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Fantasy A Pirates Life at Sea (always accepting!)

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]It's whatever you want xD

Keep it if u want idc i was just wondering xP
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Idk what to do!! xD

Im a very indecisive person so i can't help! D:
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Oh I wanted to pm you about something but I can't right now xD ill do it when I have time



Name: Kayla Smith

Nick or Alias: Silver

Personality: Kayla is tough. She has to be, to be a pirate. She has a soft spot for animals, no matter the creature. She likes to rant, especially when she's frustrated. From the outside, she seems cold and unfriendly. But once you get to know her, she's sarcastic, but nice for the most part.

Age: 20

Height: 6'1

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None (yet)

Choice of weapon(s): a rapier, and two flintlock pistols

Role: Crew

Bio: Kayla has lived on the sea for as long as she could remember. Her father and mother were pirates until they died. She was trained by her father, who was the master at the weapons that the Pirates were famous for wielding, the pistols and the rapier. She doesn't share much else about her past, and she's intent to leave it that way.




Loud people





Fighting style: She prides herself in her sword skills, so she does whatever is needed

Signature Move: a move that makes the enemy think she's swinging one way, but she's swinging on the opposite side

Signature saying: " What? Not my fault that he ran into my sword!!!"

Magic: Slight telepathy and telekinesis

Race: Human

Other: has a big silver hoop earring in her left ear

[QUOTE="Tessa Roberts]Appearance:

Name: Kayla Smith

Nick or Alias: Silver

Personality: Kayla is tough. She has to be, to be a pirate. She has a soft spot for animals, no matter the creature. She likes to rant, especially when she's frustrated. From the outside, she seems cold and unfriendly. But once you get to know her, she's sarcastic, but nice for the most part.

Age: 20

Height: 6'1

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None (yet)

Choice of weapon(s): a rapier, and two flintlock pistols

Role: Crew

Bio: Kayla has lived on the sea for as long as she could remember. Her father and mother were pirates until they died. She was trained by her father, who was the master at the weapons that the Pirates were famous for wielding, the pistols and the rapier. She doesn't share much else about her past, and she's intent to leave it that way.




Loud people





Fighting style: She prides herself in her sword skills, so she does whatever is needed

Signature Move: a move that makes the enemy think she's swinging one way, but she's swinging on the opposite side

Signature saying: " What? Not my fault that he ran into my sword!!!"

Magic: Slight telepathy and telekinesis

Race: Human

Other: has a big silver hoop earring in her left ear

Offspring said:

Name: Merek Abaddon

Nick or Alias: N/a

Personality: As a child and even as he got older he demonstrated a significant level of arrogance and a tendency to look down on others, as seen when he looked down on his peers for failing on there duties. He also cared little for the lives of others he was cold-blooded and wasn't above inhuman mass murder. Although as he has grown he has shown a tremendous amount of potential. Being a Capable, logical, reasonable, and effective individual with a deeply driven desire to promote security and peaceful living, he has a strongly-felt internal sense of duty, which lends him a serious air and the motivation to follow through on tasks. Very loyal, faithful, and dependable. He place great importance on honesty and integrity. He demonstrates great respect towards his opponents and will even commend them for their abilities and effort. He has his own personal philosophy when it comes to fighting. He strongly believes that on the battlefield, those with great conviction are the ones who obtain victory, regardless of the quality or power that either opposing side has at their disposal. He also usually has an offbeat sense of humor and can be a lot of fun.

Age: 25

Height: 5'11

Gender: Male

Sexuality: straight

Crush: N/a

Choice of weapon(s): He carriers two swords just encase he loses one and a Flintlock


Bio: Born in a foreign land to a long line of warriors he was raised to fight and compete and surpass whoever he met, while he followed this code his older siblings didn't they all didn't believe in this and did there own thing leaving Merek at the center of attention. The golden child capable of rivaling the gods he became in no time and his siblings thrown away to live on the streets and later killed by some organization trying to hold them hostage that later realized the kids were no good to the them, Merek found this event terrible but it happened and all he could do is pay his respects and continue onward, after a while things became boring and no one was in sight so he sailed away in search of other and soon met his true rival nature it self. One minute it's amazing the next a storm brews to ruin your day.

Dislikes: Dishonesty toward comrades, storms, failure

Likes: swords, eating, killing, Nature

Fighting style: Offensive


Signature Move:N/a

Signature saying:"kishi kaisei"

Magic: N/a

Race: Human

Would u pm me please?
Name: ???

Nick or Alias: Luna

Personality: This one has many names. All of which, none are worthy of saying. Sailors from all around call her Luna. Luna is a mystery. She comes and she goes. Often she'd sing her Songs when ships are near. She'd sing them all a lullaby, talk to them, ask them questions of all sorts. Then leave without a trace. No one knows exactly what she wants or why she's there in the first place.

