A Song Of Ice And Fire / Game Of Thrones RP [ Now Open! ]

Thanks, dude!

I hope to expand on it eventually and make it more detailed. I might possibly add small descriptions to each character and each NPC, but, that is work for another day. Good job on your first post as well! I'm in the midst of writing a post right now, although, I'm writing for four characters so it is taking quite long!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2a921e5c_images(4).jpg.de875808811acc4fb3c70662bedd52af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2a921e5c_images(4).jpg.de875808811acc4fb3c70662bedd52af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Place - House Baratheon Leader

Name - Durran Baratheon, "The dear of Storm's End"

Age - 44

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Personality - Durran is a man of a few words, but what he says, he says it wisely. After many years leading the mighty house Baratheon through thick and thin, he grew older, but wiser. He makes alliances when he sees fit, as he sees this as more of a treason towards the other houses. Durran always welcomes guests with a smile and drinks, but who knows what lies behind the happy and jolly nature of this ruler. Rumors start that he is suffering from madness, sometimes having fits of anger, but not all can be true, can it? Surely a leader as powerful as him has some secrets he keeps under lock and key.

Short Biography - Durran was the oldest of the 2 sons of the greedy king Ombris Baratheon, and so he was predestined to be the next ruler. But, as he was growing up, he had problems with some physical activities. At age 5, he fell ill of a disease that left him bed ridden 2 months. In this time, he peeked out the castle window, looking at the waves crashing into the mighty cliffs. Looking out, he sometimes saw soldiers returning, tired and demoralized. He then found out that his father was sending the soldiers to collect taxes from small villages, killing his own people if they didn't have money. At age 8 he started training with the bow, and soon, at 14, he was on his first ever hunting trip. He hunted down a deer, a memory that makes him smile every time he thinks of it. He always says "Oh the irony, that my first kill, was my own kin.". Some consider it as dementia, believing the king believes himself to be a deer, but he says it, noting that their flag has a stag on it, the male of the species. At age 17, he succeeded his father on the throne, and seeing that he had a large treasury, decided to invest in an army and to lower the taxes for a while. Durran made the relations between house Baratheon and other minor houses under them warmer, but kind-of isolated itself from the others. Now, seeing as old age is catching up to him, Durran started to open up to the other houses of Westeros, mainly to keep his family from being seized by any other pretenders.

Other - ( Habits, Hobbies, Skills, ETC... ) Very good at archery, trained in sword and horse riding. Spends many nights awake in his study, looking out the window or studying the maps. He enjoys going on hunting trips in the spring and summer.



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AnnoDomini said:
View attachment 126011

Place - House Baratheon Leader

Name - Durran Baratheon, "The dear of Storm's End"

Age - 44

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Personality - Durran is a man of a few words, but what he says, he says it wisely. After many years leading the mighty house Baratheon through thick and thin, he grew older, but wiser. He makes alliances when he sees fit, as he sees this as more of a treason towards the other houses. Durran always welcomes guests with a smile and drinks, but who knows what lies behind the happy and jolly nature of this ruler. Rumors start that he is suffering from madness, sometimes having fits of anger, but not all can be true, can it? Surely a leader as powerful as him has some secrets he keeps under lock and key.

Short Biography - Durran was the oldest of the 2 sons of the greedy king Ombris Baratheon, and so he was predestined to be the next ruler. But, as he was growing up, he had problems with some physical activities. At age 5, he fell ill of a disease that left him bed ridden 2 months. In this time, he peeked out the castle window, looking at the waves crashing into the mighty cliffs. Looking out, he sometimes saw soldiers returning, tired and demoralized. He then found out that his father was sending the soldiers to collect taxes from small villages, killing his own people if they didn't have money. At age 8 he started training with the bow, and soon, at 14, he was on his first ever hunting trip. He hunted down a deer, a memory that makes him smile every time he thinks of it. He always says "Oh the irony, that my first kill, was my own kin.". Some consider it as dementia, believing the king believes himself to be a deer, but he says it, noting that their flag has a stag on it, the male of the species. At age 17, he succeeded his father on the throne, and seeing that he had a large treasury, decided to invest in an army and to lower the taxes for a while. Durran made the relations between house Baratheon and other minor houses under them warmer, but kind-of isolated itself from the others. Now, seeing as old age is catching up to him, Durran started to open up to the other houses of Westeros, mainly to keep his family from being seized by any other pretenders.

