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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)


The Kingsroad


Aerea listened to him. He seems to have a better life than she had expected. Well, better than the average peasant born in Flea Bottom. I couldn't imagine being a commoner. It must be... difficult.

"So, how did a boy from Flea Bottom become a hedge knight and acquire a band of merry men?" Aerea asked, curiously. She looked at their surroundings.

We are definitely in The Crownlands now. Aerea could tell. Some of the trees were different to those native to The Riverlands. The ground was also less marsh-like, and more solid. If my memory serves me correctly, we should come across an inn soon enough. Vine Inn, I think it is? Or... is it Ivy Inn?

She shook her head and turned her glare from the trees to William Thatcher's back, as he sat in-front of her.

@Ser Davos Seaworth

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TheFordee14 said:
The Kingsroad


Aerea listened to him. He seems to have a better life than she had expected. Well, better than the average peasant born in Flea Bottom. I couldn't imagine being a commoner. It must be... difficult.

"So, how did a boy from Flea Bottom become a hedge knight and acquire a band of merry men?" Aerea asked, curiously. She looked at their surroundings.

We are definitely in The Crownlands now. Aerea could tell. Some of the trees were different to those native to The Riverlands. The ground was also less marsh-like, and more solid. If my memory serves me correctly, we should come across an inn soon enough. Vine Inn, I think it is? Or... is it Ivy Inn?

She shook her head and turned her glare from the trees to William Thatcher's back, as he sat in-front of her.

@Ser Davos Seaworth

William Thatcher

The Kingsroad

William sighed deeply again, he hated this part of the story.

"When I was 18 my parents were murdered while I was out at the market, I tracked down the killers and cut them down without a second thought, I didn't want to live in Kings Landing after that." He paused for a minute to look around at the area, remembering his time wandering around the Crownlands alone. "I traveled by myself for some time after that before being found by Colin Wilds and his company of sell swords. I traveled with them and did whatever repairs and maintenance that their weapons and armor needed and in return Colin agreed to let me train alongside his son Roland." Thinking of Roland made William smile, "After Roland became a lord I decided to go out on my own and he gave me these men as a parting gift."


The Kingsroad


"Oh." Aerea said, softly. "My apologies, ser." I didn't mean to bring up such painful history. "This Roland fellow seems like a good friend of yours." Aerea said as she used her one hand to brush some of her red hair away from her face. She had thought the name 'Colin Wilds' sounded familiar- however, she could not place it.

"I am guessing you and your men were coming from up north when you came across me?" Aerea asked.
I have only been north once. It was a terribly bleak place. I would take my prison in King's Landing to Winterfell any a day.

@Ser Davos Seaworth

TheFordee14 said:
The Kingsroad


"Oh." Aerea said, softly. "My apologies, ser." I didn't mean to bring up such painful history. "This Roland fellow seems like a good friend of yours." Aerea said as she used her one hand to brush some of her red hair away from her face. She had thought the name 'Colin Wilds' sounded familiar- however, she could not place it.

"I am guessing you and your men were coming from up north when you came across me?" Aerea asked.
I have only been north once. It was a terribly bleak place. I would take my prison in King's Landing to Winterfell any a day.

@Ser Davos Seaworth

William Thatcher

The Kingsroad

"Aye, Roland is like the brother I never had." William looked around the area again, more admiring the change in scenery than anything else "We were coming back south after helping a small town just south of Winterfell deal with a group of bandits. The fear of war has forced most of the great houses to avoid risking their men, good for us, bad for everyone else."

William gave a light hearted chuckle, but that quickly faded as he saw a group of men approaching, soldiers.


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Ser Benjicott Tully

Guest Chambers , Casterly Rock , The Westerlands

"Ah , Mother , all morning I've been trying to explain to "Benji" here that our actions have consequences and frankly I've not had any success , do us a favor and knock some sense into that thick skull of his will you "

"You know what Lothar I think you should stick to them books of yours , keeps you from speaking your mind , because when you do I get this intense urge to punch you in your ugly face"

The look on Barbra Tully's face probably stopped Benji from hurling more insults towards his younger brother , though he probably did deserve it .

The day hadn't really been going well for benji , the whole morning was a mishmash of people shouting at him for what he gathered he must'eve done the previous night at the feast , but what he didn't understand was why in the name of the seven did they have to address the issue today off all days , when he was hungover .

"Haven't any of you considered being a bit less louder when someones hungover ?! , don't worry mother wouldn't expect that from you , you're a Bracken and we all know that the Bracken's feed on others misery ."

Benji instantly regretted saying that before sitting down on one of the chairs .

"Alright then , now lets gets started with you telling me about how i am a disappointment to this house and that I only bring dishonor to the family , its not like i have better things to do ."

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The Crownlands - Kingsroad, near the Vine - or is it Ivy? - Inn

Ser Godry Slynt

The sound of bellowing laughter, and raunchy song was all that any soul would hear for half a mile, at least, a company of drunken men-at-arms could rival a dragon's roar, no doubt. Had the company been anymore, then half would be death come next dawn. Yet Ser Godry knew the importance keeping men happy, whatever the means; especially in times of war. Under the Queen's orders, or someone of importance be it the Grand Maester or the Hand, Godry's company had been deployed to scour the Crownlands, their orders were broad; scout for Rebel forces, hunt down outlaws, find any trace of the Princess Aerea.

