A New Kind of World [Inactive]

Rebecca again covered her hand as she whispered into her friend's ear. "I have no idea, but honestly, I'm a little scared now." She pulled back and looked at her feet. If Rebecca could use magic, what did that mean? There wasn't any possible way for her to be able to use it, in her world it didn't exist, so why here?

She bit her lip and looked up at her friend, teary eyed for the first time since they'd fallen in the book. Her arms were wrapped around her knees, her head rested between them. In a low voice, she asked Elisa, "What if it means we never get to go back? What if I get stuck here, become part of the..." She glanced towards the knights for a second before she accidentally said book. "...part of this land? Elisa. I'm scared. Don't get me wrong, it's exciting and fun, but what if it means I'm stuck here?"

"I just found out." Adam had said. Fair enough, Victor thought. They had been outside for a long time, after only just meeting this morning. He pushed the thought from his mind, seeing as Adam would've had no other time to tell Victor.

"She seems a bit conflicted." Victor pointed out. A minute ago, the girl was giggling and showing off her new found talents. Now, she looked as if she might just cry. Something wasn't adding up, it didn't make sense. What would make her completely reverse her feelings in a matter of minutes? What was bothering her now?

"We should probably let them sleep." Victor decided. "They've had a long day, and they'll probably have to figure out where they'll go next. Michigan, I've never heard of the place. I wonder if they can even get back home."
Elisa expected for her friend to be as excited as she had been when she had displayed her magical 'abilities', nevertheless, she was momentarily taken aback - and therefore shocked - when Rebecca looked up at her, teary eyed. She heard her worries in silence, though she still couldn't shake off the surprised feeling that had taken over her due to her friend's sudden change of mood.

". . . but what if it means I'm stuck here?"

The young girl took a bit - longer than she'd have wanted - to say something. "Hey, it's okay" She finally muttered, reaching over to wrap her arm around her friend in a reassuring manner "The fact that you can use magic doesn't mean a thing. Surely, things changed for us when we fell into this land. We're no longer in Michigan, not even on actual Earth anymore, which means that it is most likely for us to be ruled by this land's laws and not ours" It could be a possibility, there couldn't be any other explanation, not one that could help her calm her friend down to say the least "We'll find our way back, I'm sure of it" All along, she tried for her voice to be as low as possible so as to prevent the knights to hear her.

"She seems a bit conflicted."

Adam watched Rebecca with a hint of worry in his eyes, she seemed distraught, and so the young knight felt the need to comfort her somehow, it was not nice at all to see a lady as sad and anxious. However, Elisa seemed to be doing the job just fine, so he held back. Why was she that conflicted, though? Had she became worried because Victor had found out? Did she believe that she'd be sent to the front lines because another knight apart from himself had witnessed her abilities?

No . . . That didn't make much sense. The girl had showed her friend her magic powers, knowing that Victor was just in front of her. Then why . . . ? It was just so confusing . . .

When Victor spoke again, the young man looked back at his friend. "You're right . . . " He nodded, though he didn't comment on his last remark. Could it be? Weren't they able to return home? That'd explain why her friend, Elisa, seemed to acquire a sort of longing look whenever Rebecca mentioned Michigan. It wasn't certain. Suddenly, he felt just too tired himself "It's been a long day" he added, in a bit of a weary tone of voice.

(Sorry for the delay! Have been doing a couple of projects for college lately u.u)
((Don't worry, I'm in the same boat. Not as jammed as some people, luckily, but I know what you mean))

"It's been a long day." Adam mentioned from across the room. To Rebecca, it seemed that the knights had been in their own conversation. Victor smiled politely at both of the girls from across the room before he stood up. The rocking chair he'd sat in wobbled back and forth of its own accord.

He realized he'd been cold towards the lady, Rebecca, earlier he'd offered up the idea to simply abandon the girl because he thought she was under a curse. Now, he understood how wrong he was. They were only from a foreign place, for all he knew, white hair was a sign of nobility, or the sign of a craftsman, or more likely, a mage.

