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Fandom A Star Wars Story

Pardon, but get what right?
I've been struggling with the Mandalore and had to refresh myself on some SWTOR lore. Frankly I wanted to make a Clan Rodarch character who's formerly a Kage Warrior but that wouldn't fit for the Mandalore. So I decided to make two characters and have the Mandalore be of Clan Ordo.
I've been struggling with the Mandalore and had to refresh myself on some SWTOR lore. Frankly I wanted to make a Clan Rodarch character who's formerly a Kage Warrior but that wouldn't fit for the Mandalore. So I decided to make two characters and have the Mandalore be of Clan Ordo.
Alright. Sounds good
shadowz1995 shadowz1995 finally finished the Mand'alor and am giving thought towards my second character being a force sensitive but not inherently of the Jedi or Sith

I was thinking a Matukai or Zeison Sha, maybe ones who side with the Sith in order to learn from them.
shadowz1995 shadowz1995 finally finished the Mand'alor and am giving thought towards my second character being a force sensitive but not inherently of the Jedi or Sith

I was thinking a Matukai or Zeison Sha, maybe ones who side with the Sith in order to learn from them.

You can be a Force Sensitive that's not Jedi or Sith, but you just can't hope to be as strong as the ones with formal training (respectfully, Jedi and Sith).
shadowz1995 shadowz1995 finally finished the Mand'alor and am giving thought towards my second character being a force sensitive but not inherently of the Jedi or Sith

I was thinking a Matukai or Zeison Sha, maybe ones who side with the Sith in order to learn from them.
You can be a Force Sensitive that's not Jedi or Sith, but you just can't hope to be as strong as the ones with formal training (respectfully, Jedi and Sith).
What long said
What if I were to create a Matukai that for all purposes is a Matukai but is recognized to have allegiance to the Sith Empire, is that possible?
We didn't say your original idea was impossible. We just said you wouldn't be as strong as the Sith or Jedi.
You guys still looking for players on this? I am new to the site and its been some time since I have collaborated on an RP/Story and I am very interested especially if its an active group. Also side question if you do still have openings. I know you said it wouldn't be an OP nightmare and I just want to make sure that if your a non-force sensitive player you can still have a sizable impact on the story and not get your clock cleaned?
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It should be possible to have an impact without Force powers as long as you play it smart and pack a good amount of firepower. You'll need to "compensate" for your lack of mystical hand waving powers. XD Just take a look at the numerous Mandalorian characters we already have up: all masters of overcompensation.

And yes, this is still open, I believe.
Yeah it hasnt closed mate. And u can be force sensitive. No problem with that. So far, there are only two force users anyway so lmao

But to answer your question, yes. You can easily make a sozeable impact though, everyone has to concede the fact that very powerful force users are just kind of unfair in general lmao. Far from unbeatable with how I judge characters here. You have to have an expertise. Meaning your other aspects are weaker.
I am interested for here. What is the political landscape like in this rp going to be? Will we still have the Republic and Sith Empire, or new nations.

Also, before I get too far into details, got room for another Sith?
I am interested for here. What is the political landscape like in this rp going to be? Will we still have the Republic and Sith Empire, or new nations.

Also, before I get too far into details, got room for another Sith?
Of course there's room for another Sith. We've only got one and that's the GM's.

I was hoping to get a better understanding of how this will go. Like I said before been out of the world a spell. I also would like to know what is the political landscape like? I could go a few directions. I can play a few different types of characters (within a particular character type) so let me know what you would prefer: Smuggler (work for a large crime syndicate within a freelance capacity like the Hutts), I could go with a military commando for the Old Republic (Would prefer to have someone to interact with on that one) , I could be Mercenary. I am more of a Chaotic Good or sliding around in the Neutral area. Depending on how the group wants the story to go would better help me make a character as I am a team player when it comes to the overall development of the story. Let me know some material to review to help me understand the universe we are in better. I am a Star Wars fan and its been a while since I have read anything about the Old Republic. I prefer a Human character and normally I play as a strong large tall man. So let me know if you have some areas you want to take the story that I could develop a character in that direction. I really do prefer a team dynamic when I am writing like old war buddies working together for a common goal. I don't want to be force sensitive however, would want to make up for it in brute strength, weapon diversity, and overall melee and heavy weapons combat proficiency. (If you really think about it everyone is Force Sensitive in some capacity in that universe because if your highly skilled in something your using the force to some extent anyway I believe due to the force flowing through everything and everyone right? Not an expert just what I have glanced from the books I have read) Anywho I would prefer to brainstorm the character I will go with the group more of to help develop the overall story arc. Also I wont be Mandalorian. Sorry if this is too many questions or TMI.
Well, I mean, if you haven't taken a look at the CS already. The Republic and the Sith Empire are things in this RP. The Great Galactic War hasn't even started, or the Sacking of Coruscant.