His force was minor; but elite. These soldiers were good, hardened. Not like the riff-raff that patrolled the streets of King's Landing. His time would be better spent cleaning the streets of vagabonds, and flea bottom filth, over following a ghost trail across the Crownlands. In the space of a single moment, all sounds of jovial laughter ended, and the previously raunchy company was deathly silent, each one with a face of stone.
'Perhaps I spoke too soon.'

"Ey, Ser, look ahead, that's a lot of men... Mercenaries, could be. Or bandits."

Godry ignored the man, and kept moving at a steady pace, eying the group before him. 'They're well-armed... Unlikely bandits.' The two forces soon neared each other enough to warrant a stop, Godry lingered in silence for several moments, his dead-cold eyes piercing the pack-leader of this rogue group.

"This is the Kingsroad. What business do you have here?" Godry ordered, hostility in his voice.

@TheFordee14 @Ser Davos Seaworth
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POV: Kay Baelish

A low snigger escaped the sides of Kays mouth, his smile remaining as calm and kind as ever but his eyes showing a glimmer of malice, "Well it is as I said Ser Warren... what I want is very close to home for you and your Lady mother." Kay paused and with a sharp inhale he prepared for what he was about to say, "They say when a Targaryen is born the kingdom watches as a coin is tossed, on one hand it could be a good king, a kind one that it is a champion of the people... Or he could be a vile creature, a Mad King. Well Ser Warren, we all saw what happened with the Mad King didn't we, I am not going to sit around and pray in hopes that it doesn't happen again." Kay gave Ser Warren a wink "What I wan't is the end to the reign of dragons."



POV: Siegfried Harlaw

Siegfried nodded his head in response to Lord Botley If any of them wan't to take a stand against me so be it. "Thank you my lords, I could not ask for better allies." Siegfried quickly downed the ale, not because he was in a rush but because he liked the taste. "The Greyjoys have ruled these isles for generations Lord Vaughan, not only do you have my respect but likely a great deal of Ironborn too. And Lord Botley if your words are as grand as your drink then you shall have them backing me in moments."

He scratched his chin as the opposing candidate was brought up,
A Volmark eh? "Much appreciated, some of my cousins have Volmark blood in 'em, perhaps you should bring them along with you?" If he really means to run a visits not too likely to change his mind.

"I reckon you lot will 'ave kept a close eye on the matters surrounding the moot... The next isles I plan to sail towards is Saltcliffe... You heard any Saltcliffes or Sunderlys planning anything?"


Baelor Velaryon

King's Landing, Blackwater Bay, The Crownlands.​

Hesitantly lifting the substance up to his line of sight, Baelor Velaryon held the vial delicately between his forefinger and thumb, regarding it in much the same manner he would Valyrian Steel or something equally as valuable, the emerald green mixture reflecting in the violet of his narrowed eyes. He was no stranger to the substance, or 'wildfire' as it was known amongst the commons, and when he had lived the mixture had been a favourite plaything of King Maeryn Targaryen, and had been what earned him his reputation as 'The Mad King', used in all manner of ways to indulge his graces fantasies of grandeur. It was a beautiful thing, though incredibly dangerous, and Baelor had seen its effects many times before, on those who dared question the authority of the King. If utilised correctly even a small amount of the substance could change greatly the tide of a battle, though to the unwise it would bring only death and destruction, something unwanted by the Lord of Tides.

He allowed the vial to fall delicately back to the man's chest, suspended haphazardly from a chain wrapped around the pyromancers neck. Were he a lesser man, Baelor may have worried about the careless nature in which the alchemist treated what was possibly one of the most dangerous substances in the known world, and he knew that even the slightest Ray of sunlight may be enough to take both the man and himself to the pits of the seventh hell, though he said nothing. This was a meeting of business and he needed to keep his wits about him, especially when dealing with something of such potential value.

"Tell me alchemist, what is it that you want?" Baelor said after a pause, his eyes seeing before him not a man but rather an opportunity "I am a well connected man, as you know, else you would not have sought me out, and though I would love to think that you would aid in the defence of the city out of the kindness of your heart, I am not so naive as to think that the truth." He leaned an elbow upon railing, his eyes transfixed upon the ships out to sea, there was some sort of beauty in picturing the bay ablaze with emerald light, though of course the cost would be hefty. "The guild of alchemists has always been a staple of our mighty city but over the years it has grown weak. How am I to know that you can truly deliver on your promise of a 'steady supply' of this substance for the crowns benefit? I am a businessman Ser, and am not one to take risks with my investments. It is well and good offering great quantities, but I am a pragmatist, I need numbers, figures, prices. I need proof."


