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A Once Upon A Time 1x1

Chynna Doll

♥ Mz Doll ♥


This is a 1x1 between @AnnaWinters and myself. If you are not the other person that I have mentioned, please do not post in this thread. You are free to read along ^^
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Emma Swan

You would think that having Snow White and Prince Charming as your parents would be amazing. Well in Emma's position, she doesn't think that having them as parents are so amazing. They actually give her little to no breathing space. Not only is Emma the product of true love, but she is also the chosen one. So there are times when they can get a little annoying. You would think since they have an entire kingdom to run that they wouldn't have time for their daughter but that wasn't the case. They made sure that they spent as much time with Emma as possible and at first, she was fine with spending time with her parents but as the years with on, she wanted her space. They didn't want her dating, and she had to have a guard with her everywhere she went because they were afraid that Regina would attack or something. However Regina never attacked and part of Emma assumed that the lady could have moved on with her life or is probably dead.

The only good thing that came with spending some time with her parents were learning how to fight. Her favorite weapon was the sword, which she learned how to wield because of Charming. She recently started learning how to use her powers but she had a feeling that her teacher was holding back information from her. She bet her parents had something to do with it. She could just feel it but she remained quiet and didn't confront her parents about it. As of late, Emma has been sneaking out of the palace and going to the woods to see if she could teach herself how to use magic. Besides the things she has learned so far, progress have been extremely slow. At the rate she was going, Emma knew that it was going to be a long time before she can actually do something cool with her powers.

The day started off like any other day. She waited until everyone was really busy before she slipped out of the castle but not before grabbing her sword and bow and arrow. Walking through the woods, she was looking for a good spot to once again try to learn how to use her magic on her own. Her parents had a library but nothing on spell casting because she had looked. "I need to find a teacher who won't hold back or something." She mumbled to herself as she continued to travel through the woods. Emma made sure that she watched her surroundings because anything could happen in the Enchanted forest. As she walked deeper into the woods, she could see a house in the distance. Raising an eyebrow, she walked towards it out of curiosity because she never seen the house before. In a way, it was if the house wanted her to come closer and she soon found herself knocking on the door. "Hello? Is anyone there?"



Life never had been easy from the moment she was born, her mother never even seemed to care about her and even sold her off to a man that first had tried to get to her mother. Not only was that man a lot older than her, he also only married her because of the daughter that he had. A spoiled brat named Snow White who seemed to adore Regina since she had saved her from a running horse, or something like that. The girl had taken a liking to Regina and that same girl was the reason of her loosing her one true love. It wasn't like her husband ever had cared, yet it seemed like he was as jealous as much as he loved his daughter. The man was foul and all that had happened because of that brat, made her hate the girl more than anything.

She had told Snow that she would curse her, even if it would be the last thing she did. Sadly tragedy struck and she had to flee, making sure no one who knew her would see her as the evil queen. She looked like a mere peasant now, a thing she despised as she hated to be looked down upon. She had been plotting her revenge for ages and so she had created the gingerbread house, at least that was what she called it. Since it would lure in the child of the woman she hated the most. Why not strike Snow where it would hurt her the most.

And so she smiled when a knock on the door came, only to move toward it and opening it in a stunning white dress. Smiling at the girl as she couldn't help but notice how she looked more like the prince instead of Snow. Good, that only made it easier to look at her face. In the fire of her home, she was cooking a potion. A simple one that cured illness, just to show that she knew magic. She had planned it all into the tiniest detail as she looked at the girl. "Hello there. Are you lost?" she asked the girl as she made sure that her look was that of how she had been, innocent and kind as a teen. "My name is Regina, but if you don't like that name, you can call me Gina, it seems to be what most people do now a days. Well, if people still came here." she said as she bit from the green apple in her hand.


Robin Hood

Robin had done a lot of things in his past that he wasn't proud of. Before his good deeds, Robin was just a thief stealing things he needed to survive. The one item, well creature that he had stolen that he would never forget was a farmers horse. When he was camping one night, the farmers daughter, Marian, had found him. She had an arrow pointed at him and explained that the horse that he had stolen was their only meal ticket. Feeling bad about taking the horse from her family, he not only gives her back the horse that he had stolen but his other horse as well. Of course it didn't take the two long to fall in love with one another and that was when he decided to change his ways. They opened a Tavern together but their happiness is short lived when the Sheriff demanded that they pay taxes in two days or Robin would be jailed and their business will be shut down. So Robin did the only thing he thought he could do. He went to Rumpelstiltskin for help because he didn't know who else to turn to. Rumple said that he would be able to help him if he gets him an elixir of the wounded heart from Oz.