Victor held out his hand to the girl and helped her to her feet. They were still bare, he had forgotten to have Violet give them shoes. Tomorrow, he told himself, when they felt rested. When Rebecca was on her feet, he did the same for Elisa, so that the two of them stood side by side. They could've been related, he thought, the one with her light blonde hair, and the other with the snow white. The longer he stared he realized it wasn't so, the blonde girl was somewhat freckled, and their eyes didn't match. He shook the thought away and turned to the side.

"I can show you upstairs, we've got plenty of space here." Victor motioned out the door and followed the girls out. At the last minute he turned to Adam. "You, too, we could be running an inn with how many beds there are. Come on."

Rebecca walked up the stairs and followed Victor until he found an empty room. There were four doors on each side. She watched as he opened doors a crack to see who was inside. The first room on the right had the twins, then Gretchen and Violet in the next. He didn't even bother to open the first door on the left, as his father could be heard sleeping soundly inside.

"Here." He finally said, second door on the left. "Adam, you can take this one."

Victor went one more down and waited outside. "You ladies can take this room. There are two beds, don't worry. In the morning, I'll remember to find you some shoes."

Rebecca went inside and sat down as soon as she could. She was worried now. Would they ever get to go home?
Adam nodded before opening the door to the room he had been 'assigned' "Thank you, mate" He declared while tilting his head to the side, his stare lying on the two foreign girls "Ladies" He bowed his head in respect and nodded at his friend as he walked into his room.

"Thanks. Have a good night" Elisa said before following Rebecca inside and closing the door behind her back. She ran her hands through her hair in an attempt to let it loose from the braid, while making her way over to the empty bed. A sigh left her lips after Elisa plopped down on the bed, her bleach blonde hair spreading all around her like a silken pastel blanket while her greyish gaze got glued to the ceiling above her.

"You're worried" She finally stated after spending a few minutes in silence. It was an affirmation, not a question. Elisa had been like that before, well not before, she was still worried. However, it felt as if now that Rebecca was worried too, Elisa couldn't allow herself to be so as well. It wouldn't do them any good.

"It'll be okay, you know?" She declared, rolling on her side so as to take a look of her friend "We'll find a way back" She had to be sure about it, she had to believe in it, because it'd be horrible it she allowed herself to think otherwise.

On the other room, Adam leaned his sword by the bed before he climbed it up. He was used to leave his sword there, in case something happened he'd be able to have it near. A good night of sleep would do him good. He kicked off his boots and closed his eyes, images of that day's events appearing right before his lids, before he was out like a light.
Victor ended up entering Adam's room and taking the bed on the other side of the room. He wasn't comfortable sleeping alone, knowing someone could sneak up on him in the middle of the night. Having a second person nearby was a comfort. It also would protect him in the morning from being attacked by his sisters with affection, not that it was bad, he just wanted to be able to sleep in his own home.

He, too, put his sword up next to his bed and pulled the chain mail from his body. All he wore underneath was a short sleeved tunic of sorts, black in color. It was a relief to be free of the metal armor.

"Sorry, Adam, I'm using you so my sisters won't come in. They're too polite to wake you, even if they want to find me in the morning." Victor yawned and laid down on the bed with his hands under his head. After a moment of silence he opened his eyes and stared up. "What are we going to do with those two?"

Rebecca rolled on her side so she was staring back at her friend. She twisted her hand until a swirl of air formed beneath her palm. As quickly as she'd summoned it, she smacked it out of the air, watching as the tendrils from the air dissipated into nothing.

"It's so exciting, this place." Rebecca murmured. "But I don't want to be stuck here, you know? What kind of life...it's like starting all the way over. I'm scared." She admitted for the second time.

Fairy tales, knights, and dragons, she loved the stories. At first this place, this world, this book, was an adventure all on its own, but now? How were they supposed to get home, she wondered, would they ever find a way was the better question. It was possible they'd never get to leave at all.

"We won't always have the knights at our backs, and I'm not cut out for farm work." She whispered, wanting to cry for the first time in months. Normally, she was strong, and had a tough exterior, but the thought of never returning home was frightening. "If we get stuck, I don't like to think about it."
In all honesty, Adam was more asleep than awake when Victor spoke to him. He was really tired, and had willingly gave in to that tiredness as soon as his head had touched the pillow, but his friend's voice dragged him back to reality, quite stunningly so. He shifted a bit, his lids feeling way to heavy for him to pry his eyes open. For a moment, Victor's voice was just an unrecognisable mumble, but slowly, as the young knight tried to focus his words started to make sense.