Barba Tully

Guest Chambers, Casterly Rock, The Westerlands.​

The room was deathly quiet and Benjicot's japes were met with naught but deaf ears, an uncomfortable silence filling the room as Barba made her way to the head of the table, pushing away the extravagant dishes of exotic foods that had been laid out before her and turning her gaze to her eldest son. She allowed the tension to grow, continuing to sit in silence for what felt like an age as she watched her son's regard her expectantly, waiting for her to begin her scolding. Benjicot had gone too far, much as he always did, and his persistence in prolonging the conversation with crude attempts at humour left a sour taste in her mouth. He was a drunkard and a fool, and could she not so vividly remember the day of his birth she would have sworn that the boy did not share her blood, nor that of her meek yet faithful husband, who stood as a paragon of the Tully values.

She sighed, resting head in hands as she contemplated what to do with her son, were they lowborn she would no doubt find his slights and petty jokes charming, but before her sat the future of the Riverlands, who would one day hold the reigns of the most volatile region in Westeros, a task he was woefully ill prepared for. "I've had enough Ben, I've had enough." Her voice was barely a whisper, though her tone carried it throughout the room. "Your entire life you have had everything handed to you on a silver plater, the finest clothes, the fastest horses, weapons so intricately crafted that they would make common men weep, yet still you act like a beaten child. You are a man grown and have been for the past twenty years yet when I look at you I see nothing more than a child, making not even a single attempt to act like a man of your station." Her voice grew louder as she poke, her eyes narrowed.

"I will not lie to you, I am old, as is your father and we are not long for this world. Upon the day of our passing it shall be up to you to rule the Trident and all of her people and to keep the peace amongst all the squabbling lords. You will fail. I will not honey my words with praise and encouragement, that is a fact and I tell you now not in punishment for your behaviour which has long brought disgrace to our family but only to warn you what everyone knows to be true. You think yourself a man of the people but they snigger behind your back and mock you as an idiot who can't even hold himself together let alone the Riverlands." She glared at him with eyes of stone. "I am your mother, I love, I have always loved you but if you do not start acting like a man then I will have no choice to take matters of inheritance into my own hands." She looked at her son, sad yet stoic. It was a threat that she hoped she would never be forced to carry out, but years of drunken embarrassment had driven her to an extreme.

"You are a father yourself, and you have raised three beautiful girls, do not make me take their father away from them"


Royce Manderly

Moat Cailin, The Neck, The North.​

Royce stood for a moment in shocked silence, watching the Crannogman before him. He'd expected a much warmer welcome considering he brought men from the North to bolster Lord Reed's defences and aid in the protection of the North, though it seemed that the man did not appreciate his aid.

He opened his mouth and then closed it again, thinking on what to say, he didn't want to insult the man whom he may be working under for a while, though at the same time he didn't like the way in which the man spoke to him, in a rude and abrasive manner.

"Lord Reed, may I remind you that Moat Cailin is property of the entire North, not merely the Lord of the Neck, claiming dominion over the castle would be stealing it from its rightful owners, the Stark's of Winterfell" Royce was saved from the confrontation by the harsh tones of his friend and travelling companion Lady Wylla of Ramsgate, the daughter and only child of Lord Torrhen Woolsfield of the Sheepshead Hills. She was a pretty girl, though more a warrior than a maiden and she was more at home in armour than dresses.

"My Lord" Royce replied finally, stealing his nerves "Lord Stark merely requested that my father send more men to reinforce our southern defences whilst he musters the forces of the North, he does not want invaders from the south to think us weak and unprepared."

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Moat Cailin-Artillus Reed

Artillus let the man's words echo in the room for several seconds. Leaning against the chair, he kept his face firmly set in agitation. Eventually though, Artillus got bored with the game.

Smiling, Artillus started to laugh as he straightened up. Walking down the small rise to the main floor, Artillus looked over the two guests quickly, before nodding. "I am sorry for the words, but I wanted to see whether you had some resolve. I have very little patience for people who simply roll over, so to speak. I, Artillys Reed, lord and custodian of Moat Cailin, formally welcome you and your people to Moat Cailin, and if you want, I can have my kitchens prepare a feast for you and your men."

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Adrian smiled and put the vial around his neck once more. When dealing with the substance one must always assume the worst if they want to live. With that in mind the vial around his neck is much thicker than one would think at first glance so that it can withstand being dropped and make it much harder if impossible to crush in one's hand. " You are correct in that my guild has fallen in power recently, but we have always been preparing for when we might reclaim our glory. As you know we've helped repel attacks against the city before and since then we've been primarily focusing on restocking our vault with The Substance. As such our vault is full once more and then there are still the caches of the substance the mad king had us craft and hide all around the city. We have plenty of The Substance. " Adrian said leaning against the railing as well.

"Now as you what I want in exchange. Soon I will be the only man in Westeros capable of making the Substance. It usually takes me a day to craft a batch large enough to fit in a large jar. Given that the product I offer is a substantial military resource what do you think would be the going rate for a single jar capable of burning a city to the ground would be?" At this point Adrian couldn't help but smile at the thought of emerald flames engulfing villages and city streets alike. Entire armies brought to a halt at the sight of such a flame almost made this alchemist giddy.

"As for proof of product I can take you to see our freshly stocked vault right now if you so wish my lord."

