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Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)

So, as the title of the Interest Check states I'm looking two people (yes, just two) who are fans of the Overpowered MC Isekai genre to join me in an original fantasy adventure!

Deets are below!

1) Story - Three humans (strangers to one another) all happen to perish in a horrible accident together and awaken in another world. Slowly, they discover they can use abilities, magic, and a variety of skills which no other beings in this world seem to possess. In short, they're overpowered. However, they'll need to be. In this world it's kill or be killed. And the world itself isn't going to go easy on them or do them any favors. After all, not everything can be solved by hitting it really hard or using magic. Some problems require the human heart, mind, and soul to resolve. So, your character will need to be more than just their role and abilities.

2) Isekai - The world our characters awaken within is one very different from Earth. There are innumerable races, both humanoid and not, which inhabit the world. There are giant floating islands, endlessly deep ravines, trees the size of skyscrapers, underground caves as vast as an ocean with their own sun, sky, and even weather, and alternate dimensions where some species live separately and secretly from the rest of the world, and much, much more. Just where are they?

3) Characters - The RP world is pure high fantasy. Therefore, you can create almost whatever kind of character you want to inhabit this world. Do you like Elves? Make one. Do you like big buff humans/humanoids (like Orcs) who look like they could lift a small mountain? Make one. Do you like half human half animals (i.e. top half is a human and bottom half is something else like a horse or snake)? Make one. Do you like plain old humans? Make one. Do you like more ethereal humanoids like fairies, dryads, nymphs, slimes, etc? Make one. Do you like making undead characters? Make one. Do you like Knight style characters fully clad from head to toe in armor? Make one.

I have three simple limitations on characters: First is that they must be a humanoid. Two, they must be capable of speech (i.e. they cannot be mute or communicate only via telepathy). And three, they cannot transform into anything (what they are is set in stone the moment they awaken in this isekai world).

Additionally, please be prepared to create a character sheet which features both their original human (plus a little backstory on it) appearance as well as whatever they awaken as within the isekai world. I've always enjoyed character sheets both as a means to see examples of your creativity, and to give me an idea of what kinds of characters are being thought of for use so I can design a character who isn't too similar and can keep things interesting among the cast.

4) Roles - This RP will feature three characters, and each one has a specific role to fill. There's the Tank, the DPS, and the Mage/Healer (they won't be called that in the RP, this is just for the sake of explaining the roles).

I'm going to be giving you guys first dibs on which roles you want, and I will take the last remaining role for myself.

The Tank - As the name suggests, the Tank is the one who is the shield of the team. They're the first to take on the biggest and most dangerous attacks the enemy throws our way (if we're not caught off guard, of course), and they're the ones who draw the most enemy attention for the sake of giving the DPS and the Mage/Healer openings to thin the herd so the team as a unit can then finish wiping them all out. And although the Tank's primary role is defense, they are a potent offensive fighter in their own right and can use incredibly powerful attacks with a blade or their shield to rend or toss their enemies around the battlefield. The Tank is also the only one in the group with a self-healing ability which restores their health/stamina over time. However, its affect is limited and works best when combat is over. If the Tank is getting overwhelmed by sheer numbers of powerful enemies and taking too many hits then this ability is all but useless.

The DPS - This character is the fastest and most deadly of the group in single combat, and also possesses potent physical AOE techniques. However, they're far less durable than the Tank. If you're familiar with That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Slime, this character is basically a combination of Benimaru and Soei. They can use bladed weapons like swords and daggers, and also have abilities like Seoi's Fettered Threads which can both immobilize and dismember their enemies with but a subtle and gentle tug on the primary thread. Their speed allows them to blink out of view in an instant and reappear either close up to an enemy, or great distances away which makes them ideal for information gathering when the group needs to plan for how to proceed. But, as stated before they're not the most durable. If they get hit, they're going to feel it and will likely need the Mage/Healer's assistance if they take more than a few good hits.