Other - ( Habits, Hobbies, Skills, ETC... ) Very good at archery, trained in sword and horse riding. Spends many nights awake in his study, looking out the window or studying the maps. He enjoys going on hunting trips in the spring and summer.

Also, can you like my first post so I know you read the rules? Thanks!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/427px-Orys_Baratheon_by_feliche.jpg.98285dec1ea7db9aecf685a905ba29f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54937" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/427px-Orys_Baratheon_by_feliche.jpg.98285dec1ea7db9aecf685a905ba29f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Place - House Baratheon Leader (Prince)

Name - Verys Baratheon

Age - 24

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Bisexual

Personality - Verys is a cold, calculated young man. He spend most of his young years training and studying to become one of the king's guard, but he later refused, not wanting to be away from his family. Verys wants to be close to his family, as in his childhood, he was sent to house Dondarrion, to train under good guidance. For him, family first, anything else, second.

Short Biography - Verys was born to Durran Bratheon, as heir to the throne. At age 5, Durran sent his child off to Blackhaven, to train under the guidance of

house Dondarrion. He spent his days there training and learning, leaving little time for anything else, such as the study of diplomacy. At age 14 he returned, and a smile on his face when he saw Storms End once again, and his family. He usually likes to take part in his father's hunting trips, as hunting is rooted in his blood. He discovered his bisexuality, after having a "diplomatic" interaction with one dornishman. He has kept that secret well kept, fearing people would judge him about this. He decided to train his personal guards, thinking of them as his "children".

Other - ( Habits, Hobbies, Skills, ETC... ) Expert in swords and spears, and trained in horse riding. He usually polishes his armor, always finding ways to put small "trinkets" on it. He can be found either on the training grounds, or near the courtyard.

His armor - <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/robert_baratheon_armour_by_alex_maxwell-d7ezn9g.jpg.455fa1b8d5675b2ab7c94f30613be6c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/robert_baratheon_armour_by_alex_maxwell-d7ezn9g.jpg.455fa1b8d5675b2ab7c94f30613be6c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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AnnoDomini said:
View attachment 126177

Place - House Baratheon Leader (Prince)

Name - Verys Baratheon

Age - 24

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Bisexual

Personality - Verys is a cold, calculated young man. He spend most of his young years training and studying to become one of the king's guard, but he later refused, not wanting to be away from his family. Verys wants to be close to his family, as in his childhood, he was sent to house Dondarrion, to train under good guidance. For him, family first, anything else, second.

Short Biography - Verys was born to Durran Bratheon, as heir to the throne. At age 5, Durran sent his child off to Blackhaven, to train under the guidance of

house Dondarrion. He spent his days there training and learning, leaving little time for anything else, such as the study of diplomacy. At age 14 he returned, and a smile on his face when he saw Storms End once again, and his family. He usually likes to take part in his father's hunting trips, as hunting is rooted in his blood. He discovered his bisexuality, after having a "diplomatic" interaction with one dornishman. He has kept that secret well kept, fearing people would judge him about this. He decided to train his personal guards, thinking of them as his "children".

Other - ( Habits, Hobbies, Skills, ETC... ) Expert in swords and spears, and trained in horse riding. He usually polishes his armor, always finding ways to put small "trinkets" on it. He can be found either on the training grounds, or near the courtyard.

His armor - View attachment 126176

Appearance - Tall and slender, Rezdoz has a thick beard of red (even though his is black in the picture, bleh, couldn't find a better one. I also spent way too god damn much time looking to see if eunuchs grow hair, and it turns out they do, it's just arm and body hair that decreases, so, the more you know!) and a darker, crimson mane of hair. While lean, he has a fair amount of muscle, and a rough looking face, with innumerable scars from battle practice within the Red Temple of R'hllor. Just as well, he has a flame tattooed below his eye, signaling that he was a slave sold to the Red Temple when he was a child, most likely from Volantis.

