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Fandom A RP like HxH/JoJo/One Piece-BUT with Kirby!O.O


New Member
[class=tabs] background: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3f/c3/21/3fc321ee5ea4f798ee67809048e4775c.jpg'); border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px#FCD0DF; box-sizing: border-box; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; margin: 20px auto; min-width: 350px; text-align: center; width: 50%; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 33%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: #FCD0DF; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Information) (show tabsContentInformation) if (eq ${currentTab} Battle) (show tabsContentRules) if (eq ${currentTab} Characters) (show tabsContentCharacters) [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab style="border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;"]Information[/div][div class=tab]Battle[/div][div class=tab style="border-top-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; width: 34%;"]Characters[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentInformation"]
The coarse hand weakly reached. The wounds of its body had dropped the guard of all watching, inconceivable it could attack again. Very conceivable that the pink ball had won again. As the body began to dissipate, it still tries to reach to our hero. Cheers from the small crowd. Our hero releasing buoyant steps; the hand grabs it's target! Nails sink into our hero. Screams, running, a wail. A black light, a rainbow light, no light. An explosion that shatters expectations and the ground, but there is stars. Stars flying to beyond. Hopefully, to those that need it. A surprise turn in a final battle, Kirby's entire being shatters-releasing all of his powers across Planet Popstar. Each power, guided by a star, are attracted to children and teenagers lacking certain emotions. The powers turn out to fill the emotional need by those that have it. A positive, to many, for the younger generation. However, those who want to revive Kirby will need to hunt these kids down. In surprising twists by an orphan that wants to stop any children from being born, a princess loving of poverty, a malicious knight, and skeptical wizards- join in the story with your character that has gain one of these powers. You can try to collect all the powers for yourself 28+. Though will you choose to hold it for your own or revive the hero that has saved the world hundreds of times? [/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentRules" style="display: none;"]
In respect for Kirby's simplicity, the battle system will have very simple rules. When in a battle, you can either Attack, have the Foresight to react to an attack, or Move! There is HP (Health Points), every one gets 1 HP and all attacks do 1 damage for players, though depending on which Kirby power one has-he/she will have more HP and more attack power! Oh, and attacks do have ranges, Close, Mid, and Far. Very simple rules that won't have you scrambling for a pen and paper every time you want to roleplay! This simplicity will allow you a lot of freedom and balanced despite a first glance. Now here is a taste of what powers your OC can choose from at the beginning (There will be a couple more added as options once RP is up and operational). You may only choose one power to start not taken by another roleplayer.
There are further benefits to having powers. As ones with them have their emotions amplified and developed, creating Emotional Abilities. You will have the choice of 3 when you start. Coincidentally, there are three types of Emotional Abilities: Sadness, Happy, Anger.
You can unlock more abilities as you progress, even some based on your power specifically. There are powers and abilities to unlock master![/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentCharacters" style="display: none;"] Character Banner 1.jpgMost characters have to be kept to a bit of a secret for now.....Buuuuut, if you want to know a spectacular part of the RP-checkout the beautiful Character Sheet Machine below! Just fill out the form and copy paste the code that comes out, voila! Easy peasy, join the RP now without teasy. [/div]
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[div class=csgform]
[div class=csgtitle] Star Allies Deluxe CS Machine[/div]
[div class=csgintro] You don't have to, but why not get instant beautiful BBCode for your CS?♥[/div]
[div class=csglabel]Name[/div][input class="csginput csgname" type=text][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Age[/div][input class="csginput csgage" type=text maxlength=3][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Personality[/div][input type=textarea class="csginput csgdescription"][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Appearance Image Link:[/div][input class="csginput csgimage" type=text][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Gender[/div][input class="csginput csggender"type=text][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Kirby Power[/div][input class="csginput csgpower"type=text][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Emotional Ability[/div][input class="csginput csgability"type=text][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Backstory[/div][input class="csginput csgstory"type=textarea][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Goal in Life[/div][input class="csginput csggoal"type=textarea][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Way to Achieve Goal[/div][input class="csginput csgachieve"type=textarea][/input]

