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Fantasy A P O L L Y O N

It seemed Alistair would understand what Lukas's struggled words meant. The young warriors breathing was still cut off under the giants boot. His eyes were going blank and slowly fading into a black nothingness as his vision enclosed around his surroundings. Oddly enough the feeling was tranquil and calm, peaceful in a way. Lukas found himself focusing on the sound of rain hitting the soft ground. His thoughts drifted to his family, to the quest and to his companions. In a weird way he almost wanted this to be the end.

However, fate wouldn't have it that way it seemed. Suddenly the massive bandits boot released his hold from Lukas's throat. Instantly his body took over and jerked awkwardly as he forcefully took in air. He spun around and heaved himself on all fours as he stared at the ground below him. Slowly he began to regain his senses and then he took in the battle scene once again. Alistair, the man who saved his life again, had Nights Bane in his hands fighting off the giant Shadow. Lukas watched as the giant slammed his elbow in Alistair's cheek, sending the man reeling in pain as he hit the ground. Then he looked to his left and saw that a large wall of rock was surrounding the smaller bandit, buying Alistair and Lukas time.

But Lukas couldn't move. He was still to dazed.

Rain kept beating down on him, soaking his clothes and making his black hair fall down over his eyes. The large bandit began making slow steps towards Alistair which went unopposed. That was until a small dagger barely penetrated the bandits shoulder. Shaking his head Lukas seemed to be catapulted back into the fight, now over his dazed behavior. The brute seemed to hardly notice the dagger and simply kept moving towards Alistair. Quickly running towards the brute Anthoni reached for the small dagger, he ripped it from the monsters shoulder. Which in turn brought the beast to spin around with a wide swing of his arm. Lukas ducked low and stabbed the bandit in the side. Then he stabbed him again and again and again. The Shadow let out a roar as he tried in vain to stop Lukas's onslaught of strikes, but the bandit was to big and to slow. Lukas danced around the man and made sure stay close enough to cause maximum use of his weapon.

Finally the bandit fell down on one knee, looked up at Lukas, then with one smooth slash Lukas cut the Shadows throat until he could see bone.

That's when he noticed the other bandit running at him with a mace in hand. Apparently the wall of stone had come undone, now this Shadow was coming full force at Lukas and his.....companion, Alistair. Lukas reached down for the, now slain, bandits back which held his sword, Nights Bane. With one sturdy pull Lukas got in his stance and prepared for the Shadow to swing. In a moment the lanky creature swung his mace in a wide arc aiming for Lukas's mid section. Jumping backwards Lukas let the momentum of the swing expose the Shadows side, then dashing forward and with one fatal blow, Lukas split the creature in half from his shoulder to his hip bone.

Then he scanned the battlefield, the fight now over.

Leaning down he offered Alistair his hand, but spoke no words to the man.

Seren Nox

Stumbling her way over onto the other side, Seren collapsed upon successfully arriving. Her knees stung, still coated in her blood, which had spread to form rivers to the soles of her feet, staining her protective leather boots. Head still pounding from the sudden use of her power, she silently congratulated herself for having made it over the chasm. Especially since she'd come close to losing her balance to the point of toppling to her death.

The dancer brought her shaking hands over her injury, aware that further use of her power could potentially result in her passing out, but also just as aware that she would continue to bleed out if she didn't. Light illuminated her fingers, her glowing palm pressed directly to the wound. Her head echoed painfully as it throbbed from the energy use. But she lifted her hand to survey her handiwork and the rain started to wash away the crimson to reveal her pale unbroken skin. She wanted to close her eyes and just rest, but sheer stubbornness and lingering fear kept her from giving into her exhaustion.

This incident had revealed that she wasn't as strong as she would have liked to be. How many of her comrades here would now think her weak because of her reaction today? It was easy to be harshly self-critical now that the immediate danger had passed. Tears bit at her eyes again now, but they would be hidden by the steady rain that cloaked the blood-soaked chasm. However, Seren warily kept her gaze on her surroundings, making sure that she wouldn't be caught off guard a second time. She took breaths as steadily as she could, not wanting to reveal her emotional vulnerability or how drained of energy she was.

She had been scared. Seren still felt uneasy at being so close to the edge. The wolf was on the same side of the chasm that she was on, and the teammates she was most familiar with were still separated by the gap. Alistair and Lukas did not count as any kind of emotional support, and Seren doubted that they would even know how to give it.

Casting her gaze to the other side of the chasm, she felt a little guilty for wanting support, and ceased her silent crying. Rowan and Asra looked like they were in terrible shape. Seren remembered the water that knocked her down - that could only have been Rowan. Cierra and Xerxes also looked worn out, and Seren could feel chills down her spine as she surveyed how much damage their group had taken. It was a miracle that no one had been killed.