Place - Red Priest/Fiery Hand in Westeros, entering the Stormlands

Name - Rezdoz Na Azdo, the Red Crusader

Age - 29

Sex - Male?

Sexuality - Heterosexual?

Personality - Rezdoz has a rather straight to the point, faith centered attitude, as do many other Red Priests and Priestesses. It is not uncommon for people of the clergy, but he of all the slaves that were sold had some of the strongest assurance in the Lord of Light. However, he is not afraid to manipulate emotion and joy to get what he requires to serve his god. Especially so when being used to form powerful alliances with others. He has gotten fairly decent at using others as a vassal for his Lord. He hates those that worship the Old Gods and the New. He finds the Seven to be a repulsive philosophy that seems to lack a certain devotion. Although, he does not kill all that worship the false gods, he tries to convert them, and show them the power of the Lord of Light.

Short Biography - Rezdoz was sold as a small child, most likely from Volantis, to a slaver in Slaver's Bay. He worked as a servant to the captain that transported the slaves until he hit puberty, from there, he was able to escape from the slaver, and return to Volantis. Soon, he was able to sneak unto a caravan and ride through the wastes and into the Shadowlands. It was there that the caravan guards had discovered the small boy that was hiding inside the wagons. They took him and held him captive, castrated him, and underfed Rezdoz. He had almost died of starvation, and thrown into the streets, but was sold, along with several other valuable supplies, to the people of Asshai. This is where he became a servant to the Lord of Light, and had the tattoo bearing the ever bright flame of his Lord below his right eye. He worked in the Red Temple since he could remember, slowly rising in the ranks of the Clergy, and becoming a Red Priest. However, through much sway of officials and a strong arm, he made his way into the Fiery Hand, a group of exactly one thousand men, warriors and defenders of the Lord of Light. Through much training and study of R'hllor, he was sent to Westeros, ordered by the Light to find a high Lord, and help the people of Westeros learn the ways of Lord of Light, and atone for their sins. He has just docked within the Stormlands, and plans to seek a new person of nobility that he can teach.

Other - An excellent swordsman, as he was required to be from the Clergy, he has spent his entire life, day after day, training endlessly with his blade, and may be one of the finest in the land. However, he does make mistakes, one of which is his constant focus on prayer, especially during combat.

With the right materials and focus, he can 'cast spells' with the Lord of Light's gift. These are unpredictable, and not always provided, but have been demonstrated on several occasions. Most notably, like with most of the Fiery Hand, he can alight his blade with his blood, which itself is fiery and warm.

He gets visions whilst staring into fire, and are generally very vague images, making it extremely difficult to figure out and piece together until they occur.

Just as well, with the blessings of the Lord of Light, Rezdoz has a 'resistance' to both cold and poison, making both seem to be futile as weapons against him.

((I hope this character is alright! I worked pretty hard to make him not seem OP, but still stay canon with all the abilities of the Red Clergy, and whatnot. Please let me know if anything needs changed, since this is all on mobile.))
Tzun said:

Appearance - Tall and slender, Rezdoz has a thick beard of red (even though his is black in the picture, bleh, couldn't find a better one. I also spent way too god damn much time looking to see if eunuchs grow hair, and it turns out they do, it's just arm and body hair that decreases, so, the more you know!) and a darker, crimson mane of hair. While lean, he has a fair amount of muscle, and a rough looking face, with innumerable scars from battle practice within the Red Temple of R'hllor. Just as well, he has a flame tattooed below his eye, signaling that he was a slave sold to the Red Temple when he was a child, most likely from Volantis.

Place - Red Priest/Fiery Hand in Westeros, entering the Stormlands

Name - Rezdoz Na Azdo, the Red Crusader

Age - 29

Sex - Male?

Sexuality - Heterosexual?

Personality - Rezdoz has a rather straight to the point, faith centered attitude, as do many other Red Priests and Priestesses. It is not uncommon for people of the clergy, but he of all the slaves that were sold had some of the strongest assurance in the Lord of Light. However, he is not afraid to manipulate emotion and joy to get what he requires to serve his god. Especially so when being used to form powerful alliances with others. He has gotten fairly decent at using others as a vassal for his Lord. He hates those that worship the Old Gods and the New. He finds the Seven to be a repulsive philosophy that seems to lack a certain devotion. Although, he does not kill all that worship the false gods, he tries to convert them, and show them the power of the Lord of Light.

