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A Robot's World


The Paw-Mighty Miss Foxy
If you'd like this RP to be private, feel free to PM me.


Name: Sachiko Kimura

Nickname: Sachi

Age: 15

Personality: Wild, seems insane but very intelligent

"Why thank you mister!" Her voice echoes down the alleyway as she speaks to the dead robot. "But, I can't have oil. That's for you, silly!" She continues to skip along, the gun around her neck swinging back and forth. She's lived on her own for 5 years after the war had finally ended. Her parents were scientists that worked with the facility that created the robots. After a long time of living in peace, the robots wanted more. They wanted to govern the world themselves. Many of them got a hold of guns and started forming their own military of advanced robots. Soon, the world went to hell and humans finally lost. Robots still roam the streets so she has to take the back alleys. She wasn't even sure how many others were still alive.

Sachiko skips around the corner and hears something. Wheels! Quickly, she jumps against the alley wall and grips her gun to her chest. The robots whir by on the main street. She waits until they are a far enough distance away and then hops up onto the nearest ladder. It leads up to the roof of the building she stays in alone. Once she is up there, she opens the roof door and enters. She runs down the long flight of stairs and makes her way to the apartment room 153.

On her way there, something catches her eye. There are muddy footprints on the ground. "H-hello?" She calls out down the hall. Then, she realizes that the apartment room's door is wide open. Sachiko runs to the door and walks in. "Hey! This is my place! Get out!" She yells at the stranger standing in the room.

Name: Kane Yukinaru

Nickname: Ripper Kane

Age: 24

Personality: Cold and just. Ruthless to his enemies.

Kane walked the scum filled backstreets of the city as he adjusted his bionics with a screwdriver. Havind this new body was good, because the robots would considerhim a human turned robot. The only human part that had survived was his upper face and brain. For the rest, he was a cyborg. "Tch" He let out as he felt the artificial nerves pinch him as he tightened the screws. He turned a corner and found himself face to face with a squad of four Human-snatchers. They were robots programmed to find any and all humans and bring them in for registering.

"Hold it right there!" The distorted voice of the humanoid droid let out. "I want to see your papers, freak." He held his hand out.

"Sure thing buddy" He answered "Let me just get them out of..." With a quick and swift movement he took out my sword and sliced its head right off, oil spattering his face.

"Whoops, sorry officer." He said grinning.

"Get him!" The droid that had been behind that one called out. Out of some doorways came a whole bunch of hunter androids, and I started to run. After I turned some corners and had run quite alot, I paused at a badly closed door and went inside to hide from them. A few moments after a girl came in and saw me. "Get out!" she yelled. She was a human, like me. "Wait, I'm a friend!" I said, sheathing my sword quickly and splattering the oil all over the place.

She quickly ran to him and pushed him aside. Behind him was a box full of drug vials, clothing, ammunition, and smaller weapons. She scrimmaged through the box making sure everything is still there and then double checked to make sure again. Sachiko glanced up at him then did a double take, seeing his robotic body. In an instant, she grabbed a pistol from the box and jumps around behind him and aims at his head.

"Don't move or I'll blow those oily brains out." She said emotionless. "I don't wanna hear a word out of you unless you're explaining who you are and why you're hear. Understand?"
"Chill, little lady, chill. Im not a droid, I promise. My brain is human." Im Kane Yukinaru, also known as Ripper Kane." He said, his hands up. "I don't want any trouble, I just came here because I eliminated a human-snatcher and the rest of those rustbuckets started following me. I lost 'em here." He said, pausing for a second, studying the teenage looking girl. Was she living here all by herself? For some reason, that thought softened Kane up a bit. "Look, I can just leave if you want. I dont want to bring you any trouble with the tinnies."
She lowered her pistol and threw it over his shoulder into his hands. "Those tinnies are the least of my troubles." She said walking over to a wall covered in charcoal drawings of people, names labeled under them. She picked up a charcoal stick from the ground and began drawing a person. It almost looked like him.

As she drew, she explained to him, "I'm more worried about the other survivors. Look at me, I'm a fifteen year old girl. The name's Sachiko, by the way. Anyways, don't you think they'd see me as vulnerable?" She doesn't even give him a chance to answer. "Well, they do." After she's done drawing, she blows the excess charcoal off of the wall.
Jack caught the pistol and looked at it in his hands. Then he looked at the girl. She looked pretty innocent but, at the same time, she had a glow in her eye that meant trouble. After hearing what she said, he added "Well, Sachiko, if they cant see your potential just by looking in your eyes, they are some retarded survivors." He let out a light chuckle and then silenced. "You may look vulnerable, but I can tell you aren't." He paused and then added "Do you live here by yourself?"
She paused and kneeled down, leaning her head against the wall. "Y-yes." She said, barely able to speak. "You don't know who I am, do you?" She turns on her toes, still kneeling and looks up at him. "I'm the daughter of the two scientists that created artificial intelligence."

There's a glint in her eye as she says this. Then, she stands up and takes his hand, dashing out of the door and into the room across the hall. Inside, the walls are lined with different robots. They look almost as if they've been cut in half. The room stinks of old oil and rust. Strings with labels hang from different parts of the robots insides. She turns back to him and smiles, waiting for a reaction.
Kane sort of gasped as she said that. Inventors of artificial intelligence? My god...

