A Song Of Ice And Fire / Game Of Thrones RP [ Now Open! ]


Junior Member

#1 - Please Respect All Rules.

#2 - No Mary-Sue, Or Gary-Stu Characters. ( Perfect Characters. )

#3 - No Godmodding.

#4 - No Controlling Other RP-er's Characters.

#5 - Be Prepared To Die. ( Don't Complain If Your Character Bites The Dust. )

#6 - Please Cut To Black When Describing A Very Gorey Or Very Graphic Scene. ( Sex, Torture, ETC... )

#7 - You Can Have As Many Characters As Possible.

#8 - Please, PLEASE, PLEASE RP As If You Are In The World Of ASoIaF. ASoIaF/GoT Is, For The Most Part, Low Fantasy. Please Do Not Go Crazy And Make Your Character Have Crazy Superpowers, ETC...

#9 - Please Be Respectful To All Other RP-ers.

#10 - Please Like This Post, So I Know You Read The Rules!

Character Application

Picture: ( Can Be Real Person, Or Cartoon, Or Whatever... )

Place - ( House Arryn Leader, House Arryn Member, ETC... )

Name -

Age -

Sex -

Sexuality -

Personality -

Short Biography -

Other - ( Habits, Hobbies, Skills, ETC... )
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Place -

"Place #1 - House Greyjoy's Leader"

Name -

Emmerson 'Emmett' Greyjoy

Age -


Sex -


Sexuality -


Personality -

Emmerson, or 'Emmett', is both a head-strong and physically strong man. He's very stern, and he likes to keep his family and friends in check. He has always been fascinated with history, and he hopes he can live to see the day The Iron Islands return to their former traditions. Though he is usually a very straight and sane man, he can get very wild after a few drinks. He sees women as beautiful creatures... but, he has refused to marry in all his years.

He possibly has many bastard children around the world, but, he only has one that he acknowledges. He is a great captain, and he knows the sea like the back of his hand. He has traveled everywhere, an' anywhere- which has left him with many strange stories to tell.

Short Biography -

Emmerson, or 'Emmett', was born on Blacktyde. He was born out of wedlock, but, he was recognized as a 'Greyjoy' when he was around eight years old- as his father couldn't produce another male heir. Since then; he was brought to live and train on Pyke. He excelled at everything he did, whether sword fighting, archery, sailing, or... anything.

He became captain of his first ship when he was fifteen, "The Killing Kiss". He called it this because he was known as a very wild young man when it came to sleeping around. He had slept with almost every maiden his age on Pyke by the time he had attained this ship.

He traveled to Essos when he was twenty- where he lived for several years. He learned much about the strange cultures of the people of Essos. He even fell 'in love' with a slave girl, who later birthed his bastard. He returned to Pyke years later with his bastard child. His father soon died of illness and Emmett became the new lord of The Iron Islands.

He has since become a very strong and stern ruler. But he has grown bored, and he feels as if it's about time he did something exciting...

Other -

He is very well-trained in many forms of combat, such as sword fighting and archery. He is also very good at sea combat, and he has never been defeated in a battle that took place on an ocean. He is great at surviving and adapting to his surroundings. He is fairly well trained as a smith, and he is able to forge his own weaponry although it usually isn't up to standards of the weapons created for other lords and ladies.

- - -


Place -

"Place #4 - House Martell's Leader's Bastard"

Name -

Solana 'Sol' Sand

Age -


Sex -


Sexuality -


Personality -

Solana, or 'Sol, is a sweet young woman who appears very angelic and innocent. She is seen as a very dumbfounded girl to strangers, but, once you get to know her- you'll realize that she is much smarter than you think. She knows 'the game', and she knows how to play it. She is mostly courteous, helpful, and kind, but, she can be very sneaky and sly when she needs to be. She doesn't really want to be Queen, but, she does plan on leaving her bastardy behind and become a powerful figure in Westeros.

Short Biography -

Solana, or 'Sol, was born in Sunspear. From an early age; she knew she was a bastard. And, that really hurt her growing up. She tried to take it in stride... for as long as she could, but, she could never try and ignore it. She despises people who constantly bring her heritage up, but, she tries not too angry at them.

She grew up in the castle at Sunspear and became fast friends with a lot of the servants and guards. She was a very social, and likable child- who could put a smile on anyone's face.

She toured around Westeros with her family when she was thirteen. This was the cause of her wanting to become a lady of some sort. She saw the sick, and the hungry- and she knew that she'd like to end all of the sickness and starvation.

She studied at The Citadel for a few years; where she learned much about everything. She learned about ancient magics, history, medicine, poisons, and more. When she returned to Dorne, she was a woman grown and she put her knowledge to her advantage.

She started playing 'the game'. She had a few close friends spy for her, and it is said that she knows a lot about the lords and ladies of Dorne... although when asked about this rumor, she'd tell you that it isn't true.

She wants to become a powerful figure in her years to come. Someone to go down in the history books, but, whether she can do it or not it still up for debate.

Other -

She is very knowledgeable when it comes to greens, herbs, plants, and poisons. She is very bad in combat. She can't even hold a sword properly, although she is alright with a bow. She has many informants scattered around Dorne, so, she hears many whispers and rumors about the lords and ladies serving House Martell. She loves horseback riding, and has a Dornish stead called "Quicksand".
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Moira Tyrell (Née Redwyne)

  • dfsdfa.gif


    House Tyrell Leader's Mother









    Moira was once known as a rare beauty among a garden of roses that outshone everyone else though quite naturally this beauty has faded away over time due to age. She sports the typical features of a Redwyne , possessing almost unnatural crimson hair that just goes down to her neck , with slight curls that add to her rather unique appearance. She stands at a fair height of 5'6Ft with aged but rosy skin. However what is quite noticeable about her appearance is that while her left eye is a dull aqua green, her right is milky and ghost like.

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Venus said:
Moira Tyrell (Née Redwyne)

  • dfsdfa.gif


    House Tyrell Leader's Mother









    Moira was once known as a rare beauty among a garden of roses that outshone everyone else though quite naturally this beauty has faded away over time due to age. She sports the typical features of a Redwyne , possessing almost unnatural crimson hair that just goes down to her neck , with slight curls that add to her rather unique appearance. She stands at a fair height of 5'6Ft with aged but rosy skin. However what is quite noticeable about her appearance is that while her left eye is a dull aqua green, her right is milky and ghost like.


Appearance - Thick, long black hair cascades down Kyllan's shoulders, generally tucked behind his ears, revealing a stern, and solid face. Unerring in its look of displease. The only thing that cuts his face from being that of a general psychopath are his brilliant green eyes, almost akin to shimmering emeralds. His body is stocky, and large. After sitting on the council for so long, he has not tasted much combat, and let himself go. However, his muscle mass has retained, and it apparent beneath the general red and black coat that he wears, held together by a cast iron sigil of the flayed man. He stands at nearly six feet and two inches, the tallest of his family.

Place - Leader of House Bolton

Name - Ser Kyllan Bolton - The Dreadful

Age - 33

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Bisexual, but shuns his perverted feelings.