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Archon said:

The Crownlands - Kingsroad, near the Vine - or is it Ivy? - Inn

Ser Godry Slynt

The sound of bellowing laughter, and raunchy song was all that any soul would hear for half a mile, at least, a company of drunken men-at-arms could rival a dragon's roar, no doubt. Had the company been anymore, then half would be death come next dawn. Yet Ser Godry knew the importance keeping men happy, whatever the means; especially in times of war. Under the Queen's orders, or someone of importance be it the Grand Maester or the Hand, Godry's company had been deployed to scour the Crownlands, their orders were broad; scout for Rebel forces, hunt down outlaws, find any trace of the Princess Aerea.

His force was minor; but elite. These soldiers were good, hardened. Not like the riff-raff that patrolled the streets of King's Landing. His time would be better spent cleaning the streets of vagabonds, and flea bottom filth, over following a ghost trail across the Crownlands. In the space of a single moment, all sounds of jovial laughter ended, and the previously raunchy company was deathly silent, each one with a face of stone.
'Perhaps I spoke too soon.'

"Ey, Ser, look ahead, that's a lot of men... Mercenaries, could be. Or bandits."

Godry ignored the man, and kept moving at a steady pace, eying the group before him. 'They're well-armed... Unlikely bandits.' The two forces soon neared each other enough to warrant a stop, Godry lingered in silence for several moments, his dead-cold eyes piercing the pack-leader of this rogue group.

"This is the Kingsroad. What business do you have here?" Godry ordered, hostility in his voice.

@TheFordee14 @Ser Davos Seaworth

William Thatcher

The Kingsroad

William sized up the group of men that stood in front of him before responding. They had the numbers advantage but William was confident in his men and knew that a handful more soldiers wouldn't be enough to overpower him. After looking at the men more closely William could see that only a few other than the commander looked prepared to fight but the rest seemed, drunk. A smile crossed Williams face as he came to this realization, but he knew that antagonizing the group in front of him could lead to unnecessary casualties on both sides.

"We're only travelers good sir, I thought that was what this road was for." William paused for moment before continuing with a slight smile "Oh where are my manners! My name is William and this," he looked at the rest of his men behind him "is my band of merry men."

Adele Tully

Why did I desire to come to this wedding?
Adele couldn't help but question as he nodded and smiled politely at what the lady he was speaking to said. She had approached him mistaking him for another and after he had revealed he wasn't who she thought she had stayed to chat instead of leaving. Honestly, besides the first night were I met and spoke with many of the lords and ladies not much has happened that interest me. Worst the lords and ladies have proven to be rather dull and easy. Already I have gathered much information about them that they aren't even aware. I hope something happens soon to renew my interest or I may take that stable boy up on his offer. Sipping his wine he tuned back into the conversation listlessly as his sharp eyes roamed the room for any room to escape.

Ser Benjicott Tully

Tully Quarters , Casterly Rock

Benjicott hadn't spoken all the while that Barbra gave her little speech , he had to give it to her , the woman sure knew how to use her words , it made her seem more intimidating than even the most battle hardened knights in westeros , although Benjicott was unfazed by this or at least he seemed to be , for as soon as the woman finished benji got up from his chair and made for the flask of mead on another table and proceed to pour himself a cup .

"You know what mother , you make it seem like its easy being me it really isn't , being drunk all the time isn't easy if it was then everyone would be doing it ."

Benji centered his gaze at his brothers who were in now awe , not one of them would ever dare talk back to their mother , and here Benji was jesting while his mother spoke about the future of the riverlands.

"Although , you are right I am not the man father is . Walder Tully is and will always be a dutiful and honorable man but I am not , so if you think that you're going to be sitting there and passing idle threats at me then you've got another thing coming !! "

Lothar seemed like he was about to shit himself with the back and forth going on right now , he clearly hadn't thought something like this was going to happen .

"Oh and another thing , you're right the riverlands is the most volatile region in westeros so don't you go telling me it really matters what happens when father dies , half the people in the riverlands will starve when winter comes as it always does and the other half will plot to overthrow us , no matter who inherits ."

Benji looked at Lothar as he spoke those last words , then he finished his drink in one last gulp .

"Now seeing as we're done here , please excuse me for i have a joust to attend and some whores to bed .... and before go , mother please don't use the word "love" like you know its meaning . The caring mother look doesn't really suit you ."

Saying that Benjicott walked out of the room slamming the door shut behind him .


Cayden Martell

The Rock

The first thing Cayden heard when he woke up was the sound of raspy breathing in utter darkness. He wanted to open his but it felt like a layer of film was covering them leaving him in darkness. He felt his chest rise and fall yet he had trouble moving anywhere other part of his body and his entire body felt weak. He tried to remember what happened, he was fighting Trevir for the bracket melee and then he felt a crushing tightness in his chest, then nothing at all. His breathing caught up again remembering the crushing feeling and even now he still felt as if someone was sitting on his chest. He took a deep breath and tried to open his eyes, and with great effort and what felt like he was peeling open a layer of skin around his eyes he forced his eyes to open.

“Still alive…” He said with a bit of a sigh looking around the room seeing if anyone was in the room with him. Within moments he saw Nyalla sitting in the room with him and Daeron leaning against a wall. Cayden attempted to move and then groaned loudly as he found he felt super sore. “What time is it?” He asked as he started to struggled to elbows, glancing around the room.



