A Road Trip to Remember


unhealthy amounts of screaming
Multiple characters are perfectly fine.

Name:(First and Last)

Nickname: (Optional)

Age: (21 or over)


Sexuality: (Optional)


Why you decided to join in on the road trip:


Appearance: (Picture or Description)


Name: Elijah Harley

Nickname: Eli,Ellie

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Elijah's stubborn and full of insecurities but oddly optimistic with his over the top ideas. He's naive and easy to manipulate especially since Elijah often wears his heart on his sleeve.Elijah hates when people bring up his parents so much he occasionally lashes out.

Why you decided to join in on the road trip: Elijah came up with the idea for his 21st birthday and having rich,neglectful parents who didn't give a damn as to what their least favorite son did,bought Elijah any RV he wanted,loaned him money,and didn't bat an eyelash at the possibly dangerous trip he would take.

Bio: Elijah is the youngest of two brothers,both brothers are much more accomplished and loved among their parents. His parents were both very successful,his mother a surgeon and father a business tycoon but Elijah didn't want any of that. Being known as the failure of the family got old way to fast. Even when he tried at being a model son something went wrong so he just stopped being what his parents wanted.

When he got into his more "rebellious stage" Elijah began making hasty actions that weren't the brightest. Those choices brought even more shame a major case of heartbreak.So to make a nice comeback after a few years of hiding from everything but a certain best friend,Elijah bought an RV,recruited some strangers,and took off.

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Name: Anisley Jones

Age: 22

Gender: Nonbinary (prefers he/him/his pronouns)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Anisley is blunt and sarcastic.Add that with a bit of narcissism and awkwardness,a pinch of stubborness and you got the perfect pot of bitchy-ness. Though Anisley may seem cold and unforgiving he has a sort of charm to him and a terrible romantic side.

Why you decided to join in on the road trip: Anisley was dragged into it by his childhood friend,Elijah. The only reason Anisley stuck around was because he has a weird friend/love crush on Elijah that he doesn't really understand.

Bio: Only child of a single mother who was a famous talk show host,Anisley got what he wanted more than a small child should have. Anisley was the center of attention to his mother giving him a nasty ego and a sense he was better than everyone else. Anisley's dad walked out on the two after his plummeting comedian career died saying it was all their fault in a drunken haze. His mother was already famous on the internet as an advice column and that's what gave her a show and some rich and famous friends. That lead to Anisley meeting Elijah and Anisley couldn't stand him.

Anisley is very interested in traveling but America was overdone,he wanted to go to far more exotic places but it was a good first step. He packed his bags and set out with his best friend and a few strangers with one too many regrets.


Appearance: (Picture or Description) Jelly Baby
geofframsey said:
Name: Anisley Jones
Age: 22

Gender: Nonbinary (prefers he/him/his pronouns)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Anisley is blunt and sarcastic.Add that with a bit of narcissism and awkwardness,a pinch of stubborness and you got the perfect pot of bitchy-ness. Though Anisley may seem cold and unforgiving he has a sort of charm to him and a terrible romantic side.

Why you decided to join in on the road trip: Anisley was dragged into it by his childhood friend,Elijah. The only reason Anisley stuck around was because he has a weird friend/love crush on Elijah that he doesn't really understand.

Bio: Only child of a single mother who was a famous talk show host,Anisley got what he wanted more than a small child should have. Anisley was the center of attention to his mother giving him a nasty ego and a sense he was better than everyone else. Anisley's dad walked out on the two after his plummeting comedian career died saying it was all their fault in a drunken haze. His mother was already famous on the internet as an advice column and that's what gave her a show and some rich and famous friends. That lead to Anisley meeting Elijah and Anisley couldn't stand him.

Anisley is very interested in traveling but America was overdone,he wanted to go to far more exotic places but it was a good first step. He packed his bags and set out with his best friend and a few strangers with one too many regrets.


Appearance: (Picture or Description) Jelly Baby

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"See my face. Hear my name, Don't forget it I don't talk for my health."

Liona Brown


"Call me Blondie and I'll rip you to pieces got it."

Leo, Lion, Lioness, Blondie.

(Anything else someone thinks of.)


"I can drink 10 bottles of vodka straight. Does that answer your question?"



"No kidding! I'm a bitch."






"You have a problem with me, take it up with me leave out the bullshit."