Personality - He has not earned the title of Ser and Dreadful for no reason. Kyllan was once the hand of the King, before the Targaryens became completely mad with power. He soon took refuge back in the Dreadfort, due to a fake illness, as to escape the coming wrath, and to prepare for war. He had acquired the rank of Knight and Hand of the King for his abilities in combat, and rather than joining the King's Guard, was offered a seat on the council. Here, he was the Master of Whispers, and had several instances where his torturous nature had gotten word to the general public. As with most that were given names of demeaning quality, he wore it like armor, and used his new title as a tactic to insight fear.

Short Biography - He was born son of Daltis Bolton (Died in combat) and Alissa Bolton (Died in childbirth with Larris Bolton), brother of Lord Larris Bolton (Age nine.) He worked hard with his father, training daily in both academics and his sword play. Life continued this way until he was age sixteen. His father rode on a campaign in the North, attempting to siege area near Winterfell. He died attempting and assault on Moat Cailin. A near two year campaign left Kyllan alone with Larris. Amends were made with House Stark, but the wound in Kyllan never really healed, and a strong resentment held for them remained within.

When he turned 25 he left the Dreadfort, and appointed a council to help mold Larris for leadership, as he was still quite young. He rode to the Crownlands and King's Landing to assist with the Targaryen cause. He sat on the council for many years, and eventually was the Hand for three years.

He now is on his ride back to the Dreadfort, and is preparing for the wars to come.

Other - He is very quick witted and strong, legerity both mentally and physically. He is also very stubborn, and unchanging in attitude during serious times. Ser Kyllan is a force to be reckoned with, as when he lashes out, it will be the last thing they see.
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Tzun said:

Appearance - Thick, long black hair cascades down Kyllan's shoulders, generally tucked behind his ears, revealing a stern, and solid face. Unerring in its look of displease. The only thing that cuts his face from being that of a general psychopath are his brilliant green eyes, almost akin to shimmering emeralds. His body is stocky, and large. After sitting on the council for so long, he has not tasted much combat, and let himself go. However, his muscle mass has retained, and it apparent beneath the general red and black coat that he wears, held together by a cast iron sigil of the flayed man. He stands at nearly six feet and two inches, the tallest of his family.

Place - Leader of House Bolton

Name - Ser Kyllan Bolton - The Dreadful

Age - 33

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Bisexual, but shuns his perverted feelings.

Personality - He has not earned the title of Ser and Dreadful for no reason. Kyllan was once the hand of the King, before the Targaryens became completely mad with power. He soon took refuge back in the Dreadfort, due to a fake illness, as to escape the coming wrath, and to prepare for war. He had acquired the rank of Knight and Hand of the King for his abilities in combat, and rather than joining the King's Guard, was offered a seat on the council. Here, he was the Master of Whispers, and had several instances where his torturous nature had gotten word to the general public. As with most that were given names of demeaning quality, he wore it like armor, and used his new title as a tactic to insight fear.

Short Biography - He was born son of Daltis Bolton (Died in combat) and Alissa Bolton (Died in childbirth with Larris Bolton), brother of Lord Larris Bolton (Age nine.) He worked hard with his father, training daily in both academics and his sword play. Life continued this way until he was age sixteen. His father rode on a campaign in the North, attempting to siege area near Winterfell. He died attempting and assault on Moat Cailin. A near two year campaign left Kyllan alone with Larris. Amends were made with House Stark, but the wound in Kyllan never really healed, and a strong resentment held for them remained within.

When he turned 25 he left the Dreadfort, and appointed a council to help mold Larris for leadership, as he was still quite young. He rode to the Crownlands and King's Landing to assist with the Targaryen cause. He sat on the council for many years, and eventually was the Hand for three years.

He now is on his ride back to the Dreadfort, and is preparing for the wars to come.

Other - He is very quick witted and strong, legerity both mentally and physically. He is also very stubborn, and unchanging in attitude during serious times. Ser Kyllan is a force to be reckoned with, as when he lashes out, it will be the last thing they see.
Darius Martell

  • 4927118580_00fb855ee2.jpg


    House Martell Heir.








    Typical of a person born of Dornish Descent Darius has a rather exotic look to himself when compared to the rest of the people in Westeros. He has a fairly Lean Muscular build and stands at around 5'11Ft with tanned olive skin. He sports piercing green eyes and dark brown hair of a medium length that seems to have a curly look to it


Venus said:
Darius Martell

  • 4927118580_00fb855ee2.jpg


    House Martell Heir.








    Typical of a person born of Dornish Descent Darius has a rather exotic look to himself when compared to the rest of the people in Westeros. He has a fairly Lean Muscular build and stands at around 5'11Ft with tanned olive skin. He sports piercing green eyes and dark brown hair of a medium length that seems to have a curly look to it


Character Application



Kilian has a very active lifestyle but though that made him lean and lilth with muscle and darkened his skin with a light tan it couldn't do much for his short height. At 5'5 all he can do is try to use his short height and speed to his advantage. However it's not his body or height that catches ones attention it's his face. Or more particularly his eyes. Kilian has a small slightly feminine face with high cheek bones, a small nose, and bow shaped lips. Above his nose sits his most remembered and weakest feature. Large slightly narrowed eyes surrounded by long lashes of all colors openly displays his emotions to the world unless he is burying them. All this surrounded by long curly dark red bordering on black hair that falls to his waist.

Colors and meanings:

Stormy gray when angry, light blue when happy, dark blue when sad, light gray when curious, emerald green when wary, and finally a very light green like lightning when alart and cautious.

Place - Leader Starks third child

Name - Kilian Stark

Age - 14

Sex - male

Sexuality - homosexual

Personality -

Kilian is a curiosity, especially toward those he doesn't like or doesn't know. He has a adventurers curiosity and is prone to moments of naivety and mischief. A dangerous mixture that often gets him into trouble. However he always proves to be quite cunning in getting out of it. Yet, his loyalty to his family far surpasses his mischief and he can be very temperamental when it is tested or let his anger rule him when it becomes to much. His greatest skill is in blending in and has proven to be able to shift from mischievous and unclouthed, to polite and formal, or cunning and manipulative when put in the right situation. It is a skill that he has greatly used in the past however doesn't use it much. When not using his skill you will find him to be very kind and surprisingly carefree with a desperation to prove himself. If only to himself.

Short Biography -

Kilian never really had to go without being the son of a lord. Yet, this somehow did not make him spoiled. Growing up he often ran from his nannies and was a common sight to the people of Winterfell. Causing trouble or helping out. When he was eight his father began teaching him to fight and the politics that goes with being a prince. However despite catching on quickly it didn't stop his mischievous ways. Instead it influenced his desire to learn and his father discovered just how curious his son was.

Other -

Kilian though rather skilled at fighting prefers long ranged weapons like a bow or throwing dagger. When needed however he will use a short sword that was gifted to him.
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[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]
Character Application

Kilian has a very active lifestyle but though that made him lean and lilth with muscle and darkened his skin with a light tan it couldn't do much for his short height. At 5'5 all he can do is try to use his short height and speed to his advantage. However it's not his body or height that catches ones attention it's his face. Or more particularly his eyes. Kilian has a small slightly feminine face with high cheek bones, a small nose, and bow shaped lips. Above his nose sits his most remembered and weakest feature. Large slightly narrowed eyes surrounded by long lashes of all colors openly displays his emotions to the world unless he is burying them. All this surrounded by long curly dark red bordering on black hair that falls to his midback.

Colors and meanings:

Stormy gray when angry, light blue when happy, dark blue when sad, light gray when curious, emerald green when wary, and finally a very light green like lightning when alart and cautious.

