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A Role Play Partner?


Mgical Internet Kitty
Meh, hello. I'm new, and looking for someone to do role plays with. Fairly simple. I really only do females, and I'm looking for someone with decent role playing skills. Y'know, proper grammar, spelling, all that jazz. (And someone who can match my post length, too. I usually post one to two paragraphs per post, when my muse is low, three if it's average, and up to even six or seven if it's high, or if the post I'm responding to is of equal-ish length.) I'd also like it if that someone was an active role player, because I'm very active myself, and I don't really have a lot to do on here yet. And just so everyone knows, I really prefer having some kind of romantic subplot going on or something like that, because it really helps keep my interest.


Contemporary Fantasy (aka modern fantasy)

Hate/Love Romances (the best ever)


Supernatural (genre, not show)

Struggling Young Adults+Big City

College-Aged Characters (early twenties)

I don't like doing most stereotypical fantasy/supernatural creature role plays, though I might be tempted to work something out. I also don't really do fandoms, because I just don't like role playing fandoms.

Eh, PM me if you're interested because I haven't completed the whole 10 post/24 hour thing yet. Or post here, and then PM me, I guess. (I'm still new and I'm very awkward in new environments, so forgive my lack of confidence, please.)
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Ehh, anything will do, really. I've done all kinds of post-apocalyptic role plays, and it all kind of works.
Im kind of browsing for a Mermaid rp (both girls)one is a full blooded mermaid and the other her mom is a human and her dad is a merman but it seems to be coming along to be very hard to find a public or personal rper that what to or is doing one
I have an idea for the Struggling Young Adults + Big City. Well, kind of, because the character I have in mind is in her early to mid twenties.
*raises hand* PICK ME!!


[QUOTE="Wild Born]Im kind of browsing for a Mermaid rp (both girls)one is a full blooded mermaid and the other her mom is a human and her dad is a merman but it seems to be coming along to be very hard to find a public or personal rper that what to or is doing one

Um... Looking over your profile, can you please message me? xD

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