The Mage/Healer - The magical unit of the group who wields powerful offensive and defensive magic, as well as incredibly potent healing magics which can do basically anything save bring the dead back to life. Sadly, that's a power not even the most OP healer will ever possess. But so long as there's even the tiniest thread of life left in the target, they can be healed. They can also use various skills and abilities to enhance their magic in various ways, and I'll have more information on this later (meaning I need to come up with them, lol, but I know how I want it to work so sit tight). One last thing about the Mage/Healer is that there's only one being their Healing magic doesn't work on... Themselves. Yes, the Healer cannot heal themselves with magic and must rely on either healing potions or the protection of the Tank and DPS to stay safe and alive in more dire combat situations. When the situation is more under control the Mage/Healer is capable enough of keeping themselves out of trouble. But the worse the situation the more danger the Mage/Healer is in if they're not careful and venture too far from their allies.


5) Rules:

Rule 1 - Stay In Your Lane

Despite our characters all being overpowered and basically having a built-in excuse to God-Mode their way through most issues requiring physical or magical combat, each character is going to specialize in one area and one area only. All their strengths, skills, and unique abilities will be tailored to their role. So, if you try to cross over into someone else's role there's going to be hell to pay. I'm a patient GM. But my patience wears very thin very quickly when someone gets greedy and tries to become the "most OP" of the group and starts trying to edge their way into taking over someone else's strengths and role. It's happened before on other sites in the past, but it WILL NOT happen here.

So, consider this your one and only warning. If I even think you're getting greedy and trying to edge someone else out and start pushing into their role and take their strengths for your own, you're fucking GONE.

Rule 2 - No Instant Mastery Bullshit

Every time I do an RP like this there's always one asshole who tries to find a way to excuse and/or justify the idea that their character basically instantly understands everything and fully masters their newfound power and abilities within a few posts and becomes "the leader" of the group.

Not! Fucking! Happening! Here!

Half the fun of roleplays like this is that even if our characters are overpowered this is literally an entirely new world with entirely new rules of existence. Using magic doesn't just come naturally to you. Nor should you fully understand the extent of all your new abilities, or even what all of your abilities are. Discovering them along the way is part of the magic of being in an isekai experience. After all, this isn't SAO where we are playing a Virtual MMORPG game which we already know the mechanics of when we get stuck in it. We're literally dying and being reborn into a new world we've never seen and with powers we never imagined could ever be real. How could anyone possibly think that they would just instantly get it and know what all of their new abilities and powers are? Like, seriously? How can anyone justify this kind of crap?

Anyway, enough ranting. You get the gist. All your abilities and powers are brand new to you and should be naturally discovered, worked on, and perfected over time. Some of them might even frighten you into never wanting to use them because of how dangerous they can be if misused or if you can't learn to properly control them. My favorites are comical moments where, for example, an enemy suddenly charges us at the beginning of the adventure and, out of fear and desperation, one of our characters shuts their eyes and suddenly one of their abilities activates and eviscerates the enemy. The other two are left with their jaws on the floor like, "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat da fuck just happened?!?!?!"

Moments like those are where the magic lies. So, let's enjoy them rather than try to bury them with instant god-mode understanding.

Lastly, despite being overpowered our characters can still be harmed, and they should be from time to time. They may be overpowered, but they're not omnipotent or infallible. And as fast as their reaction times may be it doesn't mean they can instantly sense and react to every threat in time to stop them all the time. Long story short, let your characters get hurt from time to time and require the assistance of others.

Rule 3 - Get Involved and Be Creative

I'm only one guy, and my creativity can only carry me and the RP so far. I'm going to need you guys to be proactive about getting involved in help me come up with new locations, side stories, problems for our characters to solve, major and minor events, NPC characters (both good and evil), creatures to fight and/or tame, and much, much more. If you can't imagine yourself being proactive about helping to contribute towards creating the experience we're all about to embark on then don't bother even raising your hand to join. This is not an RP that's going to just hand you an experience that you can hop into and then coast on while everyone else works on making it happen around you. Antisocial incels who join RP's without ever once even trying to talk to or engage with their fellow roleplayers have no place in my roleplays

Be willing to get involved and collaborate, or get lost.

