A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

Titania Heartlex

Elder Member
Greenwoods High School as always been known for their high test scores, great staff, great students, amazing sport teams, and the no.1 school you want to send your child too. But now a new generation of students have came and their anything but what the school used to be. It's the first day of school and the staff have their fingers cross for new and motivated students but would their dreams be crushed by the new generation?


  • No godmodding
  • Cursing is okay but keep it PG 17
  • No text lingo
  • Please use good grammar
  • Pre-arranged friendships are fine
  • 4-5 sentence replies please, 3 sentences is the absolute minimum
  • 3 character per-person
  • HAVE FUN!!

Character Sheet:




Club or Sport(Or neither is fine):

Personality(no "developmental" I want description):





Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

Please don't post till you've been approved, I want this RP to work! :3

You can be either: Student(doesn't matter school year) or teacher

My Characters(The first one is my main one):

Name: Cana Lovelex(Or CL)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): Art Club

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): Very laid back, not serious personality.Smart, witty, creative, kind and friendly to strangers, has a few close friends, always going to parties, social, seems to know everyone, makes friends easy, and has a very strong appetite for any and everything. Has a "I don't care.." attiude to people who annoy her. Level headed and doesn't seem to have a temper. She is very aloof to people, even her close friends.

Backround: Cana has never been a serious person since she was little, she lived with both her parents in a beach house her whole childhood but when her mother passed away due to an illness, her and her father packed their bags and moved to the city. In her pre-teen years she adjusted to the city life and began hanging out with, what her father would call "the wrong crowd". After the death of her mother, her and her father's relationship died, now she tires to work hard to make her father proud and happy.

Hobbies/likes: Food, trying new food, panting, graffiti, cooking, reading, music, men, old people, partying, animals, yoga, cigs, coffee, energy drinks, playing chess, scratching records, movies, collect records, sushi, egg rolls, pasta.

Fears/Dislikes: Dislikes spiders and any kind of bugs, scary movies alone, liers, party poopers, annoying people, complainers, being sick, begin hungry, sweet stuff, bitter food, burnt food, dull food.

Other: You can mostly find Cana wandering around the city at night graffiting walls and street corners. Or find her sleeping some place. Plus she always have her headphones in. And you can also find her playing chess with old people in parks or old folks home.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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Cana has long jet black hair, violet color eyes, cream skin tone, a beauty mark on the right side of her lip, stands about 5'3, slender figure, slim waist, and bust size around 33C. Fair skin, doesn't wear a lot of make-up, she has a very funky style to her outfits as she always changes what she wears everyday (which seems to be the only thing she takes serious). Her voice is calm and smooth, even though she smokes cigs. She also drinks a lot of coffee (due to her always being up late at nights) and wearing sunglasses to hide the bags under her eyes and when it's sunny out. First day of school outfit:

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Name: Tony G.(Mostly goes by Couch)

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): Couch of all the sports team.

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): Couch is a high motivated man, loud, angry, mean, tries to be cool, active for his age, the "authority", seems to show up when something is fishy,

Backround: Couch has been teaching at Greenwood for more than 20 years, he also went to Greenwood which is where he met his wife who is the math teacher also. Even though he may be a mean person at first but he's always nice to his wife and anyone who can win a sports game.

Hobbies/likes: Football, basketball, baseball, soccer, hokey, running, likes her dog, his wife, his new car, couching, winning, eating beef.

Fears/Dislikes: Losers, cats, complainers, lazy people, other schools sport teams, snacks, spicey food, rats, losing.

Other: He likes to clean his car every weekend and always wears the same track suit everyday.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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Name: James Roh (Mr. Roh)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): English teacher

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): Mr. Roh is a kind hearted, smart, funny, clumsy, nice teacher. He's very forgetful some times and can't remember what lesson he's teaching. Some of the female students flirt with him but all he does is laugh it off and shy away. He's also very scared of Couch and is always being threaten by him.

Backround: Newly single teacher, he's been teaching at Greenwood for 3 years. He's always wanted to become a teacher because when he was younger he had the biggest crush on his own English teacher which gotten him into teaching. He does come from a very wealthy family who wasn't the least bit excited about him changing his dream to become a teacher because the wanted him to become a doctor, since they make more money than teachers. But he rejected his family wishes and been teaching ever since.

Hobbies/likes: Bike riding, baking, reading, teaching, jazz music, fantasy books, helping people, playing baseball with Couch, laughing, smiling, daydreaming, dumplings.

Fears/Dislikes: Birds, clowns, beating up by Couch, failing, not teaching, tv, slang, begin flirted on by students, frozing food, bitter taste, gum.

