A New Kind of World [Inactive]

Lillian Gray

King in the North
Lillian Gray submitted a new role play:

A New Kind of World - A private 1x1 with Lillian Gray and Blue Suit

A private 1x1 with Lillian Gray and Blue Suit, if you are neither please move along.
From the Real World

Name: Rebecca Thorne

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Height: 5'7"

Occupation: Student

From the Book

Name: Victor Portswell

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Height: 6'2"

Occupation: Knight
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From the Real World


Elisa Wallace









From the Book


Adam Maxwell







Rebecca sat on the floor against the edge of her best friend's bet, Elisa. It had been so long that they'd known each other, the girl didn't know what she would do on the weekends if they were ever to have a huge fight. She sat with her phone in her hands, scrolling through the list of games she'd downloaded. Eventually she settled on something and put her focus on the small screen.

Behind her, Elisa did something to get her attention, something about a book. Rebecca had to finish the level though. "Hold on." She murmured, biting the bottom of her lip out of anticipation for her victory.

It's something they at least had in common. As much of a nuisance Rebecca could be at times, she did love a good book, as much as she hated to admit it. Novels with heroes, fantasy, and a good fight were the things that really kept her up at night. Elisa knew this, because she'd admitted it many times throughout the years. It was a quirk, she looked tough enough, or at least like she wasn't a sweetheart, so she didn't admit that she loved books with much pride.
As she lazily laid on her stomach above her bed while absently rocking her legs up and down, Elisa flipped the pages of a new book she had taken out of the library that very day. It had been its unusual cover what had caught her eye, and she remembered having taken it with her without giving it a second thought.

The young girl rolled to her side so as to lay on her back before her eyes stopped in a particular word "Rebecca, do you know this word?" She asked out loud to her friend in the floor. She didn't recognise that word . . . No, more like, she wasn't even sure if that word was written in english to begin with.

"Rebecca?" She insisted, pressing her head to the bed so as to get a look of her friend, though from her position she could only see the back of her head. "Are you listening to me?" While raising her eyebrow, she asked.

"Hold on"

Elisa's brows knitted together, and she tried to stretch her neck so as to get a look of whatever her friend was playing before giving up with a sigh and returning her gaze to the book in her hands. I really don't get this word She told to herself mentally while tilting her head to the side, as if that would help. "Ssss . . . Siiicinf . . . it. Or something like that?" The bleach blonde girl declared, though she couldn't help it but feel she had said the word wrong. "Really, Rebecca I do- Oh! Look I hadn't noticed it's colour wasn't black" Although she could've almost swear that the word was written in black ink, not . . . What colour was that anyway?

(As soon as they fall into the book I'll start with Adam's perspective as well c:)
(That's what I was planning)

"Sshhhccnif?" Rebecca's eyebrow perked up as she tried to copy the word Elisa was spelling out. "What kind of word sic-in-if?" She put her phone down on the ground after pausing her game and crossed her arms over the side of the bed while standing on her knees. The book was clearly old, just looking at the cover alone suggested years of wear and tear, but the title was illegible as well.

"Really, Rebecca I do- Oh! Look I hadn't noticed its color wasn't black."

This perked Rebecca's attention, her face finally attempted to take a look at the page she was talking about. Elisa did turn the book for her slightly, but she didn't know what the color was either. There wasn't a word she could think of other than some kind of glimmering, dark red. Was it even red? Rebecca tilted her head to see if the light was messing with her eyes, it might have been, because now it did look black.

"I don't know. I say it looks red." She stretched her hand out towards the book and highlighted the curious word. "And that, I have no idea how to say that."
"Right? It's a strange word" Elisa nodded, pleased that she had, at least, finally caught her friend's attention. "Perhaps I'll find it on the Internet, at least it'll be easier to write it than to read it" She declared before she rolled on her side again, this time sitting up and crossing her legs while she allowed for her book to rest on her lap.

And so, the young girl reached for her laptop, opening it as she did so. "Let's see . . ." She muttered while she pressed the 'on' button. She liked the mystery, not much of a mystery a word found in a book, but something unknown still.

When the laptop screen turned on, and asked for her password, she tapped it in quickly before returning her stare to the book. "Ssssicinfit or something, right?" She said to herself with a nod while going over the words with her fingertips. This time, she felt as if she had said it much accurately than before to say the least.

