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Realistic or Modern A Strange Summer Home

theglassangel said:
@Wataru i haven't heard from you like all day i mean like ik that the shoruna post was too much like i getchu
jkjk how have you been?
Kinda busy. I'll do the best post ever tomorrow, i promise :)

and yes, that post was way too much for my kokoro
Wataru said:
Kinda busy. I'll do the best post ever tomorrow, i promise :)
and yes, that post was way too much for my kokoro
i'm just going to sleep it out, i feel like most painkillers never work for me >///<

hapa says goodnight! ^-^
theglassangel said:
sho: *reads text* *ignores*
xD I'm gonna have it that she completely forgets about warning him that they're all coming, and then they walk in and see them making out ^u^
SirBlazeALot said:
Should I wait for @Wataru so we can get straight to the epicness ORRRR
should we have a lil banter until then? @Kawaii
I'm working on the reply right now, taking a break from studies. But i bet y'all already know that i take long to write :)
theglassangel said:
@Wataru pics of ugly butts? xD
Wataru said:
Thankfully, no
it begins tomorrow

Wataru said:
UYS! I had a crazy idea, we shpuld totally create an OOC line group with EVERYONE, so even if some of us don't enter in the newest RPs we can still keep contact, what do y'all think?

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @Zero Gravity @Leaf Fi @theglassangel @TRASHLYN @RyanJXavier @Felicity @mikko @Corgi

(I hope it doesn't sound weird)

(Also posted accidentally on the wrong place)
im down

theglassangel said:
wait what's a line group?
LINE is a phone app. it's like for games and stuff i think you'd like it.
theglassangel said:
wait what's a line group?
It's like Whatsapp and that stuff, but it doesn't show your phone number and you use an username there~ Suzu also know about it, probably she can explain better than me lol

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