Liona's name suits her perfectly. She's carefree but also has a serious side to her. She not afraid to speak her mind nor bite or fight. She has a sharp tongue, is sometimes cold, and never really holds back on anything she wants to do. She's a free-spirited wild and rash chick with spunk who can also be pretty cheerful and kind if you don't annoy her too much.

Why you decided to join in on the road trip:

" I need to get away. Far away. As soon as possible. I want to leave town and I never want to come back. Things happened there and now isn't the time to face the music... I'll leave it at that for now."

Liona is 13 weeks pregnant and the father of her unborn child/children wanted her to abort the child since he didn't want tabloids to know that he cheated on the woman his parents forced him to marry and impregnated his mistress. Knowing this Liona packed her bags and left the apartment he provided for her, emptied his second bank account, and changed her last name from Scott to Brown. When she saw the ad for a road trip on Craigslist she took the chance and signed herself up.


"My past is a part of me. Deal with it."

Liona Brown was originally named Liona Oceania Scott by her single mother, Janet Scott. Liona never knew her father because he died while being in the military while her mother was still pregnant. She was born in New York on a cold winter night. (Anything else on her past will be revealed.)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.b03124da55641c3fa990458fd4c649f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26528" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.b03124da55641c3fa990458fd4c649f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.f2a635eb4627c2e95b8df0d6ae1ac8a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.f2a635eb4627c2e95b8df0d6ae1ac8a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

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BlackRose said:

View attachment 71096


"See my face. Hear my name, Don't forget it I don't talk for my health."

Liona Brown


"Call me Blondie and I'll rip you to pieces got it."

Leo, Lion, Lioness, Blondie.

(Anything else someone thinks of.)


"I can drink 10 bottles of vodka straight. Does that answer your question?"



"No kidding! I'm a bitch."






"You have a problem with me, take it up with me leave out the bullshit."

Liona's name suits her perfectly. She's carefree but also has a serious side to her. She not afraid to speak her mind nor bite or fight. She has a sharp tongue and never really holds back on anything she wants to do. She's a free-spirited wild chick with spunk who can also be pretty cheerful and kind if you don't annoy her too much.

Why you decided to join in on the road trip:

" I need to get away. Far away. As soon as possible. I want to leave town and I never want to come back. Things happened there and now isn't the time to face the music... I'll leave it at that for now."

Liona is 13 weeks pregnant and the father of her unborn child/children wanted her to abort the child since he didn't want tabloids to know that he cheated on the woman his parents forced him to marry and impregnated his mistress. Knowing this Liona packed her bags and left the apartment he provided for her, emptied his second bank account, and changed her last name from Scott to Brown. When she saw the ad for a road trip on Craigslist she took the chance and signed herself up.


"My past is a part of me. Deal with it."

Liona Brown was originally named Liona Oceania Scott by her single mother, Janet Scott. Liona never knew her father because he died while being in the military while her mother was still pregnant. She was born in New York on a cold winter night. (Anything else on her past will be revealed.)


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Accepted. :)
Name:(First and Last)

''Hey, nice to meet you!''

Aaron Mayor.

Nickname: (Optional)

''I don't have a nickname. That's not weird right?''


Age: (21 or over)

''I'm old enough to drink now... I probably won't though...''



''I've got the X and Y chromosomes''


Sexuality: (Optional)

''Hey, love is love''



Aaron is the kind of person who likes being around people. But not all the time. He likes his alone time, when he just plays video games for hours or reads books until midnight. Aaron walks around with his head in the clouds. You can blame his sister for that. She was always a little bit overprotective of him so he almost never did things himself. Also because of that he can be quiet naive and he doesn't always understand were people are talking about(Unless it's mathematics and history). Some may say that he's lazy considering the fact that he sleeps a lot.

Why you decided to join in on the road trip:


His sister. His whole his sister been over-protective of him. She always took care of him and now he wants to prove to her that he can take care of himself.


Aaron grew up in a not so average household. He grew up with two mothers, Lydia and Caroline Mayor, and a older sister, Alice Mayor. Aaron is only blood related to Lydia and Alice. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't love Caroline. His birth mother, Lydia, had Alice before she met Caroline and was pregnant with Aaron when they first started dating. His father left his mother when he heard that she was pregnant with Aaron(I don't know if that's how you say it :x ).

Appearance: (Picture or Description)

Name: Angela Cabot

Nickname: Angie

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Personality: Angie is non confrontational. If you make her mad or upset, she tends to stop talking. She can be very sarcastic at times and also very stubborn. She loves adventure and will do anything for anyone she likes or trusts. (You'll learn more about her personality in the role play.)