Other: He always carry a book around with him(which is mostly fantasy) and wearing a red tie every Friday.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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Please let me approve of your character before the RP begins.



Name: Annie Grain(Mrs. Gain or Mrs. G)

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): Math Teacher

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): Mrs. G is a kind, smart, sweet teacher(the complete opposite of husband) She's very clever and the teacher that most students go to if they have a problem(mostly problems that involve her husband) she has a sweet voice and is very committed to her job, loyal, trust worthy, and all around a good person who believes in the best of people.

Backround: Mrs. G is the schools board daughter, she's been teaching at Greenwood for 19 years. At her first year she met Couch when he through a baseball through her math class window, hitting her at full speed which lead to her passing out. When she woke up Couch was standing over her and to which is when he fell in love with her but she hated him. As the years went by Couch kept fighting for her affection but was rejected every time until one day he asked to take her to her favorite ramen spot to which she agreed and ever since then they've been together. When she was 27 her and Couch found out that they can't have a child which put Mrs. G in great depression and she took 1 year off from teaching. Finally after that year she came back and fell back in love with teaching, and even though she can't have children her own she's always refering the students as, "my children" or "my babies."

Hobbies/likes: Gardening, cooking, walking in parks, doing math, cooking for Couch, chocolate, rain, cats, trading books with Mr. Roh, eating outside, cherry trees, her students.

Fears/Dislikes: Disappointing her students, Couch getting hurt, plane rides, spiders, whales, Couch cooking, losing, winter.

Other: Even though she's nice and sweet, she does have a short temper that she doesn't show to much.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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Okay sure I'll let you know. I still want to wait till there are more people and if you can, invite some people too. :)
Name: Cari Jackson (Or C.J.)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): Music Club

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): C.J. is kind to her friends, teachers, and anybody new. Cari is a fast thinker, so when anybody's in trouble she can help as fast as she can. She has a mellow voice that soothes many people. The one thing about C.J. that only some people like is her temper. If you hit a nerve she will snap in a way you don't want to see. She also likes to daydream every now and then. Guys do tend to flirt with her, but she hasn't found the "one".

Background: When Cari was a child, she was the sweetest little girl you could meet! That all stopped when her dad started fighting with her mom. She started screaming at her parents to stop, but that only made it worse. A few months later, they divorced and she lives with her mother. She gets home very late and leaves early. Cari has adapted to this living style, caring for herself. Mom takes care of bills, food, water, stuff like that. C.J. is still kind, but has a bad side to go with it.

Hobbies/likes: Dogs, cats, playing her flute, video games, walks alone, thinking, daydreaming, fall, winter, her cat vest with ears and tail.

Fears/Dislikes: spiders, scary movies, dying, not having friends, friends getting hurt, spicy food, liars.

Other: Likes the color blue, and wears a charm bracelet that her dad gave her.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):
You're approved! :3

Name: Lyon Ford

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): Captain of the baseball team

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): Charming, cool, funny, laughs a lot, he hangs around a lot of people, loves women, seems to dislike other men who takes the attention away from him, kind, not the smartest but he gets by, motivated.

Backround: Lyon grew up with both parents, his older brother, and younger sister. His father used to be a famous baseball player but a car crash left him in a wheel chair which put him in great depression that causes him to drink a lot. Lyon frowns down at his father because now his mother and older brother have to work to pay the bills. When Lyon comes home from school he babysits his younger sister, often taking her to parks or to the zoo. Lyon does cover up his anger well so his younger sister doesn't have to worry, so he turns his anger to baseball. Working hard to make the team and become the captain. Now Lyon promises his younger sister that when he becomes famous he'll take her, his mother, and older brother to a better place. A promises that he still holds dear to him.

Hobbies/likes: Baseball, women, candy, ice cream, scary movies, mangas, taking his sister to the zoo, winter, cats.

Fears/Dislikes: Seeing women cry, his father, spicy food, failing, showing his true feelings, men, monkeys, begin alone.

Other: His favorite color his blue and he loves anything with chocolate.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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First day of school outfit:

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Name: Alex Wilson

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Alex has always been a loner. She is extremely shy and takes awhile to get used to people. She loves being outside reading. She has a strong will but can be broken easily. She has trouble trusting people but is the most trustworthy person you will ever meet. She's a bit stubborn but is kind and would do anything for her friends.

Background: Grew up with both of her parents and has a little brother. She had a normal childhood and has one close friend. Her father is in the army and it's been 6 months since she last saw him. Her mother works in a tea shop and is rarely home. She has to take care of her brother until her mother gets home. She wants to be a nurse or follow in her fathers footsteps and join the army.

