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Fantasy A Seer's Dream (An Arranged Marriage RP)

Camilla Riddle

Slytherin's Queen

  • Please do not GODMOD! I'm not sure what all will happen in this RP but I do plan on some opposition to Carissa's Idea in this. I just don't want any character to be over powered.

    I want all characters to be at least 16. This is young for our time, I know, but it isn't all that young for someone in the past.

    You can literally be any kind of sentient creature you would like. Elves, Dwarves, Shifters, Vampires, ect. It doesn't matter. I would just ask that everyone stay away from creatures that don't have a mostly human form like Centaurs and the like. It would be really hard to sleep next to them.

    The soul marks will be given by me. They will be a word or phrase that will have something to do with their soul-bonded. You can ask for a specific person as your character's soul-bonded and I will try to get it worked out.

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Carissa Dragonstooth

Age and Birthdate

24, March 21st


Dragon Shifter


The Dragon Clan


She is just below the Chief as the Seer to the Clan.

Magic Element

* Light

* Earth


* Triangular Assassin Blades attached to ribbons that wrap around her wrists


* The Sight- She has the ability to see the future or details about things or people in her dreams and day dreams.

* Healing- She can heal most wounds or at least keep them from killing a person.













Placement of Soul Mark:

This can be anywhere on the body, but they can be concealed by talismans or spells until the person marries their bonded. The only time this isn't true is within the palace. The palace and grounds have wards to disrupt these methods and make the mark show as long as the person is on the grounds.

Previous Relationships

Not all characters are going to be single! Carissa sent her invites based on the mark, not on anything else!



I do not intend to be rude in any way. Do you mind if I design my own code for the profile? They way yours is formatted, there are spaces where they shouldn't be and you can't see everything.




Full Name: Serenity Comstock

Age and Birthdate: 18, 23rd December (If they go by our calendar?)

Race: Half Shadow-Elf, Half Siren (Yet she still has a complete human body.)


Shadow-Elf clan



Magic Element

Dark and Water


* Two daggers (melee)

*A staff (ranged)


* Light healing powers

*Creation of illusions


*Animals in general

*Spending some time on her own simply reading a book

*Has a faible for sweets


*When others annoy her even though she wants some time to herself

*Others telling her what to do

*Others being loud


*Fear of losing everything

*Fear of heights


Heterosexual Heteroromantic

Placement of Soul Mark:

Her Soul Mark is placed on her lower back.

Previous Relationships

Serenity has never been the one to easily fall in love, since she mostly sees others as a burden, more than a help. Yet, her father has paired her with a higher ranked Shadow-Elf in her clan, in hopes of raising their ranks in the clan. Serenity was against it, but couldn't do much against her fathers will, and so, she's still in this forced and platonic relationship.


Serenity seems like a very cold and serious person. Yet, this is only a shell that she has built around her. Underneath this shell, there's actually a very fragile and shy girl, that's way too afraid to open up to others. Rarely someone is interested in getting to know her, but if someone actually does get to know her better, she tends to get attached to them rather quickly. She turns out to kind-hearted and caring girl, who'd do everything for others.

Nevertheless her humour is always dry and sarcastic, almost dark.


Serenity's father was attracted by a sirens song, like many other men, yet this time the siren did decide to spare the Shadow-Elf, as she felt attracted to him, much liks love at first sight. This siren turned out to be Serenity's mother. Sadly she died during labour, and Serenity was left to be raised by her strict father.

In their clan, she was barely accepted, being only a half blood. Shs went through a lot of bullying and her father's strict attitude didn't help with the situation. She had a rather unhealthy relationship with her father, which turned even worse when he paired his daughter off with another Shadow-Elf from the clan.

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[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]Also, may I have two characters?

I had actually put those spaces in there on purpose. It was to break it up. But I guess I don't mind. I just prefer the profiles to be uniform.... You can have as many characters as you want though. And the colors on the profile can be changed, the code is just a default

The nature is a gift Given to us by our Mother Nature and therefore we must not abuse it for it might abuse us back


Full Name:

Cassiopeia Valora X

Age and Birth date:

August 7 of 20th??(calendar?)