Place - Leader Starks third child

Name - Kilian Stark

Age - 14

Sex - male

Sexuality - homosexual

Personality -

Kilian is a curiosity, especially toward those he doesn't like or doesn't know. He has a adventurers curiosity and is prone to moments of naivety and mischief. A dangerous mixture that often gets him into trouble. However he always proves to be quite cunning in getting out of it. Yet, his loyalty to his family far surpasses his mischief and he can be very temperamental when it is tested or let his anger rule him when it becomes to much. His greatest skill is in blending in and has proven to be able to shift from mischievous and unclouthed, to polite and formal, or cunning and manipulative when put in the right situation. It is a skill that he has greatly used in the past however doesn't use it much. When not using his skill you will find him to be very kind and surprisingly carefree with a desperation to prove himself. If only to himself.

Short Biography -

Kilian never really had to go without being the son of a lord. Yet, this somehow did not make him spoiled. Growing up he often ran from his nannies and was a common sight to the people of Winterfell. Causing trouble or helping out. When he was eight his father began teaching him to fight and the politics that goes with being a prince. However despite catching on quickly it didn't stop his mischievous ways. Instead it influenced his desire to learn and his father discovered just how curious his son was.

Other -

Kilian though rather skilled at fighting prefers long ranged weapons like a bow or throwing dagger. When needed however he will use a short sword that was gifted to him.

Can you please 'like' the first post, so I know you read the rules? Thanks.

And, anyway, accepted!
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]
Character Application

Kilian has a very active lifestyle but though that made him lean and lilth with muscle and darkened his skin with a light tan it couldn't do much for his short height. At 5'5 all he can do is try to use his short height and speed to his advantage. However it's not his body or height that catches ones attention it's his face. Or more particularly his eyes. Kilian has a small slightly feminine face with high cheek bones, a small nose, and bow shaped lips. Above his nose sits his most remembered and weakest feature. Large slightly narrowed eyes surrounded by long lashes of all colors openly displays his emotions to the world unless he is burying them. All this surrounded by long curly dark red bordering on black hair that falls to his midback.

Colors and meanings:

Stormy gray when angry, light blue when happy, dark blue when sad, light gray when curious, emerald green when wary, and finally a very light green like lightning when alart and cautious.

Place - Leader Starks third child

Name - Kilian Stark

Age - 14

Sex - male

Sexuality - homosexual

Personality -

Kilian is a curiosity, especially toward those he doesn't like or doesn't know. He has a adventurers curiosity and is prone to moments of naivety and mischief. A dangerous mixture that often gets him into trouble. However he always proves to be quite cunning in getting out of it. Yet, his loyalty to his family far surpasses his mischief and he can be very temperamental when it is tested or let his anger rule him when it becomes to much. His greatest skill is in blending in and has proven to be able to shift from mischievous and unclouthed, to polite and formal, or cunning and manipulative when put in the right situation. It is a skill that he has greatly used in the past however doesn't use it much. When not using his skill you will find him to be very kind and surprisingly carefree with a desperation to prove himself. If only to himself.

Short Biography -

Kilian never really had to go without being the son of a lord. Yet, this somehow did not make him spoiled. Growing up he often ran from his nannies and was a common sight to the people of Winterfell. Causing trouble or helping out. When he was eight his father began teaching him to fight and the politics that goes with being a prince. However despite catching on quickly it didn't stop his mischievous ways. Instead it influenced his desire to learn and his father discovered just how curious his son was.

Other -

Kilian though rather skilled at fighting prefers long ranged weapons like a bow or throwing dagger. When needed however he will use a short sword that was gifted to him.

Is there chance you could post some more detail about the current Stark family in the OOC chat?

Seraphine Lannister

The unofficial leader of House Lannister








On the outside Seraphine appears to be the energetic, care free, joyful sister of Lord Alderon, the head of house Lannister. But as it has been said for ages past, appearances can be deceiving, and Seraphine is about as deceptive as it gets. Seraphine rules House Lannister rather than her brother Alderon, a man who never thought much of ruling, and did not hesitate to agree to Seraphine’s demands. Seraphine has silently lorded over house Lannister since the death of her and Alderon’s father. Everyone of Lannister know it, but there is nothing they can do, as Alderon himself is in full cooperation with her. House Lannister has not a Lord, but a Lady. And Lady Seraphine is a cruel mistress. Many believe her to be heartless even. She’s a manipulative woman who knows to read and twist people’s emotions, a valuable asset in such a world and one that she uses frequently.

Short bio

Seraphine was born the second sibling of two to the late Adeline and Deltorn Lannister. Born into wealth her life was relatively calm and peaceful, though as she came of age her mother began revealing to her the secrets of their family. And the biggest secret being that, like Seraphine does now, Adeline ruled house Lannister rather than her father. Adeline began Seraphine’s education then, teaching her the many powers women hold over men, and even some women in the world. She taught Adeline how to use these talents, these skills, to ascend in power in this world. And then she, and Delton, simply vanished in the night. No one, not even Seraphine knew. Within a few days Alderon was made head of House against his own wishes, and Seraphine, taking into mind what her mother had said and done, approached him. It didn’t take much persuasion before Alderon agreed to her plans, allowing her to make the decisions while Alderon simply reap the benefits of lordship.


Seraphine trades in many things, and her spies find her many things as well, but what she loves most, a deal she can not refuse, are secrets. Especially those that her spies cannot whisper.

In Casterly rock Seraphine has, through bribery, extortion, or promise of reward, bought the vast majority of the loyalty of the house guard. Simply a back up plan in case her brother were to ever break her agreement...

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Atom said:

Seraphine Lannister

The unofficial leader of House Lannister








On the outside Seraphine appears to be the energetic, care free, joyful sister of Lord Alderon, the head of house Lannister. But as it has been said for ages past, appearances can be deceiving, and Seraphine is about as deceptive as it gets. Seraphine rules House Lannister rather than her brother Alderon, a man who never thought much of ruling, and did not hesitate to agree to Seraphine’s demands. Seraphine has silently lorded over house Lannister since the death of her and Alderon’s father. Everyone of Lannister know it, but there is nothing they can do, as Alderon himself is in full cooperation with her. House Lannister has not a Lord, but a Lady. And Lady Seraphine is a cruel mistress. Many believe her to be heartless even. She’s a manipulative woman who knows to read and twist people’s emotions, a valuable asset in such a world and one that she uses frequently.

Short bio

Seraphine was born the second sibling of two to the late Adeline and Deltorn Lannister. Born into wealth her life was relatively calm and peaceful, though as she came of age her mother began revealing to her the secrets of their family. And the biggest secret being that, like Seraphine does now, Adeline ruled house Lannister rather than her father. Adeline began Seraphine’s education then, teaching her the many powers women hold over men, and even some women in the world. She taught Adeline how to use these talents, these skills, to ascend in power in this world. And then she, and Delton, simply vanished in the night. No one, not even Seraphine knew. Within a few days Alderon was made head of House against his own wishes, and Seraphine, taking into mind what her mother had said and done, approached him. It didn’t take much persuasion before Alderon agreed to her plans, allowing her to make the decisions while Alderon simply reap the benefits of lordship.


Seraphine trades in many things, and her spies find her many things as well, but what she loves most, a deal she can not refuse, are secrets. Especially those that her spies cannot whisper.