Why you decided to join in on the road trip: She has an over protective mom who wants her to marry a guy because she hates the fact that Angie is a lesbian. Her mom keeps setting her up on dates, hoping she'll meet 'the right guy.' To avoid future dates she decided to go on this road trip, telling her mom that she was going with one of her dates.

Bio: When Angie was 5 or her left her and her mom for another girl. Since that night Angela hasn't talked to him or heard from him. When she was 18 she told her mom that she was a lesbian and she didn't take it very well. Not long after that, her mom started setting her up on dates, hoping she'd meet someone that would turn her away from 'the lifestyle she was living.'



Jelly baby.
ChronosDesine said:
Name:(First and Last)
''Hey, nice to meet you!''

Aaron Mayor.

Nickname: (Optional)

''I don't have a nickname. That's not weird right?''


Age: (21 or over)

''I'm old enough to drink now... I probably won't though...''



''I've got the X and Y chromosomes''


Sexuality: (Optional)

''Hey, love is love''



Aaron is the kind of person who likes being around people. But not all the time. He likes his alone time, when he just plays video games for hours or reads books until midnight. Aaron walks around with his head in the clouds. You can blame his sister for that. She was always a little bit overprotective of him so he almost never did things himself. Also because of that he can be quiet naive and he doesn't always understand were people are talking about(Unless it's mathematics and history). Some may say that he's lazy considering the fact that he sleeps a lot.

Why you decided to join in on the road trip:


His sister. His whole his sister been over-protective of him. She always took care of him and now he wants to prove to her that he can take care of himself.


Aaron grew up in a not so average household. He grew up with two mothers, Lydia and Caroline Mayor, and a older sister, Alice Mayor. Aaron is only blood related to Lydia and Alice. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't love Caroline. His birth mother, Lydia, had Alice before she met Caroline and was pregnant with Aaron when they first started dating. His father left his mother when he heard that she was pregnant with Aaron(I don't know if that's how you say it :x ).

Appearance: (Picture or Description)


[QUOTE="Aryn Harris]Name: Angela Cabot
Nickname: Angie

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Personality: Angie is non confrontational. If you make her mad or upset, she tends to stop talking. She can be very sarcastic at times and also very stubborn. She loves adventure and will do anything for anyone she likes or trusts. (You'll learn more about her personality in the role play.)

Why you decided to join in on the road trip: She has an over protective mom who wants her to marry a guy because she hates the fact that Angie is a lesbian. Her mom keeps setting her up on dates, hoping she'll meet 'the right guy.' To avoid future dates she decided to go on this road trip, telling her mom that she was going with one of her dates.

Bio: When Angie was 5 or her left her and her mom for another girl. Since that night Angela hasn't talked to him or heard from him. When she was 18 she told her mom that she was a lesbian and she didn't take it very well. Not long after that, her mom started setting her up on dates, hoping she'd meet someone that would turn her away from 'the lifestyle she was living.'



Jelly baby.

Name: "I'm proud of who I am."

Hyun-Rin Kwon

Nickname: "That's my English Name."


Age: "I know, I look pretty young for my age."


Gender: "I can grow humans, what's your superpower?"


Sexuality: "Straight all the way, sorry."


Personality: "Don't judge me."

-Kind: Ever since she was a child, her mother taught her how to show sympathy, tenderness and generosity not just to people she already know for so long but also to people she just met or in other words everyone, which results to her friendly nature and easy to get along personality.

-Weak: Although not physically weak but emotionally weak; just one rude comment can make her burst into tears and fall down but she hates this part of herself, often times she would hide this side of herself and only shows it to the people very close around her or more often just bottle it all up inside of her.

-Obedient: Before becoming a servant in the palace, she already know how to obey the people that she needs to respect and she’s always always willing to obey everysingle thing that people asked her to do as long as it doesn’t go too far and is still on her standards.

-Naïve: Because she grew up with old fashioned parents, it has been in here nature to be child-like and sometimes be too blunt at things that she needed to understand and know at her age but slowly, that will all change after being a servant at the palace.

-Yappy: With what we have said so far, you might misunderstand that she’s quite and taken back but you’re wrong, there’s also this side of her that’s outgoing, talkative and sometimes high pitched way of talking and expressing herself.