Then, something amazingly impossible happened. It was the only way to describe it . . . 'amazingly impossible'. The word shone with a bright red like colour before that same colour spread all over the book like water. Elisa let out a gasp before she jumped back, throwing the book to the side in the process. Soon, the book couldn't even be seen, it was just a point of blinding light that caused for her to close her eyes in pain, it was just too bright!

A gust of wind hit her body, but not even then she opened her eyes. "What is happening!?" She almost screamed "Rebecca!?" She yelled again, this time worried about her friend.
Elisa's voice was drowned out by a gush of wind that whipped around the room in a blast of light. Rebecca fell back on her backside with her hands supporting her. The floor beneath her began to give in, and her hands pushed through the material as if it were never there. She had to close her eyes when the light had formed, but it was much closer to Elisa than Rebecca, so of what she could see, well, even that was strange. There really was nothing around them, only the light.

Rebecca felt the light go out when she turned away, and she opened her eyes to discover what had just happened. There was no way that was real, she told herself, it was just so strange. She looked to the ground, but gravity took effect first. Her body had been motionless in the air, but below her was a large lake, and she started to fall. Faster, and faster, until her dyed white hair whipped past her face and her eyes were teary from the wind.

"Elisa?!" She screamed, wondering if her friend was nearby, suffering from the same terrifying fall into water.

Just nearby, unbeknownst to the girls, were two men. One of them Victor by name, had been staring out towards the lake on their rounds. The sun burst forward with an intense light, or so he thought, and he shielded his eyes in retaliation. That's when the screaming started, and then a loud splash in the water just nearby.

He turned to his partner in disbelief. "Did you just hear that?"
Elisa didn't dare to open her eyes, whatever was happening was just impossible, and she refused to pry her eyes open in fear that it'd be much worse than it already was. She felt the wind blowing against her body, and it felt as if she was falling. But into what? How could she even be falling to begin with?

"Elisa?!" Rebecca's scream rang in her ears and echoed all over her mind. Her voice was the only sound that forced her to open her eyes, and not even then could she see her friend.

"Wha-?" It was a weak, faint sound, but it was the only noise she had managed to get out of her mouth. She could see the deep blue sky above her, and it felt as if it engulfed her due to the fact that she didn't feel as if she was getting any farther from it even though she was falling. Her bleach blonde hair whipped her face furiously as it was blown upwards, the almost white strands of hair resembling feathers that stuck to her face.

She was falling on her back.

A split of second after that realisation, her body hit the pavement, leaving her breathless. However, the pavement gave in with a splash and she noticed she had actually fallen on water, but it hurt no less. She closed her eyes on instinct, and when she opened them she couldn't even see past the million of bubbles that had gathered around her face. Quickly, she moved her arms, swimming towards what she believed was the surface. Upon reaching it, she breathed in sharply, her lungs felt as if they were on fire and her back hurt as hell.

"Rebecca?" Her voice came out as a whisper before she coughed.

"Did you just hear that?"

"Hear what?" Adam asked as he swallowed the piece of apple he had just eaten. He was leisurely resting on top of a tree lower branch, and had not actually been paying enough attention to his surroundings to have noticed the splash. He raised an eyebrow, and dug his teeth into the red fruit before using both of his hands to swing himself off the branch and jump down. After landing, he grabbed the apple from his mouth.

"What did you hear?" He asked, taking long strides towards Victor.

His hair was brown with streaks of dirty blonde hair running through it and it was lazily swept up. His eyes, which were of a dark greyish colour, showed a hint of curiosity. "At the lake?" He asked, as his stare had been laid there just a few seconds ago "What is it, Victor?"
"What is it, Victor?" He silenced the man, for a few seconds silently listening to see if it would happen again. Where there were screams, more would follow, especially if it happened to be any thieves or rogues on the road. After hearing nothing, Victor grabbed the apple out of Adam's hand and took a large bite before handing it back, grinning mischievously as he chewed.

Tall and broad shouldered, that was Victor. He pulled his hands through his hair, thick black locks that curled, he hated his hair. Many people thought he looked handsome, or that it made him look noble, but it always ended up in knots or too long. After pushing the thoughts aside, he stopped to listen and heard what sounded like another scream, and another splash.

"That." Victor's stance changed, his black eyes focused on the sound as he started forward, hand on the hilt of his broadsword attached on his hip. There were only two screams, and then the sound of something, or someone, falling into the lake.

Coughing and sputtering on her knees, a girl had crawled to the shore. Her white hair stuck out against the sandy shore, and her clothes were nothing like Victor had ever seen.