In Casterly rock Seraphine has, through bribery, extortion, or promise of reward, bought the vast majority of the loyalty of the house guard. Simply a back up plan in case her brother were to ever break her agreement...

Lord of Riverrun


Place -- House Tully Leader

Name -- Avon Tully/Rivers.

Age -- 35

Sex -- Male

Sexuality -- Heterosexual

Personality -- Avon is, by nature, an honorable man. He dislikes fighting, but if forced to fight he would prefer the fight to be fair. Avon is trusting, kind, and not prone to anger. He is a hardworking man who is not afraid to get his hands dirty. The people of the Riverlands love him because he is generous, understanding, and willing to do what he can to help his people. Avon truly represents the motto "Family, Duty, Honor". He treasures his family above all else and will do whatever he has to to protect them, even if it means sacrificing his honor...or himself. As the Lord of Riverrun, Avon feels obligated to protect his people. However, his wife and his baby will always come first in his mind. He is utterly unambitious and doesn't give a damn about the Iron Throne. If it weren't for his wife, Avon wouldn't care about the throne at all. Things like court politics, etiquette, and social hierarchy is utterly lost to him. He's a bit of an an eccentric even among the Riverlanders, loving the beauty of nature more than material wealth. Fortunately he has his wife to teach him the ropes. Due to his history, Avon doesn't have many friends in the Tully House and many consider him a joke...though he does have some supporters.

Biography -- Avon is an orphan. He was found floating in the Trident and taken in by the Tully family out of pity, becoming a servant in the household. Avon was given the last name Rivers because he did not have one of his own. His life was that of a typical servant's. His build meant that he did a lot of manual labor and though he never really trained in the way of the sword, his brawling skills were rather decent. Avon did not hate his life and perhaps the only thing he lacked was a sense of identity. Avon loved being outdoors and enjoyed sleeping outdoors where he could see the stars and taking long walks down the Trident. Everything changed when he saved thirteen year old Lyrelia Tully from a bandit that had been trying to kidnap her. Lyrelia became besotted with him. However, Avon did not give her the time of day as she was only a child...and the favorite daughter of the Leader of House Tully at that. So when Lyrelia made a deal with him, saying that if she could get her father's approval, Avon would agree to marry her, Avon accepted in order to humor her and because he thought it was impossible. Avon should have known better. In a short 4 years, Avon found himself the most famous person in the Riverlands. Rumors about him, false and true spread among the Rivermen. Stories about how he saved Lyrelia from a giant, how he was born in the River, and how he could catch 1oo0 barrels of fish in a single day, etc. Opportunities beyond what he could imagine began appearing before him, each one only adding to his fame. He became the commander of Riverrun army and drove back hordes of invaders that threatened his home. He saved the ships of House Tully from a terrible storm. He was the mediator in an argument between House Frey and House Baelish, preventing a full blown war between the two houses. He soon found himself a close confident of the Lord of Riverrun and was eventually offered Lyrelia's hand in marriage--just as Lyrelia had promised him. Thus 33 year old Avon Rivers married 18 year old Lyrelia Tully and, by the unanimous decision of House Tully, was given the title of 'Honorary Tully'. Avon was loved by House Tully...at least until the leader of House Tully(the Lord of Riverrun) died a year later, leaving a letter that declared him the next Leader of House Tully. Whispers of trickery and deceit spread among the members of House Tully, but there was no proof and his fame at that point was too great. Avon suspects that his lovely wife was responsible for the entire thing, but by then, it was far too late. Avon grew to love everything about Lyrelia Tully, her conviction, ambition, her deviousness, her scheming ways...Avon embraced it all. For an orphan who never had a family, Lyrelia and their unborn child was the most important treasure in the world. Therefore, if Lyrelia wanted the Iron Throne, Avon would gladly give it to her.

Other -- He is one of the few believers of the Gods of the Old Forest. He is a skilled fisherman and hunter, able to track many animals and is skilled at forest survival. In terms of politics, Avon often finds himself a mediator as he tends to avoid conflicts and choose the most peaceful solutions, even if it's not necessarily beneficial for him. However, Avon can be a warrior when he has to be. His training as a soldier was limited, but what he lacks in skill he makes up for with sheer natural build. Avon is nearly 7 foot tall, can crush rocks with his barehands, and wields a large club. When his daughter was born he cried so many tears that one Riverman commented that it was enough to fill Trident River and still have some left over. Avon named his son Trident after the river where he was found. His hobbies include animal watching, gardening, and taking care of Trident...who's still trying to learn to walk.
QuirkyAngel said:
Lord of Riverrun

Place -- House Tully Leader

Name -- Avon Tully/Rivers.

Age -- 35

Sex -- Male

Sexuality -- Heterosexual

Personality -- Avon is, by nature, an honorable man. He dislikes fighting, but if forced to fight he would prefer the fight to be fair. Avon is trusting, kind, and not prone to anger. He is a hardworking man who is not afraid to get his hands dirty. The people of the Riverlands love him because he is generous, understanding, and willing to do what he can to help his people. Avon truly represents the motto "Family, Duty, Honor". He treasures his family above all else and will do whatever he has to to protect them, even if it means sacrificing his honor...or himself. As the Lord of Riverrun, Avon feels obligated to protect his people. However, his wife and his baby will always come first in his mind. He is utterly unambitious and doesn't give a damn about the Iron Throne. If it weren't for his wife, Avon wouldn't care about the throne at all. Things like court politics, etiquette, and social hierarchy is utterly lost to him. He's a bit of an an eccentric even among the Riverlanders, loving the beauty of nature more than material wealth. Fortunately he has his wife to teach him the ropes. Due to his history, Avon doesn't have many friends in the Tully House and many consider him a joke...though he does have some supporters.

Biography -- Avon is an orphan. He was found floating in the Trident and taken in by the Tully family out of pity, becoming a servant in the household. Avon was given the last name Rivers because he did not have one of his own. His life was that of a typical servant's. His build meant that he did a lot of manual labor and though he never really trained in the way of the sword, his brawling skills were rather decent. Avon did not hate his life and perhaps the only thing he lacked was a sense of identity. Avon loved being outdoors and enjoyed sleeping outdoors where he could see the stars and taking long walks down the Trident. Everything changed when he saved thirteen year old Lyrelia Tully from a bandit that had been trying to kidnap her. Lyrelia became besotted with him. However, Avon did not give her the time of day as she was only a child...and the favorite daughter of the Leader of House Tully at that. So when Lyrelia made a deal with him, saying that if she could get her father's approval, Avon would agree to marry her, Avon accepted in order to humor her and because he thought it was impossible. Avon should have known better. In a short 4 years, Avon found himself the most famous person in the Riverlands. Rumors about him, false and true spread among the Rivermen. Stories about how he saved Lyrelia from a giant, how he was born in the River, and how he could catch 1oo0 barrels of fish in a single day, etc. Opportunities beyond what he could imagine began appearing before him, each one only adding to his fame. He became the commander of Riverrun army and drove back hordes of invaders that threatened his home. He saved the ships of House Tully from a terrible storm. He was the mediator in an argument between House Frey and House Baelish, preventing a full blown war between the two houses. He soon found himself a close confident of the Lord of Riverrun and was eventually offered Lyrelia's hand in marriage--just as Lyrelia had promised him. Thus 33 year old Avon Rivers married 18 year old Lyrelia Tully and, by the unanimous decision of House Tully, was given the title of 'Honorary Tully'. Avon was loved by House Tully...at least until the leader of House Tully(the Lord of Riverrun) died a year later, leaving a letter that declared him the next Leader of House Tully. Whispers of trickery and deceit spread among the members of House Tully, but there was no proof and his fame at that point was too great. Avon suspects that his lovely wife was responsible for the entire thing, but by then, it was far too late. Avon grew to love everything about Lyrelia Tully, her conviction, ambition, her deviousness, her scheming ways...Avon embraced it all. For an orphan who never had a family, Lyrelia and their unborn child was the most important treasure in the world. Therefore, if Lyrelia wanted the Iron Throne, Avon would gladly give it to her.