Baelor Velaryon

King's Landing, Blackwater Bay, The Crownlands.​

Baelor waved off the notion with simple a shake of the head, he was tired and in no fit state to be exploring the lower sections of the city with a man he barely knew, especially during the dark hours of the morning where any number of things could happen. He pulled out from his sleeve the financial report which he had shown her grace earlier that day, giving it a brief glance over before returning it to its place, contemplating it for a second. Using crown funds would lead to questions that Baelor was not prepared to answer and it would be a lot safer in this circumstance to borrow the gold from his personal treasury at High Tide, to cover the expenses and make sure that Manderly or Vladan couldn't get their hands on the substance.

"I will send my men upon the morrow, men which I trust, I do hope they shall be receiving a warm reception" He furrowed his brow, thinking "As for pricing I am not want for gold, as you shall find out if your service is to my liking, I do find it queer that in the entire guild there is but one man with knowledge great enough to create the ancient substance and I should hope that will be rectified in due time, though I shall allow you to deal with internal matters yourself. I will sleep on my decision and send you word if what my men find is as you have described it. For now I would ask but one thing, there are enemies of the crown everywhere and all the walls have ears, you are to keep this discussion between the two of us and her grace, it would not do any of us well if the stags were to find out about our dealings here would it?"


Barba Tully

Guest Chambers, Casterly Rock, The Riverlands.​

"What now then mother?" Lothar asked with a frown, as he watched his brother make his departure "You're going to fucking disown him? What happened to family, duty, and honour? He's an ass and he needs to be kept in line, but you'll lose two sons the day you banish my brother" He stood, leaving his plate half full as he traced his brothers footsteps out of the door, giving her a disapproving look as he made his own exit. Barba didn't have the heart to carry out her threat, they both knew that and despite all their quarrelling, Benjicot was still her son, and the fact he thought her incapable of love stung her greatly. She sat alone in silence for a moment wishing for the first time in a while that her husband were here. Walder would not have this happen, Walder always knew the answer when it came to family, something Barba could never understand, even when the boys were just babes at her teat it had been her husband that they had adored and she had never been much of a mother.

She though about calling after him, about yelling his name throughout the halls of Casterly Rock, she was angry, angry at him and angry at herself. But she remained silent, there was nothing for it now. He was gone.


Royce Manderly

Moat Cailin, The Neck, The North.​

Shocked slightly by his quickly the man changed course Royce shook his head. "It is quite alright my lord, the men are tired and need rest and I would not like to overextend your hospitality"

Adrian smiled, "Of course my lord your men will be very well received on the morrow. As for the lack of men to craft The Substance the old men have become distrustful in thier age and have made sure that very few alchemists are able to craft The Substance. They fear giving the formula to the younger alchemists.... Lest the guild be engulfed in emerald fire from a simple mistake." Adrian explained as he pushed off the railing and took a few steps forward as if leaving before he caught himself and turned back to Baelor, " I'll make sure to keep this discussion between us and her majesty you have my word. Now if you will excuse me my lord I must prepare for the arrival of your men before I retire for the evening." Adrian said with a bow to Baelor before turning and leaving first.

As Adrian made his way back into the city he couldn't contain his happiness. He let out a jovial laugh as he walked back into the ever busy city. He said was on his way to bringing the guild back from the ashes! Nothing could sour his mood at the moment. As he walked through the streets he decided to take the long way back to his home. The vials of the substance became easily visible against the darkness of night with thier emerald glow. The other guild members would be at thier homes resting already so he would wait until the morn to address the guild on what he had done.

@Hypnos @Everyone

The Kingsroad


No. Aerea's eyes grew wide when she saw the group of men in-front of her and William Thatcher. She quickly hid her face behind William's armour. She didn't see their arms, but, she had to hide herself just in case. I will not let House Whent take me back now. The man begun talking and Aerea shut her eyes.

I won't allow them to.


@Ser Davos Seaworth


Pyke, The Iron Islands


"I have not heard one thing from House Saltcliffe, nor House Sunderly." Vaughan said, "So far, we do not if any of them plan to run in the 'moot- or who they are backing if they do not end up running."

Many houses had yet to have their say. Some are still in mourning from Conn. They believe he is gone for good, but I know him. I know my nephew...

He'll be back. What is dead may never die.

"Vaughan is right." Botley confirmed. "My own son-in-law is a Sunderly and I have yet to hear him speak something in relation to The Kingsmoot. However, he despises me. So that may explain why." Lord Ellar said, with a laugh.

Vaughan put his cup of ale down.

"I do not mind accompanying you on your travels, Siegfried. Castle Pyke is empty now that Conn, Eleri, and Haelga are gone. If you have me by your side, I am sure we could sway more Ironborn to your side." Vaughan spoke. The ale tasted stale in his mouth.
I should of not have taken a sip.

"Of course, if you would rather I remain here- I will remain here." Vaughan spoke.