Age: ???

Height: ???

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: No one in Particular

Choice of weapon(s): She often brings the bones of a sword fish, sharpened to its finest point.

Role: A wanderer

Bio: From the depths of the sea lives a Siren. No one from land knows much about this one. She has a sister @Libra259

Dislikes: people who dont answer her questions

Likes: talkative people. People who answer her questions. Her sister. Things she deem as interesting.

Fighting style : Defensive

Signature Move: Confusion

Signature saying: "How Interesting"

Magic: Hypnotism

Race: Siren

Other:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.891370b13b31710921f07740b86673f9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138783" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.891370b13b31710921f07740b86673f9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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CharmyPie said:
Name: ???
Nick or Alias: Luna

Personality: This one has many names. All of which, none are worthy of saying. Sailors from all around call her Luna. Luna is a mystery. She comes and she goes. Often she'd sing her Songs when ships are near. She'd sing them all a lullaby, talk to them, ask them questions of all sorts. Then leave without a trace. No one knows exactly what she wants or why she's there in the first place.

Age: ???

Height: ???

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: No one in Particular

Choice of weapon(s): She often brings the bones of a sword fish, sharpened to its finest point.

Role: A wanderer

Bio: From the depths of the sea lives a Siren. No one from land knows much about this one. She has a sister @Libra259

Dislikes: people who dont answer her questions

Likes: talkative people. People who answer her questions. Her sister. Things she deem as interesting.

Fighting style : Defensive

Signature Move: Confusion

Signature saying: "How Interesting"

Magic: Hypnotism

Race: Siren



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-61.jpg.cd0f3b6dedee5d857ed96e62df247dfd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138795" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-61.jpg.cd0f3b6dedee5d857ed96e62df247dfd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Goulde Dazai

Nick or Alias:

Warlock Blade


Dazai is very quiet, almost comically so. He pretty much never says a word and is seemingly emotionless, save for his time in battle. He doesn't argue, doesn't yell, doesn't really do anything but follow orders. Because of this, he has a hard time making decisions on his own, but rest assured, he can do it. It is rare for him to do so, but he will disobey orders he thinks are idiotic or that do not suit his morals and ideals.











Choice of weapon(s):

Dazai fights with a strange weapon that can only be used by him. By itself, it is simply an empty sword hilt, but by concentrating magical energy, he can bring forth a blade of any type of magic he knows. He calls it the Mana Siphon.




Goulde remembers very little of his childhood. He knows that he grew up in a land whose name he has long forgotten, in the far east. He had a loving mother and father...perhaps a sister; he isn't sure. Early in his childhood, he was kidnapped by a shadowy organization; the Crimson Warlocks. They used Goulde in their vile experiments of melding human with magic. It took years, but eventually it worked; Goulde was the first human specimen to have magic put inside him without being born with it. The Warlocks knew that he was going to make them powerful, and so they brainwashed Goulde into their service. They taught him for years in the art of the blade and how to harness his magical powers. Eventually, they began sending him out to kill people, and he was good at it. Goulde was forced to do this for years; he doesn't remember an exact number. The worst thing about it was not being able to die; the experiments they performed on him drastically slowed his aging process.

At some point, he was able to resist the brainwashing, and in a single night, eliminated every single Crimson Warlock. With their culture destroyed, Goulde had no purpose; he needed new orders. And so, he took to a life of mercenary work. He has been doing so ever since, but he doesn't just go work for someone willy-nilly. He only works with those he believes are worth working for...



Damaging his armor







The Violin

Moonlit nights

The sound of the ocean

Quiet places

Fighting style:

Very offensive. His strategy is to keep his opponent on the defensive long enough to wear them out.

Signature Move:

Goulde violently kicks the side of the kneecap of his foe, causing it to shatter. As his opponent falls to a knee injury pain, he will quickly step behind them and extinguish his blade. He will hold the empty hilt up to their head and reignite it, causing the blade to go straight through their face.

He calls it 'Cleansing Petals'.

Signature saying:

"Pick a God and pray."


Goulde knows a large variety of magic, but it mostly consists of Elemental magic. While he can't really use it in his hands like mages do, he can use his blade to shoot it at people for ranged attacks. However, without his hilt, he cannot use his magic.