Other -- He is one of the few believers of the Gods of the Old Forest. He is a skilled fisherman and hunter, able to track many animals and is skilled at forest survival. In terms of politics, Avon often finds himself a mediator as he tends to avoid conflicts and choose the most peaceful solutions, even if it's not necessarily beneficial for him. However, Avon can be a warrior when he has to be. His training as a soldier was limited, but what he lacks in skill he makes up for with sheer natural build. Avon is nearly 7 foot tall, can crush rocks with his barehands, and wields a large club. When his daughter was born he cried so many tears that one Riverman commented that it was enough to fill Trident River and still have some left over. Avon named his son Trident after the river where he was found. His hobbies include animal watching, gardening, and taking care of Trident...who's still trying to learn to walk.

Do you mind liking my first post, just so I know you read the rules? Thanks!

Meera Baratheon



Place #2 - House Baratheon Member - Leader’s Daughter








Meera is a conflicted young lady, torn between who she wants to be and who she needs to be. She wants to be her own person, headstrong and able to think for herself but instead she is the quiet and naïve girl she’s expected to be. After all, girls are just pawns in this game. Meera has learnt to think before she acts, keeping any issues or feelings bottled up inside while playing the perfect obedient daughter. She doesn’t agree with how the world works but knows what she needs to do to survive it which is keep her head down and do as she’s told for now.

Short Biography:

Growing up, Meera knew what was expected of her from the get go. Grow up, marry whoever her father told her too, bear children and just keep her husband happy. This sucked. She didn’t like the idea one bit, preferring the ideal of being able to fight like the boys she grew up around, be able to make her life her own and do as she chose. However Meera knew this wasn’t and option so she played the game, kept her view hidden away and did everything that was expected of her growing up. Now she’s grown into a young woman and Meera knows that the time for her father to marry her off will probably be soon so the next question of her life is with whom does her fate lie?


LittleWolfie said:

Meera Baratheon



Place #2 - House Baratheon Member - Leader’s Daughter








Meera is a conflicted young lady, torn between who she wants to be and who she needs to be. She wants to be her own person, headstrong and able to think for herself but instead she is the quiet and naïve girl she’s expected to be. After all, girls are just pawns in this game. Meera has learnt to think before she acts, keeping any issues or feelings bottled up inside while playing the perfect obedient daughter. She doesn’t agree with how the world works but knows what she needs to do to survive it which is keep her head down and do as she’s told for now.

Short Biography:

Growing up, Meera knew what was expected of her from the get go. Grow up, marry whoever her father told her too, bear children and just keep her husband happy. This sucked. She didn’t like the idea one bit, preferring the ideal of being able to fight like the boys she grew up around, be able to make her life her own and do as she chose. However Meera knew this wasn’t and option so she played the game, kept her view hidden away and did everything that was expected of her growing up. Now she’s grown into a young woman and Meera knows that the time for her father to marry her off will probably be soon so the next question of her life is with whom does her fate lie?




Place -

" Place #2 - House Stark Leader. "

Name -

Tuathal 'Hal' Stark

Age -


Sex -


Sexuality -


Personality -

Tuathal, or 'Hal', is a honorable man. A very, very, very honorable man. He lives by 'the book', and he wouldn't dare break a law. However, he isn't as stern an' strict as people would believe. He knows how to drink, and he does a good job at it. He was known in his youth as "The Wild Wolf", as neither his father or mother could coax him into doing anything lord like. But, as he grew older, he learned how to set his wildness aside and be a proper ruler. He still can be a bit wild now and then, but, his old age has lessened his outbursts. As stated above; he is very honorable and he would sooner die before he saw any of his North men hurt. He isn't interested in The Iron Throne at all, and he doesn't mind the cruel ruling of The Targaryens... as long as it doesn't effect him, his family, or his pupils.

Short Biography -

Tuathal, or 'Hal', was born and raised in Winterfell. He was the oldest of four children; two boys, an' two girls. He grew up learning the ways of being a Lord, but, when he entered his teens- he decided that it wasn't for him. He ran away from home and he decided to travel up north so he could find adventure on the other side of The Wall. But, he was captured by House Umber men and kept there until his father came to take him back to Winterfell.

Whilst at Last Hearth; he met Kerith, a young maiden who was the eldest daughter of 'One Legged Oren Umber'. She was pretty, and fair, and one night- the two made love. Tuathal, being so honor-bound, begged Lord Oren for his daughter's hand in marriage. And, he accepted.

Tuathal returned to Winterfell with his father, and his new soon-to-be wife. But, a year later; House Bolton attacked.

House Bolton had been sworn to House Stark for many years, but, before that- they reigned as kings, red kings. House Stark had always shown love to all its banner men, except House Bolton. In the middle of a winter's night... House Bolton rebelled against House Stark. Lord Daltis Bolton lead the attack and killed Tuathal's parents whilst also taking his youngest sister, Kiera.

Tuathal immediately became the new leader of House Stark. He wasn't ready. His banner men gathered in Winterfell, each of 'em whispering into his ear on what to do with The Boltons. Tuathal was undecided until one day... a carriage rolled up to Winterfell with a half-flayed corpse in it, which belonged to Kiera.

Tuathal became enraged and he gathered up almost all of The North. After a several day march, they struck at The Dreadfort. They killed... they killed thousands. It was a bloody fight, and to this day, still haunts the mind of every man who survived- especially Tuathal.

After the battle; the castellan in-charge of The Dreadfort gave himself up. Lord Daltis was no where to be seen. But, Torin, Tuathal's younger brother who held Moat Cailin, captured Daltis trying to pull another attack on Winterfell. Daltis was slain by Torin, and, Daltis' heir was made to pledge his house to House Stark.

And, so; there was peace in The North. The Boltons didn't attack again. And Tuathal an' Kerith begun to make a family of their own. The next generation of wolves...

Other -

He was very good in combat, but, his old age and years of war faring have left him weakened. He can still put up a pretty good fight, but he is not the fighter he once was. He is good friends with many Northern Lords. He is well respected by most Northerners and some Southerners. He is quite uneducated when it comes to anything south of The Neck.

- - -


Place -

"Place #3 - House Stark Member - Leader's Heir."

Name -

Rordan 'Rory' Stark

Age -


Sex -


Sexuality -


Personality -

Rordan, or 'Rory', clashes with his father in many ways. For one; Rordan isn't a traditionalist. Rordan hates tradition, and he hates how Northerners are so honorable and traditional. When Rordan comes into his lordship he plans on reinventing The North. He wants everyone to be caught up with the politics of The South. He wants his land to thrive and he doesn't care what he does to get it to thrive. If there is one thing Rordan has in common with his father; it'd be his wolf's blood. Rordan is wild, and unpredictable. He sometimes rides to an inn, gets drunk, sleeps around, and doesn't return for days on end.