[input class=csgsubmit type=button]Generate Character Sheet[/input]
[div class=csgcode]

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[comment]Background Panels[/comment]
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[comment]Background Panels End[/comment]

[comment]Hearts Start[/comment]

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[comment]Hearts end[/comment]

[comment]Image start[/comment]

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[comment]Image end[/comment]

[comment]Code by [USER=34809]@Alteras[/USER][/comment]

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[div class="contentBox contentA"][div=font-size: calc( 4px + (18 - 4) * (100vh - 200px) / (1280 - 200) );][div class=contentFix style="height: calc( (1.17364817766 * 9em) + 18em); padding-right: 100px;"][div=position:absolute; top:0; font: 3.5em "Fugaz One";]Super[/div][div=font-size:9em; display: block; position:absolute; top:0; width: calc(100% - 100px); height:2em; line-height: .95; font-family:"Fugaz One"; transform: skewY(-10deg); transform-origin: top right;]
[div=position:absolute; bottom:0; right: 100px; font: 3.5em "Fugaz One";] ♥♥♥♥______________[/div][/div]

[div class="contentBox contentB contentSpin"][div class=contentFix] Name: [div class="csgvalue csgnameValue"][/div]
Age: [div class="csgvalue csgageValue"][/div]
Gender: [div class="csgvalue csggenderValue"][/div]
Description: [div class="csgvalue csgdescriptionValue"][/div]


[div class="contentBox contentC contentSpin"][div class=contentFix]
Kirby Power: [div class="csgvalue csgpowerValue"][/div]
Emotional Ability: [div class="csgvalue csgabilityValue"][/div]
Backstory: [div class="csgvalue csgstoryValue"][/div]
Goal: [div class="csgvalue csggoalValue" ][/div]
Motivation: [div class="csgvalue csgachieveValue" ][/div]

[class name=csgform] background: url('https://www.rpnation.com/data/attachments/356/356651-3347b3000be3ad5ed25d610804a71a3c.jpg'); box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #A0A0A0; box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 600px; margin: 20px auto; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=csgtitle] box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 32px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; [/class] [class name=csgintro] box-sizing: border-box; font-style: bold; margin: 10px 0; text-align: center; [/class] [class name=csglabel] box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; padding: 10px; vertical-align: top; width: 40% [/class] [class name=csginput] background-color: #FFFFFF; border: solid 1px #C0C0C0; border-radius: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 10px; width: 60%; [/class] [class name=csgsubmit] box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold; padding: 10px 0; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=csgcode] background-color: #dedede; border: solid 1px #a9a9a9; box-sizing: border-box; display: none; font-family: 'Courier New', monospace; margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; [/class] [class name=csgvalue] display: inline; [/class] [script class=csgsubmit on=click] // Hide the current code if it was displayed hide csgcode // Get the values and store them in variables set name (getVal csgname) set age (getVal csgage) set description (getVal csgdescription) set gender (getVal csggender) set image (getVal csgimage) set power (getVal csgpower) set achieve (getVal csgability) set story (getVal csgstory) set goal (getVal csggoal) set achieve (getVal csgachieve) // Fill in the user values setText ${name} csgnameValue setText ${age} csgageValue setText ${description} csgdescriptionValue setText ${gender} csggenderValue setText ${image} csgimageValue setText ${power} csgpowerValue setText ${power} csgabilityValue setText ${story} csgstoryValue setText ${goal} csggoalValue setText ${achieve} csgachieveValue // Show the generated BBCode slideDown 1000 csgcode [/script] [/div][/div]
This is Kirby? It doesn't sound like Kirby at all.

"However, those who want to revive Kirby will need to hunt these kids down." KILLING CHILDREN PRANK [GONE WRONG] [GONE SEXUAL] ALMOST DIED 2016

I'm interested lol
this sounds absolutely terrifying so i'm in too

Anyways, what sort of creatures are we? Humans? Waddle Dees? Puffballs like the Kirb himself? Knowing this would be fairly helpful.

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