She's wearing pants. His face contorted into that of confusion and misunderstanding, she looked so foreign.

"Are you alright, My Lady?" He asked formally as he bowed before her.She was soaking wet and wheezing in shaky breaths as often as she could. He quickly unclipped his knight's cape from his shoulders and draped it around her for warmth. In response, she threw up and sputtered again. She heaved heavily for any bit of air she could get to fill her lungs.

"Elisa." She panted. "In the lake."

Victor looked up from his knelt position, and saw another girl bobbing in the center of the lake. "Adam!" He bolted off of the ground, thankful to be wearing only chain mail, and not a full suit of armor on days like this. It was too far to swim, but there was a small boat resting at the edge of the lake. "There's a girl in the middle of the lake, come on. She's okay." He yelled, waving his hand towards the girl on the shore.

He pushed the boat into the water and hopped in, hoping Adam would hurry up already.
"Hey" Though Adam had complained when his apple was taken from his hand, he couldn't help it but smile and shake his head when it was returned to him.

Then there was the scream followed by the splash and he let out a silent 'Oh' before Victor started on his way over to the lake. For a moment he didn't move, but then he quickly took his final bite of the apple before tossing it into the ground and making his way towards the body of water. That scream had sounded like that of a woman's, and yet how high could have she been to produce such a loud splash? He ran his hands through his hair as he quickened his pace.

Upon his arrival, Victor was already kneeling down by a girl, whose hair was pure white. Her clothes were so . . . unusual. Couldn't be from around there, that was for certain. Where did she come from? And why was she even on the lake? Those questions were crossing his mind as he approached them.

He wasn't near enough to hear whatever thing she had told Victor, but he was surprised by how fast had his partner stood up and had gone straight to the lake. He took his side by the girl. "What happened?" He was so surprised, he had forgotten courtesy for that split of moment.

"There's a girl in the middle of the lake, come on. She's okay."

Raising his head, Adam hesitated for a moment to leave the girl's side, before he quickly scrambled to his feet and took long strides towards the lake just to barely make it in time to hop into the boat.

Meanwhile, poor Elisa could do nothing else but to do her best in keeping herself from drowning. Her hair stuck to her face and she kept on coughing and wheezing, unsure of what to do. It felt as if she was right at the middle of the lake, and she didn't know where should she swim to. Even worse, the water was icy cold and she was only wearing a sleeveless long shirt and shorts, which were not helping at all.

"Help" She tried to yell, but her voice was not as loud as she'd have wanted it. Dear Lord she felt like Rose from 'Titanic'! She had felt frustrated when she had kept on asking for help in such a weak voice during the last bit of the movie and now she was experiencing it herself.

"There she is!" Some man yelled, and Elisa turned her head back, meeting the dark greyish gaze of a man who was approaching her in a boat she hadn't noticed before.
Victor sat, his back facing the center of the lake, as Adam spotted for him. He made a sudden motion to Victor's right side, and in response he started to row in that direction. There were ripples from the girl's thrashing moving towards the boat, water droplets bounced into the boat.

"Hold on, I've got you." Victor said in an effort to calm the poor girl down. From the shore, she had looked just like anyone else. Her bright blonde hair was a good indicator that she was in the water. However, when he reached in with both hands to pull her out, it was a different story. Victor hoisted her from the lake and did his best to have her sit between the two knights. Her shirt didn't even have sleeves, most of her skin was visible, even her legs. He tried not to look, feeling it would be somewhat inappropriate.

"Adam, spare your cloak for her." Victor pleaded to his partner. She shook, frozen from head to toe it seemed.

Rebecca's lungs felt like they were on fire. She'd never been so close to drowning, ever, and she hoped to god that wouldn't happen again in her lifetime. When she managed to stand up, her legs were shaking just as much as her teeth chattered from the cold. A black hoodie, and blue jeans, she looked so out of place. That was comparing herself to the two 'knights' she had seen. Maybe they were the ones who were out of place, she thought.

They had found Elisa in the lake and started back towards shore. Rebecca pulled the cloak around herself in an attempt to warm her body. The material may have been coarse, but it was better than nothing at all. She wanted to kick the socks off of her feet, just to get the squishy feeling out of her toes, but at the same time they covered her skin.

"Elisa?" Her voice cracked out. She pressed her hand against her head, then pushed her bangs from her face. All of her hair clung to her skin and dripped onto the ground. The knights pulled the boat to shore, and Rebecca ran towards them.