Rule 4 - The Implementation of Ideas Is Collaborative

Bouncing off the previous rule, before any ideas can or will actually be implemented not only do we all have to agree that it's something we would like to do together, but I, as GM, have to give an official stamp of approval and will be solely in charge of when and how the ideas are implemented. After all, there needs to be some sort of organization to the whole thing. We can't just throw one idea after another or the entire thing will get messy, convoluted, and incoherent. So, I'll be in charge of the how and when once ideas are jointly approved.

So, be ready to post your ideas to the OOC Discussion thread I'll be creating for the RP and we can all discuss it together. Once we're all happy with the final concept I'll put a stamp on it (metaphorically, of course) and start preparing to implement it once there's a viable opening to do so in the RP's current story events.

Rule 5 - Have Fun!!

I deliberately sounded like a major stiff in the first few rules because I'm trying to, one, weed out those who would bring the RP down through laziness or bullshit. And two, give us the best chances of creating a group who will actually be able to get something going which has a chance to last. That way we can all focus on having fun with our discussion of ideas, as well as whatever's happening in the RP's posting section. The more fun we have together both IC and OOC, the more likely the RP is to last for a time rather than fizzle out to ghosting or a lack of continued interest.

As for the OOC Discussion thread, I'll be creating that if and when I find enough people who are interested in this idea.


- GojiBean
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Ah- wait, I guess it's full since two of you already joined. The GM needs a role, and it's not a 4-player rp is it? Oop.
DracoNightshade DracoNightshade Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT

Since we have three folks who popped in, I guess we can add a 4th role to fulfill the ranged type that Draco said they like.

Based on what you all said was your preference, I think a good distribution of the rolls would be something like this:

Garrett - Tank (I think, since it's the closest to a brute-ish?)
Draco - Ranged (aka bows/crossbows/etc)
Chuuyas - DPS
Me - Mage/Healer

If I misunderstood ya, Garrett, and you actually wanted DPS then let me know.
DracoNightshade DracoNightshade Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT

Since we have three folks who popped in, I guess we can add a 4th role to fulfill the ranged type that Draco said they like.

Based on what you all said was your preference, I think a good distribution of the rolls would be something like this:

Garrett - Tank (I think, since it's the closest to a brute-ish?)
Draco - Ranged (aka bows/crossbows/etc)
Chuuyas - DPS
Me - Mage/Healer

If I misunderstood ya, Garrett, and you actually wanted DPS then let me know.
DracoNightshade DracoNightshade Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT

Since we have three folks who popped in, I guess we can add a 4th role to fulfill the ranged type that Draco said they like.

Based on what you all said was your preference, I think a good distribution of the rolls would be something like this:

Garrett - Tank (I think, since it's the closest to a brute-ish?)
Draco - Ranged (aka bows/crossbows/etc)
Chuuyas - DPS
Me - Mage/Healer

If I misunderstood ya, Garrett, and you actually wanted DPS then let me know.
It's actually Hawke!/nm, and yeah, tank was pretty much what I meant! (Like Iron Bull from Dragon Age)
DracoNightshade DracoNightshade Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT

Since we have three folks who popped in, I guess we can add a 4th role to fulfill the ranged type that Draco said they like.

Based on what you all said was your preference, I think a good distribution of the rolls would be something like this:

Garrett - Tank (I think, since it's the closest to a brute-ish?)
Draco - Ranged (aka bows/crossbows/etc)
Chuuyas - DPS
Me - Mage/Healer

If I misunderstood ya, Garrett, and you actually wanted DPS then let me know.
In that case, I'd like to do something like the Drake Warden subclass from D&D.

Could you explain what that is for me? I was never into DnD so I have no idea what that means. Lol.
I'll do my best. The Drake Warden subclass allows for the summoning of Drakes, a subtype of dragons, to assist the player in multiple ways. Once you get to a certain level, the Drakes you summon become rideable with the addition of wings. As I understand it, you can only summon/keep one at a time. I was actually thinking about doing something similar, except, maybe I have to find, hatch and raise the dragons. Granted, true dragons are likely quite powerful and rare compared to their more numerous sub dragon cousins.

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