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Nick or Alias: The Proud

Personality: The name says it all. He is a proud person. He is cocky, sassy but at the same time, caring, nice and a soft person in the inside. Pride is someone that you shouldn't trust unless, of course, the person who is trusting him is the captain her self. He likes teasing the captain and make her angry. That is the relation they have with each other. Always teasing each other. Though Pride is a member of the crew it is obvious that he works in a different way. He doesn't take orders rather well and so he oftens does his things alone, not helping the other crew members. The only person that is the reason for him to stay in the ship is the captain. If she wasn't there, Pride would have already left long ago. He gets jeallous pretty quickly when someone is trying to flirt with the captain. And if someone tries to hurt her... well that poor soul will feel the power of Pride as he would not blink twice to cut the person's neck. Pride is confident in his abilities.

Age: 20

Height: 1.85m

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: Pride only has real feelings for someone other than himself. And that is his captain, Kimberly. He isn't sure of what he feels but he can get really jeallous when another guy is with her. Pride doesn't understand the theme "Love", since he only really liked one person, himself. With that, the feelings he has for the captain is something new for him and so he will never admit them.

Choice of weapon(s): A rapier

Roles: Crew

Bio: When he was 7 years old, Aiden and his father were part of a crew that sold fishes around the world. One day the ship was destroyed by a kraken (if exists in this rp)/ by a pirate ship (if krakens dont exist). Aiden was the only one who had survived that day. He was rescued by a duke who raised him has his own child. The duke had two young daughters. Aiden only met them once in his childhood. When he was a grown man he was trained to be a pirate hunter. He was also the leader of the army of the duke. One day he tried to catch one of the daughters who he misundertsood has a pirate who was trying to steal something. Then, to show how sorry he was, he made himself part of the daughter's crew and they had some adventures together. However one day when he was away from his friends he was kidnapped by a group of people, members of a king who was a rival of the duke. They made him drink a black liquid that changed him. His hair became pure dark and his blue eyes turned to a bright red. He also forgot almost everything about his life. He then took the name Pride, the proud. He now was part of the same group called "The 7 sins". Together with his "brothers" and "sister", he would act has a right arm of the evil king. He would use his new looks a powers, to try destroy the daughters of the Duke and the Duke himself, who once saved him. Time passed and Pride grew feelings for one of the daughters. That made him betray the evil king and togetherwith the daughters, they defeated the king too. Now he is a real member of the crew of Kimberly, the daughter of the Duke.

Dislikes: He dislikes everything that becomes messy. He also dislikes the ways the daughters of the Duke act, as if he was not a threat for them. He hates the fact that he has feelings for someone else.

Likes: Watching Kim do her normal life. He loves the sunset but prefers the moon. He likes teasing Kim.

Fighting style: Offense

Signature Move: He doesn't have one. Pride's attacks are rather quick and deadly but he doesn't like doing the same attacks over and over again, cause that will make his opponent understand how he attacks.

Signature saying: "Im Pride the proud, im here to kill you" and "Everybody dies... some just need a little help".

Magic: He can change the colour of his eyes to blue and his hair to brown. He can also recreate his older self's voice.

Race: Human

Other: He can't read. He likes to sing.

Appearance: Very small, almost frail build. Messy brown hair and blue eyes. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/BeginnerSwordsman_zps4ac0f8f5.jpg.d81706d8e051179852e82eeba4bfd4c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138980" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/BeginnerSwordsman_zps4ac0f8f5.jpg.d81706d8e051179852e82eeba4bfd4c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Eden

Nick or Alias: If ya wanna piss him off go ahead and call him Eddy.

Personality: He is very playful, loves to tell jokes, (they suck), have fun, and sometimes piss people off in the process. He doesn't take much too seriously and can be very spontaneous, not bothering to finish one idea before he moves onto the next.

Age: 15

Height: 5 feet 4 inches.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight as a board.

Crush: *shrug* I dunno

Choice of weapon(s): A cutlass and knife.

Role: Scout of the ship. He hangs out in the crows nest and makes sure we don't pull a titanic or something.


Eden grew up without knowing his parents. He was essentially forced to grow up himself. He lived off of doing petty jobs and errands for anyone who needed them done, but has developed into more of a thief. He steals whatever he can, whether it be food, clothes, weapons, or money. The mystery of who his parents were has provoked him into living a very nomadic lifestyle, roaming from place to place in search of the truth, of answers. He currently sits aboard a pirate ship, not knowing what he's gonna do next.


Likes: Girls...hehee. Also playing the banjo!

Fighting style: Purely defensive. He is super quick, but very very weak physically so he would try to avoid a blow rather than inflict one.

Signature Move: Running away xD

Signature saying: "Well don't just sit there like a bump on a pickle!"

Magic: Turning someone from cool and collected to pissed off and angry in a matter of seconds. LOL

Race: Human.



  • BeginnerSwordsman_zps4ac0f8f5.jpg
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[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]
Appearance: Very small, almost frail build. Messy brown hair and blue eyes. View attachment 307710
Name: Eden

Nick or Alias: If ya wanna piss him off go ahead and call him Eddy.