"What are we going to do with those two?"

Adam shifted a bit, and as if he was removing a heavy blanket off his body, he finally managed to open his eyes. "I don't know" He admitted, falling silent after doing so. He yawned, but his mind was slowly starting to clear up. "They seem way too lost, and it doesn't feel right leaving them all alone" Even if they were strangers, he'd feel like a villain if he did so. Something within himself told him there was something bigger laying behind those girl's story "How about we ... " He paused for a moment, a yawn escaping his lips while he blinked a few times to keep awake " ... Ask them what they're planning to do before making a decision?"

"We won't get stuck in here" Elisa wasn't even sure of it herself, but the words left her voice without hesitation and with an absolute confidence she wasn't harbouring. "But we do have to do our best in adapting, at least for now" It wasn't wise for them not to, though she didn't see herself working on a farm either.

"A sorcerer ... " She declared, a hint of hope glimmering in her greyish eyes "What if we can find a sorcerer powerful enough to do something about this problem? Perhaps there is, and right now I think it's our best chance" She really couldn't think of another way, and it was better to hope than to think of fatality.

(Gosh, sorry! Due dates for my projects started popping out so out of the blue that I could only spend my time in finishing them in time all along D: They were killing me! Fortunately, finals are next week and I'll be free!)
(Don't worry! I was in the same boat as you were. It was awful D: )

"A sorcerer." Rebecca mumbled, shifting her face flat onto the pillow in a position of slight despair. "First we have to find one, can we even meet with one?"

She wasn't sure what to do, how to react. The knights had said something about a mage society. Adam had created the symbol out of nothing but air, so perhaps they could take them there. It was too late for such thoughts, though, so she tuned out and tried to lull herself to sleep as best she could. Elisa was near, so she felt somewhat better not being alone.

Victor listened to his friend speak, contemplating. "You're right though, they certainly aren't from here. There's no such thing as Michigan. I know that much." He shifted in bed and sighed. What were they supposed to do with the girls? He had no idea. Still, Victor was under the impression they were under some sort of spell. They were too foreign, too lost about the country they should've lived in.

"I'm sorry, I can't help but think they're under some sort of curse. They just don't know anything." Victor turned his head towards his friend. "Don't you think?"
(I know . . . It can really wear you out a lot >:( )

Elisa couldn't say anything in response. Rebecca was right, first they'd have to find one. With a silent sigh, she closed her eyes before rolling on her side. This was not good. Not good at all. Perhaps . . . If she slept a little, she'd be waking up in her room the next morning and would be able to laugh about that silly dream of hers with Rebecca. It was a possibility . . . though deep inside she knew it was quite improbable.

She too was scared, she too was anxious. However, she tried to keep it all out for her and her friend's sake. She tried to think positively, and the only thought that kept crossing her mind, giving her hope, was that if there was a way in, there had to be a way out. We won't get stuck in here She repeated to herself this time, urging for her mind to believe it.

"That . . . May be possible" Adam agreed with a single nod "I guess there's only one way of finding out, huh?" They could keep on speculating as much as they wanted, but there was an only way to be certain of it "Any spell, charm or curse, having it been casted permanently, once, or temporarily leaves a trace behind. Let's just look for residual magic within themselves" He suggested.

It was no that much of an easy spell, but Adam and Victor had been practicing magic for a while now, it wasn't exactly that difficult for them either. That is . . . if the one who casted the spell wasn't strong enough to be able to hide it from them. In which case they'd need a much more experienced magic user.
(I have an exchange student over now, perfect relief, seriously)

Victor rose early in the morning as he always did, silently slipping from the room in nothing more than his tunic beneath the chain mail he usually wore. Still, he gripped his sword in hand and descended the old wooden steps, each one creaked beneath his weight.

Gretchen and Violet were in the kitchen preparing a small breakfast for the entire household. As soon as Violet left, Gretchen too tried to scurry away. Victor stepped forward to stop her and she flinched in front of her older brother.