Solamoon Clan



Magic Element

* Earth and Water





* Can Manipulate Nature by the power of earth

*Water Manipulator


*animals,plants and flowers

*Dancing around the forest

*new things she never seen before


*some who are mean to her

*everything that is Dying

*once who abuse nature gift


*losing her power


Placement of Soul Mark:

on her back

Previous Relationships

Cassiopeia is a kind girl who is also pure. she dint have anytime on so called relationship yet all her sisters are married. But one day a young man roam to their clan and lain an eyes on her yet in return she dint like him back. but her father game an agreement for them to have a Relationship for the clans reputation but she cant desobey her father so she dont have much to do. Even thoe she dont like and and love the man she feels completely hopeless


Cassiopeia is a really like really shy woman but have big dream about her life. She love to go on an adventure and be free. She is very kind and Generous and she love the nature also she is pure innocent.


As improbable as it was for a child to survive in the inhospitable Forest by herself, she did just that. Her youthful innocence and a fortunate naivete caused her to appeal to the beasts of that place and to her mother and father who teach and show her the life of their race and culture. She grew and somehow absorbed the raw magic of the dense wilds, evolving beyond both her human physiology and her affectation. Now a fierce, nigh-mythical protector,her Kingdom and family fight viciously tooth and nail against any who would threaten the vast jungle she calls home.

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[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]Yhey am i accepted? xD over exited xD

The only thing I'd ask is for you to either change the background color or your text color.

Also, I just thought of this but could everyone place a spot for Orientation above the placement if the soul mark. It just might help me to know which way your characters swing xD just thought of it, sorry. You can even make it where they think they're straight, but they aren't and I can do it based on what they really are

Requested Soul Bond:

@Devious Dilbert


"Take me as I am or watch me as I go."


~ Stubborn; she will not budge for anything (usually), making her hard to deal with.

Childish; she acts like a child at times. Whether it be her plushies, pouting, or child like energy.

~ Outspoken; she really share her opinion no matter what and without a care, usually in a loud manner.

~ Competitive; she takes them very serious and will stop at nothing to win

~ Feisty; despite her size, she acts like she could take down a Giant single-handily, touch and aggressive at times.

~ Independent; she dislikes help from others and dislikes asking for help even more.

~ "Fearless"; she acts like nothing scares her, when in fact the silliest things can cause her to squeak and cry.

~ Jealous; She can be extremely possessive and jealous over her friends and especially romantic partner.

~ Resentful; despite the tough girl act, she is quite sensitive and can get hurt easily by words and will try to get even with them.

~ Brave; in battle she is brave and will face the biggest beast in order to protect others.

~ Faithful; learning from her parents bad example, she became very trustworthy and loyal, never cheating on those shes with

~ Ambitious: she was taught that power and position were key, her aiming for the stars. Or more specifically, the Ceto Clan throne.

~ Clumsy; anything non-battle wise, she is clumsy. Just walking. Trips over air.

~ Secretive; even though shes a trust worthy person, she doesnt trust others that well. She will not let other people know whats going on in her mind so easily.


Aerwyna was born into the lesser Water Nymph clan called Ceto. Her father was the daughter of the former Chief, deciding to 'illegally' marry a human and have Aerwyna. Her parents loved her, but her grandfather offered two options to her mother.

Her dad or the throne.

Worried for her Clan, she picked Power over Love, father leaving in a rage.

He fled to Cetos rivaling clan, Kavika and remarried there.

Aerwyna was practically a bastard, raised by her mother until she took the throne and married a new man.

Thus after, her half-siblings were born, having to deal with the little brats.

Once she reached the age of 8, she practically lived and breathed magic and combat training, her trainers being merciless and strict.

Upon the age of 13, she was allowed (well kinda forced) to compete in the monthly competitions between Ceto and Kavika.

There, she met Oki, whom she was taught to hate, her rival.

Heavily competitive, the two would go at it seriously, usually ending in ties.

Getting older, she began to date. Of course no one from Kavika.

But, the dating wasn't very serious and she couldn't seem to click.

But, then she met Kai..

Aerwyna thought they were meant to be together and even softened up for him..

But, he became controlling and possessive, worse than her.

He wouldnt let her talk to certain people, wear certain things and freak out when she was gone for 10 minutes, and even taking her virginity although she wasn't exactly ready.

He even nearly killed one of her childhood friends in assumption of him hitting on her.

She didnt know it was a form of abuse until they broke up..

She wasn't sure if that made things better or worse but she never told anyone, everyone just thought of them as a once, very happy couple.