Short Biography - Rezdoz was sold as a small child, most likely from Volantis, to a slaver in Slaver's Bay. He worked as a servant to the captain that transported the slaves until he hit puberty, from there, he was able to escape from the slaver, and return to Volantis. Soon, he was able to sneak unto a caravan and ride through the wastes and into the Shadowlands. It was there that the caravan guards had discovered the small boy that was hiding inside the wagons. They took him and held him captive, castrated him, and underfed Rezdoz. He had almost died of starvation, and thrown into the streets, but was sold, along with several other valuable supplies, to the people of Asshai. This is where he became a servant to the Lord of Light, and had the tattoo bearing the ever bright flame of his Lord below his right eye. He worked in the Red Temple since he could remember, slowly rising in the ranks of the Clergy, and becoming a Red Priest. However, through much sway of officials and a strong arm, he made his way into the Fiery Hand, a group of exactly one thousand men, warriors and defenders of the Lord of Light. Through much training and study of R'hllor, he was sent to Westeros, ordered by the Light to find a high Lord, and help the people of Westeros learn the ways of Lord of Light, and atone for their sins. He has just docked within the Stormlands, and plans to seek a new person of nobility that he can teach.

Other - An excellent swordsman, as he was required to be from the Clergy, he has spent his entire life, day after day, training endlessly with his blade, and may be one of the finest in the land. However, he does make mistakes, one of which is his constant focus on prayer, especially during combat.

With the right materials and focus, he can 'cast spells' with the Lord of Light's gift. These are unpredictable, and not always provided, but have been demonstrated on several occasions. Most notably, like with most of the Fiery Hand, he can alight his blade with his blood, which itself is fiery and warm.

He gets visions whilst staring into fire, and are generally very vague images, making it extremely difficult to figure out and piece together until they occur.

Just as well, with the blessings of the Lord of Light, Rezdoz has a 'resistance' to both cold and poison, making both seem to be futile as weapons against him.

((I hope this character is alright! I worked pretty hard to make him not seem OP, but still stay canon with all the abilities of the Red Clergy, and whatnot. Please let me know if anything needs changed, since this is all on mobile.))
That's fine! Accepted.

Rysenna Martell | Spearhead of Sunspear | Queen of Dorne


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/janainaart-4.jpg.2cf22bfbfdd9f60cda761e0ae2575af5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/janainaart-4.jpg.2cf22bfbfdd9f60cda761e0ae2575af5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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cremora said:

Rysenna Martell | Spearhead of Sunspear | Queen of Dorne


Wonderfully done! Accepted!


" A reputation is like glass, once cracked it can never be replaced."

Place - House Targaryen Member

Name - Malygos Targaryen

Age - 27

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Personality -

" Most of the time I act like a noble young man, with every action and every word, to be the very definition of a gentleman and a warrior. For the most part I succeed on a daily basis and hardly fall to the point of becoming a social git. Mostly because of want to just earn coin enough to make my dreams come true. I am confident in myself and in my ability to deal with people. Whether they be nobles or common folk, all are basic people when you regress them to their most basic form. Often I am courteous without letting myself be stepped on, and smooth in my own manner and way of speaking. Keeping the situation under control is one of my emotional stigmas. At least my mom thinks I am a control freak, because I like to know what people are up to, especially my loved ones. I can be as confrontational or as agreeable as the situation calls for, but will for the most part aim to please not just those around me but myself as well. In short I am a charmer.

" Loathing the act of killing without there being coin or purpose, and finding pointless violence detestable and deplorable, I wish more people could just get along. After all society is better upheld when there is peace according to all the texts I have read on the matter. Being very dependent on my family honor, I keep the promises made to myself, and those around me. Sometimes I tend to be too kind hearted and will go through great lengths to help out those I can when the situation calls for it, but most of the time I will always try to maintain a distance between myself and others so as to not get tied down."

Likes: Coin, effort, and good food.

Dislikes: Arrogance, bad losers, and men with a stench of a whore on them.