"Gretchen, we're okay now." Victor hugged his sister and she did back. "I'm not going to rat you out, don't worry, I'll even be your teacher."

Rebecca didn't sleep much, she was too worried about how her and Elisa were supposed to get home. She stood up and exited the room, just to look around for herself and try to really get a feel for what they were in for.
(Really? Where is she / he from?)

Actually, Adam had already gotten out of bed really early in the morning - even before his good friend - and was currently outside the house, standing not so far from there, but not so near either. He shifted his weight to his feet while allowing for his body to be supported by a tree. In his hand, a red apple, yet to be even bitten once, was held in a loose grip. He had taken if from an apple tree on his way there.

It was not like he had had any trouble in sleeping, not at all, he had done so like a baby. But he usually woke up earlier than anyone on his daily life. Now, while standing beneath the tree's shade, he couldn't stop thinking about the two girls they and found the day before. He had said to Victor it was easy to find out if they were under any spell of curse, but if they were not? Or if the magic was way too powerful for them to break it? What would they do then?

Elisa, on the other hand, hadn't woken up just yet. Last night, after having tossed and turned in bed for what felt like an eternity, though it was only less than an hour, she had finally drifted off in a quite pleasant and peaceful dream, to be honest. The young girl was absolutely not the morning type, and so she'd usually sleep in until really late in the morning or early in the afternoon during either vacations or weekends.

However, she did open one eye drowsily when she heard Rebecca leaving the room, and for a moment of absolute confusion she just couldn't recognise where in the world was she. Upon doing so, nevertheless, all sleepiness vanished and she sat up in her bed with a startle. For a moment, she had expected to wake up on her room, believing everything to had been a drew, she couldn't have been more wrong. Her brows knitted together and she raised her legs to her chest before burying her face into her knees.
(She is from Japan)

Rebecca slipped past the brother and sisters who prepared breakfast in the kitchen, not wanting to cause a new round of questions. Her hair had already claimed too much attention, they hadn't even dug into her personal life yet. It was something she wasn't prepared for. Outside seemed to be the best place to be. There, the grass waved softly against her feet and the wind whipped her hair playfully in little white wisps.

She wanted to see if her magic was real. The day before had been a blur. Rebecca hadn't seen the knight, so she bounded forward into a field and twirled her hands from the back of her body to the front, pushing wind where she pleased. A smile lit up her face, but a conflicted one.

I can use magic! I still don't know what this means.

She stopped, and looked at her hands, back and front. There was nothing different, at least no physical changes to her skin. Where had the power come from then? The knights had explained magic as a will to achieve something, at least that's how she interpreted it.

Rebecca threw out her arms and lulled the wind behind her until she was resting peacefully in the grass. "I want to go home." She said aloud.
(Oo cool! Do you usually have exchange students over?)

"Can't you?" Adam, who had been there all along, and whose attention had been caught by her magic, asked her as he carefully approached her. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it but hear you from where I was standing, My Lady" He was soon to apologise before coming to a stop by her.

As he gazed down at the girl, he relived his and Victor's conversation. Was she really cursed? Or under any spell? It wasn't like he could ask her, and he could only make sure of it if he was to use magic on her. He had to ask her beforehand, of course.

Elisa, in the meantime, slid her legs to the side before pushing herself off the bed. "It won't do me any good to stay here, either" She told herself, as she dragged her feet to the door. It didn't help much, though, when she so clumsily tripped over her own feet and fell down. Her body slammed against the hard floor noisily, and she curled on herself in reflex, as soon as it hit her elbow first "F..!!! Fudge!" She exclaimed, at the same time that the pain travelled to her spinal cord and spread through her body.

She was not lucky, not lucky at all. After a couple of seconds, she slowly stretched her legs and with a grimace, pushed herself up into a sit up position. Her body did hurt, but the pain was slowly starting to wear off, which didn't apply to her elbow, though, given the fact that her whole body had first fallen on top of it. Carefully, she examined that part of her body, just to realise a dark red liquid was dripping out from a small injury caused by the fall. She cursed again, this time under her breath, before she raised her arm, with a bit of effort due to the pain. The blood dripped down her arm, but it was better to keep it that way. She had to clean it soon.
(Haha, no, I do not. I know plenty, but this is my first time 'hosting')

"I don't know." Rebecca threw an arm over her eye and began to sniffle quietly, hoping she wouldn't start crying any time soon. Not again. "Gods...you wouldn't even believe me if I told you where I was from."