-Understanding: Although sometimes she can’t understand her feelings, she’s a professional when understanding others, she can get a person’s feelings and know what to do just by talking to her. This results to her forgiving side too, which sometimes becomes her dilemma ‘cause even of someone did a really bad thing to her, she would forgive him/her easily even before s/he apologizes to her.

-Responsible: Family affects her life the most, they're all she has apparently until that one incident come and she have learnt to become responsible ever since, having 5 other siblings to support not only makes her strong but also triggers this feeling of being responsible to her siblings.

-Intelligent: Due to her family’s poverty she didn’t have the chance to go to school and learn but that didn’t stop her, she read a lot of books and from there she knew more than a person going to school knows.

Why you decided to join in on the road trip: "Just want to enjoy one last trip before I have my first baby...So I can guess you can say I'm on a 'Babymoon' if that makes any sense?"

Yolanda wants to get away from her fiancée who has been abusive to her both mentally and emotionally a little after she got pregnant, presuming that he is jealous of the unborn child. After one particular night, where he hit her, she decided that it was the last straw and called the domestic violence hotline while he was away. Police would go to his workplace and arrested him, where he is to serve thirty days in Jail and three weeks of rehabilitation. After that, he gets to deal with Yolanda's siblings, with a nice chat from her two sisters and a beating from her three brothers, something that she doesn't plan to be around for, but hopes that he will learn his lesson. Speaking of which, she is currently twenty-nine weeks pregnant with her first baby.

Bio: "Story of my life..."

Early Life to Young Adult Years: Yolanda was born into a fairly large family in Seoul, South Korea as the fourth of six children. She grew up poor in the vibrant city, but that didn't stop her from smiling. Around the time she was ten years old, her Family moved from their poverty stricken lifestyle to live in the United States. After two years of being in the United States, her parents would get well-paying jobs in order to take care of her and her siblings. Her Father joined the National Guard as a Military Policeman and her Mother opened up a Beauty Salon which quickly became popular. As time passed, her Eldest Brother Hisashi would also join the Military, eventually becoming a Navy SEAL. Her Eldest Sister Tracy would graduate from a prestigious University with a Master's Degree in Nursing and become a Obstetrician and Midwife. Her Second Oldest Brother Bryan would graduate from Community College with an Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice, followed by graduating from Police Academy top of his class and is now a valued member of the SWAT Team. Yolanda herself would go to Vocational School for Auto Mechanics and is now working as a Mechanical Technician for the North American branch of Mitsubishi Motors Inc. Her younger sister Sarah would follow in their Mother's Footsteps and get a Bachelor's Degree in Cosmetology and start working at her Mother's Hair Salon, hoping to one day become owner of the shop. Her youngest brother Brandon is currently attending a prestigious University in hopes of getting a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering.

Present: Yolanda loved what she did for a living, especially working with Mitsubishi. Her Family is everything to her. Not only is she now a Mother-to-be herself, but she is a Loving Aunt. Hisashi has switched to the Reserves, wanting to settle down and raise a Family and is now happily married with two kids. Tracy too has settled down and is also happily married, except with three kids. Bryan is currently engaged and is planning on getting married soon. Yolanda herself is engaged as well, but is getting the rare occurrence of becoming a Wife and Mother at the same time, which is a first for her Family. Both her Younger Siblings, Sarah and Brandon are also currently in relationships, but have yet to consider marriage and settling down, with Sarah still feeling that she is currently too young and Brandon still being in School. While choosing Hisashi and his Sister-in-law Gwen to be the godparents, Tracy also seems to be happy that she gets to take care of Yolanda throughout her pregnancy, such as giving her medical advice and being the one that Yolanda sees during her prenatal check-ups. However, up until recently, Yolanda's relationship with her Fiancée Drake has taken quite an healthy term because he seems to be jealous of his unborn baby, which makes no sense to Yolanda because its his child that she is carrying. After one night that he hit her, she would call Bryan the following day to tell him about what happened, Drake would end up getting arrested (and badly beaten) by Bryan himself, shocking the rest of the Kwon Family. Bryan would get stuck with a desk job because of the beating, but most of his SWAT Teammates would defend his actions because it was indeed personal. At the urging of her siblings, Yolanda has decided to take a vacation and leave town for a little bit.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/_snsd__yuri_baby_g_png__by_girlygirl143-d6s7vta.png.00fa91b483f6766e12128713806a74a8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26592" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/_snsd__yuri_baby_g_png__by_girlygirl143-d6s7vta.png.00fa91b483f6766e12128713806a74a8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jelly Baby



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"Your mom?"