Personality: He is very playful, loves to tell jokes, (they suck), have fun, and sometimes piss people off in the process. He doesn't take much too seriously and can be very spontaneous, not bothering to finish one idea before he moves onto the next.

Age: 15

Height: 5 feet 4 inches.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight as a board.

Crush: *shrug* I dunno

Choice of weapon(s): A cutlass and knife.

Role: Scout of the ship. He hangs out in the crows nest and makes sure we don't pull a titanic or something.


Eden grew up without knowing his parents. He was essentially forced to grow up himself. He lived off of doing petty jobs and errands for anyone who needed them done, but has developed into more of a thief. He steals whatever he can, whether it be food, clothes, weapons, or money. The mystery of who his parents were has provoked him into living a very nomadic lifestyle, roaming from place to place in search of the truth, of answers. He currently sits aboard a pirate ship, not knowing what he's gonna do next.


Likes: Girls...hehee. Also playing the banjo!

Fighting style: Purely defensive. He is super quick, but very very weak physically so he would try to avoid a blow rather than inflict one.

Signature Move: Running away xD

Signature saying: "Well don't just sit there like a bump on a pickle!"

Magic: Turning someone from cool and collected to pissed off and angry in a matter of seconds. LOL

Race: Human.

Img I love him his magic xD either my char is gonna like him or hate him with a passion xP lol and did u read the rules?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.2b5cad62b911b9d1e15c83368fab81bc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.2b5cad62b911b9d1e15c83368fab81bc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Morgan Lynn

Nick or Alias: Raven


Morgan has a very diverse personality in the meaning of which sides she shows to different people. With her crew mates, she jokes and just is a fun person to be around. When she is around her captains of second in command, she is very respectful and will do what is asked of her no matter how big or small. She is a very hard person to piss off and will mainly be happy and cheerful.

Age: 16

Height: 5'2

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Secret

Choice of weapon(s): Duel swords and three throwing knifes

Role: Crew


Morgan was always pretty much a free spirit, she would do what she wants when she wants to and her parents let her do it. When she started taking jobs from people around her village, she learned very quickly that she couldn't just dilly dally all the time and she needed to get stuff done at a certain time or she won't get paid. She has always been moving around since she hated being in one spot and she could take care of herself. Now she's working on a pirates ship and she absolutely loves it but she doesn't know if she wants to stay there or not.


-Staying in one place for too long

-Being clueless



- Moving around

- Being a pirate

- Her job on the boat

Fighting style:

She is a very strong offensive fighter and is strong in defense but not at strong as in offense.

Signature Move:

Morgan's signature move is when she takes her duel swords and she spins around quickly inflicting 7 quick slashes to her oppenent and it is nearly impossible to deflect. She calls it "7 slash dance"

Signature saying: "Huh, I may be short but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass"

Magic: Morgan? Having magic? Your funny. The world would already be exploded by now.

Race: Human

@Libra259 I thought I already posted it but I guess I forgot to press the "Post Reply" button, sorry!



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ScarlettRose16 said:
View attachment 307722

Name: Morgan Lynn

Nick or Alias: Raven


Morgan has a very diverse personality in the meaning of which sides she shows to different people. With her crew mates, she jokes and just is a fun person to be around. When she is around her captains of second in command, she is very respectful and will do what is asked of her no matter how big or small. She is a very hard person to piss off and will mainly be happy and cheerful.

Age: 16

Height: 5'2

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Secret

Choice of weapon(s): Duel swords and three throwing knifes

Role: Crew


Morgan was always pretty much a free spirit, she would do what she wants when she wants to and her parents let her do it. When she started taking jobs from people around her village, she learned very quickly that she couldn't just dilly dally all the time and she needed to get stuff done at a certain time or she won't get paid. She has always been moving around since she hated being in one spot and she could take care of herself. Now she's working on a pirates ship and she absolutely loves it but she doesn't know if she wants to stay there or not.


-Staying in one place for too long

-Being clueless



- Moving around

- Being a pirate

- Her job on the boat

Fighting style:

She is a very strong offensive fighter and is strong in defense but not at strong as in offense.

Signature Move:

Morgan's signature move is when she takes her duel swords and she spins around quickly inflicting 7 quick slashes to her oppenent and it is nearly impossible to deflect. She calls it "7 slash dance"

Signature saying: "Huh, I may be short but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass"

Magic: Morgan? Having magic? Your funny. The world would already be exploded by now.

Race: Human

@Libra259 I thought I already posted it but I guess I forgot to press the "Post Reply" button, sorry!
Its ok ur accepted!!

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