Short Biography -

Rordan, or 'Rory', was born in a time of peace, an' prosperity for Westeros. The only war to have ever been fought whilst he lived was a rebellion against The Targaryen Dynasty- which was deflated just recently. He was the eldest of Tuathal and Kerith's children, and, thus he was brought up to be heir.

His life was always very... pleasant. But, he didn't want a pleasant life. He wanted adventure. He began to make trouble for his parents, particularly his father.

He start sleeping with the daughters of lords and peasants alike. He started getting into unnecessary bar brawls, he started being a pissant to most he came across.

Like his father; he even tried to run away and join a mercenary group of sorts. But, he was captured and returned safely to Winterfell.

It wasn't until recently that he decided that when he did proceed his father as lord- he'd make a difference. He'd change The North, he'd change Westeros. Until everything is the way he wants it to be.

Other -

Although he is moderately skilled in sword play, Rordan truly shines when he is given a bow. He is one of the finest archers in the land and, his young age aside, has won multiple archery tourneys. He is fascinated with mythical creatures- especially dragons. Although he has a somewhat crazed exterior, he truly does love his family- especially his lil' siblings. He has a soft spot for his brother Kilian, and they oft go hunting together. He has slept with more then fifty women, and, he has suspected that he probably has at least one bastard out there- although he doesn't really care if he does, or not.
Character Application



Place -

Leader of House Starks wife

Name -

Kerith Stark nee Umber

Age -


Sex -


Sexuality -


Personality -

Kerith is the picture of a lady. Graceful and poised with the patients of a saint. She is very smart with a lethal tongue and a cunning wit however is very kind and fair with a stubborn determination that drives her to finish whatever she starts and makes her argue when she is against something. It isn't easy to get under her skin but when it happens it's pretty obvious. She grows flustered and snappish. However that is rare. In front of her family Kerith relaxes and tries to keep everything from going to shit while trying to keep control of her children while giving them the freedom they need to grow. However no matter their age if she feels her children are in danger she becomes a mother lioness protecting her cubs.

She doesn't much care for the conflicts revolving around the iron throne as she is much to busy trying to be a mother. If they hurt her family then it's another matter.

Short Biography -

Kerith was the eldest daughter of Oren Umber. Growing up things were always tense between her and her father. Her father pushed all his children to become stronger and She always tried to balance between being kind and being strong. Being a warrior and a lady. Rather she ever managed is a mystery to even her.

At nineteen she met Tuathal who was being held there until his father could get him. Though she found his wildness to be disorienting and strange she also found it charming. One night the two made love. Soon after his father came to retrieve him and she discovered how honorable he was. Soon after she left and joined her soon to be husband and New family at winterfell.

After the Boltons attacked and Hal left to take care of them she did her best to hold the remaining family together. She did a rather good job but was still relieved when her husband came back. After that they started their own family and she had a new job. Keeping her kids under control.

Other -

Though skilled with daggers Kerith is an archer threw and threw. The air is where she rules though she is rather good at politics when it tickles her fancy.
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]
Character Application


Place -

Leader of House Starks wife

Name -

Kerith Stark nee Umber

Age -


Sex -


Sexuality -


Personality -

Kerith is the picture of a lady. Graceful and poised with the patients of a saint. She is very smart with a lethal tongue and a cunning wit however is very kind and fair with a stubborn determination that drives her to finish whatever she starts and makes her argue when she is against something. It isn't easy to get under her skin but when it happens it's pretty obvious. She grows flustered and snappish. However that is rare. In front of her family Kerith relaxes and tries to keep everything from going to shit while trying to keep control of her children while giving them the freedom they need to grow. However no matter their age if she feels her children are in danger she becomes a mother lioness protecting her cubs.

She doesn't much care for the conflicts revolving around the iron throne as she is much to busy trying to be a mother. If they hurt her family then it's another matter.

Short Biography -

Kerith was the eldest daughter of Oren Umber. Growing up things were always tense between her and her father. Her father pushed all his children to become stronger and She always tried to balance between being kind and being strong. Being a warrior and a lady. Rather she ever managed is a mystery to even her.

At nineteen she met Tuathal who was being held there until his father could get him. Though she found his wildness to be disorienting and strange she also found it charming. One night the two made love. Soon after his father came to retrieve him and she discovered how honorable he was. Soon after she left and joined her soon to be husband and New family at winterfell.

After the Boltons attacked and Hal left to take care of them she did her best to hold the remaining family together. She did a rather good job but was still relieved when her husband came back. After that they started their own family and she had a new job. Keeping her kids under control.

Other -

Though skilled with daggers Kerith is an archer threw and threw. The air is where she rules though she is rather good at politics when it tickles her fancy.

((Is anyone else planning to post? I ask here because not everyone that signed up is subbed to every one of the tabs, and may not see the Out of Character Chat. But it would certainly be nice if we got some more characters settled!))
Picture: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/xm62gxvlptqqocarjr1l.jpg.1a84900cdecbc46f05df166869e88e86.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54688" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/xm62gxvlptqqocarjr1l.jpg.1a84900cdecbc46f05df166869e88e86.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Place - Westeros

Name - Judas Rivers

Age - 29

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Personality - Quiet, Reserved, Pragmatic, Jaded, Analytic

Short Biography - A drifter by nature, Judas is used to being treated with mistrust and disdain. He serves no lord and kneels to no King and seems to have little to no interest in the political state of the Seven Kingdoms. He is a tall, thin man who constantly wears a ragged black cloak and a leather cuirass beneath it. He carried a sword upon his back but never draws it and instead uses a shorter sword which he wears at his side but also is equipped with a bow and quiver of arrows. He doesn't talk much and even less about himself though his surname suggests he may be more than he reveals, despite his look of a filthy vagabond.

Other - Judas is an expert hunter and is thus a deadly marksman. His reserved nature also gives him a broader view at the world, and its people, around him and it has given him a sort of sixth sense about them.



  • xm62gxvlptqqocarjr1l.jpg
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Place - House Arryn Leader

Name - Bryce Arryn, "The Boar upon the Vale"

Age - 31

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Personality - Bryce Arryn is always one to offer a smile, even with the temperament of one who is raised in the vale; however it can be a complicated matter as to what the smile hidden by a thick brown beard actually conveys. Bryce cares greatly for those who has been deigned to watch over in the from the great slopes of the Eyrie, to the great stone battlement that is Harrenhal to the scattered folk along the fingers, it is his desire that those under his influence are allowed to lead their lives free of most worry to the best of their ability. He is also a stalwart man that takes the virtues of fairness,honesty, honor, and justice very seriously. He would hear all his bannermen speak in a day, and insure they had their just dues upon the next. He also treats everyone he meets with respect, until such a time as they prove that they are not worthy of it. However, it is with the temperament of a man sired by the vale that he also counts among his qualities a temper that could rival that of a cornered animal. Truly, that is partly for the reason he received his name of "The Boar upon the Vale," because in his time before and after he was named lord of the Arryn family, he was known not to suffer who he saw as ungrateful, insipid, or without honor for long and his deep baritone voice has been known to rattle the halls of Eyrie in response to those that would provoke him in his home. Although, as now head of his family, he also tries to bottle his truer words below the surface in order to properly act in his station. It is also apparent, through his recent familial losses and appointment to lord of Eyrie, that he has also gained a reputation of harshness a perhaps a bit of a sadistic streak against those who he has perceived as wronging him or his family. While he doles any punishments as fairly as he can, he can also be known to assign very strict terms to those that he sees as striking out at House Arryn. Bryce works as hard as he can to honor his father and eldest brother, and it is this pursuit of honoring his family that would make him make a powerful ally and friend, or someone whose rage would know no bounds.