"Thank you so much." She cried, her voice still crackling and breaking as she spoke. "Elisa are you alright?" Rebecca moved to the edge of the boat and stuck her hands out to her friend's shoulders.
Oh my God, thank you Elisa thought to herself as she started swimming towards the boat, kicking off the shoes she hadn't taken off ever since she had gotten into her home and allowing for them to sink and get lost in the lake.

"Hold on, I've got you." Some other man told her as he so effortlessly pulled her out from the water. "T-thank y-you" She managed to get out, her teeth and her whole body trembling non-stop. She was so shaken that she didn't even notice the men's strange attires until the man who had saved her asked for his partner to hand her his cloak.

"Oh, right. Pardon me, My Lady" Adam exclaimed as he quickly handed it over for her to take it. However, he couldn't stop himself from running his eyes up and down the girl as he did so, not out of perversion but out of curiosity and surprise. Most of her body was exposed! His brow raised, but when his eyes met hers, he was quick to divert his gaze. He was being inappropriate.

Elisa wrapped the cloak around herself while rubbing her arms, trying to warm herself up a bit. How rare, those two men wore such strange clothes. Medieval she'd say. Why so? Where was she? And why had the man, Adam, looked at her in that way? As if she was a strange creature? he had looked away when he had met her gaze, but it didn't stop bothering her.

"Here we are" Adam announced before jumping out of the boat. He had avoided looking at the girl they had rescued all along, still ashamed after being caught staring at her. With the help of Victor, he started pulling the boat to shore. From the corner of his eye, he had also seen the girl they had rescued clumsily get out of the boat to meet with her friend.

"Elisa are you alright?"

The young girl sneezed before replying "Y-yeah. Though I-I'm feeling" She stated, trembling still "Y-you? A-re you alright?" She couldn't articulate her questions properly but it was due to the fact that she just couldn't stop her teeth from shaking. "W-What on earth h-happened?"

While the two girls reunited, Adam leaned his hip against the boat, arms crossed across his chest "They are not from here" He said, stating the obvious as he looked at Victor "They don't look as any person I've ever seen before" He added.
Rebecca hugged Elisa close, terrified of what had happened. Both girls had no idea where they were, but they'd appeared in the sky in a blinding flash of light, only to fall straight down into a lake. There were knights, of all things. They had chain mail, even a tunic with a large crest covering the front, she wondered if the swords were real.

"Oh, thank God, I didn't know where you went,. Don't you worry about me, I'm fine." Rebecca breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled herself out of the embrace. She looked around and her worry sank deeper into her chest, this didn't look like any place nearby. The roads were still paths of dirt, some of broken rocks pressed into the earth. There were pastures, and small stone huts lining a street in the distance. Where were they? "What's going on? Elisa, where are we?"

Victor jerked his head in surprised, and smacked Adam with the back of his hand on his chest to get his attention. The girls were out of earshot, so he spoke freely. "Of course they're not from here, either that or some sort of pleasure house. Look at the blonde one, I can see almost everything." He was embarrassed, and tried hard not to look. It was difficult, though, as the cloak only covered so much.

After the girls had their little session done, Victor stepped forward and bowed, one hand pressed in a fist against his chest. His voice returned to the formal tone he'd addressed the white haired girl with earlier. "My Ladies, my name is Victor Portswell, Knight of the Realm. Are you both alright?" He turned his head up, still held low in a bow.

"I think so." Rebecca replied. She pulled the cloak tighter around her body to cease the shaking, but she was just so cold. The freezing water had soaked her through and through. "I just want to by dry now." In an attempt at humor, she only scratched her lungs with laughter. It brought on a small coughing fit, and it took her a minute to compose herself again.

Victor glanced at Adam for a moment. They could take them back to the city, find them a place to stay, but this was the country and it would be much easier to try for a local residence. Better yet, they could ask his father. Adam knew Victor came from a poor family, and he knew his father was a farmer, he just didn't realize that Victor's father happened to live so close. He wouldn't mind revealing the information, it was just closer than walking the long road back to the city.
Elisa would've appreciated her friend's embrace a lot more if she wasn't just as soaked as her. However, she too had been worried about her, and so, with shaky hands, she had wrapped her arms around her in a weak grip. More than anything else, she was extremely confused as to what was happening, not only had they magically appeared in a completely different place from her home, but they had just appeared in the middle of nowhere with two strangers who wore even much more stranger clothes, what was with them? Where they in a some sort of medieval festival or something like that?