Harrenhal, The Riverlands


Warren smiled. It was a large, yellow smile. "Well, my lord." He began, "I think this 'alliance' will work out very, very well." Warren refilled his cup with wine and sipped.

"However, we have a slight problem." He emptied his cup down his throat. Lady Maeve looked at him, and then at Kay Baelish. "It is a bit of a big problem, I would say." She said. Her fingernails had been dipped in white paint- which had made her hands look even more pale than what they already were. Warren stared at his mother's nails, before looking up at Kay.

"We had Aerea Targaryen hostage here, in Harrenhal." He gave away.

"The red headed bitch escaped last night with help from a Kingsguard we thought was loyal to us." Lady Maeve added. She hadn't touched anything on the plate in-front of her. Warren was half worried she would starve. But, he decided it would be best to not bring it up.

"We sent out many a man and they returned with little to no information. Except for the fact that Ser James Thorne had been slain. There was no sign of Aerea, whatsoever." Warren continued. "If she gets back to King's Landing, she will ruin House Whent and she will ruin our plan. So, I would advise you to get in touch with your men stationed there." Ser Warren stopped, and stood up. He walked the length of the dining table till it brought him to where Kay Baelish was sitting.

"I will be heading to King's Landing on the morrow. With me; I will have a host of Whent men. Lord Wode, a vassal of mine, is already waiting there, with his own men. I also have a member of The Queensguard on my side. Ser James was with me- until he fled with my prisoner and... well... died."

Warren Whent put his hand gently on Kay's shoulder, as a sign of gratitude. He quickly removed his hand and made his way for the door.

"My mother will you show you to your room, my lord." He began,

"We ride for King's Landing at dawn. We will find Aerea Targaryen and kill here before she even whispers a word to anyone. You will give me your Gold Cloaks, I will alert my agent in The Queensguard, and we will wait for Queen Kuvira to return. Once she sits upon her throne, we will strike!"

Warren opened the door, leading to the stairwell that would bring him to his private quarters. Before leaving, however, he stopped and turned around. He and Kay looked at one another and Warren smiled, once more.

"Queen Kuvira Targaryen will be dead within the week."



Ser Godry Slynt

The Kingsroad

Godry silently sneered, his face portraying only distaste at the band before him. His eyes once more lingered on the leader for a long stretch of time, before he glimpsed once again at the party, of "merry men" as this William had put it. "Well-armed travelers. I see no noble banner, nor a merchant caravan." Godry chided, the look on his face growing more suspicious. 'They're bandits... In the Queen's Lands?'

The many men behind the Slynt Officer had now sobered up, adrenaline was a powerful tool; and many had took to wrapping their now-white-hands around their sheathed blades, ready to be unsheathed at a moments notice. "The King's road, for the King's men. Not vagabonds." Godry accused, his eyes boring in on the mounted man. 'Too risky... My men are drunk, and his well-equipped.'

With a scoff, Godry released the grip he had on his sword, causing several audible sighs of relief, "Very well, 'William Thatcher.' Watch your step in Her Grace's lan -- ..."

The Officer's suddenly took on the look of a hunter, about to pounce on its prey, his eyes now squinting at William -- but moreover, the woman he clutched to his so tightly.
'How did I not notice?!'

"A band of merry men... and a single, high-born suited woman." The Royal Officer smirked, his suspicion having come to fruition. "Look at me, girl!" Godry commanded, his voice drawing into a shout, any previous release of tension was now replaced tenfold, as the Officer brought his sword half out of its sheath along side the command. 'Could it be the Princess? What rewards would the Queen bestow upon me for this... Though how will I know?'

@Ser Davos Seaworth @TheFordee14
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William Thatcher

The Kingsroad

"We're not noble men or travelers, just simple sell swords making a living during these trying times," William said in response to the commanders accusations. He could see the men opposite him tensing up nervously, clutching their swords harder with every word that William spoke. Eventually the commander seemed to back down, until he spotted Aerea holding onto William for dear life.

William knew that he had to try and draw the attention away from Aerea "Highborn?!" William said as he began to laugh, a few of his men joining in "This girl is as far from highborn as they get, she's just a whore I picked up in a small town just outside Winterfell after she proved to be very, experienced." William grinned as he spoke "I never believed what they said about northern girls until I tried one out for myself. I must say that I'm quite fond of her now, so if you're willing to die over a whore then be my guest and draw your sword." At this point all traces of a smile had vanished from Williams face "Now, either you and your men move along and stick to stealing from unarmed civilians, or you die right here, right now. It's your choice, sir."

@TheFordee14 @Archon
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The Kingsroad


No. No. No.

Aerea stayed a hidden. She swore, under her ragged breath.
They will not take me. Aerea's eyes stared at the back of William Thatcher's armour, however- they slowly found their way down to his hilt. She felt an impulse to just grab the weapon from its sheath and jam it in the soldier's eye.

Or his neck.

... like Ser James.

She didn't touch it though. She wasn't skilled in combat, while William was.
I will not touch his steel. "She's just a whore." William explained to the man. Even though he was obviously lying, being called a 'whore' made her slightly angry. However, she calmed herself by breathing softly. Aerea wanted to look up, but she couldn't.