Short Biography -


It came to pass that Argus brother of Coranys was his knight and brother in waiting. Despite his outward appearance on the matters of the throne. Argus was not that happy that his brother was lord of the land and not himself. None the less, Argus stood in the shadows and plotted his own scheme that would come to fruition much later in life. One night, admist the cover of a festival in King's Landing, Argus found a suitable woman and bed her. Making sure that she did not drink the moon tea in the morning, he was more then sure that she would become pregnant with his bastard. After all he had been plotting and waiting for this for years, he knew when it was time for her to monthly bleed and when she would be most susceptible to his seed. Never doubting his preparations his plan went off without a hitch. For a nine months later Argus soon had a son, one with the family traits and even quite possibly more then even he knew of.

Immediately Argus set out to protect his interests. Among the time he spent planning for the future of the boy he did grow fond of the mother and the child itself, but emotions such as those that had to be placed away for the agents and even his brother himself would catch on. After all in the Game of Thrones you win or you die, and it was too soon to cast his hand. Argus in doing so sent his mistress and son away far across the sea to the land of Essos. There he set them up with merchant families in the Free Cities. Their main destination was far inland admits the massive and thick forest of Qohor. There they stayed with ancient friends who were merchants of weapons and craftsman of weapons. One of the few families that could cast Valyrian steel and all of its unique properties. It was here that the child, now know as Malygos would live and strive to survive. For everywhere there was agents of the king and hopefully even in this far away place they might be spared the full gaze of Coranys.

As the child grew it became increasingly apparent that he was nothing like the natives. Malygos's hair and other features had become so apparent that he was marked as an outsider with his mother to the people, though none the less do to their status with the merchant family they seemed to be accepted. Even though he was proud of his mane, at a young age Mal began to regularly shave his head. it was the style of the young boys anyways in the city and was a good way to keep on hiding himself. Apprenticing as a black smiths aide, Mal found that he had a talent with the forge and helped create armor and other items of importance to the welfare of his family and city. All through these years his mother would spin tales of their homeland through his head and he would dream of what the land was like. Dream Mal would of what was to come and how he could shape the future to achieve these dreams of his. Dreams that sometimes were focused on his immediate surroundings and sometimes came true.

It all started when he was well into man hood and was around the age of sixteen or seventeen. Mal somehow had gotten himself into a fight with some local boys and was to be hit in the head with a bar stool, bout he saw some how that a man in golden armor was going to deflect the attack from nearby if he just moved slightly to the side. Doing so the vision came to pass and the man in the Gold named Bosh was soon to be found out as a member of a mercenary group called the Golden Company. Looking for some work and possible recruits for the group. His mother at first was reluctant to let him go, but something in her knew that Argus would agree, knowing that the boy had no better teacher to become a warrior then the fabled company. Gifting him his steel longsword called Mothers Tear.

Over the years after his departure from his mother, Mal would spend his time learning to be a warrior and mercenary for higher. Each year that he stayed he gained another golden ring around his wrist which signified wealth and experience. Learning better the art of swordplay, tactics, and even more about his little gift of dreams, Mal had become a true man worthy of his father's legacy. It was in this spirit of triumphant return to himself that Mal when introduced to a new city or place and asked his name no longer spoke just his given name anymore alone. He had been giving a piece of paper with his father's seal by a post courier one day that legitimized him as a true heir and son of Argus Targaryen. Now when asked his response was simply, " Malygos Targaryen." Now that he has finished his tour with the Golden Company, he finds himself drifting closer and closer to the sea. His dreams leading him to the coast where he will yearn and ache to cross to go back to his ancestral lands to better learn what has happened to his father. For they had lost contact with him over the years and in his heart Mal thought there to be something amiss.

Despite the hatred that would be bestowed on him and the target to be placed on his back, Mal will return home. Return the ancestral grounds of his father and mother. There he will reclaim what was theirs and gain fortunes.

Other -

Preferred Method of Combat: Mal fights with a very aggressive in style. His sword play is focused on coming in at odd and rather unorthodox angles with attacks that are hard to counter if even parry. His sword being smaller then most allows him the ability to maneuver at said velocities and angles maximizing his potential to land a hit where as normal long sword wielders have fewer avenues of attack.