She moved her arm and pressed both of her hands through her white hair. Strange, how in this world, it appeared to glisten all the brighter under the sun. Her eyes wavered, flitting between showing fear and worry. Home was through the pages, or out, of a book. Some magic brought them in, and they had no idea where the exist was, Elisa and Rebecca. How much time had passed? Was it the same? Would they age twenty years, only to discover it had been a dream, or that no time at all had passed in the real world?

"I just don't know what's going on, Adam, Sir...Adam." Rebecca shook her head and the tears started to flow freely once more. She cursed under her breath and tried to blink them away. "I'm scared I won't be able to get back."

Gretchen and Victor heard the large tumble from where they stood in the kitchen, and the knight was quick to draw his sword and sprint up the stairs - just in case. He knocked once before carefully opening the door to see Rebecca with her arm raised high. Blood dripped down her pale skin, and towards the sleeve of her dress.

"Elisa." He blurted, quickly sheathing the sword and going to her side. Victor ripped a piece off the bottom of his tunic, thinking he needed a new one anyways, and pressed it against the blood, trying to find the source.

"What happened, are you alright?"
(Oh and how's it like? :3 How's living with that exchange student?)

Adam watched the girl, he really did watch her and his eyes softened. She was still a girl, magic user or not, cursed or not, she was someone who could miss home and be scared of not being able to go back. So he made his way over and sat down quietly, not so close so as not to invade her space, but not as far to gave her a feeling he was keeping his distance.

"If you are okay with it, Adam is just fine, My Lady" He declared "Also, I've seen things . . . amazing things that most people wouldn't believe. So why don't you try me, huh? I bet that if you talk to me about your fear can it dwindle a little and I assure you I'll do anything that's in my hands to help you out" A small smile spread across his face, a reassuring gesture towards Rebecca "I am sorry for my intrusion and I don't mean to offend you by telling you this, but I sense you're carrying a burden. If I can be of any assistance to loosen it up well . . . " He left his sentence unfinished as he patiently wired for her response.

"Oh no, no, you don't need to-" But it was too late, Victor had already tore a piece of his tunic to press it against the blood. Elisa looked up at him, apologetic and grateful "Thank you. I fell, it seems to happen to me constantly" Her mother worried about her a lot because Elisa seemed to be an incurable klutz sometimes. Though it felt as if she had her moments, as if one entire week she'd be falling over all the time and then the next she'd be perfectly fine. It was strange.

Just then, the blonde smelled the air. She leaned in just a bit, without thinking it. "You smell nice" She finally declared, smiling a bit as she looked up at him. Their eyes met and just then she realised that she was closer than she was supposed to be. Blinking, she quickly leaned back again "I mean, where you cooking something? It gives off a nice scent" She added.
(I just want some private time ;o; No, haha, it's fantastic! Fascinating stories, culture shocks, it's really wonderful)

Rebecca turned her teary eyed face towards Adam and let out another sniffle. "We're not from here. If that much wasn't obvious." She returned her gaze towards the sky. "Sci...ssicinfit, we don't even know what happened, but that word. We were reading a book together, and we read that blasted word."

Already she knew how crazy it sounded. Simply reading, and she was already so upset, more tears ran down her pale cheeks and onto the grass. The grass, was it even real, or would it too crumple with water like the pages of a book? Would the green color wash away like ink on a table, or would it stain her clothes until she was a strange mix of everything she touched.

"We were sitting in Elisa's room one moment, and the next, we were falling out of the sky. Into the lake." Rebecca admitted to the strangest of the story, falling out of nothing. "Where I come from, there are no such things as Kings or knights. We have a President, soldiers. There are cars, or, carriages that don't need horses, they run on gas and energy, and, where I come from there's no magic at all."