Savannah Light Rhodeson


"Why do you wanna know~?"

Lightning, Light.


"It's not polite to ask for a womans age!"



"Let me check..?"



"I love just about everything~"



"Too weird for your knowledge~"

+: Peppy: She's naturally a very bright and happy person, always a smile on her face, but theres a lot behind a smile.

+: Talkative: She's always the life of the party, talking talking talking. She likes to get off topic if someone talks about something that makes someone else uncomfortable.

+: Caring: She doesn't care what you've done to her, if you're upset, she'll be at your side in a minute to help you, especially if you've had a rough past.

+/-: She acts really ditzy, but she's EXTREMELY intelligent, she just doesn't show it.

-: Hyperactive: She has a lot of energy, so she typically goes on runs, but in this case, she'll be cooped up with others in a RV.

-: Mood Swinging: She can go from happy to sad in a second, she has a rough past so certain things trigger her depression into act.

-: Weird: She has a lot of weird habits and querks, but it can often get on peoples nerves, especially her weird sleeping or eating habits..

Why you decided to join in on the road trip:

"I got really bored!"

Savannah loves just looking through Craigslist, especially the animal section. So one day she decided to scroll through some other sections, where she came upon the ad for a road trip. Savannah ALWAYS wanted to see the world, so she shot at the chance and agreed to go.


"I'd rather not talk about it.."

Her parents disowned her at the age of 16 when she came out to theem of having a girlfriend. She was sent into foster care after her religious family couldn't even stand the sight of her. She lost touch with her girlfriend and thus became quiet for a while, expressing herself through music and her love for nature and animals. She sings and plays guitar a lot, and is a very beautiful singer, singing helping her a lot through her depression. She got bullied a lot on the orphanage, and has scars upon her wrists and arms that she covered with tattoos once she got of age. It only took a few months for two lesbian mothers to come into her life, and adopt her out. At the age of 18 she went to college and became a music professor. She ended up going to college again for vet tech. She's extremely intelligent and very loud at times. She brings her guitar wherever she goes, especially on this road trip. She's been single due to her ex girlfriend since the age of sixteen, but who knows? Someone could perhaps, peak her interest?





Jelly Baby~

Philophobia said:



"Your mom?"

Savannah Light Rhodeson


"Why do you wanna know~?"

Lightning, Light.


"It's not polite to ask for a womans age!"



"Let me check..?"



"I love just about everything~"



"Too weird for your knowledge~"

+: Peppy: She's naturally a very bright and happy person, always a smile on her face, but theres a lot behind a smile.

+: Talkative: She's always the life of the party, talking talking talking. She likes to get off topic if someone talks about something that makes someone else uncomfortable.

+: Caring: She doesn't care what you've done to her, if you're upset, she'll be at your side in a minute to help you, especially if you've had a rough past.

+/-: She acts really ditzy, but she's EXTREMELY intelligent, she just doesn't show it.

-: Hyperactive: She has a lot of energy, so she typically goes on runs, but in this case, she'll be cooped up with others in a RV.

-: Mood Swinging: She can go from happy to sad in a second, she has a rough past so certain things trigger her depression into act.

-: Weird: She has a lot of weird habits and querks, but it can often get on peoples nerves, especially her weird sleeping or eating habits..

Why you decided to join in on the road trip:

"I got really bored!"

Savannah loves just looking through Craigslist, especially the animal section. So one day she decided to scroll through some other sections, where she came upon the ad for a road trip. Savannah ALWAYS wanted to see the world, so she shot at the chance and agreed to go.


"I'd rather not talk about it.."

Her parents disowned her at the age of 16 when she came out to theem of having a girlfriend. She was sent into foster care after her religious family couldn't even stand the sight of her. She lost touch with her girlfriend and thus became quiet for a while, expressing herself through music and her love for nature and animals. She sings and plays guitar a lot, and is a very beautiful singer, singing helping her a lot through her depression. She got bullied a lot on the orphanage, and has scars upon her wrists and arms that she covered with tattoos once she got of age. It only took a few months for two lesbian mothers to come into her life, and adopt her out. At the age of 18 she went to college and became a music professor. She ended up going to college again for vet tech. She's extremely intelligent and very loud at times. She brings her guitar wherever she goes, especially on this road trip. She's been single due to her ex girlfriend since the age of sixteen, but who knows? Someone could perhaps, peak her interest?





Jelly Baby~


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