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A Robotech Game That Needs More Players


Luna's Concubine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I am running a Robotech game that is down to only a few players, and I want to add to my team.  Here is a link to take a look at what has gone on before:

This game is a lot of fun for me to run, and I'm hoping for one or two more gamers to join in.  I have a lot of experience in showing people that are new to the system how to play, so don't let that put you off if you want a good story.
Whats the story so far for this one?
Whats the story so far for this one?

The group is out traveling to the home world of the Robotech Masters in an attempt to negotiate peace, not knowing that the Masters have already left Tyrol to go to Earth. As the fleet travels, they have run into another race of aliens called the Invid that have swept across space and has invaded many plants that were once a part of the Robotech Master empire. Currently the team is working to free one of these worlds, and will hopefully be able to add the oppressed race to the list of allies.
And little did they know the robotech masters were put against the mosr fierce band of pirates that ever sailed the stars.

 Captained by James Blackbeard himself!

 Never gona give that joke up.

That said, I am interested. 

What would you say my new to be friends are like?

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