Ya, sorry, just woke up and am still a bit groggy.

I was hoping to get a better understanding of how this will go. Like I said before been out of the world a spell. I also would like to know what is the political landscape like? I could go a few directions. I can play a few different types of characters (within a particular character type) so let me know what you would prefer: Smuggler (work for a large crime syndicate within a freelance capacity like the Hutts), I could go with a military commando for the Old Republic (Would prefer to have someone to interact with on that one) , I could be Mercenary. I am more of a Chaotic Good or sliding around in the Neutral area. Depending on how the group wants the story to go would better help me make a character as I am a team player when it comes to the overall development of the story. Let me know some material to review to help me understand the universe we are in better. I am a Star Wars fan and its been a while since I have read anything about the Old Republic. I prefer a Human character and normally I play as a strong large tall man. So let me know if you have some areas you want to take the story that I could develop a character in that direction. I really do prefer a team dynamic when I am writing like old war buddies working together for a common goal. I don't want to be force sensitive however, would want to make up for it in brute strength, weapon diversity, and overall melee and heavy weapons combat proficiency. (If you really think about it everyone is Force Sensitive in some capacity in that universe because if your highly skilled in something your using the force to some extent anyway I believe due to the force flowing through everything and everyone right? Not an expert just what I have glanced from the books I have read) Anywho I would prefer to brainstorm the character I will go with the group more of to help develop the overall story arc. Also I wont be Mandalorian. Sorry if this is too many questions or TMI.

There's not much in term of politics. If the Great Galactic War hasn't started, then the Republic doesn't even know that the Sith Empire is out there right now. If you want someone to interact with as a republic commando, there's always my Jedi's star destroyer you could be on. He has his own ship that's complete with troopers, droids, pilots, all that good stuff. I'm not saying I prefer anything, since it's your character and it's entirely up to you, even if you want input.
SpaceDandy SpaceDandy Also forgot to mention, if you want to be a smuggler, there's a CS up that's actually a head of a business that sells slaves or something like that. It's still a WIP though. Your smuggler could fit in there.
SpaceDandy SpaceDandy And here's a triple tag. I'd tell you how this RP would go if I knew exactly how it would go. It's a PvP type setting that's event driven. It's better if you make a character that has the highest chance to survive on their own, and even better in a group. So I mean, the GM could say there's a Sith Holocron that's been found on say, a planet like Tatooine. The GM's Sith, my Jedi, and say your smuggler goes there to get the holocron. Maybe the smuggler wants to sell it, maybe the Sith wants to keep it, maybe the Jedi wants to destroy it. You've all got to fight if you want the Holocron, but no one necessarily has to die everytime, but you probably will if you have a character who can't really keep kicking on their own. Mandalorians are good warriors, so you're probably going to have more than enough skill to survive out there. An experienced smuggler would have about the same chance given he's smart enough. Force sensitives as long as their sufficiently strong enough, they have an unfair edge in any kind of battle, so be prepared for that if you aren't going non force sensitive.