Name: Aerwyna Brimlad

Birth: 17 | October 30th (Scorpio)

Race: Water Nymph/Human

Clan: Ceto Clan (Minor Water Nymph Clan)

Rank: Next Chief of the Clan

Orientation: Pansexual






Hair: Aqua | Past her bum

Eyes: Aqua

Height: 5'2

Weight: 115lbs

BWH: 83-56-83 (Hourglass)


M A G I C +




Magic Element: Water | Fire

Weapons: Dual Metal Fans


~ Healing w/ Water Manipulation; Stronger/More effective on anybody but her

~ Advanced Fire Manipulation; explosions, setting on, casting oh my

Unlocked when married




~ Sweet/Spicy Food

~ Blowing up stuff

~ Drinking/Alcohol

~ Rebelling

~ Plushies/Rag Dolls

~ Dragons



~ Salt (Food and People wise)

~ Extinguishing of her fire

~ Goody Two Shoes

~ People finding out she likes plushies/Rag Dolls


~ Thunderstorms

~ The Dark

~ Loved ones leaving her

Soul Mark: On her belly button

Previous Relationships: She had been in various relationships with people of all sorts (No, she aint a whore). But, her most recent would have to be a half-merman named Kai. They didnt end on very good terms. He was...crazy



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[QUOTE="Camilla Riddle]And yes, its by our calendar

bro ahahha i have edited meh character bio (mostly just add something in it ahahahah xD )

Requested soul-bond: Aerwyna - @dorkling


Even if we weren't who we wanted, it's fated either way. And I'd rather oblige to what was already chosen for me than waste my own time trying to combat inevitability. It's hard for me to accept too, but there's no room for arguing against our providence.

Full Name:

Oki Kavika


Full-blooded human


5'9 1/2 & 140-150 lbs.


Age and Birth date:

19 years of age. Born June 29th.


Kavika clan


Next in line for head position.

Magic Element:





*Simple sword. Main offense. Nothing fancy.

*Simple daggers. Secondary weapon. Nothing fancy.


*Manipulation of water

*Manipulation of thunder

*Can turn water into ice freely


*Well-mannered individuals


*Sympathy and empathy


*Honorable people

*Whenever he's given the chance to chill, honestly

*Having plans and backup plans

*Praise and reassurance




*Poor manners


*Condescending speech


*Those who are not merciful

*Reckless individuals

*Being teased ):


*Failing his clan.

*Being incompetent.

*Betrayal and being used.



Placement of Soul Mark:

Right lower hip

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Previous Relationships:

Had past relationships, is currently arranged to be married to a girl of high wealth and status back in his territory.


Oki carries himself very properly and formally. He is well-versed, civilized, and tries his best to keep himself looking professional, even when having his moments. He does not like to be viewed as uncultured, rowdy, or irrational, and will refrain from such behavior. Because of this, he may appear as uptight. And in truth, as much as he may deny it- he is. He is very cautious in everything that he says and does and he seems to never be at rest. He will always think before acting, and is not one to jump into anything without planning ahead, especially into potentially dangerous situations where a lot of risk is involved. And when others that he wishes to protect are with him, he takes countless precautions to keep them from harm. His upbringing was very strict and his personality was shaped to reflect that.

He is very emotional- which he also tends to deny. However, although he is sensitive, he will not let his judgement be clouded by how he feels. And he will not act irrationally based solely on emotion. One of his quirks is that he's easily swayed by sob-stories whether they turn out to be true or not.

He's also a very worrisome individual, tending to be concerned over some of the smallest details and prone to being stressed out frequently over them. This is all due to how caring and attentive he is to both practical matters and when concerning other people. Oki is very sympathetic and will actively worry over people's well-being- both physically and emotionally if he cares about them. He's often seen as mother-like and hates when those around him tease him for it. But deep down inside, he's probably accepted the role as his own.

Oki is honorable and he appreciates others who show the same trait. he has very defined morals and he does not like when those around him are savage, merciless, or brutal. He will often intervene when he sees displays of these acts. If he were to be given a label, he would want it to be a 'good' one, adding honor and justice to his name. He prides himself on his mercy and compassion for others. He is not in it for the glory, but for genuinely helping and caring for others. He is definitely one of the good guys.

One of his faults is how selfless he is. When others close to him ask for his help, he feels obliged to complete whatever task they need from him. He often will sacrifice his own time to make those whom he cares about happy. He tends to keep doing this without complaint until he realizes how hard it is for him to juggle everybody's demands along with his own. And when it finally becomes too much for him, he'll snap without warning. He's much like this with other certain situations and he hates when he realizes that he's being used, which is sadly very easy to do.

