mistake, she dared not to go back to the gang. Even with this power, they could still take her down.
- Months passed, and Charlotte had become a legend among gangs. She wasn't sure how to feel about this, as she now stood in the same spot as before. Food was harder to come by, as she found she could not take of the suit. When hearing about a school for 'special people', from by-passers, she though this place could be the answer to her prayers.
It took her a while, but after about 3 months, she was on the shore of the island, ready to start anew.

Any issues the school should know
- With the addition of the heat-based suit, Charlotte has grown weaker against water, and seems in pain when paired with it.
- She also shows signs and symptoms of ASPD but nothing has been proven, yet.

Staff or Student
- Student
- 9th grade
- First day
Name; Felix Sjödin
Age; 17
Gender; Male
Species; Vampire
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Seemingly dark, brooding, and always in thought, Felix is not a social creature. He's cut and dry. He has many memories of his past, and he constantly revisits them in his mind. He'd prefer to be left alone. Very few people are close to him. He's not particularly rude, or disrespectful, he would just rather prefer to not socialize unless it's needed. Despite this, Felix has a warm heart and will die for the ones he loves and cares for. Once he opens up to you, he will be your best friend. Your protector, sacrificing his life for yours. Felix is brave, not scared of being the first to take a step into the dark cave, or the first to stand up for what's right.
Born to a wealthy family in Stockholm, Sweden, Felix was always a troubled child. He was always getting into fights, causing disruptions, and a general problem-maker. As he grew into his adolescence Felix found a friend. This friend set him on the right path. Taught him how to be a man. Fight for what he believed in. Little did Felix know, his friend held a secret from him that he would soon discover. After several years, Felix's friend turned on him, his bloodlust sending him into a rage, barely sparing Felix's life. Ever since that day Felix has become one with the shadows. He has spent his entire life learning to control his own bloodlust and decided it was time to find some help.
Felix is a vampire. His super human strength, speed, and maneuverability make him the apex predator. His reflexes, heightened senses, and fine-tuned emotions make him the ultimate stalker. Due to his vampirism, Felix's emotions are much more controlled than a mortal. He does not get caught up in petty drama, and can simply exist whether the situation around him is blissful or chaotic. This allows him to have a level-head in stressful or intense situations and carefully weigh out his options before acting upon them.
The most obvious being sunlight. Felix becomes extremely weak in direct sunlight. Not only this, Felix is generally weaker during the day time in general. Felix's walls and shortness tends to cause people to avoid him, preventing him from building true relationships. Felix is a vampire, and needs to feed often or will suffer withdrawals.
Staff or Student;
Books, studying, fighting, blood
Drama, socializing, conversation.
Felix wears a leather jacket on most days. Torn up jeans, and "I just woke up" hair, show he doesn't really care what he looks like. He has a very natural vibe about him. When it's time to get formal, Felix does not hold back, and will wear a suit and tie.
School Notes;
Felix needs a constant supply of blood to maintain his ability to move. If Felix goes without feeding for a long period of time his body starts to shut down. He will not die, but he will become extremely weak and lose his ability to communicate effectively, and his mobility. His body will eventually go into a catatonic state until he is fed.​
Accepted! Role Model Role Model
He will have to be placed in the Navy dorm since the Yellow dorm is full, all rooms available are the 1st and 2nd top rooms and the 1st bottom room. Don't worry, despite the large windows, the blinds and shades in there are very effective!
Name:Michael Botkin



Species:Half-Nephilim (fallen angel, not half-angel half-demon)

Appearance:Michael is extremely tall for his age, standing at a massive 6'3. He has short, messy black hair, with grey eyes. He looks angry almost all the time, no matter how he's feeling.

Personality: On the surface, Michael is a stereotypical punk. He constantly gets into fights, is almost always angry, has little respect for authority, and has a bad mouth. But underneath all this, is a decent person. He hides under the punk facade in order to not get bullied, which he was a victim of. He usually doesn't even start most of his fights. His attitude is his way of dealing with threats by scaring them off. When not angry, he is a quiet and reserved person, mostly keeping to himself.

Bio:Born to a human mother and a Nephilim in a small town in North Carolina, Michael was dealt a bad hand from the start. His father left before he was even born, causing him to develop a seething hatred of authority, and his mother was terrified of him, as he had inhuman abilities. He has been here since the sixth grade, being admitted the second he turned twelve.

Any issues the school should know: Behavioral issues due to not having a father, and feelings of abandonment by his mother. May be on the autistic spectrum.

Powers:He has above average intelligence, but his most potent abilities are his physical ones. He has incredible strength, able to lift over 500 lbs. with relative ease. He has superhuman reflexes and senses, able to feel vibrations to approximate where people are in a room with his eyes closed. His stamina his also impressive, once staying up for three straight days without sleep. He also has limited control over light, but it's very basic, and he has made no attempt to improve it. His final ability is an enhanced healing factor, but it is not perfect, and takes only a little less time than normal humans.

Staff or Student:Student
12th grade
Been here for six years

Basic likes and dislikes:He likes being alone, reading. He dislikes tight spaces, and people who talk really loud, since his heightened hearing causes headaches for him.

Basic loves and hates:He loves to do one thing, and that's play the piano. It soothes him, and is one of the only ways he can truly express himself. He has a burning hatred for authority, specifically if it's absolute, and abusive.

Style: Despite being a delinquent, Michael dresses very casually, preferring not to draw attention to himself. He usually wears a plain T-shirt with a hoodie worn over it with jeans and tennis shoes.

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