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Fantasy A season at court

hey can I make a character that's like a entertainer or dancer for the court when there are balls, parties and things like that?
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[QUOTE="Warden Click]I think I could be the Regent. Is there anything I should look out for?

Two things. The regent can't participate in the courting activities. He also has to be the same age as the King, older, or only 4 years younger.

It appears that the needed roles are not taken yet. However i want my character to be a Princess. Can i make a character thats a different Princess, even though there are missing needed characters.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Question:
It appears that the needed roles are not taken yet. However i want my character to be a Princess. Can i make a character thats a different Princess, even though there are missing needed characters.

From what country?
animegirl20 said:
hey can I make a character that's like a entertainer or dancer for the court when there are balls, parties and things like that?
They would be the royal entertainer, so there all the time, but yes.
[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions]From what country?

What do i know, i have no character concept yet. I wanna know if i can make a character here at first...

Because the two needed princesses are already taken, right?
<p>There seems to be a quiet a bit of confusion about the Prince and Princess as people keep mistaking it as 2 princesses or 2 princes. One is a bastard born Prince, meaning he has no true claim to the throne, well the other is a Princess in what seems to be in an Agnatic succession nation (Only males inherit) Even though I'm not the RP host/thread creator I wanted to clear this up for people who didn't understand.</p>
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Alexander9223 said:
There seems to be a quiet a bit of confusion about the Prince and Princess as people keep mistaking it as 2 princesses or 2 princes. One is a bastard born Prince, meaning he has no true claim to the throne, well the other is a Princess in what seems to be in an Agnatic succession nation (Only males inherit) Even though I'm not the RP host/thread creator I wanted to clear this up for people who didn't understand.
I guess the words princes and Princess can be mixed up easily.

However that does not help me out. The death mage Princess is taken as far as i know.
[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions]Yes, and yes to your other request too.

Cool, so I can play the visiting Noble and the Death Mage Princess? ^^ I can get their sheets done in the next two days. Thank you!
SoraSama14 said:
Cool, so I can play the visiting Noble and the Death Mage Princess? ^^ I can get their sheets done in the next two days. Thank you!
As far as I can tell the Death mage Princess is already taken.

@Ami the breadling Sorry, that wasn't directed at you alone, also I apologize if my statement seemed rude.
SoraSama14 said:
Cool, so I can play the visiting Noble and the Death Mage Princess? ^^ I can get their sheets done in the next two days. Thank you!
I'm sorry, I actually made a mistake. You can't play the original death mage princess, but I could add in another one, as like a twin sister or something. Again, really sorry.
So as the deathmage is taken... Maybe i could do a visiting German Princess. AS you took a real country, i may do so too, right?
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]What do i know, i have no character concept yet. I wanna know if i can make a character here at first...
Because the two needed princesses are already taken, right?

Yes, but she could be visiting from one of the neighbouring countries, like Sarah.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]So as the deathmage is taken... Maybe i could do a visiting German Princess. AS you took a real country, i may do so too, right?

Of course. This is in fact set in our real world, just one with magic.
[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions]I'm sorry, I actually made a mistake. You can't play the original death mage princess, but I could add in another one, as like a twin sister or something. Again, really sorry.

Oh, alright. I'll just stick with my OC then!
@Scattered Ambitions I've read the rules, and I don't quite think I've violated any, the current names I'm using for my character's last name and duchy's name are really just place holders until I get something in Spanish.
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[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions]Of course. This is in fact set in our real world, just one with magic.

So i can do a german Princess visiting. I like that. Give me a day or two for the CS. Got to get the coding done on mobile.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]So i can do a german Princess visiting. I like that. Give me a day or two for the CS. Got to get the coding done on mobile.

I understand, I had to put the thread together on my phone. Anyway, I can't wait to see her!
[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions]I understand, I had to put the thread together on my phone. Anyway, I can't wait to see her!

Also you really give me a hard time with the proof ive read the rules. Discretely with that isn't that easy.

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