Victor laughed at her reaction to his scent, glad she was at least well enough to make a joke after her tumble. "It's probably the flowers. I've been brushing against lilacs all morning." He held up his arm once more, and offered it to the girl as if suggesting she take another whiff. "I was cooking, with Gretchen, they're everywhere."
(Oh, I'd love to hear those. Japanese culture fascinates me a lot)

Sicinfit The word rolled off his tongue in a silent manner. He could feel it ... The word ... It was magical. He had been yet to hear of such a spell, but each and every form of magic had their share of magic store within them. He listened attentively to her story after that. One must admit that the whole thing sounded pretty much a fantasy, ridiculous actually. However, the young knight knew she wasn't lying to him.

"A book, you say" Adam repeated, and his brows furrowed ever so slightly. No ... It could be true. He had heard from his aunt once, several years ago, that the Custos believed there to be different realms. Each and every one of them were supposed to be either entirely different from the other, or just completely the same with slight differences. Her story fit.

"Don't cry, My Lady" He tried to comfort her. He wasn't allowed to touch her, given the fact that he barely knew the lady and that'd be disrespectful. But he did the best he could in trying to sound reassuring. If there was no magic from where she came from, there was a possibility that a book of theirs have managed to slip from his realm to hers, and that it had caused all that trouble if there was enough magic within those pages to make it work even when is was pronounced my a non magical user.

"I believe you" He finally declared "But I'm afraid I can't take you back" Truth to be told, he didn't know how. Shame he didn't know where his aunt was "I think you should come with us back to the city. Perhaps, we can find someone who can be of assistance over there" He suggested.

Elisa looked down at the held up arm, brow raised as an amused smile spread across her face. She took a hold of the knight's arm in a loose grip before leaning in. There was the faint scent of food, she could smell it. But now that Victor had mentioned it, the bleach blonde girl noticed that other scent too. The smell of flowers. It was a familiar scent, yet she didn't know much about it to put a name to it. It smelled sweet without cloying, floral but not that fake flowery-soap smell, fruity but not citrusy.

"It's a really nice smell" She finally declared while unwrapping her fingers from his arms and leaning back "Wish they made perfumes that smelled so ... fresh and clean" She said, more to herself than to the knight. "Well then, I guess I should wash this wound" She finally declared before she scrambled to her feet, holding the piece of tunic against her elbow. It had been tinted with a red colour already. "Umm where exactly can I find the restroom?"
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Rebecca turned to Adam, still laying against the grassy field of Victor's childhood farm. She curled up near his leg and let herself cry. Who was he to help her? He never had to, he even believed her story of falling from the sky. Even if he didn't believe, the words that left his mouth were more comforting to her ears than anything else. She needed the comfort, the lies, whatever he'd tell her so she would feel safer in this world. It didn't have to be true, she only needed to believe that one day she'd get back.

"Sorry, I don't mean to." She sobbed. "Sorry."

Vincent eyed Elisa oddly. The restroom wasn't a place to wash a wound, it was so dirty. Instead, he showed her back into the kitchen and Gretchen moved aside. He took a rag from a counter nearby and soaked it in water before turning to Elisa again.

"Here, let me help you, it'll be easier if I do it." He requested calmly. "Show me your arm."
(I apologise for taking always quite a while to reply! But fortunately, I'm done with the things I needed to sort out lately, and will be much more active now ^^)

"No, no, please don't apologise" Adam muttered and, even though he had told himself he wouldn't touch her, he reached for her and rubbed her back soothingly. She was crying for Christ's sake! Sometimes, just sometimes, physical contact could be much more comforting than mere words "It will be fine" He said, and he even scooted a bit closer.

Really, the young knight had never liked it when women cried. He felt somewhat awful. However, with that girl ... It was more like he felt the need to protect her.

Elisa didn't object when the knight took her down to the kitchen, and even flashed him a grateful smile when he offered to help her. She was being rather calm, but if she had to be absolutely honest, she'd admit that she didn't like the sight of blood. The blonde slowly removed the piece of tunic and held out her arm towards him.