Short Biography - Bryce Arryn is the third son to Richard Arryn and came into the lordship of the vale quite suddenly through a family tragedy. Bryce grew up while learning from his father and mother about the notions of various virtues and the basics of the politics of Westeros. His brothers helped to shape him into a man of the Vale through learning to fight, survive in the mountains, how to sail the fingers, ride the ridges and so on. Bryce was content to help his family in their work in governing the Vale as he was allowed small token commands and duties to be performed in the name of his house. The day came when his father decided to hand the title of Lord Arryn to his Eldest son and Bryce's brother Mason, whom Bryce worked for in order to secure his position within the Vale and who he swore to uphold as lord of the Vale. This happy time was blackened with the discovery of Mason's body, after apparently jumping from the moon door of the Eyrie in a fit of madness. Bryce could not believe his brother would loose himself in such a way, and he became enraged when he found his second brother Brandon gone in the night and sailing east from Old Anchor. It was by this turn of fate that Bryce was then named Lord of House Arryn and given the responsibility of protecting the Vale. Although at first in grief from taking what he thought should rightfully be his brother's, Bryce soon found that his grief would be no good for the people of the Vale or his family. As such, he would work himself as much as he could to honor his brother's memory and his father's trust, and to swear vengeance on the one he once called brother who disappeared in the night like a sneak. Bryce now sits upon the Eyrie, and he looks to secure his family and people in the game of Westeros.

Bryce Arryn was the third born son to Richard Arryn "Bearer of the Vale" and knew relative peace in his childhood. He was trained in the art of fighting and survival, as all true men of the Vale were supposed to, but Bryce was also allowed to learn small snippets of various intrigues of the politics of his land as he was allowed to attend his father's hearings in the hall of Eyrie, placed near the moon door as he enjoyed the cold mountain air as he listened to his father rule as lord of the Eyrie. While not expected to take up the duties of taking up the mantle of Lord of House Arryn, Bryce still allowed himself to help to his father and two older brothers as much as he could; he honestly found the politics that his father partook to be fascinating, despite the woeful stories that Richard told his son of the game of Westeros. He also looked up to his two brothers; Mason Arryn, the first and eldest, and Brandon Arryn, the second and mischievous, an as they helped to teach him various new things as in horse-riding, how to sail a small mast, and various other pursuits. They might have had their fights and differences, but Bryce was glad to have such brothers as Mason and Brandon. Ultimately, Bryce himself found that hearing the stories of his mother, Lorelai, that he found his own personality to take shape. He had loved the stories of the Age of Heroes and found himself trying to live up to the weighty standards of honor that he heard of which lead to a time of Bryce being called the third and honorable by those that knew the house Arryn.

Bryce grew up content as he took a greater role in taking command of small detachments of his father's guards and visiting various banner houses on family business, and while the opportunities to take effort where few, Bryce allowed himself the satisfaction that by his work he was helping his family, and that was what mattered to him most of all. The most notable event of Bryce's life up until his appointment to lord had been the story passed around the Vale of his ferocious fight with the largest boar ever seen atop the mountains of the moon, and that their battle could be heard sounding and roaring for two days straight until he had emerged from the craggy ridge lines while hauling his prize from below the moon gate and up the great steps before finally dragging the monstrous boar by its overgrown tusks into the courtyard of the Eyrie. This feat combined with his fiery temper allowed him to be named as vicious as a boar, and he became known as "Boarson" which is father and mother neither appreciated, due to its implications for both of them. Bryce had never understood how the tale emerged like that, he had been with some of his Father's best men and hunters, they had cornered the beast, he had been a little lucky in felling it quickly, and it was definitely not the largest boar in the Vale; however, that didn't stop Bryce from not correcting the story anytime he heard it told.

At last the day came that his father decided to pass on the the title to the eldest son Mason because while his father had some years left still, he did not think the seat of the Eyrie should be held by a man stinking of death and wheezing due to the height of his seat. Bryce was proud of his brother as he went about helping secure his position, going so far as being sent to the seat of power in King's Landing to tell their king the news of the change in power. However, only a few short months in to his brothers station, they had found one early morning the body of Lord Mason at the bottom of the mountain outside the moon doors; it was thought that he had a spout of madness and allowed himself to fall through in the middle of the night. Bryce could not believe such a thing could happen, his brother did not go mad out of nowhere, he knew him better than that. Bryce began to then become paranoid over who could have possibly done such a thing, and his suspicions were only heightened when his brother Brandon disappeared in the middle of the night. Reports held him forking over a large amount of gold to take a boat loaded with supplies out of Old Anchor and was sailing east. This situation had struck Bryce hard, exactly why was his family being struck by such horrendous happenings in such a short time? It was with a cloud of anxiety that Bryce was then named Lord of House Arryn by his father, as he felt that he was taking the place of someone else from under their very feet. It drove him mad for the first few weeks of his appointment, but he soon realized that he could not simply let his grief allow house Arryn to fall by the wayside; if he wanted to honor his father and brother, he would perform to the up-most of his abilities. Now known as "The boar upon the Vale," Bryce looks to engage the game of Westeros for the first true time, and with a heavy heart for Mason, to loving heart for his parents who serve as he council, to a burning heart for what he might do should he ever lay eyes upon Brandon Arryn again. Bryce now sits upon the Eyrie, coming into his own with HIS bannermen, and ready to his duty.

Other - ( Habits, Hobbies, Skills, ETC... ) Practiced in sword and spear fighting, some archery and horseback riding, with no bearing or knowledge of being a knight. Enjoys reading and hearing of stories of the time of heroes in whatever form he can get them. Known to have odd sleep habits at seemingly random.
Last edited by a moderator:
[QUOTE="Ezra Mizrahi]Picture: View attachment 125565
Place - Westeros

Name - Judas Rivers

Age - 29

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Personality - Quiet, Reserved, Pragmatic, Jaded, Analytic

Short Biography - A drifter by nature, Judas is used to being treated with mistrust and disdain. He serves no lord and kneels to no King and seems to have little to no interest in the political state of the Seven Kingdoms. He is a tall, thin man who constantly wears a ragged black cloak and a leather cuirass beneath it. He carried a sword upon his back but never draws it and instead uses a shorter sword which he wears at his side but also is equipped with a bow and quiver of arrows. He doesn't talk much and even less about himself though his surname suggests he may be more than he reveals, despite his look of a filthy vagabond.

Other - Judas is an expert hunter and is thus a deadly marksman. His reserved nature also gives him a broader view at the world, and its people, around him and it has given him a sort of sixth sense about them.


Also; can you please like the first post so I know ya' read the rules? Oh, and could you please tell me how your character is related to Avon Tully? Thanks!

