A School Were We Belong

Character sheet:



Age- (12-18)

Appearance- (picture, no anime)

Why you are different- (max; two reasons)





Name- Elizabeth

Gender- Female

Age- 16



Why you are different- Anorexia, bisxual

Bio- She was always made fun of in school because she was chubby. It started in grade 6, she was over-weight for her age and people couldn't accept that. By the time she was in grade 7 she lost 15 pounds, and has been losing ever since. Another reason why she was bullied was because people in her school couldn't accept the fact that she was lesbian. She was never invited to sleepovers, or hang out with her.

Personality- Because of the bullying she's always quiet. She thinks guys won't accept who she is and what she does so she kind of just keeps her crushes to herself. She's very sweet and nice if you get to know her. She has trust issues, it takes a lot for a person to get her to open up.

Other- She has a tattoo of the national eating disorder sign on her hip


And a gay pride tattoo on her wrist

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Name- Raven Faye (or sometimes Ray)

Gender- Female

Age- 16

Appearance- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.7d023a9d9ecf1aa24b2765a86bd46ee9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.7d023a9d9ecf1aa24b2765a86bd46ee9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Why you are different- Bulimia, socially awkward

Bio- Born and raised in Australia, Raven was picked on for not having any friends. By grade 8, this had drove her to feeling self-conscious about her body and having a low self-esteem. She started eating large amounts of food to feel better but stayed thin by forcing herself to vomit. By grade 9 many people knew about it which caused her to be even more disliked and her boyfriend to call her a disgusting rat and leave her. It eventually got her so hated that her mother was shot and killed causing her to move to the states

Personality- She keeps her feelings to herself and stays pretty quiet due to her accent. She trusts no one and doesn't open up to anyone especially guys because she is afraid she will be judged. People think she's a tough-as-nails punk kid from her exterior but once you get to know her, she's a real sweet, caring softy.

Other- She has a belly piercing, ears are pierced normally and one at the top of her right ear. She has a necklace that was her mothers that she never takes off. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.973bfd0ea0e47ab0f1971cef5b560a13.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.973bfd0ea0e47ab0f1971cef5b560a13.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She also has two tattoos- a Raven on the back of her right shoulder<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.f93f7613c38f169357f50e4bf74f4bca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.f93f7613c38f169357f50e4bf74f4bca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And a fighter tattoo on her left shoulder<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.0513e2032be6e646d88fb8df70a5f438.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21010" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.0513e2032be6e646d88fb8df70a5f438.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name- Marcella Fürst

Gender- Female

Age- 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.3eceff1bb25458cce423daeb5cd3a0ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21011" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.3eceff1bb25458cce423daeb5cd3a0ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Differences- Misophonia, the disorder coined by the Jastreboffs in which one does not find certain ambient sound(s) pleasing and often are angered or enraged by hearing them. Some sounds like tapping on a table, flipping the page of a book, or even clipping nails can anger them! Misokenesia, the hatred of movements. Some things like the shaking of legs or arms, tapping motion, or even the motion of moving certain objects. This causes anxiety and or social withdrawal.

Biography- Sob stories sound great in books, but Marcella's was no sob story. At least she didn't think it was. She was born in Vietnam but raised in a German environment where her family constantly did things like hug each other, kiss each other's cheeks, and spoke loudly. Since attending a Vietnamese school, they were taught to be quiet and not speak unless asked, she found boisterous nonsense very odd visiting Germany.

After moving to America, the culture bothered her even more. The sounds of the noisy laughters of delirious teenagers, the screaming of young adolescents oblivious to the world, and even the stomping of angry businessmen's feet irritated her. She became angry at the slightest stomp or the smallest smack when someone was chewing gum. Therapists diagnosed her with Misophonia, the hatred of sound. She constantly had to wear ear plugs to live her life, silent but pleasurable.

Later she also developed an odd, psychologically inexplainable hatred for the motion in which people tapped their fingers on tables when idly chattering. Since she wore ear plugs, she could not hear these sounds but was enraged by the motion. She visited yet another therapist and they said she had Misokenesia, the hatred of motion. She had to learn to look up or avoid socializing in a whole to avoid getting angry.

Personality- She often keeps her voice to herself, obviously due to her disorders. Marcella always has ear plugs in, not noticeable at first, but kind of axiomatic after she doesn't respond. She gets angry at small sounds, so it's hard to have a conversation with her but she tries her best to at least stay calm for a bit. Just speak softly and everything will be okay!