"Thank you. I really am ... " She shuddered a bit " ... am not quite fond of the sight of my own blood"
(Don't worry about it at all ^^ I understand around this time of year everyone is finishing up with finals, so, I've grown used to having a few late replies, it's never a problem)

Rebecca did her best to stop the tears, relieved by the gentle hand on her back. She rolled up and pressed her head towards his chest, not wanting him to see her so upset any more. It was silly, she thought, for her to be so tearful now. It had been a full day since they'd come into the book, and she hadn't even discussed the attempts of how to leave. She felt like she'd given up, but, Adam had given her a protective hand which she so appreciated.

"Thank you." She stuttered, her crying reduced to hiccups. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." She hiccuped. "Now this."

Victor was careful to wipe her arm with hands as soft as he could make them. They were better purposed for swinging a sword rather than cleaning a wound. He took the cloth from her arm and spotted at the wound with a clean towel, now wet with water from the kitchen sink. Gretchen had run off to find something more suitable to use as a wrap.

"I understand, most people aren't fond of seeing their own blood." Victor chuckled. "It's not deep, so you'll be alright."

The sister came back with a roll of white fabric, handing it carefully to her older brother before returning to breakfast preparations. Victor was only trying to hurry before the other sisters were awake, causing a scene over Elisa's wounds.

"Almost done." He murmured, more to himself than for conversation. Gently, he tied off the fabric in a small tight knot, adding a bow to make it look more lady like in the end. "There." Victor smiled at her, pleased with his handiwork, and that she would be alright.
(Thanks c:)

Adam was rather taken aback when Rebecca pressed her head towards his chest, but after that everything else came out quite automatically. He raised his arms and wrapped them around the young girl gently. His grip was rather loose, but tight enough for it to be comforting. He kept on mumbling a few gentle words to the white haired girl, while he tried to will her to calm down.

"Don't mention it" He shook his head "Usually, it's better to let it all out" When you kept things to yourself they would eventually affect you physically as well. When he realised his arms were still wrapped around her, though, he allowed for them to fall back down to his sides. "I told you I'd help you, Rebecca" And this time he used her name to emphasise the meaning of his words "And I shall. It is a promise"

"Thanks" Elisa said with a smile before she pulled her arm back, wincing a bit as she did so. For a moment, she examined her elbow. It was a nicely done bandage. If it was her, she'd had simply let it be after cleaning it. "The bow ... It is a nice touch" She added before she lowered her arm.

The young girl guessed that, despite it all, they had been lucky to have been saved by those two men. Not really because they were knights, but because they were two nice men who really took upon themselves to look after them "Hey Victor? I really am grateful for what you, your family and Adam have done for the both of us. It's really kind of you" It really was. She knew that to the two of them, they must have seen like a pair of crazy girls.
It wasn't long before Violet strolled outside, looking for the knight and their new guest. She called their names, frowning when she got no immediate response, her words lost in the wind.

"Thank you, Adam." Rebecca bit her lip, then leaned up to quickly kiss the knight on the cheek before bolting up towards the sound of Violet, her skirt trailing after her in the open air. He was kind to her, and she wouldn't soon forget it.

"Anyone would've done it." He lied. On the verge of war, few families would offer to take in two strange girls for fear they might have been spies. But he kept the information to himself, just happy to help. "Now, breakfast, and then we can be on our way if you and your friend would like to be accompanied to the castle."

It was the best place to start, there were mages of all sorts who would be able to further help the girls understand what they were looking for. Although Victor didn't know yet, they might have information on the strange word in the book, or how to get home. All they could do was focus on the present, and keep the girls company.
Adam followed the girl with his sight before he even scrambled up to his feet. It was not the first time he was kissed on the cheek. However, to be honest, it felt much ... nicer now. A smile spread across his lips, and he was glad Rebecca wasn't there to see him smiling like an idiot. Hey, it was always nice to receive such a gesture from a pretty girl.

A few seconds later, though, he got back on his feet to return to the house. The castle wasn't that far from where they currently were. He really hoped he'd find someone who could help Rebecca and Elisa. For now, he could just give her that; a possibility, a hope. But if it failed, he really didn't want to see her crying again, so he wished it didn't.

