A Partner For An Epic 1 x 1


New Member

Hello fellow roleplayers, Nanolly here, with a request thread to hopefully lure in some of you for some 1x1 stories.

Me, personally, I'm all for the more lengthy multiple paragraph threads because I tend to get carried away when writing. Does that mean you have to do the same? Absolutely not. Let's just have fun and make an epic story as we do so.

MxF is the standard for me, where I can usually play a male or female character depending on the story and of course your preference on what character you would like to take. I've done MxM. I have multiple characters in threads to balance out the main ones, to make things interesting.

At the moment I have one character, Enier, that's been mentioned in a story I'm doing with a friend, a future setting, more like the events after what happens well after her journey. In the thread I'm looking to make, it involves Enier, a young woman with mysterious healing and elemental abilities on a journey to discover who she really is all while helping people. Of course, she cannot take this step alone, so guardians come at her side, to protect her while discovering things within themselves. Their known enemy the Queen Mother seeks to destroy Enier for her own purposes. This thread is about story, friendship/romance, war, violence. It will be lengthy sooo...I'm looking for a male character...one who can be among the other guardians set to help Enier on her quest. Anyone interested comment here or in a PM.

Also, if you need someone for a thread I am willing and ready.

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Hello! This is going to sound rather strange on my behalf, since i just recently joined this site, so I'm still nervous. I wont burden you with those thoughts though. I do have prior experience roleplaying anything from mythological creatures to your average human, as well as doing relationship types, or most any other preferred setting. I am rarely ever picky as to which gender i play, so I'm pretty flexible with things. I would be happy to join or create an RP with you, if you'll have me. As far as typing and such, i do favor longer responses, since i get a little into details and such when writing too. With that being said, sorry if this seems a little short. Feel free to pm me or any other sort of communication here if i have grabbed your attention.
Hello! If you are still looking then hello! In addition I have a few RP's put I am trying to her people for :3 I will link you if you like

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Hello. I am fairly new but I would be interested in trying to do this rp with you. I am more used to rping female characters but I am perfectly willing to do a male character. I am interested in the lore you have going here and would love to find out more.

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