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Fandom A-NEXT

Lost Martian

Get in the robot!

Roughly thirty years ago the modern age of the heroes began. From a spider bite creating the first hero, to cosmic rays creating the first team, it wasn’t too long until all kinds of powered people began to emerge. Soon the Earth was full of superheroes and villains, whether they be mutants, aliens, gods, or even regular humans. Some of these people would become legendary, with groups like the Avengers, X-Men, and Defenders soon becoming almost worshiped by the general public.

Many battles would be fought and crises overcome as old heroes died and new ones rose up to replace them. It seemed like the Earth was almost always under threat, always calling on its protectors. Then it finally stopped. After one last world shattering event, that ended with the destruction of Galactus the World Eater, Earth finally had some peace. In the years following that, many heroes would choose to retire, thinking that they’ve done their service.

Of course with no battles to be fighting, many former heroes would settle down and start families. In only a few years there was a whole new batch of powered youths who only had the stories of their parents to go on to guide them. This resulted in many of them getting rebellious and misusing their powers. Soon it would become a problem with powered teens running amok, messing up several large cities across the globe.

SHIELD commander Monica Chang would seek the advice of the retired heroes and would come to the solution that the youths needed structure. And thus A-NEXT was thought up, a training camp for the powered youths, based out of the old Avengers Mansion. A-NEXT is now due to open with its first class, which is very good timing because it seems like super-villainy is about to make a return as well.

I’ve been reading some MC2 comics recently, which is about the kids of Marvel heroes, so I’m in the mood to run something similar. So this is a concept I’ve roleplayed before, the whole next generation of the Marvel heroes, but I’ve never actually run it myself, until now.

This would be an alternate Marvel universe where the age of the superhero started about thirty years ago, meaning most are retired and with children. I’m keeping the canon pretty loose as this will be our own part of the Marvel Multiverse to form, so feel free to take stuff from the comics, movies, cartoons, or whatever else.

Each player will be allowed a maximum of three characters. These characters will be teenagers, or equivalent if non-human, who are original characters that are the children of canon Marvel heroes (or villains if you want). They all will to have some extent either have problems controlling their powers, or just behaving responsibly, and are thus sent to the A-NEXT camp.

I’m pretty open on the power scale of our characters, as we could go from something like a guy with a bow and arrow, to a galactic hero. I’m just going to say no cosmic powers like Captain Universe, Phoenix, or Silver Surfer as that would very easily break the story. Also if playing as a mutant, don’t feel the need to use the same powers as your parents. The X-Gene is wild and can create all kinds of interesting stuff.

Anyways, I think that is everything for now. If you want to express interest, ask questions, or share character ideas, feel free to post below.

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