When Rebecca pulled away, Elisa quickly wrapped her fingers around the cloak, so as to keep herself warm, well as warm as she could be in that sort of state. Her legs felt rather numb, and she couldn't stop her arms from shaking. Bad idea having put on those clothes, a very bad idea. "I don't know" She declared, just as worried as Rebecca was "B-but it also worries me how did we get here" The situation was pretty bad itself, but she was still at a loss on how had they gotten there.

While the two girls spoke, Adam's attention was on Victor "They can be, but they don't act anything like those women, despite her looks" Adam argued. "Her friend, on the other hand, is wearing pants, and I doubt that's something that is used on that type of place" The blonde just didn't fit the image he had of those who worked there, and something within him told him she couldn't possibly work there, nor her friend. "I stick with the idea of them being foreigners" He finally declared.

When Victor approached them to introduce himself, Adam performed the same bow of courtesy before he introduced himself "And I am Adam Maxwell, Knight of the East, is there anything we can do for you?" He added to Victor's question. Either way, be it what those women may be, they had rescued them, and it was their duty, not only as knights but as gentlemen to assist them.

Elisa couldn't quite place it, but those names sounded rather familiar, way too familiar. Where had she heard them before? Because she was sure she had heard them before, that was for sure.

"Of course, My Lady, we will find a place to take you are your friend to do so" Adam declared in response to the white haired girl's statement. After doing so, he turned to Victor "Where should we take them? The city is pretty far from here" He said in a quieter voice.
"Oh, my name is Rebecca. Rebecca Thorne." She replied quickly, and then sneezed right after. In an attempt to bow, it only reminded her that her jeans were soaked, and it was more than a little uncomfortable.

"Where should we take them? The city is pretty far from here."
Victor sighed, the only good option was to take them to his childhood home, just a few miles versus the long trek. He glanced down at the girl's feet, they weren't even wearing shoes, so going back to the city was out of the question. They probably wouldn't make it very far.

He turned his back to the girls and leaned in towards Adam. "Look, we can take them to my father's farmhouse. It's about two mile, west." He raised his hand slightly to point towards a dirt path, opposite where they'd originally come from. Then, he lowered his hand and continued to speak in a whisper. "He'll be a little surprised to see me, but, it'll be much easier than walking all the way back to the capital. They aren't even wearing shoes, more importantly, they look rather. Rather different, it'll attract less attention."

Victor took a step back and then faced the girl's again. So long as they kept the cloaks close to their bodies, they blended in a little more. The girl with the white hair would stick out though, was she ill?
"I-I'm Elisa Wallace" Elisa added, closing her eyes briefly when a shudder ran up and down her spine. She really needed dry clothes, and she needed them soon. Even more, if those two, who called themselves knight, were not there she'd have already taken off her shirt, which stuck to her body.

"I didn't know your father lived nearby" Adam commented, brow raising. He knew his father was a farmer but had just never knew where his farmhouse was. "If he'd have us, I say it's be the best choice we have right now" He agreed with a nod. Victor was right, the girls weren't even wearing shoes, and they'd most likely hurt their feet before deciding they just couldn't keep going. He raised his hand to place it on top of his friend's "If it is okay with you, I say we do that"

"They are so strange" Elisa commented lowly, so that Rebecca would be the only one to hear her. The two men seemed to be discussing something either way, so she doubted they'd mind them. "Do you think it is a good idea to follow them?" She muttered, as far as she knew they were still two strangers, who were quite weird themselves. Introducing themselves as knights, that couldn't be normal, now could it? They could've saved them, and she was grateful for that, but there was reason as to why moms always warned their children not to get near strangers.
"I would've told you, but it's not him I'm worried about." Victor covered his face with his hand and let out a long groan. "It's my sisters. Adam, be warned, I have four sisters. It's the only reason I've never told you. They're all, very..." He took his hand from his face and held it palm up, debating which use to word. Each of his sisters were younger than him, the youngest being twins. They were eccentric. "Just don't gawk."

Rebecca pursed her lips, and thought for a moment. She looked between the water behind them, and the two men who called themselves knights. If it were up to her, she'd of course go with them. In a low whisper, she turned to her friend and spoke, "Would you rather go with them, or jump back in the lake?" Snickering, she bounced over to the knights.

"My lady." Victor gave another bow. Keeping face in front of these two girls was hard. Not only did he have to be polite, but he had to try not to stare at the half naked blonde haired girl, Elisa. His general attitude was always to keep his mannerisms polite and well, maybe not around Adam, but these girls for sure. They definitely were not from around here.