A positive trait that he possesses is how generous he is to his loved ones. He is very giving when it comes to materialistic values, but at the same time, he is less inclined to give too much to strangers. But if you are close to him, he is more than willing to share with you whatever he has. Though, he can feel very underappreciated and bitter when people do not give back as equally.


Oki's last name is derived from the clan that he was born into, the Kavika clan. His grandmother and grandfather were the heads and he was next in line. It was an old tradition to skip generations when passing down the privilege. His mother could only birth one son. Her body wouldn't allow her to become pregnant again, so Oki was an only child. And this was troublesome. The next head of the clan was always the strongest in body and mind out of all possible suitors. But because of Oki not having any siblings, they were only left with one possible choice. Oki was to be put into power by default. And being left with no room for mistakes or faults, Oki
had to be fit for ruling by the end of his training. There would be no alternative.

As soon as the clan saw fit, they put him under training. His clan was that of guardians willing to work for those who were wealthy enough to purchase their services. And Oki had to become adept at combat in order to represent his clansmen. While training, they were strict on him. He could not fail his clan if he were to be their next leader. He trained himself in body with physical combat and in mind with his magical elements, water and thunder, both complimented each other, but were excellent alone. In time, he was told of his long-time rivaling competitors, the Ceto. And he was to surpass their daughter, Aerwyna, in terms of power and skill. Being young, and with no other purpose but to train and gain in strength, he was motivated to become head of the clan. And he made it an aspiration of his own to fulfill what was expected of him. And this meant beating Aerwyna. And thus, he was raised to overpower her. He soon adopted a harshly competitive attitude towards her, despite never meeting her. Personally, if the situation were not how it was, he would not have had such negative view of the girl.

In time, the two rivaling clans would begin their competitions in order to prove their dominance to one another when Oki had reached the age of 15. And this was when he met his so-called opposing rival. The girl seemed to be a couple years younger than him, but she was powerful nonetheless even at such a young age. And the two would always end their matches in a draw. This dragged itself on for the remainder of his life. And he had always kept his mentality of having to beat this girl in order to prove his worth to his clan. His pride, image, and honor would either be tarnished or upsurge with a simple change of outcome regarding the victor of their clashes. And he did not want to fail his clan, in fact- it was one of his biggest fears. Everybody seemed to count on him to validate their clan's value.

With years passing, Oki became romantically involved with others, but they were never serious affairs. Many were just your average teenage relationships. And once he had reached the age of 18, he was pressured into finding a wife as the clan must have two heads. And after another year was to pass, he was set up to be married to a girl who managed to buy her way into the clan's ranks. But right before their marriage, he was sent an invitation to Carissa Dragonstooth's palace to find his soul-bonded. Of course, he accepted her request of his presence in the hopes of finding his other half and finally gaining the power to beat Aerwyna.


Sun sign: Cancer

Actually a very good cook.


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I won't let fear compromise who I am.


Amelia Madison

Seventeen, born on April 17







Magic Element

* Earth

* Water




* Can manipulate plants (make them grow, etc.)

* Manipulation of water (a limited amount)



* Lillies

* Books

* Cats


* Fighting

* Sour food

* Fish


* Violence

* Heights



Placement of Soul Mark:

This can be anywhere on the body, but they can be concealed by talismans or spells until the person marries their bonded. The only time this isn't true is within the palace. The palace and grounds have wards to disrupt these methods and make the mark show as long as the person is on the grounds.

Previous Relationships:

Amelia had a fiance, who she was engaged to since she was young. However, she is somewhat afraid of him now....


Amelia was raised to be a proper lady, and it shows. She is polite and poised, as is expected of a woman who was born noble. She is, however, slightly arrogant, seeing herself above other people- or, at the very least, servants and slaves. However, she is vastly loyal to her friends and allies, doing what she can for them when necessary.


Amelia was born in a formerly noble family, the only daughter out of three children. She was raised with the expectations that came with being nobleborn- learning how to run a house and expecting to marry well. She was catered to her entire life, and given almost anything she wanted, but has never handled a weapon in her life. However, five months ago, the man that she had been engaged to since she was three suddenly appeared at the estate, claiming that he wanted to see his fiance, but then left the next morning. However, when Amelia walked through the estate to find her parents, she only found bodies. Obviously, Amelia's engagement to her fiance was canceled. Not knowing how or why her family was killed, she ran to her uncle, who had agreed to protect her until things were settled. However, an invitation arrived for her before she figured out what had happened, and she decided to go to the castle.


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