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Cherrypaw rolled her eyes at the comment, hoping her mentor wouldn’t over do it. Her ginger fur fluffing up against the cold Newleaf wind as she scrambled from stone to stone. Her paw pads scraping against the rough surfaces before she leaped back down to the hard forest floor. Her tail brushed against the floor stirring up leaf litter behind her as she broke into a small bouncy trot. Her ears flopping slightly as she made her way back to camp.
She could still make out Robinfang’s ginger and black fur in the distance as she padded along. She paused before looking back at Thornmask and Snakeshine. The warm sunlight catching her eyes for a moment before she waited for them to catch up. Her paws were still shaking with excitement from the thought of her now getting to meet the brown she-cat soon. “How soon do you think you can talk to her? Do you think she’ll come with us tomorrow? Do you think she hunts funny? The open moor compared to here must feel different to her. Maybe I’ll learn a new technique from her?” She suddenly began to speak as they drew closer to her.
”Do you think she’ll tell us anything about herself? Do you think she has a favorite kind of prey? Will she tell me about the scar on her face if I asked? Have you asked her about it?” Her blue eyes grew round with curiosity as question after question poured out of maw. “I really like voles. Do they have voles in WindClan? What if she’s never had a vole. Maybe bring her a vole to get on her good side?” Cherrypaw began to mewl nonsense as she brain drifted from thought to thought. Her high pitched mew sounding much like a chattering bird now.
She could still make out Robinfang’s ginger and black fur in the distance as she padded along. She paused before looking back at Thornmask and Snakeshine. The warm sunlight catching her eyes for a moment before she waited for them to catch up. Her paws were still shaking with excitement from the thought of her now getting to meet the brown she-cat soon. “How soon do you think you can talk to her? Do you think she’ll come with us tomorrow? Do you think she hunts funny? The open moor compared to here must feel different to her. Maybe I’ll learn a new technique from her?” She suddenly began to speak as they drew closer to her.
”Do you think she’ll tell us anything about herself? Do you think she has a favorite kind of prey? Will she tell me about the scar on her face if I asked? Have you asked her about it?” Her blue eyes grew round with curiosity as question after question poured out of maw. “I really like voles. Do they have voles in WindClan? What if she’s never had a vole. Maybe bring her a vole to get on her good side?” Cherrypaw began to mewl nonsense as she brain drifted from thought to thought. Her high pitched mew sounding much like a chattering bird now.