"We're going west, it'll be a two mile walk, come on. I'll make sure your friend is all right." Victor nodded his head politely and slowly paced up to Elisa. He held out his arm, hoping she would grab hold as most ladies would of an escort. "Two miles walking, let me know if your feet start to hurt."
Adam tilted his head a little to the side before the corners of his mouth raised into an amused smile "Now I'm just curious" He stated as he allowed for his hand to fall down from his friend's shoulder and hang again to his side "Can't be that bad, can it?" He wasn't sure if bad was the proper choice of words, but he couldn't come up with any other.

"Just don't gawk." Well how strange could they be? The question crossed his mind but he didn't ask it out loud, instead he simply nodded "Okay"

Of course Elisa would rather go with them but . . . Well it was just far too strange. She nibbled down on her bottom lip, but didn't comment on it for a moment. They didn't seem like bad people, that was for certain, but Elisa didn't have that much of a trusting nature. She thought about it for a few seconds before a sigh left her lips "Going with them it is, I guess" She finally replied, throwing a glance in their direction.

"We're going west, it'll be a two mile walk, come on. I'll make sure your friend is all right." Oh dear, her feet would be definitely sore once they were done with it. Only then Elisa regretted having kicked off her shoes a moment ago. When the knight, Victor, approached her, the first thing she laid her eyes on was on his held out arm, which caused for her to look of at him, brow raised. Her face acquired a confused look before she hesitantly and quite slowly raised her hands to grab hold of it, not really sure if that was what he was expecting. Strange She thought to herself while her fingers wrapped around his arm ever so slightly. He was warm and she was just cold. She glanced at Rebecca briefly before looking up at Victor "Where are we?" She had been dying to ask that question all along.

While Victor offered his arm to the blonde girl, Adam did the same with the white haired girl. She wasn't any stranger than her friend, that he could tell. That white hair of hers, it didn't seem bad, but it also didn't quite seem natural, even less when her eyebrows were dark. He cleared his throat a bit when he realised his mind was just wandering off "My Lady" He exclaimed as he waited for her to grab his arm "If you don't mind me asking, where are you two from?" He added, it was just an innocent question, but it really made him curious.
"Where are we?" Victor turned to the girl on his arm, he kept a slow pace so her feet wouldn't be too raw when they arrived. It would take them a good hour to walk, at that rate, and if he had to he would just carry the poor thing. Did she really not know where she was? How could she not know?

"These are his majesty's lands, King Johannes. You're lucky to have landed, or, well." He quickly tried to rephrase, it did seem as though they'd really landed in the middle of nowhere. A person doesn't fall from the sky every day, now do they? He thought to himself. "Currently, his lands are peaceful. To the North, East where Adam comes from, and the South. To the West, well, that's a story for another time." Victor patted his hand over hers for reassurance and continued on at the slow pace.

"If you don't mind me asking, where are you two from?" The knight asked Rebecca. They were slightly ahead of Victor and Elisa, who had no shoes. At least Rebecca had socks on, and it greatly reduced the pain of stepping on any small rocks or twigs. For that, she was grateful.

"Michigan." Rebecca replied plainly. She figured it was specific enough, but, the knights only looked more confused than ever. "Did he just say we're on a King's land? Elisa, I don't think there are any American Kings." Rebecca rattled on, her head turned back between Adam and Elisa to speak. "On a broader scale, where are we? Which country? Are we at a festival or something?"

From behind her Victor was laughing. As he caught her gaze he quickly apologized and stifled the sound. "My lady, there aren't any festivals going on, nor will there be for a while. Not until someone wins the war."

Rebecca was lost. He she was, with Elisa, being escorted to a farm by two knights. They claimed there was a king, but that couldn't be right. The only Kings or Queens in the world were halfway across the globe, not in America. She didn't know what else to ask, she wasn't sure she would ever really know where she was. All she could say for certain was that it was not her home.
"These are his majesty's lands, King Johannes." Elisa couldn't hear anything past that point, because she felt as if her answer had not been answered satisfactorily. King Johannes? As far as she knew, there wasn't any King named Johannes. Not that she knew of . . . Though the name sounded rather familiar as well. Her brows scrunched together, and for a moment she believed she was just being laughed at.