Things didn't go quite as planned on his trip to Oz. Not only did he get caught, but he didn't give the elixir to Rumple. Instead, he gave it to a guy name Will who was suffering from a loss of a loved one. When he returned home, his Merry Men backed him up and rebelled against the Sheriff and took his gold and gave it to the poor. He then renamed himself as Robin Hood. The only good thing that had came from the trip of Oz was the 6-leaf clover which he used to glamour himself so the Dark One wouldn't recognize him. Robin meets Will again and lets him into the Merry Men crew. He informed him that they were thieves but they only steal from the rich in order to give back to the poor. Once again things seemed to be looking up in their favor until Marian gets pregnant and falls extremely ill as a result. So Robin once again uses the clover to glamour himself to Rumple and break into his castle to get the healing wand but things don't go exactly as plan once again and he gets captured and tortured. He meets Belle, who was Rumples servant and she feels sorry for him and thus frees him and he takes the wand and leaves. Healing Marian, she gives birth to their son and later dies with him blaming himself for it.

So now here he is, a single father in charge of the Merry Men, stealing from the rich in order to give to the poor and he is at a stand still. As much as he loves his big family, he really didn't want to live that life any more. In fact, he just wanted to settle down and raise his son the right way in hopes that his son turns out to be so much more than a thief like him. As usual, he is up before anyone else taking a stroll to make sure that everything is clear and that there is no one following them or soldiers close by. He noticed that there was a group of men heading a direction where a house was and got curious and decided to follow them. He stayed behind a tree and watched as they walked up to the house where two women were having a conversation. One of the women had blonde hair and as his eyes went to the other, he felt his heart skip a beat. The brunette was breathtaking. The way her skin seemed to glow and her hair flowing into the wind. Absolutely stunning. However he couldn't really admire her for too long because the group of men seemed to be up to trouble. Without really thinking twice, he came out from where he was and ran over to save the women from these group of thugs.

((Please let me know if I need to change anything))



Emma Swan

As she waited for someone to open the door, Emma started to second guess herself. Like maybe she should just find out how to work magic on her own or something. The fact that no one answered the door could mean one of two things. No one could be home or there could be an evil person behind that door waiting for the moment her guard was down to strike. The person, if there was someone behind the door, was taking too long to answer. So she turned around and was about to leave when she heard the door open up. Turning back around, she saw a lady in a white dress. Her instincts screamed at her to run but her body stayed put. The lady, whose name is Regina, asked her if she was lost. "It is nice to meet you Regina. My name is Emma. Yes and no." She said answering to Regina's question.

"The reason why I say this is because, I am looking for a teacher to teach me magic. My parents are hellbent on giving me a teacher that teaches just the basics but I want to learn how my powers work. I want to do so much more with them instead of just learning on how to make fire." Emma said basically explaining her life story for as magic teaching wise. Emma didn't say her parents name because she didn't want to get into any trouble. And by trouble, she means getting kidnapped and her parents receiving a ransom note asking for their gold or whatever. Before she could wait for a response, she heard men coming up to the house. Looking at them, she placed her hand on her sword. "Looks like you get more company than you realize." She said to Regina as she looked at the group of thugs approaching them. Then she saw movement out of the corner of her eyes and saw that another guy was heading their way. "Just how many of them are there?" Emma drew her sword as the leader stopped in front of the house. "Alright ladies. We are going to give you a chance to drop your weapons and give us all of your money. Otherwise, we won't guarantee that you will live." The men chuckled as Emma narrowed her eyes slowly. "How about you turn around and go back to where you came from. I would hate to have you leave here with your tail between your legs."

Of course Emma was just trying to scare them off. Sure she knew how to sword fight but there was more of them and then there was of them. Not to mention, she hasn't quite mastered her powers. Naturally the men didn't like the fact that she basically called them dogs.

((Sorry for the wait. I hope that this is okay))
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