Likes/Hobbies: Reading, fencing, dogs, movies

Fears/Dislikes: Spiders, Sharks, math

Name: Yoru Lynch


Gender: Female

Personality: Yoru is very shy, and doesn't really talk to people. She is smart but, she doesn't like to raise her hand. You would most likely spot her in the back of the classroom. Yoru only has about two friends. Her goal is to make many friends.

Background: Raised with a big brother, a little sister, and both parents. Yoru has a moderately normal childhood. She would always get picked on because of her smarts. When she told her parents, they tried to help but it didn't work. Now her mom works at a craft shop and her father works as a video game designer. (She has one cool dad!)

Likes/Hobbies: Daydreaming, studying, cats.

Fears/Dislikes: Her parents divorcing, being heartbroken, ghosts, the dark.

Name: Coko Otnyz



Club: animation, chess, cooking, fighting.

Personality: Usually laid back, finds it hard to trust others, aggressive, dosen't find the value in life.

Background: Coko grew up in a home filled with violence. His brother beat him, his sisters hated him, his dad swore him out, and his mom won't even talk to him. He decided to take several martial arts classes, then make his own style that revolved around them. Coko now lives alone in an apartment complex, has a job as a sensei in his own dojo which enables to get the money for a good school, and cooks his own meals, he's pretty good at it as well.

Hobbies/likes: cooking, fighting, being smarter than most around him, rock, rap, dubstep, anime, manga, writing, drawing, gaming, chess, eating, hunting, and fishing.

Fears/Dislikes: Family, the idea of world peace, being social, creative blocks, show offs, unproductive hunting/fishing trips, country music,

Other: He has been having night terrors lately and is currently at an unstable state of mind. If provoked, he will attack you mercilessly, like an animal.

Long, spiky black hair, red eyes, bags under eyes, pale skin, fair physique, wears a black jacket, jeans, and bandages covering waist up to chest.
Name: Leo Dannon

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): None

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): Hard-headed, loud, stubborn, short tempter, always fighting with Lyon over any and everything, gets annoyed quickly.

Backround: When Leo was younger both of his parents walked out on him when they won the lottery. Leaving him alone to survive on his own he began working odd jobs to pay the rent at his home, hopping his parents come back. Now that he's older that faith died along with his childhood, he doesn't really work hard in school and doesn't bother doing any sports even though he has a huge love for baseball.

Hobbies/likes: Drinking, sleeping, spicy food, baseball, fighting with Lyon, tuna.

Fears/Dislikes: His parents, annoying people, reading, doing any kind of school work, Lyon, winter.

Other: He secretly likes to bake pies and cakes.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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His first day of school outfit:

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Right now! :3

"Attention all students, please sit down.....hey you, please don't stand up on the chairs....ah no throwing things....everyone please calm down.."
Mr. Roh says, trying to keep the children in order but failing. He sighs loudly, putting his thumb and index finger on this nose, feeling a headache already, "This is getting exhausting already." "Oh don't say it like that, deep down I know they are good students." Mrs. G says, smiling at the students, "ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE BRATS, SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!!" Mr. G yells, the room gets quite and all eyes are on him. "Who's that guy?" "He's not the head master right?" The students mumble amount themselves. "Hell no, I'm the Couch aka you're worst nightmare. Now listen up!! Classes would be starting shortly but if we can't get through the sign ups right then I'm going to make you all run 5 miles none stop!!" "Oh dear, you can't make them do that." Mrs. G smiles before clapping her hands "Okay I want everyone to form a line to get your classroom number and once everyone does that well begin classes." She smiles. The line forms smoothly and it's done by time the right bell rings.

"English first huh?" Cana mumbles to herself as she walks through the hallway, looking down at her form again for the class room number, "Class 5-B" She look at the room numbers before hearing a loud BANG!

"Oh no, please calm down...don't fight please!" A teachers voice yells from inside the classroom as students begin to form around the classroom door.

Cana rushes over to the classroom and looks inside to find a teacher standing on his desk waving his arms to get the two kids to stop fighting.

"You really want a piece of my Lyon well then bring it on!!" Yells one of the boys

"I'll kick your ass ya' air head!" Yelled the other boy and before you know it they both charge at it other, both swinging their fist like crazy; hitting one another hard as all the other students cheer.

Name: Rio Manch

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): Photo club, baseball team, wood shop

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): Rio is a very laid back and calm person, always smiling, gets along with everyone, he's very random at times and always saying something to either change the subject or make people laugh, he's very popular with the ladies which does make Lyon jealous but since their close friends they often joke about it. Rio is also close friends with Leo which causes a lot of fights between the three.