Adam, on the other hand, was just as lost as Elisa when Rebecca had answered his question. He had never heard of a land named Michigan before. He was about to ask about it, when the girl turned her head back to speak with her friend, and was even more at a loss when the girl bombarded him with some questions of her own. Just exactly how far was where they came from for him not to know where she was from and her where she was right now? He opened his mouth to reply but Victor was faster than him.

"It's just as Victor says" He nodded "On the other hand, how did you get here? Where's this Michigan you speak about?" How could she not know about the war if they had come there? Surely, on their way here they'd have gotten some hints about it. Adam knew he shouldn't be that nosy, but he couldn't help it, for he was curious by nature.

"A war? Now you're just playing with us" Elisa stated, unable to stop the words from leaving her mouth. Medieval setting, Kings and lands. She thought she had finally guessed what was going on there . . . "Oh dear, are you two of those guys who play things like dungeons and dragons or something like that? Is this like a comic-con? Or something where you meet up to have like a real-life game?" That was the only explanation that came to mind to that bizarre situation.
The road went on, gravel and dirt clung to the bottom of Rebecca's wet socks until they were stained with mud. She couldn't help but wonder how far the two knights would take this story. Surely this was a joke. It was as if they were straight out of some medieval novel, where knights and dragons fought for glory, and-

Rebecca let go of Adam's arm and turned around to pull Elisa from Victor's arm. In a hushed, but frantic, whisper she asked, "The book. That book, what was it about? You had to have read some of it right?" She pulled the cloak further around her shoulders to keep warm. Her clothes were nowhere near being dry, and now they were heating up from being under the sun.

Victor was alarmed by the girl's behavior, as they whispered between each other. He threw his hands up in defeat, and walked over to Adam with heavy steps. "Dragons? Dungeons? And what do you suppose comic-con is?" There was utter confusion in his voice, they didn't believe the girls and the girls didn't believe them. Someone had to give, and it wouldn't be Victor. He knew this place was real, and Michigan was not.

He started to pace in front of the other knight, thinking of any possible explanation for their odd behavior. There wasn't anything besides magic, perhaps they'd run into a spell somewhere. It would explain the odd clothing, they might have, no, it didn't explain the clothing. Magic would explain their behavior though, as if they didn't recognize the area around them.

"I bet they're under a spell." He sighed, lost and confused with the situation. "That's all I've got for an explanation. I honestly have no idea. Let's just take them to my father, get them some clothes, and go. I don't like dealing with strange magic."
Both Elisa and Adam were surprised when Rebecca had let go of his arm and had turned around to pull her away from Victor. Neither of them had their questions answered, but Elisa's questions vanished from her mind when her friend asked hers. "The book?" She repeated, frowning a bit. "I didn't get far from the prologue, it was just about to explain the reasons as to why a war- Oh my God! Their names!" The young girl covered her mouth in surprise and as a mean to shush her words, as they had came out as a yell, catching the knight's attention for a moment "Victor Portswell and Adam Maxwell, those names appear on the book"

Adam watched the girls in curiosity rather then with suspicion, but was snapped out of it when Victor approached him "I don't know, but they seem as lost as we are" He replied. He kept on getting this feeling that even though they seemed to be speaking the same language they simply didn't understand each other. The whole situation was strange, very strange indeed.

"Wait, you're not suggesting that- No, that's impossible Rebecca" She wasn't sure that her friend was suggesting that, but maybe the very thought had came to mind because down deep inside she was starting to consider it. She couldn't turn a blind eye on it, nor in the fact that several minutes before they were in her room and in the blink of an eye had magically appeared there, with no reasonable explanation whatsoever. "No, it can't be. That's not possible, one can't simply fall into a book" Those kind of things didn't happen in real life.

"I bet they're under a spell." Adam's brow raised at his friends remark "Do you?" Well it was plausible, it'd explain their behaviour, in a way. Memory spell, or something related to that. Lifting his hand, he used it to rub the back of his neck. Adam nodded at Victor's statement, though actually he didn't seem himself leaving them behind, there was something strange in that situation, and he wanted to find out what. Even if he had to use his magic to do so, though first he did agree with Victor in taking them to get some clothes first, their health was much more important right now.

As such he cleared his throat and took a step towards them to get the girls attention "My ladies, please. I reckon there seems to be a lot of things that need to be asked and answered, but lets focus on this task at hand, and that is get to you to some place near where the both of you can change those damped attires of yours" He said, looking at them.
Rebecca slowly nodded and went to take Adam's arm once more. Victor did the same, reaching for Elisa as he had done at the lake. What a strange situation they were in. Every few steps there would be another rock, and it would come crashing down on Rebecca that this world was indeed real. The pain in her foot proved it.