- Is an accomplished smith. Nothing as famous or well to do as his master, but no slouch either.

- Tactician and winner of many battles when among the Company.

Genma said:


" A reputation is like glass, once cracked it can never be replaced."

Place - House Targaryen Member

Name - Malygos Targaryen

Age - 27

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Personality -

" Most of the time I act like a noble young man, with every action and every word, to be the very definition of a gentleman and a warrior. For the most part I succeed on a daily basis and hardly fall to the point of becoming a social git. Mostly because of want to just earn coin enough to make my dreams come true. I am confident in myself and in my ability to deal with people. Whether they be nobles or common folk, all are basic people when you regress them to their most basic form. Often I am courteous without letting myself be stepped on, and smooth in my own manner and way of speaking. Keeping the situation under control is one of my emotional stigmas. At least my mom thinks I am a control freak, because I like to know what people are up to, especially my loved ones. I can be as confrontational or as agreeable as the situation calls for, but will for the most part aim to please not just those around me but myself as well. In short I am a charmer.

" Loathing the act of killing without there being coin or purpose, and finding pointless violence detestable and deplorable, I wish more people could just get along. After all society is better upheld when there is peace according to all the texts I have read on the matter. Being very dependent on my family honor, I keep the promises made to myself, and those around me. Sometimes I tend to be too kind hearted and will go through great lengths to help out those I can when the situation calls for it, but most of the time I will always try to maintain a distance between myself and others so as to not get tied down."

Likes: Coin, effort, and good food.

Dislikes: Arrogance, bad losers, and men with a stench of a whore on them.

Short Biography -


It came to pass that Argus brother of Coranys was his knight and brother in waiting. Despite his outward appearance on the matters of the throne. Argus was not that happy that his brother was lord of the land and not himself. None the less, Argus stood in the shadows and plotted his own scheme that would come to fruition much later in life. One night, admist the cover of a festival in King's Landing, Argus found a suitable woman and bed her. Making sure that she did not drink the moon tea in the morning, he was more then sure that she would become pregnant with his bastard. After all he had been plotting and waiting for this for years, he knew when it was time for her to monthly bleed and when she would be most susceptible to his seed. Never doubting his preparations his plan went off without a hitch. For a nine months later Argus soon had a son, one with the family traits and even quite possibly more then even he knew of.

Immediately Argus set out to protect his interests. Among the time he spent planning for the future of the boy he did grow fond of the mother and the child itself, but emotions such as those that had to be placed away for the agents and even his brother himself would catch on. After all in the Game of Thrones you win or you die, and it was too soon to cast his hand. Argus in doing so sent his mistress and son away far across the sea to the land of Essos. There he set them up with merchant families in the Free Cities. Their main destination was far inland admits the massive and thick forest of Qohor. There they stayed with ancient friends who were merchants of weapons and craftsman of weapons. One of the few families that could cast Valyrian steel and all of its unique properties. It was here that the child, now know as Malygos would live and strive to survive. For everywhere there was agents of the king and hopefully even in this far away place they might be spared the full gaze of Coranys.

As the child grew it became increasingly apparent that he was nothing like the natives. Malygos's hair and other features had become so apparent that he was marked as an outsider with his mother to the people, though none the less do to their status with the merchant family they seemed to be accepted. Even though he was proud of his mane, at a young age Mal began to regularly shave his head. it was the style of the young boys anyways in the city and was a good way to keep on hiding himself. Apprenticing as a black smiths aide, Mal found that he had a talent with the forge and helped create armor and other items of importance to the welfare of his family and city. All through these years his mother would spin tales of their homeland through his head and he would dream of what the land was like. Dream Mal would of what was to come and how he could shape the future to achieve these dreams of his. Dreams that sometimes were focused on his immediate surroundings and sometimes came true.

It all started when he was well into man hood and was around the age of sixteen or seventeen. Mal somehow had gotten himself into a fight with some local boys and was to be hit in the head with a bar stool, bout he saw some how that a man in golden armor was going to deflect the attack from nearby if he just moved slightly to the side. Doing so the vision came to pass and the man in the Gold named Bosh was soon to be found out as a member of a mercenary group called the Golden Company. Looking for some work and possible recruits for the group. His mother at first was reluctant to let him go, but something in her knew that Argus would agree, knowing that the boy had no better teacher to become a warrior then the fabled company. Gifting him his steel longsword called Mothers Tear.