Backround: Rio grew up with both parents and a older brother who he admires. His father works very hard at a ramen shop he owns so he's barely home during the day. Rio's mother is a stay at home one and his brother is in college over seas so he doesn't see him a lot. Rio puts all his focus in his school work and in his activities so he can become success when he grows up.

Hobbies/likes: Eating, jogging, taking photos, reading, girls, his family.

Fears/Dislikes: The dark, people who are alone, someone begin sad, mean people.

Other: You can mostly find Rio sleeping in the back of the classroom or outside on the roof.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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First day of school outfit:

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Name: Naomi Mio

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): Cheer captain, cooking club, music club, swim club.

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): Naomi is often looked at as the female version of Leo as she is loud, stubborn, always gets what she wants, hard-headed, very short temper and mostly looked at as "bi-polar" as is always fighting for attention from all the boys in school

Backround: Naomi grew up with both parents who are very successful as her father is the owner of five very well none hotels while her mother is a famous actress. But since they are both hard working they are barely home, leaving Naomi to be raised most by the nanny's and looked after by a bodyguard sometimes she does feel lonely but hides it very well. She's child hood friends with Lyon, Leo, and Rio, knowing all three of them well but she likes Lyon the most and often telling him that they are going to get married when their older and doesn't care if he rejects her every time.

Hobbies/likes: Singing, planting, drawing, swimming, dancing, Lyon, modeling, cats.

Fears/Dislikes: Getting heart broken, disappointing her parents, spiders.

Other: Naomi's bodyguard shows up at random times, often thinking she's "in danger" even though she's not..

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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First day of school outfit:

View attachment 12326
C.J. walked into the chanting and saw the boys. She didn't know what to do. Her fast thinking sort of came in handy, and she pushed her way through the little crowd. When Cari grabbed one of the boy's wrist, he stopped and stared at her. She let go and looked away, blushing. C.J. left the room quickly and stood in the hallway.
"Who was that?" Lyon thought to himself; to confused from what happen Leo struck his fist into Lyon's face, making him stumble backwards.

"You left yourself wide open!" Leo yelled. Rio comes up behind Leo, putting his hand on his shoulder, Rio smiles cheerfully before saying, "oh come on guys, can't we work this out peace..." Lyon swings at Leo but he ducks out the way, causing Lyon to hit Rio in the face hard.

"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Couch yells as he pull both Lyon and Leo by the neck, taking them into the hallway.

"If you two don't calm down you'll both be kicked out of school!" He lectures both of them. "Yeah, yeah alright" Lyon says, "whatever.." Says Leo

"Good, and this goes for the rest of you brats, if I catch any of you fighting you'll have to deal with me!" Couch yells, "Now get to class all you you!"

Everyone hurry to their first class and to my surprise my class was the one the fight was held in. The teacher in the class begins to fix the desk along with some of the other students that have this class. "Ah well, sorry about that now can everyone take a seat and I'll begin roll call, if you're hear just say 'Here' " He smiles.

Cana quickly takes her seat by the window and notice the same two boys who've gotten into the fight are in the same class.
Yoru sat in the back like always, and started daydreaming. Once the teacher was done taking role, she or course wrote down notes. While Yoru was doing that, she often glanced around the room to see if there was anyone she would like to be friends with. A slight sigh escaped her mouth and she kept at her notes.


Cari rushed to her class and sat down in a sort of middle seat. The teacher took role and began class. "This is a normal day." She thought to herself. I notice some familiar faces, but most are new. "Other than that fight, I'm probably going to be bored all day." She thought again. Cari slumped in her chair and begged for today to be over.
Coko walked in without a care in the world. He smirked and spoke quietly. "Let's get started." He sat down and began to draw.
"I can't believe I'm late for my first day! Oh this is so embarrassing!" Savannah thought to herself as she ran to her class, almost running into a large, angry man in a sweatsuit and two younger males. There was no time to worry about that though, she was late enough as it is.

She stopped gracefully outside the door. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door and opened it slowly.

"Um...hello?" she squeaked shyly, closing the door behind her and bowing apologetically. "Good morning sir, is this class 5-B?" Savannah asked, standing upright with a sweet smile on her smooth face.

Her eyes trailed around the classroom, taking in all the faces around her, some sniggering. Savannah blushed and looked back at the attractive young teacher in front of her.
"Oh hello Miss, yes this class 5-B, please take a seat." Mr. Roh smiles as he looks down at his paper with the students names.

"And what wonder your name be?"

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