If I did look up, and these men wore the bat of Harrenhal- I would regret it. I must keep my head down. I- I must. William finished of his spiel with a threat.

An odd feeling came over Aerea as he spoke those words. She didn't know what it was. She just kept her head down and went along with the act.

A whore from Winterfell.


@Ser Davos Seaworth


The Crownlands, Kingsroad

Godrey Slynt

A flicker of rage flickered across Godry's eyes at the unsavory threat from the rogue leader, his face twitching in annoyance, it's colour slowly shifting into a furious red. "Hmm, not travelers anymore, but sellswords." He said scornfully, eying the girl who appeared to be hiding with all the power she had. 'Why would a common whore hide? It's her, it has to be her!'

Godry's scowl only deepened as the sellsword spun his mummer's farce, his story that even a half-wit could see through. The air had become still as ice, frozen in time as the world seemed to slow to a stop. Godrey's hand still lingered, the sword half-out, the sound of ragged breaths was growing louder by the moment - every man present was facing the possibility of death tonight...

'It isn't worth it' Godrey - in the snap of an instant - sheathed his sword with an audible scrape, all anger evaporated from his face, the man now aiming a sinister smirk to the sellsword. "Do stop by King's Landing, I'll see you again soon." Was all he muttered, his voice carrying a veiled threat. With that, Godrey began the slowed trot past the mercenaries, eying up every soul there. In his mind, they'd all be in the dirt come dawn.

@TheFordee14 @Ser Davos Seaworth
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Archon said:

The Crownlands, Kingsroad

Godrey Slynt

A flicker of rage flickered across Godry's eyes at the unsavory threat from the rogue leader, his face twitching in annoyance, it's colour slowly shifting into a furious red. "Hmm, not travelers anymore, but sellswords." He said scornfully, eying the girl who appeared to be hiding with all the power she had. 'Why would a common whore hide? It's her, it has to be her!'

Godry's scowl only deepened as the sellsword spun his mummer's farce, his story that even a half-wit could see through. The air had become still as ice, frozen in time as the world seemed to slow to a stop. Godrey's hand still lingered, the sword half-out, the sound of ragged breaths was growing louder by the moment - every ma present was facing the possibility of death tonight...

'It isn't worth it' Godrey - in the snap of an instant - sheathed his sword with an audible scrape, all anger evaporated from his face, the man now aiming a sinister smirk to the sellsword. "Do stop by King's Landing, I'll see you again soon." Was all he muttered, his voice carrying a veiled threat. With that, Godrey began the slowed trot past the mercenaries, eying up every soul there. In his mind, they'd all be in the dirt come dawn.

@TheFordee14 @Ser Davos Seaworth

William Thatcher

The Kingsroad

William watched as the patrol passed by, each one eyeing the band of sell swords as they went. When they were a good distance away William began to move forward and the rest of his men quickly followed.

One day with this girl and this is already happening, this is not a good sign.

Not long after the encounter Williams men were back to shouting and laughing at one another, but William had fallen silent. After some time he finally said to Aerea "I've been honest with you about everything, but I know you haven't been honest with me. If you want me to continue to put the lives of every one of my men on the line then I need to hear the truth, now." William said this in a tone that he hadn't used with Aerea as of yet, no emotion or laughter could be detected. Almost as if he finally realized the magnitude of what he's getting himself into.

In the distance William spotted a small inn with a fair amount of people walking around it, and even further off he could see the massive city of Kings Landing.


Markus Waters

Near Casterly Rock

The camp was mostly quiet. The merchant caravan, led by a large man going by the name of Zegrid, had made came a short distance from Casterly Rock for the night. The seven wagons in the caravan had been assembled into a semi circle off the side of the road, with a small fire built in the center of the formation. The flames cast dancing shadows across the white colored wagons, and three of the caravan guards were currently walking along the length of the wagons.

Gathered around the fire, the rest of the people in the caravan talked quietly while they ate from the dried meat and fruit being passed around, but most people were too tired to speak. The wagon boys all sat towards the back of the group, further away from the fire, while Zegrid and his family sat closer to it. Off top the side, a figure with white hair watched the sky quietly, looking at the clouds as they passed overhead. Markus was currently wearing a dark red shirt and pants, something he had been given as a gift from Zegrid. At his hip, three different daggers sat in close proximity to each other on his right side, while a sword blade hung down his left.

Hearing the crunch of the light gravel behind him, Markus turned his head to watch the large figure of Zegrid approaching. His large belly leading the way, Markus nodded to him as he came to stand next to him, his head only barely coming to Markus's shoulders. Wiping a feint trace of sweat from his head, Zegrid let out a sigh. "We are almost to Casterly Rock, my boy. I think you should dye your hair tonight, so it is dry by the time we get to the keep tomorrow." Markus briefly smiled, but nodded all the same. As the caravan master walked back towards the fire, Markus spent a few more minutes looking up at the passing clouds, before turning and walking towards one of the wagons.

Artillus Reed

Moat Cailin

Laughing, Artillus shook his head as he waved for a servant in the corner of the room. The man nodded, and quickly exited through one of the side doors in the hall, while Artillus turned back to his guests. "I insist, seeing as you and your people will be here for quiet some time, I want you and yours at their best strength at all times, in case we have to turn back those southern scum soon."