Over the years after his departure from his mother, Mal would spend his time learning to be a warrior and mercenary for higher. Each year that he stayed he gained another golden ring around his wrist which signified wealth and experience. Learning better the art of swordplay, tactics, and even more about his little gift of dreams, Mal had become a true man worthy of his father's legacy. It was in this spirit of triumphant return to himself that Mal when introduced to a new city or place and asked his name no longer spoke just his given name anymore alone. He had been giving a piece of paper with his father's seal by a post courier one day that legitimized him as a true heir and son of Argus Targaryen. Now when asked his response was simply, " Malygos Targaryen." Now that he has finished his tour with the Golden Company, he finds himself drifting closer and closer to the sea. His dreams leading him to the coast where he will yearn and ache to cross to go back to his ancestral lands to better learn what has happened to his father. For they had lost contact with him over the years and in his heart Mal thought there to be something amiss.

Despite the hatred that would be bestowed on him and the target to be placed on his back, Mal will return home. Return the ancestral grounds of his father and mother. There he will reclaim what was theirs and gain fortunes.

Other -

Preferred Method of Combat: Mal fights with a very aggressive in style. His sword play is focused on coming in at odd and rather unorthodox angles with attacks that are hard to counter if even parry. His sword being smaller then most allows him the ability to maneuver at said velocities and angles maximizing his potential to land a hit where as normal long sword wielders have fewer avenues of attack.

- Is an accomplished smith. Nothing as famous or well to do as his master, but no slouch either.

- Tactician and winner of many battles when among the Company.

Picture (with and without armor):


Place - Member of House Stark

Name - Artaemus "Art" Stark

Age - 20

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Personality - Art has a desire to win that is virtually unmatched-- the stamina he shows in sparring every day is more than enough evidence for that. If he's knocked to his arse, you can be he'll be back up to do it again... or even knock you on yours. That said, the only thing that could possibly match his voracity is his loyalty to the Starks.

Short Biography - His frame is hulking-- a full seven-and-seventy inches and sixteen stone; born the younger cousin of the heir to one of the greatest Houses in the Seven Kingdoms, he always felt he had something to prove, and as such, acted like it. His father, Torin, has always told him: "Be the best, or if not that, knock him on his arse."

Other - Incredible practical swordplay knowledge, but not a fast rider; his desire to win can also get him in trouble in instances where it's better to merely back down. That said, when he has the possibility of winning,

he won't stop until he does.
Ivazel said:
Picture (with and without armor):


Place - Member of House Stark

Name - Artaemus "Art" Stark

Age - 20

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Personality - Art has a desire to win that is virtually unmatched-- the stamina he shows in sparring every day is more than enough evidence for that. If he's knocked to his arse, you can be he'll be back up to do it again... or even knock you on yours. That said, the only thing that could possibly match his voracity is his loyalty to the Starks.

Short Biography - His frame is hulking-- a full seven-and-seventy inches and sixteen stone; born the younger cousin of the heir to one of the greatest Houses in the Seven Kingdoms, he always felt he had something to prove, and as such, acted like it. His father, Torin, has always told him: "Be the best, or if not that, knock him on his arse."

Other - Incredible practical swordplay knowledge, but not a fast rider; his desire to win can also get him in trouble in instances where it's better to merely back down. That said, when he has the possibility of winning,

he won't stop until he does.
I wanted to PM you about this but I've not yet reached the ten post requirement that will allow me to PM about a female leader for House Mormont. This should be the last post, however, in which case I'll be PMing you immediately after this is up.



Place - Leader/Wife of Leader House Mormont

Name - Nymeria Mormont, aka the White Bear

Age - 32

Sex - Female

Sexuality - Bisexual

Personality - Never backing down from a fight was once Nymeria Mormont's strong suit; her skill with spear and sword, as well as her large frame, allowed her to traverse Westeros in relative peace, and should that piece be broken, she was able to defend herself.