When she brought him to the room, and seeing all those parts... It literally made his cybernetic lower jaw unhinge.

"My god... so many dismantled robots..." He said, amazed and kind of frightened at the same time. He looked at the girl as he took a label in his hand. "This... I mean... If people knew, if they know... Well all I'm saying is that a few people might want you dead. This is all really impressive... so many parts..." He paused again and took a moment to hinge his jaw back on. "Wait, don't tell me that your parents..." He stopped and looked at her straight in her eyes. He had developed a soft spot for this teenage girl rather quickly, which was very strange. "...are dead?" he managed to finish.
Her eyes filled with tears but her did not fade. She blinked and warm, salty tests streamed down her cheek. Yet, her smile remained. "They were the first two to die by the hands of the artificial military that the robotic beings formed." She wrote her tears away and straightened herself up.

"When the war broke out, I was in the lab with them." Sachiko began to explain. "They were studying a few of them to find out why they were rebelling against the human race. Maybe they were getting commands from somewhere. Well..." She suddenly grew very tense as she continued to explain. "I was there in the lab when all of a sudden, the robots they were examining came to life. They thought they were powered down. My father shoved me into a containment room and sealed it. I waited until it sounded quiet, then left the room." She couldn't hold back the tears any longer. She felt like a small child, list and scared. "And I found them, gutted and laid across a lab desk. They dissected my parents." Now, she was whimpering and crying like a baby. She felt so weak, crying in front if him.
Kayne's expression was one of a horrified human. Why would such a young girl have to go through something like that? It was terrible. Now he had renowned hatred towards the self aware trash bins. When she started to cry, he had no idea what to do, so he knelt down to her height and embraced her. He stayed like that for a few moments and then leaned back and looked at her in the eyes, grabbing her by the shoulders as a brother would. "It must have been horrible. I feel sorry for you, but I cant say that I know how you feel, because I don't. All I can do to help you is kill. Its all I know how to do. I cant console someone. I cant cure pain like yours. All I have ever been in my life is a killer. But I can tell you what I can also do: I can rip those tin cans apart, one by one, and feed their oil and parts to their hounds." He paused and got up. He extended his hand to her in a sign of friendship and managed a smile through all that pain and coldness.

It was true. Killing was all he could do. There was a reason people called him Ripper Kane.

@ThePawMightyMissFoxy You there?
"I just need to examine one more. I think if I do, I can find the source of their rebellious actions!" She explained carefully. Sachiko walked over the each robot on the wall and pointed out similar labels. "You see, these all connect to the brainwaves of the robots. Each one has a different code. Those too over there," she points over to the very last two and continues. "They're just simple cleaner robots. They clean the dead human bodies off the streets. They have the same codes streaming through the brainwaves. These here," she said pointing to two other ones. "These are scientist bots. They use to help human scientists on experiments. They have the same codes too!" Sachiko looked to him to see if he was following.
Kane wasnt really following her logic. She had gone through two fazes: Really really sad to quite hyper. He was glad however. He didnt think he knew how to handle sad kids. He stared at the labels for a bit, and then looked at Sachiko. "So let me try and guess what you are getting at: If you can find one more set of robots that communicate with the same code of brainwaves, you can find the source of of what made them rebel against their human creators?" She was a brilliant girl too. Had she found all this out by herself? He wouldn't know. He still had an amazed expression on his face, meaning he didnt completely grasp the concept.
"Exactly! Eureka!" She yelled in excitement. "That's exactly what I mean! The only problem is... the last set is General Bots. They're the toughest to beat without hurting the head." She shook her head and thought for a second. "They only come out at night and they usually go alone. Unlike the other one's, who are extremely social." She looked up at him and smiled. "Are you up for the task?"
Kane grinned as his grip on his sword tightened with an urging excitement. "Nothing survives my brain. Wherever it his, it kills." Was his response to the girl. He had never faced one of these General Bots before. Maybe they didn't appear around the backstreets. "Where do they come out? Do they patrol the backstreets?" He asked, unsheathing his blade and cleaning the thick black oil from before off it by flicking it at a wall.
"They're kind of mindless. They walk along the sidewalks. They only act out on you if you touch them." She said, rolling her eyes. "Trust me, I like to play with their minds a bit." She chuckled and closed her eyes. "But this time will be different. I need at least one of them alive." She bit her lip, knowing this was a difficult request for her to make.
"Easy" He answered. "I'll just cut off its limbs." He pictured it in his head. He would leap down on a pair of bots, kill one, mutilate the other and drag them away quickly. He'd have to improvise if the police forces caught him. "Yeah, should be easy enough. Although, I'll have to improvise if the heat gets on my ass. It wont be comfortable escaping bot forces with two of them on my back."
"Then let's go!" She grabbed his hand, dashing to the apartment room. "We'll sleep until night so we have energy. Would you like some bread?" She held out a slice. It wasn't the best. All she could scavenge these days was stale food. But Sachiko still appreciated what she had. She bit down into her own hard slice and chewed.
Kane grunted as the girl pulled him along. When she offered him the piece of bread, he accepted it gladly. "Thanks, this is the first real food I've had in days." He willfully chewed the hard piece of bread and swallowed it. "Sounds like a plan to me."

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