Other- n/a



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Addison Byrne







Why are you different-

Addison is different because she is anorexic, anxiety

Bio- Addison grew up in the south with her parents. Her mother was a house wife who made clothes while her dad was a farmer and also worked in the coal mines. when she was just four, the family was struck with the tragedy of losing her father. After the loss of her father, her then pregnate mother and her moved to live with her grandma who was extremly strict. Her grandma was constantly picking on her because she was "too fat" and told her she wasn't normal. "The normal girls are girls with boyfriends, you are weird and need to be taught different!" always runs through her mind these days. With only negative attention at home, she has fallen into the trap of being anorexic with anxiety due to fearing what lies ahead. While she still wishes for her dad to magically come back, she was forced to enroll into this odd high school because no one thought of her as normal.


Addison is quiet, but talks fast with a southern twang once you really get to know her. She doesn't let anyone see that she is hurt and keeps everything bottled up. She tries to go with the flow but has a tendency to blow a top when there is too much to agree with.

Other- always wears long hoodies and baggy pants with uggs.
Character sheet:

Name- Stephano Raptis

Gender- Male

Age- 16


Why you are different- Homosexual, Major Depression

Bio- Stephano knew homosexuality before even getting into school, since he has two fathers. His school years were torture for him, bullied just for having two dads. All through elementary school, he got picked on and physically bullied for more than one reason. He was different because of his eye colors; he has a disease which causes his irises to be different colors. This is heterochromis iridum. His left eye is emerald green, his right sapphire blue. When Stephano entered middle school, he started to have emotions and interests in other males. This actually scared the young man, since he was afraid of being made fun of. He waited until he got true friends to announce his homosexuality. His announcement shocked his group of friends, because they thought he was a boy straighter than an arrow. This is when the bullying went from worse to horrid. the physical bullying went so far as to send him to the hospital with severe injuries. One time he had a concussion from one beating. Then upon entering high school, it started to become less and less horrible. People started to accept his homosexuality.

Personality- This teenager is a kind and loving, even though he has been through tough times, although not the worse. He can be a very physical person when angered, but isn't provoked easily.

Other- N/A 
(Quick note to owner of thread: Runcible Spoon says to change the title of the thread.)

Michael Greenberg







Why you are different- Pansexual, Intermittent explosive disorder (prone to bouts of extreme anger)


Being a pansexual did not couple well with having IED for Michael. When kids made fun of him for it in middle school he would pound those kids with a text book until they were black and blue. His parents were never really around much in his life, his dad was a business man, of what he's never actually said, and his mom was a heroine addict that he and his dad tried to ignore. Telling them he was pansexual made it even worse, his dad hasn't been back home for weeks and his mom is rarely sober long enough to talk. So he did himself the favor of transferring the heck out of there before he had a fit and killed his mom.


Despite his mental illness Michael tries to be nice. He wants to be kind and sweet, but sometimes he'll just fly into a blind rage at the smallest provocation. To keep others safe he tries not to have many close friends and chooses to be my himself frequently. As you can imagine that makes it hard for him to date, which he hates. He would like to find someone to call his lover, and he'll beat his hands bloody against a wall whenever the mood hits him that he'll be alone forever.

Other- He has pretty good upper body strength, but his stamina is pretty slack.
Name- Shannon Harris

Gender- Female

Age- (12-18): 17

Appearance- (picture, no anime):

Why you are different- (max; two reasons): Lesbian and has Anxiety.

Bio- Shannon grew up in the foster system due to her family being murdered when she was 10. She always had the crappy families. They were abusive, one of the foster dads even tried to rape her. She has a little brother named Adrian. When she was 14 a nice family adopted her and her brother, but due to her past experiences with past foster families she developed anxiety. Her adoptive parents decided to send her here because she was being bullied for being a lesbian at her old school.

Personality- Tends to be quiet in large crowds, gets really nervous when she meets new people, easily irritated, easily annoyed, can be funny at times, once she's comfortable with you she calms down a little bit.

Other- Has this quote tattooed onto her rib cage.

Character sheet:

Name- Tod Alexander

Gender- Male

Age- 14


Why you are different- Social anxiety, homosexuality

Bio- From a young age, Tod's life has been... much less difficult than most people. He took "stranger danger" to the extreme throughout most of his life, growing terrified whenever he was spoken to. He was homeschooled during the "middle school" years, which was great for his intelligence and not so great for his social experience. When he entered high school, he knew nobody, and he strived to keep it that way. However, he's prone to bouts of loneliness just like other people, and he yearns for a friend.

Personality- Tod is a very quiet boy, and he always tries to be polite. When communicating with people his own age, however, he's more likely to stare blankly and silently, more than half oblivious. Small talk confuses and terrifies him to death, and he's likely to not respond when someone initiates it, unless said person is an adult. He frequently has personal conversations with teachers, which perplexes his peers.

Other- He's smart, but physically somewhat frail and incredibly light. He doesn't have an eating disorder, but his weight is a concern of his parents.

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