Short Biography - However, as the eldest daughter of a dying Mormont father, Jaenor Mormont, she was called back to Bear Island to marry to a lord. Since her father died, though, she's decided not to marry and to rule the house herself. If she were to have need of an heir, she'd hand Bear Island to a Stark, for she trusts them with her life. But where she feels most at home is the sea. She often feels as though if she'd been born a Greyjoy, she'd have felt more at home.

Other - Incredibly skilled spearfighter, gifted swordfighter, but borderline incompetent with a bow and arrow. She mostly uses the shield to bash rather than as a blocking tool, but of course she can use it as such. Her riding skill leaves something to be desired, but the way she commands a ship could blow the pants off any trader on either side of the Narrow Sea.
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Ivazel said:
I wanted to PM you about this but I've not yet reached the ten post requirement that will allow me to PM about a female leader for House Mormont. This should be the last post, however, in which case I'll be PMing you immediately after this is up.


Place - Leader/Wife of Leader House Mormont

Name - Nymeria Mormont, aka the White Bear

Age - 32

Sex - Female

Sexuality - Bisexual

Personality - Never backing down from a fight was once Nymeria Mormont's strong suit; her skill with spear and sword, as well as her large frame, allowed her to traverse Westeros in relative peace, and should that piece be broken, she was able to defend herself.

Short Biography - However, as the eldest daughter of a dying Mormont father, Jaenor Mormont, she was called back to Bear Island to marry to a lord. Since her father died, though, she's decided not to marry and to rule the house herself. If she were to have need of an heir, she'd hand Bear Island to a Stark, for she trusts them with her life. But where she feels most at home is the sea. She often feels as though if she'd been born a Greyjoy, she'd have felt more at home.

Other - Incredibly skilled spearfighter, gifted swordfighter, but borderline incompetent with a bow and arrow. She mostly uses the shield to bash rather than as a blocking tool, but of course she can use it as such. Her riding skill leaves something to be desired, but the way she commands a ship could blow the pants off any trader on either side of the Narrow Sea.
Picture: ( Can Be Real Person, Or Cartoon, Or Whatever... )


Place - House Martell - Bastard born

Name - Nymerion Sand

Age - 20

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Homosexual

Personality - He is quiet and calculating and always thinks before he acts. He can also turn on the charm when needed, a trait he shares with his father.

Short Biography -

Nymerion is a twin brother. The babies were born within 5 minutes of each other with his brother arriving before him, which he has never let him forget when growing up. When it came to choosing which weapons to train with Nymerion selected daggers. he became quite adept at using them and as well as his daggers he was well versed in poisons and their antidotes. As a bastard born son there was never any pressure for him to Marry, A fact that Nymerion is happy to stay single as he prefers the company of men than women.

Other -

Nymerion is well versed in the use of daggers as well as Posions.


Picture: ( Can Be Real Person, Or Cartoon, Or Whatever... )


Place - House Martell

Name - Ellarah Martell

Age - 19

Sex - Female

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Personality - Ellarah has been called calculating and has her spies and confidants in Dorne, kings landing and multiple cities in the east. She is not closed off to the idea of love but she does not expect it to come from an arranged marriage.

Short Biography -

Ellarah was born the second daughter of Dorne. Because of this Ellarah will never see herself sit in the throne at Sunspear. Instead she has devoted her time to building herself up a network of informants and spies to help keep Dornes investments in check. Like her cousins Ellarah was trained in weapon use since she was a child and many would agree that she is the good wielder.
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Picture: ( Can Be Real Person, Or Cartoon, Or Whatever... )


Place - House Martell

Name - Ellarah Martell

Age - 19

Sex - Female

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Personality - Ellarah has been called calculating and has her spies and confidants in Dorne, kings landing and multiple cities in the east. She is not closed off to the idea of love but she does not expect it to come from an arranged marriage.

Short Biography -

Ellarah was born the second daughter of Dorne. Because of this Ellarah will never see herself sit in the throne at Sunspear. Instead she has devoted her time to building herself up a network of informants and spies to help keep Dornes investments in check. Like her cousins Ellarah was trained in weapon use since she was a child and many would agree that she is the good wielder.

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