SwiftThunder said:

Place - House Arryn Leader

Name - Bryce Arryn, "The Boar upon the Vale"

Age - 31

Sex - Male

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Personality - Bryce Arryn is always one to offer a smile, even with the temperament of one who is raised in the vale; however it can be a complicated matter as to what the smile hidden by a thick brown beard actually conveys. Bryce cares greatly for those who has been deigned to watch over in the from the great slopes of the Eyrie, to the great stone battlement that is Harrenhal to the scattered folk along the fingers, it is his desire that those under his influence are allowed to lead their lives free of most worry to the best of their ability. He is also a stalwart man that takes the virtues of fairness,honesty, honor, and justice very seriously. He would hear all his bannermen speak in a day, and insure they had their just dues upon the next. He also treats everyone he meets with respect, until such a time as they prove that they are not worthy of it. However, it is with the temperament of a man sired by the vale that he also counts among his qualities a temper that could rival that of a cornered animal. Truly, that is partly for the reason he received his name of "The Boar upon the Vale," because in his time before and after he was named lord of the Arryn family, he was known not to suffer who he saw as ungrateful, insipid, or without honor for long and his deep baritone voice has been known to rattle the halls of Eyrie in response to those that would provoke him in his home. Although, as now head of his family, he also tries to bottle his truer words below the surface in order to properly act in his station. It is also apparent, through his recent familial losses and appointment to lord of Eyrie, that he has also gained a reputation of harshness a perhaps a bit of a sadistic streak against those who he has perceived as wronging him or his family. While he doles any punishments as fairly as he can, he can also be known to assign very strict terms to those that he sees as striking out at House Arryn. Bryce works as hard as he can to honor his father and eldest brother, and it is this pursuit of honoring his family that would make him make a powerful ally and friend, or someone whose rage would know no bounds.

Short Biography - Bryce Arryn is the third son to Richard Arryn and came into the lordship of the vale quite suddenly through a family tragedy. Bryce grew up while learning from his father and mother about the notions of various virtues and the basics of the politics of Westeros. His brothers helped to shape him into a man of the Vale through learning to fight, survive in the mountains, how to sail the fingers, ride the ridges and so on. Bryce was content to help his family in their work in governing the Vale as he was allowed small token commands and duties to be performed in the name of his house. The day came when his father decided to hand the title of Lord Arryn to his Eldest son and Bryce's brother Mason, whom Bryce worked for in order to secure his position within the Vale and who he swore to uphold as lord of the Vale. This happy time was blackened with the discovery of Mason's body, after apparently jumping from the moon door of the Eyrie in a fit of madness. Bryce could not believe his brother would loose himself in such a way, and he became enraged when he found his second brother Brandon gone in the night and sailing east from Old Anchor. It was by this turn of fate that Bryce was then named Lord of House Arryn and given the responsibility of protecting the Vale. Although at first in grief from taking what he thought should rightfully be his brother's, Bryce soon found that his grief would be no good for the people of the Vale or his family. As such, he would work himself as much as he could to honor his brother's memory and his father's trust, and to swear vengeance on the one he once called brother who disappeared in the night like a sneak. Bryce now sits upon the Eyrie, and he looks to secure his family and people in the game of Westeros.

Bryce Arryn was the third born son to Richard Arryn "Bearer of the Vale" and knew relative peace in his childhood. He was trained in the art of fighting and survival, as all true men of the Vale were supposed to, but Bryce was also allowed to learn small snippets of various intrigues of the politics of his land as he was allowed to attend his father's hearings in the hall of Eyrie, placed near the moon door as he enjoyed the cold mountain air as he listened to his father rule as lord of the Eyrie. While not expected to take up the duties of taking up the mantle of Lord of House Arryn, Bryce still allowed himself to help to his father and two older brothers as much as he could; he honestly found the politics that his father partook to be fascinating, despite the woeful stories that Richard told his son of the game of Westeros. He also looked up to his two brothers; Mason Arryn, the first and eldest, and Brandon Arryn, the second and mischievous, an as they helped to teach him various new things as in horse-riding, how to sail a small mast, and various other pursuits. They might have had their fights and differences, but Bryce was glad to have such brothers as Mason and Brandon. Ultimately, Bryce himself found that hearing the stories of his mother, Lorelai, that he found his own personality to take shape. He had loved the stories of the Age of Heroes and found himself trying to live up to the weighty standards of honor that he heard of which lead to a time of Bryce being called the third and honorable by those that knew the house Arryn.

Bryce grew up content as he took a greater role in taking command of small detachments of his father's guards and visiting various banner houses on family business, and while the opportunities to take effort where few, Bryce allowed himself the satisfaction that by his work he was helping his family, and that was what mattered to him most of all. The most notable event of Bryce's life up until his appointment to lord had been the story passed around the Vale of his ferocious fight with the largest boar ever seen atop the mountains, and that their battle could be heard sounding and roaring for two days straight until he had emerged from the craggy ridge lines while hauling his prize from below the moon gate and up the great steps before finally dragging the monstrous boar by its overgrown tusks into the courtyard of the Eyrie. This feat combined with his fiery temper allowed him to be named as vicious as a boar, and he became known as "Boarson" which is father and mother neither appreciated, due to its implications for both of them. Bryce had never understood how the tale emerged like that, he had been with some of his Father's best men and hunters, they had cornered the beast, he had been a little lucky in felling it quickly, and it was definitely not the largest boar in the Vale; however, that didn't stop Bryce from not correcting the story anytime he heard it told.

At last the day came that his father decided to pass on the the title to the eldest son Mason because while his father had some years left still, he did not think the seat of the Eyrie should be held by a man stinking of death and wheezing due to the height of his seat. Bryce was proud of his brother as he went about helping secure his position, going so far as being sent to the seat of power in King's Landing to tell their king the news of the change in power. However, only a few short months in to his brothers station, they had found one early morning the body of Lord Mason at the bottom of the mountain outside the moon doors; it was thought that he had a spout of madness and allowed himself to fall through in the middle of the night. Bryce could not believe such a thing could happen, his brother did not go mad out of nowhere, he knew him better than that. Bryce began to then become paranoid over who could have possibly done such a thing, and his suspicions were only heightened when his brother Brandon disappeared in the middle of the night. Reports held him forking over a large amount of gold to take a boat loaded with supplies out of Old Anchor and was sailing east. This situation had struck Bryce hard, exactly why was his family being struck by such horrendous happenings in such a short time? It was with a cloud of anxiety that Bryce was then named Lord of House Arryn by his father, as he felt that he was taking the place of someone else from under their very feet. It drove him mad for the first few weeks of his appointment, but he soon realized that he could not simply let his grief allow house Arryn to fall by the wayside; if he wanted to honor his father and brother, he would perform to the up-most of his abilities. Now known as "The boar upon the Vale," Bryce looks to engage the game of Westeros for the first true time, and with a heavy heart for Mason, to loving heart for his parents who serve as he council, to a burning heart for what he might do should he ever lay eyes upon Brandon Arryn again. Bryce now sits upon the Eyrie, coming into his own with HIS bannermen, and ready to his duty.

Other - ( Habits, Hobbies, Skills, ETC... ) Practiced in sword and spear fighting, some archery and horseback riding, with no bearing or knowledge of being a knight. Enjoys reading and hearing of stories of the time of heroes in whatever form he can get them. Known to have odd sleep habits at seemingly random.


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