A three part story idea


Retired Asshole
I've had this idea burning a hole in my mind these last few weeks, so I'll put it down here to see if anyone else would be interested.

The premise would be three separate RPs in three separate threads all taking place in the same world. The separate RPs would be as follows:

Den of Thieves

The slums of the Imperial City is not a nice place to grow up. Although the city is large and ancient, the slums were built into the softer lower ground and as a result were built directly over the old sewer system for the city. As the years went by, the slums slowly sunk into the soft ground, and more buildings were built over top of it. Hundreds of years later, what you get is a labyrinth of makeshift buildings in the worst slice of estate out the city. The streets are cramped, dark, and dirty, and rampant with crime. Thieves, rapists, and murderers make their homes inside the twisting alleys and undercity below. Most children growing up in the slums don't grow to reach adulthood. In order to survive, they must band together in makeshift gangs for protection and for profit, because even the noblest intentions die when survival is at stake. But when one gang finds a job that could lead them out of the slums for life, that sounds too good. And if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

The Legion of the Lost

The king's army is massive, having swollen to massive sizes to conquest the neighboring countries and expand the Empire. But after the conquest is over, many veteran soldiers are left with little to do but stand guard and "keep the peace". One such unit has been ordered to do pretty much that. Protecting against the threat of insurrection, and bandits is not enough to satisfy the Captain's boredom. He longs days of past, where excitement and glory loomed around every corner. But when he uncovers a secret that could upturn the Empire, he will take his unit, and any allies he can gather, and make his move in either saving or destroying the very empire he swore to protect.

Heroes of the Empire

They are living legends, the Empire's most elite. The Flameborn Muse, the Archivist, and a small handful of other mages with such power they could destroy armies each on their own. Sworn only to the Emperor himself, and serving with unquestioning loyalty, this group handles jobs too secret and dangerous for normal humans to accomplish. But dark rumors have spread to the capital. Whispers of thieves in the slums to traitors outside the walls, you can be sure that the heroes will crush any threats underfoot and grind them to dust. regardless of who might stand in their way. They may be revered and practically worship by the average citizen but beware, if you are caught standing on the wrong side of the empire they will crush you with unstoppable and overwhelming force.

All three RPs would take place at the same time, on separate threads, the point being that all of them have legitimate views and morals that could each technically be morally "correct" but are in direct conflict with the other two groups. That will give me the option, sometime in the future, to set each of group at the others throats if necessary. It would be encouraged if you choose to take part to create a character in more than one of the storyline, just to see how they could merge together. Oh, and I should probably leave the disclaimer, the "Heroes of the Empire" are actually the biggest antagonists of the three groups.

This is just the idea, Of course I'll have to include more information about the city, life, and how magic works in the world, but that can come later.
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