A Pandaku Appears!


The Narcissistic Panda that Rules the World

Yo you humans (presumably. . . hopefully), I'm Panduku that Panda in your fridge when you're wondering "What's that noise?" . . . I apologize that's me. Anyway, after having admitted to one of the many insecurities you may have, I am a cub on this website. Strayed from my cave and was directed here by a douche that one can consider my friend . . . and that's a stretch (That douche!).

I've been roleplaying for . . . I don't know. A long time probably, but I ain't an elephant so my memory isn't that sharp (Can tell you every local restaurants with directions though.) Been searching for an active roleplay website for awhile now, and hopefully I found one, I pray to you the great Fozzie that I have found it. . . you too Baloo.

I am a 6 foot tall beautiful black, white, and Asian ursine with silky fur and a rump? Is that what people call the behind a rump? Well, my rump is fluffy and has qualities of a grade A tush if I do say so myself. I lived in America for all thine life and this is something that end with a something and finishes off with me being a sexy bear.

Anywho, I like to roleplay a lot, and I'm pretty active roleplayer. Also I'm back topic YAY! I am a major fan of yaoi and will probably do anything yaoi related no matter the pairing. I could go on an on about my beauty, but I will just let you slowly take in what you just read. Don't want you fainting because of my awesomeness now, kinda poor so ain't paying for no hospi. . . Wait a bamboo shoot growing minute, I'm a panda they can't sue me! Unless they wanna reward of a few bamboo shoot and a McDonald monopoly thing I got from some chicken nugget thing that was mysteriously lying in someone car for no reason whatsoever that screamed "Take me!" Getting off of the topic, and I forgot what I was gonna type. I say hi once again or hello, and leave you with this important info: I am a weirdo. I know unbelievable right? Ha, well now the fish is flipping out the bag, and I hope to rp with you soon. Or talk to me whatever humps your camel! (???????)???? Get it? Cause a camel has a hump? . . . Nobody? Okay . . .

(???`?) (Cries in a corner)


Ahhh back in the day where a panda could ride in style. (Wasn't I beautiful!)

PS: Congratulations are making it this far. The Panda: 1 You: 0
Hello @Pandaku,

Welcome to RpN!

You’ll find a lot of great members to roleplay with here. Before you jump in, make sure you’ve read and understood the Official Site Rules and New User Restrictions. After you have done that, you can head over to the Roleplays board for all of your roleplaying needs. You can create new roleplays for one on one or group settings, propose your own ideas, and join other roleplays!

We’re all friendly here, so if you ever want to chat, you can jump into the Shoutbox!

If you ever find that you’re stuck, you can always refer to News & Updates or Questions & Information. I am always willing to answer any questions you may have. :)

Happy roleplaying!
Erro @Musician,

Thank you, Pandaku ain't so lonely anymore. Doing a lot of exploring surprisingly (We panda's are laaazzy!) Me thinks I gonna like it here ^^!

caught a candid of you.


your butt is kind of the fluffiest ever.

Welcome to RpN.

With love,

The paparazzi.

A rump never looked so beautiful (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥Д°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)!!

Thank you for the welcoming my homosapien friend.

. . .

Wait! No paparazzi! -poses for pictures- my beauty is terrifying (In a good way)!

Oh my word, do you even have to ask!

(Reveals bootifulish rump)

Be gently with me . . . I'm very sensitive o/////o

(Wiggles tail)
Pandaku said:
Oh my word, do you even have to ask!

(Reveals bootifulish rump)

Be gently with me . . . I'm very sensitive o/////o

(Wiggles tail)

... *pets it with great care*

Oh mai...

It's so... Yesh...

No words can describe teh beauty of this...

How does one get such a tush?

Oh it's quite simple really, I am just born with this beauty!

No work done.

Not like I put a lot of shampoo or conditioner or other chemicals in it or anything -attempts to whistle-

May this wonderful being known as Pandaku inquire on how you are

on this pandtastic day?
Pandaku said:
Oh it's quite simple really, I am just born with this beauty!

No work done.

Not like I put a lot of shampoo or conditioner or other chemicals in it or anything -attempts to whistle-

May this wonderful being known as Pandaku inquire on how you are

on this pandtastic day?
I thought I could smell natural beauty~! *sniiiiiiiif* Wait... Is that... PANDAKU IS THAT SHAMPOO?!

I am doing wonderful sir Pandaku! And how, may I ask, are you? ^w^

Huh! That is indeed not shampoo, but the wonderful fragrance of coconut scented bamboo shoot that just so happen to be my chair.

-slowly avoids gaze-

Well I do say that you mortals sure know how to kill a bear with these things you all call a final. Panda's and work are two thing that should never be put together.


Although somehow, thanks to my over powering skills, I manage to overcome 4 of these wretched exams . . . I don't know if I'll make it.


Hmmm ( ???) Who might you . . .WAHHH!

Hakumen (w/santa hat)!

Not only do you kill me in my game you side with the fat man of America OAO

-very cautious while poking with bamboo sword-

Never! Exercise is for those who lack the beauty such as myself!

-Belly flops on the ground-

Calm your sword you barbarian! This day and age you use swords to kill dragons or that relative you're not very fond of at home because they always get you the wrong coffee and play it off as a joke although there was nothing humorous about the situation (JERK) not panda's!

Do you not have any gaming experience OAO! For SHAME!

See that's what exercise does to you. Too much and you go try killing an endangered species.

(Plus if I exercise my wonderful tush would lose its value)
Suuure Pandaku... Suuuuuuuuuure.........

... watching yoooooou...

I swear to you, the people who created these so called "finals" aren't humans. They are DEMONS!

It's ok Pandaku... I know those feels...

You know if you watch me too closely your eyes might pop out and leave you to come to me ya know . . . I am just warning ya.

(Look all you want, I feed off of attention Gra Gra Gra!)

Well seeing as I am an endangered species due to -cough cough- (people) then this was created by Demons!

You are very wise, and this pain should not be felt by those of other races.

(Humans . . . Keep your tests to yourselves!)

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