I was hoping to get a better understanding of how this will go. Like I said before been out of the world a spell. I also would like to know what is the political landscape like? I could go a few directions. I can play a few different types of characters (within a particular character type) so let me know what you would prefer: Smuggler (work for a large crime syndicate within a freelance capacity like the Hutts), I could go with a military commando for the Old Republic (Would prefer to have someone to interact with on that one) , I could be Mercenary. I am more of a Chaotic Good or sliding around in the Neutral area. Depending on how the group wants the story to go would better help me make a character as I am a team player when it comes to the overall development of the story. Let me know some material to review to help me understand the universe we are in better. I am a Star Wars fan and its been a while since I have read anything about the Old Republic. I prefer a Human character and normally I play as a strong large tall man. So let me know if you have some areas you want to take the story that I could develop a character in that direction. I really do prefer a team dynamic when I am writing like old war buddies working together for a common goal. I don't want to be force sensitive however, would want to make up for it in brute strength, weapon diversity, and overall melee and heavy weapons combat proficiency. (If you really think about it everyone is Force Sensitive in some capacity in that universe because if your highly skilled in something your using the force to some extent anyway I believe due to the force flowing through everything and everyone right? Not an expert just what I have glanced from the books I have read) Anywho I would prefer to brainstorm the character I will go with the group more of to help develop the overall story arc. Also I wont be Mandalorian. Sorry if this is too many questions or TMI.
SpaceDandy SpaceDandy Also forgot to mention, if you want to be a smuggler, there's a CS up that's actually a head of a business that sells slaves or something like that. It's still a WIP though. Your smuggler could fit in there.
The Schar always has room for a smuggler.
Well I don't have alot of experience with PVP and what I do have is a little long in the tooth. How are PVP battles decided (without die or stats)? I am sorry if that sounds uber-noob and I have no problem making a character to hold his own. I am just more story driven in my interests however I think this would be alot of fun as i can see of a PvP can add depth to a story. Any advice or suggestions? I have always preferred writing as a team such as is there no win-win within the PvP concept? If you don't think I would be a good fit to the group let me know lol. It may take me a little bit to catch up on the learning curve here. Its been a long time since I RP'ed and I am looking forward to getting back into it.
Well I don't have alot of experience with PVP and what I do have is a little long in the tooth. How are PVP battles decided (without die or stats)? I am sorry if that sounds uber-noob and I have no problem making a character to hold his own. I am just more story driven in my interests however I think this would be alot of fun as i can see of a PvP can add depth to a story. Any advice or suggestions? I have always preferred writing as a team such as is there no win-win within the PvP concept? If you don't think I would be a good fit to the group let me know lol. It may take me a little bit to catch up on the learning curve here. Its been a long time since I RP'ed and I am looking forward to getting back into it.

PvP without stats can be arguably simpler or more complex depending on who your fighting. The winner is determined by individual writing skill and intelligence on your part and your character's. Anyone can win so long as they're smart about fighting. A common thief could kill the Grand Master of the Jedi Order so long as they play their cards right and catch them off guard.

I believe we are using a dice system iirc
And, we are not using dice.
Well I don't have alot of experience with PVP and what I do have is a little long in the tooth. How are PVP battles decided (without die or stats)? I am sorry if that sounds uber-noob and I have no problem making a character to hold his own. I am just more story driven in my interests however I think this would be alot of fun as i can see of a PvP can add depth to a story. Any advice or suggestions? I have always preferred writing as a team such as is there no win-win within the PvP concept? If you don't think I would be a good fit to the group let me know lol. It may take me a little bit to catch up on the learning curve here. Its been a long time since I RP'ed and I am looking forward to getting back into it.
Now I'm no GM, but I feel like PvP in these sorts of things generally comes down to two things:
1. A characters general rank and, for lack of a better term, "power level"
This one is pretty simple. A low rank lackey usually isn't gonna be able to hold their own against a Sith lord. Should some lowly smuggler take on some one who is a Jedi master or Sith lord, they probably won't be coming out of that conflict whole. Unless maybe you bring some friends.

2. Exploitation of weakness/intelligent writing
Disclaimer: I am not advocating for meta gaming. Do not look at another CS's weaknesses section and just automatically assume your character would know the other character's short comings.
What I mean by this is, a conflict should be predetermined before a collaboration post is worked on. Both parties should agree as to what side of a fight will be victorious, who will be vanquished (and what the repercussions of that are), or if it all ends in a stale mate. When deciding outcome, I know Shad isn't opposed to friendly deliberation or debating so if this occurs it should be fine. You'll want to look at both sides weaknesses and strengths, as well as the current situation. If you can conceivably write in a victory for yourself, and the other party agrees that your character can be more clever in the situation, than yeah you're good. If you can't agree, I'm sure both parties can bring their case to the GM to help you decide.

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