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Fantasy A Ticking Timer




It's the 31th century. 1/1/3000. Mankind has evolved to become the greatest species in the galaxy. They have conquered every planet and taken the populations as prisoners on the planet Prion. Man has flourished as never witnessed before.

However, these are troubling times. Amidst the wasteland that is planet Earth, dubbed the Beggar Planet, a faction has emerged, claiming that the end of days is near and that all living species must unite to defeat whatever dangers the future may hold. Rumors of the faction's claims are reaching the populations of the human capital planet of Zoitis. Even though the National Assembly, the governing party of the galaxy, claims that these are just rumors sprouting from the dark ages, the planet's populations are beginning to divide themselves in two: those on the side of government and those on the side of the faction. And after a series of horrible events: meteorite crashing into the planets, escalated deaths, increased crime and rape and a mysterious species going about killing the most highest ranking officials, the National Assembly is desperate. They will do anything to regain control over their lands.

And that's where you come in. You will play as a prisoner of the Humans, selected to be sent to Earth to kill every member of this faction, once and for all. However, you must choose your sides fast, because the clock is almost done ticking, and the end may be closer than you can imagine.


Hey there ~

First off, thank you for stumbling upon my interest check ^-^

Here's some important stuff that I have already set in stone:

- The RP begins at Planet Earth. You are dropped in the remains of the Saharan Desert, where the rumors seemed to have originated from. It is now a frozen and mountainous wasteland

- Every alien species is different. They all have weaknesses and special abilities. Try to make yours as unique as possible. They can look human or they can be a cross between turtles and cheetahs. Doesn't matter. Your character can speak a different tongue too, but they must be able to communicate vaguely with the other player's characters.

- This is a character driven open-world RP. Your character can choose to find the faction. It can choose to lead the humans at an uprising against the government. It can choose to assassinate a government official because it believes they are a part of the faction and staged all the current deaths. It can choose to free all the prisoners of its race and resort to a faraway planet. Doesn't matter. Just make sure the path of how your character got there is clear. It should make sense.

- Your first character must be a prisoner. Your second can be anything you like. God is the limit, though. Your prisoner and second character can have a connection. Maybe your second character is the daughter of the Head of the National Assembly who is in love with you and secretly sent a guard to protect you on your journey to kill members of the faction. The possibilities are endless.

- You can have up to five characters. Detailed CS's are only required for the first two.

If enough people are interested, I shall put up a thread. Tell me what you think, if you love it or hate it, if you have any questions or constructive criticism or just would like to throw out any ideas you have that could improve the RP! I look forward to hearing from you!

P.S. This is my first time creating an RP. Any advice from people who are more experienced than I am will be appreciated, because I will need it!


@Thatonechillgirl @TheEnd Great ^-^ I'll put up the thread and send ya'll a link. I can't wait to see what characters you come up with!
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