"The castle?" Elisa tilted her head to the side. Where they going to the castle? "Why are we going to the castle?" More like which castle? Elisa wasn't even sure what they were supposed to do right now. She felt a knot forming on her stomach, but she tried her best in dismiss it. She really tried not to think about which was going to be their next move, because apart from having 'faith' in the fact that they were to return home eventually, she didn't know how or when. And that, to be honest, scared her more than a lot.
"Well, I believe it's the best place to go." Victor explained. "See, we can learn more about the Order there. Maybe figure out what to do next." He wasn't really sure, to be honest, but he didn't want to admit it. Adam and Victor had talked, it seemed this was their best bet, the Capital.

Rebecca skipped inside, inhaling the sweet scents of breakfast. Gretchen had prepared a full plate of eggs for every member of the family, and then some. There was pork left over from their dinner which she set in the center of the table among an assortment of berries. She eyed up her friend carefully, inspecting the cloth on her elbow.

"Elisa! What did you do?" She asked, instantly at her side. "Oh how cute a little bow."
Oh, so that was why. Elisa remembered what Adam had told them about that order yesterday. How was it that he had called them? Magia something? It sounded spanish. She guessed Rebecca was right when she said she supposed it was latin. After all, as far as she knew latin was the parent language for some other modern languages, including spanish.

Anyway, if she remembered it correctly, the two knights said some of the most powerful sorcerers belonged to that order, and if that was the case maybe they'd be able to help her and her friend. As Victor had just said, maybe they'd really help them in figure out what to do next. Either way, going there sounded much better than just staying behind. "If you put it that way, I believe it as well" She finally replied to the man.


Rebecca's voice caught the blonde girl's attention, and she quickly turned her head to the side. To her surprise, she was already by her. At first, she didn't understand her question, that is, until she mentioned the little bow. Elisa smiled a bit sheepishly before she raised her other arm so as to rub the back of her neck softly "I fell this morning and got hurt" She sighed, though she knew her friend would understand that she was rather clumsy "But Victor cleaned the wound and bandaged it for me" She added, glancing at him for a split of second to throw him another grateful smile, before she turned her head back to her friend "Where were you by the way? When I woke up you were gone"

When Adam stepped into the house, a few minutes after Rebecca, he too inhaled the welcoming breakfast food that emanated from the first floor. It was such a nice smell. He greeted courteously Victor's sisters, and excused himself for a bit as he headed upstairs. There was something he had forgotten on the room he had slept last night and he didn't want to lose it by any chance.

Upon stepping inside, he found exactly what he was looking for by the headboard. So, with long strides, he made his way over to the bed and took a hold of his necklace by its chain. The silver reflected the sun light as soon as the young knight raised it above his head. The pendant was small, and it was a rather beautiful tiny cross which had been given to him by his father when he was just a little boy. He had been carrying it with him ever since. It was not exactly something he wore as a proof of his faith, for he was not particularly religious, but more like a family heirloom.

In a swift and quick movement, he put the necklace on and with that being done he went down the stairs back where everyone was about to eat breakfast.

"Good morning" He heard someone said, well more like two girls at the unison.

"Good morning, ladies" He stated with a smile as he replied to the twins.
"I went for a little walk." Rebecca said quietly. She gripped her friend's hand for comfort. A familiar face in a place of uncertainty. "I just needed to be by myself for a bit, you know?"

Breakfast went by swiftly. Victor's father had left much earlier than everyone else to tend to the fields. Soon after the meal was over, the girls would be on their way to assist him. As much as they wanted to play host for their new guests, there was work to be done to support the large family. With four girls, it wasn't too difficult to keep up, even in the man's old age.

"Adam, I was thinking we go today." Victor mentioned across the table. He folded his hands neatly on the wooden surface. Just like the previous day, he was free from his armor. This was his home, and he felt safe enough without it.

"How though?" Rebecca chimed in. There were four of them and they'd mentioned the city was a long ways. "I mean, it's really far, right?"

"Well, yes." Victor agreed, leaning back slightly. "My father has some horses we can borrow." Normally he'd try to find a cart. He didn't mind sitting in the thing, but with two ladies, it would be improper. So long as they had two horses, they would be fine, and Victor could pay his father four times what they were worth in exchange. Whatever he could do to help.

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