Lord Tadhg Stark

(En Route to the Stormlands)

"You weren't there when we left so that's not my fault that you're a slowpoke," Laughed Tadhg "My family is well, the kids are still in Winterfell along with their older brother. My eldest son is here as well along with Jasselin. Myself..." He paused to think of how to explain his sickness to Dolar. The two had known each other for a long time but to openly say that he wasn't well for fighting would make him worry, let alone discourage his men if he dared tell them of his weakness. He refused to die from a lousy sickness, if he were to die it would be either of old age or in glorious battle but not on his death bed slowly suffering. That was why he didn't tell anyone, the only one knowing this being his brother and wife. "I'm not the greatest, but I'm not letting that slow me down!" He shouted enthusiastically as he could muster. He knew he wouldn't have much time left, this sickness was only getting worse and worse by the week but he urged himself on simply because he didn't believe it was his time yet. "We ride on to the Neck!" Shouted Tadhg back to the rest of his men as to notify them. There was still one house left of their Bannermen, House Reed. They must not have gotten a Raven. No matter, they were passing by the Neck anyway and around King's Landing to the Stormlands.

If there was any quicker way of getting there he hoped they were doing it, the long ride to the Neck took just over a day and shortly they would have to stop for rest. He had sent a thousand of his men back to Winterfell in case anything were to happen in his absence, one could never be too careful. Maybe he was being a bit extreme, he would've only needed 500 men and that would've been plenty but he preferred his people to be prepared. When they finally arrived at Moat Cailin Tadhg motioned for them to stop and set up camp there, his men would be exhausted likely so with a bit of food, drink and sleep they'd be back on their steeds ready to march on down to the Stormlands. He sent out one of his soldiers to go find Artillus and notify House Reed of their arrival, despite them likely already knowing. The rest of the men began setting up the tents, it would be a long night of planning for him and the other bannermen leaders since they would need to find the quickest route around King's Landing. It would be a long night indeed.

@Archon @ArisenMoon

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Casterly Rock

Viserys Blackfyre

Viserys smiled to himself, removing the helmet, letting the brown hair cascade down his face. He looked at the judges around him, and several had disappointed expressions. One seemed tempted to reprimand the knight, but the line was growing.

"On wit ya', Ser Morath." He shook his head and turned back to another challenger. One with a flock of ravens on his shield.

Viserys nodded, the smile growing. "Many thanks." He turned
Wind Cutter abruptly. A part of him wished to see the melee, but he doubted Tiber Lannister would give Viserys a good place to see it from, and by now it was likely filled to the brim. The hedge knight turned to look at a growing number of previous contestants by some quartered off area. "Let's go." He muttered, running a hand down Wind Cutter's mane.

"Ser, ser!" A young stable hand bellowed out, rushing at him from behind. He was a ginger lad with more freckles than teeth. Viserys looked at him queerly. "Le'me take yur' steed." He half demanded, looking back at another group of stable hands who were snickering to themselves.

"You just don't command a knight. . " It took him back, the bravado the kid must of had, or the complete lack of respect for men of his position. "And
Wind Cutter isn't any animal to be treated so carelessly, either."

The gingers nose scrunched up, looking at the other boys himself. "Please Ser, may I take yur' noble steed?" He asked indignantly.

Viserys sighed, climbing down from
Wind Cutter. "He's Dornish, easy going but hard working. Give him good fodder and you'll get an extra copper." The ginger wouldn't damage the horse, Viserys was confident in, and he had poor squires injure his stallions in Essos before. Part of him wished to say no when he met eyes with Wind Cutter. "Mistreat him and you'll get a clout to the ear." He warned, hand resting on Blackfyre's grip.

"Aye!" He cheered, grabbing the reigns on Wind Cutter, making him nay in sudden protest.

Viserys hit him on the head with his open palm. "Careful. He's not some wagon you can drag around. Wind Cutter needs some respect." The kid nodded, now slowly taking the horse from the tiltyard, and off to where he presumed the stables were. Viserys gave a last luck at the ginger, then back to the young boys. They were gone, causing the hedge knight to tilt his head curiously. "Must have other knights to attend to.." He told himself.

The Blackfyre king continued down to the special district for the participating knights, looking over those in attendance, trying to see if he could recognize any. '
I've been away for too long.' He had a small smile on his face. The crowd he grew up with was unlikely to still be in service after thirteen years. 'I'll have to scope out the competition then. . And speaking of competition. . ' He spotted Ser Suntear sitting further down in the stands. With a wider smile and squinted eyes, as the Sun cast down rays of light in Viserys' face, he made his way to him.

"Hail!" He repeated. "I saw you earlier, that was good - Do you joust often?" He shut one eye, the bothersome Sun blinding it. He stood over Suntear, half looking at her, half at the field as the knight with a raven painted shield began to charge down the tiltyard. "Do you expect there to be. . Fierce competitors? I've been away from these tourneys for nigh ten years. I can't say I'm familiar with the best lances the Seven Kingdoms has to offer, these days."

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