A New Song{Jon_14 &I}

Child Of Nature

Nature's snake charmer.
{This is for Jon_14 and myself only please don't post in less one of these to.}


Name: Ayame Yuki Akuma

Stage Name: Hannayuki{Snow flower}

Age: 21

Role: Celebrity

Bio: Ayame wasn't always known as Hannayuki. She used to be an average girl with a average life. Till she was in her school tatlent show. She didn't know a scouting agent would be sitting in the crowd that night. She was simple on state singing to enterane she fellow students. Well, shortly after she was scouting. She thought long and hard and said yes. It took her two years to finally reach stardom. Now she is in her third year of being a famous popstar and loving making other happy with her music.
Name: William S. Washington

Age: 23

Role: Non Celebirty


((If its okay with you I'll leave my history and personality to be developed later.))
Ayame walked into the back stage area of the concert hall they had booked tonight. Today's concert was to celebrate her third year as a popstar. She still couldn't believe it had been that long. She walked on to the empty stage and looked out to the empty seats. It was still a good hour before they started letting people in. So she was going to do some sound check and then hair and makeup.


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Ryan waited outside along with everyone else waiting to get in. Even having a backstage pass,amd a buddy inside doesn't give you early benefits. Like it mattered though since he's only there because he friend begged him to come. He works backstage so he could easily get Ryan the tickets.

To a fan of the popstar it would be like finding a supply of gold in your backyard,but to Ryan it was just finding a quarter on the sidewalk. "Its could out here," He muttered,"How much longer are we waiting out here?"
Ayame had just got done with her hair and make up. She nodded towards the manger and he told the staff to open the doors. A game walked into the VIP room and waited for the people with backstage pass and for everyone to get in their seats and settle down.
Once they finally let them inside from the freezing cold. Ryan made a beeline towards the area for people with backstage access. Since that is more limited than the general audience,its way better than dealing with the crowds of people rushing to get in.

Showing that he had backstage access Ryan made his way to the VIP area. It wasn't half-bad in his opinion for a nice little area.
A game turned to see a VIP walk in. "Oh, hello and welcome. I'm Hannayuki, it's nice to meet tonight's VIP. Your a friend of one of our staffers right?", she asked Ryan sweetly. She held out her hand for him to shake with a smile.
"Nice too meet you too Hannayuki," Ryan replied shaking her hand in return. "Yes I do know one of the workers here. He's been bugging me for a while to come to a show so here I am." One thing thing Ryan could give her points on is being really beautiful looking.

She also seemed sweet too,and not stuck up like most stars. But who knows? She could just be like this to not be rude to her fans.
Ryan's friend walked in and smiled. "Miss Hannayuki you one in two minutes. I'll send someone to show outpr VIP where his seats are.", he said. Ayame smiled and nodded. "Alright, make sure he is comfortable for me OK.", she told Ryan's friend.

Then she turn to Ryan.
'Sorry to have to leave so soon, but duty calls, no.", she chuckled. Then quickly left to get on stage. Ryan's friend turned to him smiling. "See she isn't so bad. I enjoy working with her. Come on I'll show you to your seat.", he told him with a wide grin.
"She's alright....I'm surpised you're able to keep a professional persona while around her. Considering you're a huge fan of hers." Ryan and his friend have had their stupid fights about this subject considering their different points of view.

Ryan doesn't dislike her. He's just "that guy" who doesn't get it,or why its so popular. "Well guess I'll give you credit for holding up a job for more than a month considering your 'luck' with them."
"I got my fan persona out at the being of this job. She actually humored me believe it or not. She clams to be a down to earth girl with a passion for music she just wants to share with outs. I can believe it after working with her for so long. Tonights show is some of her more earthy music.", he said leading him to the front row seats.

The show then started. Ayame slowly rose from the floor as the music began to play. She closed her eyes and then started to


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