Though their collective health had definitely taken a hit. The rain would make people sick if they continued to be exposed. Not to mention, she didn't want to find out if the Shadow Bandits had friends in the area. Seren gathered her breath, putting only enough force into her trembling voice so that it would be able to be heard on the other side of the chasm as well as her own.

"We need to find a place to hide. We're exposed out here." Both to the elements and to possible threats. Not all of them might not be in the best health to make it over the ledge, but they needed to find someplace dry to rest and recover. Progressing forward would be difficult with their low energy levels, since there was probably no way that they could withstand another fight.

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Alistair Ryder

"The Blind Rogue"

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    Mood: Heartbroken | Pained | Tired

The blind man remained on the ground for a moment, attempting to recover from the elbow to the face he received. If he still had his vision, he was almost a hundred percent certain that there would be no need trying to see because his vision would be fuzzy and doubled from the impact. It felt as though his entire body was screaming in pain, as if a volcano of emotions were waiting to burst forth and erupt in the form of a pained yell. But Alistair only loosened the cork in the bottle, allowing a hiss to escape through his clenched teeth.

Before the male could work on regaining his composure, a growing pounding began sounding somewhere nearby. It was loud and made his head pound, forming a headache. It was growing louder and louder until it seemed as if the pounding was in his brain. No... It
was in his head! It seemed as though his vision was getting darker—darker than his blindness. It was a different sort of darkness, as if Alistair was staring into the eternal void of nothingness. The darkness hurt his head and combined with the pounding made him want to scream. Then the strangest thing happened...

For the first time in ten years, Alistair saw things.
In color.

But the blind rogue knew that something was wrong immediately. Whatever was occurring was of dark magic. Before him was a woman. She had dirty blonde hair that glimmered in the sunlight like polished gold. Sky blues eyes gazed back at him. She had high cheek bones and cute pink, Cupid's bow lips. The woman was very attractive, and she was smiling sweetly at the man with love evident in her gaze.

Alistair was dumbfounded. A lump formed in his throat, choking off any words that would've come from his chapped lips. His eyes watered as tears threatened to spill from the corners of his eyes. He began to step forward and started to reach out a hand, hoping to take the woman into his grasp. He swallowed the lump in his throat. "

And then the scene changed.

Electric blue and green flames licked at the woman's skin as an ear-piercing scream erupted from her. Her once beautiful sky blue eyes reflected the death that was swallowing her. No tears had a chance to form as the heat from the flames immediately dried up the water. The woman began scratching at her burning flesh, her nails ripping it open and allowing the red muscle below to show.

Then the woman stopped squirming, bu the flames still ate at her body. She glared at the male, hatred and betrayal in her eyes. "
You left me to die!" She screamed. "You did this! You did this!"

Alistair collapsed to his knees, the tears having welled up enough to spill. He opened his mouth to speak, to plead that it wasn't him, that it wasn't his fault, but every time he opened his mouth no sound came out. It felt as though his heart was being ripped out of his chest and being thrown into the void. He was broken and hurt from the inside out.

And then the vision was gone and Alistair was plunged back into the blackness of being blind. The pounding disappeared and he let out a gasp upon entering the real world again as if he had emerged from being trapped under water. He sucked in the precious oxygen around him in desperation, filling up his lungs with the stuff necessary for survival. The blind archer focused on sending out a resonation, inspecting the battlefield. Cold, unmoving bodies lay on the ground, but none of them belonged to his companions. It seemed that he and the others were able to eliminate the Shadow Humans.

Footsteps approached the downed male. Judging by the size and weight behind each step, Lukas was the one approaching. When Lukas stopped before him, Alistair sent out another resonation to see his action. The fire mage was holding out a hand towards the blind man. After a moment of hesitation, the blind rogue reached up and clasped his hand in Lukas', allowing the other to help him to his feet. Once he was up, Alistair staggered to his fallen weapons, his bow and staff, and replaced them on his body.

Then the man realized something was missing.
Fýlax! The man quickly searched the vicinity for his canine companion and, once he located the wolf's body, staggered over to it as quickly as his pained, old body would allow him. He knelt beside the black wolf and inspected its injured body both by his earthen magic and his hands. The mace the small bandit had hit him with dealt quite a bit of damage, including a few broken ribs, internal bruising, and pierced flesh.

Alistair placed his hands over the Fýlax's injured side, the wolf letting out a nervous whine. "
Sh," he soothed quietly. "Bo sarr."[1] He focused on his companion's body and its injuries carefully and called upon his light magic. A familiar tingling began to run through his forearms and hands as his hands glowed a faint white. After a few moments, the wolf's ribs were mended back together and the wounds were closed up, but nothing else could be done. Alistair didn't want to cause more harm than already done.


1. "
Be still."


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