Lost Martian
Average Person
The modern age of the superhero began with the turn of the century. In the year 2000, Spider-Man would first swing over New York City, the Fantastic Four would go to space and gain their powers, and the first public whisperings of mutants existing would happen. In the following years many more powered individuals, both heroic and villainous, would appear, greatly changing the world.
People would look up to groups like the Avengers and X-Men, this need to be protected becoming a popular thing. Of course not all of these powered people would operate publicly, as organizations like SHIELD and HYDRA would exist in the shadows. As time passed, these heroes would get older, many of them starting families, which meant some of them also began retiring from crime fighting.
The last major crisis was ten years ago when the world devourer Galactus tried to consume the Earth for a final time. The heroes, and some villains, of the world would unite, ultimately being able to destroy Galactus once and for all, though it cost many lives. Following this crisis, the vast majority of powered individuals retired.
Since then the Earth has mostly been at peace, with mutants finally becoming more widely accepted, and humanity making peace deals with various alien empires. Thus the Avengers went on to be a backup team and Xavier’s Institute was closed, becoming a museum of mutant history.
However in the last year, things have started picking up again. Rumors abound about HYDRA and AIM being back, as well as a new generation of mutants who are using their powers for crime, and various aliens operating on Earth illegally. Wishing to address these issues, as well as train these new super-powered youths, SHIELD director Monica Chang has started the A-NEXT Initiative.
Making use of the long abandoned Avengers Mansion, Director Chang and SHIELD as a whole would make a training center for teenage superheroes, to guide them down the right road. Besides a mix of schooling and practical training, the A-NEXT members are allowed to fight crime, but with SHIELD oversight.
So as the first class of A-NEXT begins, the retired superheroes around the world are anxiously waiting to see what this new generation of superheroes will bring to protect the peace.
So the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game is fairly new, so I don’t expect a majority, or possibly any, of people to be familiar with it, but I would like to give it a try, as I’m willing to teach it. Using a simple 3d6 system, Marvel Multiverse RPG is a quick and cinematic game where you aren’t bogged down with a ton of numbers to sort through, just needing to know addition and single digit multiplication.
For those not familiar with the game I suggest watching the official how to play video made by Marvel themselves: link here. If you are still are interested in this, but don’t own the books, please PM me and I can help.
As far as the characters you will be playing, they will be teenagers who are a part of the new generation of powered individuals. This can mean that you are a child of a canon hero or villain, a new character taking up a familiar mantle like Moon Knight or Ghost Rider, or a fully original character as long as they fit in the Marvel universe.
As far as rules and character building goes, I have decided that you will be playing Rank 3 characters, and that I will allow for pretty much any powers combination as long as it abides by the power selection rules in the core book.
But yeah, I’ve had all the books for this roleplay system for awhile now, and I would love to get a chance to run it. So if you are interested in this, please let me know. If you have any questions or character concepts you want to share, please feel free and I will reply promptly.
The modern age of the superhero began with the turn of the century. In the year 2000, Spider-Man would first swing over New York City, the Fantastic Four would go to space and gain their powers, and the first public whisperings of mutants existing would happen. In the following years many more powered individuals, both heroic and villainous, would appear, greatly changing the world.
People would look up to groups like the Avengers and X-Men, this need to be protected becoming a popular thing. Of course not all of these powered people would operate publicly, as organizations like SHIELD and HYDRA would exist in the shadows. As time passed, these heroes would get older, many of them starting families, which meant some of them also began retiring from crime fighting.
The last major crisis was ten years ago when the world devourer Galactus tried to consume the Earth for a final time. The heroes, and some villains, of the world would unite, ultimately being able to destroy Galactus once and for all, though it cost many lives. Following this crisis, the vast majority of powered individuals retired.
Since then the Earth has mostly been at peace, with mutants finally becoming more widely accepted, and humanity making peace deals with various alien empires. Thus the Avengers went on to be a backup team and Xavier’s Institute was closed, becoming a museum of mutant history.
However in the last year, things have started picking up again. Rumors abound about HYDRA and AIM being back, as well as a new generation of mutants who are using their powers for crime, and various aliens operating on Earth illegally. Wishing to address these issues, as well as train these new super-powered youths, SHIELD director Monica Chang has started the A-NEXT Initiative.
Making use of the long abandoned Avengers Mansion, Director Chang and SHIELD as a whole would make a training center for teenage superheroes, to guide them down the right road. Besides a mix of schooling and practical training, the A-NEXT members are allowed to fight crime, but with SHIELD oversight.
So as the first class of A-NEXT begins, the retired superheroes around the world are anxiously waiting to see what this new generation of superheroes will bring to protect the peace.
So the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game is fairly new, so I don’t expect a majority, or possibly any, of people to be familiar with it, but I would like to give it a try, as I’m willing to teach it. Using a simple 3d6 system, Marvel Multiverse RPG is a quick and cinematic game where you aren’t bogged down with a ton of numbers to sort through, just needing to know addition and single digit multiplication.
For those not familiar with the game I suggest watching the official how to play video made by Marvel themselves: link here. If you are still are interested in this, but don’t own the books, please PM me and I can help.
As far as the characters you will be playing, they will be teenagers who are a part of the new generation of powered individuals. This can mean that you are a child of a canon hero or villain, a new character taking up a familiar mantle like Moon Knight or Ghost Rider, or a fully original character as long as they fit in the Marvel universe.
As far as rules and character building goes, I have decided that you will be playing Rank 3 characters, and that I will allow for pretty much any powers combination as long as it abides by the power selection rules in the core book.
But yeah, I’ve had all the books for this roleplay system for awhile now, and I would love to get a chance to run it. So if you are interested in this, please let me know. If you have any questions or character concepts you want to share, please feel free and I will reply promptly.