Victor could see his childhood home in the distance, and he took a cautious look towards Adam. His sisters, he could say, were eccentric yes. They were very gullible farm girls, yes. However, there was one more thing. Their lack of personal space and attentiveness would be too much for Victor. He loved his sisters dearly, but, he sighed. Adam would find out.

They were just outside a little wooden gate, with a trodden pathway to the front of the farmhouse. It was rather large for any of the buildings in the area. This was only because of how many siblings Victor had, how many people lived in the house, they needed the space at one time. Just about to enter the front door was the eldest of the four, Violet. Her long black hair was braided down her back, and her skin was just as pale, if not more so, than the cotton sheets Victor had once seen in the castle. At the sound of the chain mail, clinking together, Violet stopped and turned to see who had come.

Her eyes lit up, and she pressed her hands to her cheeks out of joy, "Victor's home!" She squealed. Like a calling, the other three came from the house and out towards Victor.

"My lady," Victor bowed once more to Elisa and then handed her off to Adam before his sisters all heaped around him, trying to hug their favorite older brother.

It wasn't because his sister's were strange that he didn't want Adam to meet them, oh no. Each one of the girls was beyond gorgeous, every single one had long dark hair and a fair complexion. The only way to tell them apart were their eyes or heights at times, as even their chests were all rather full. Victor groaned as his sisters welcomed him home.

"Please, we need to go inside now." He said loudly over their chatter. They led him inside without questions, and Victor waved his friends on.
"Wow, they are a . . . Lively bunch" Elisa exclaimed, rather taken aback by how Victor seemed to be welcomed into his home by his sisters with such effusiveness. Perhaps it was even stranger to her, taking into account that she was an only child, and hadn't quite experienced a real sibling bond in her life. Even those she had seen, they were not as . . . loving, if that was the right word to choose in that context.

"Indeed they are, My Lady" Adam agreed, nodding as he and the two girls just stood there, watching the happy reunion. Is that what Victor meant by being cautious? They were only cheerful, well a bit more than that, but there was nothing bad about it. He sort of liked it, though he guessed it was because things were not like that in his family. He came from a noble family, but they were so cold, distant and unattached with one another, that it surprised even himself that he wasn't anything like them. It was a matter of disposition, or so he had been told.

"Oh, that's our cue. Let's go" Adam declared upon noticing Victor gesturing for them to follow the family inside, with each lady in one arm. Elisa found that strange still, but she had grabbed onto the man's arm automatically when she had been handed off by Victor. She tried not to think about their situation too much, it was a lot to handle. She was convinced it was not a dream, though she still didn't want to admit to herself that they had actually left her world and had been sucked into another, now that wasn't as easy to stomach.

Her eyes ran over the house as they walked in, yet another thing that told her how genuine everything was, and yet another thing that made her feel dizzy because of the unlikeness of the situation. Adam, on the other hand, found the house warm and comfy, again unlike his own home. It'd have been nice if he'd have been invited before, he knew he liked it better for sure. He didn't hate his family, he didn't know that word, but he wasn't that fond of it either, their were just too arrogant and disdainful, even to him, and that's something he had learn to tolerate with the years, but never like, not even once.
(The sisters are community characters, so feel free to control them as you need)

Inside the house, it was decorated in a girl's taste. Flowers and wreathes hung on the wall from nails, and even more flowers were placed in pots and vases on every surface. Just in from the door was the hearth on the left, and a large dining table on the right. Further back into the house were two sets of stairs, one on either side, leading to the second floor. Upstairs, there were beds for the entire family, and then some. Wings and additions had been added since Victor left four years ago, so he wasn't entirely sure where they led to.

Violet was still clinging to her brother's arm, she even tried to kiss him on his return, but Victor wouldn't let her. He never had a moment's peace here, that was for sure. It would've been nice to have a brother when he was younger, but instead he had four sisters. He introduced them from oldest to youngest quickly, and they all curtsied as they were mentioned. "Violet, she'll be nineteen in the winter, Gretchen, seventeen, and the twins Julia and Freya, they just turned thirteen." It wouldn't be a surprise if anyone forgot their names as quickly as they were mentioned.

Seeing as Violet was the oldest, she quickly ran up to Elisa and Rebecca to introduce herself again. Violet was aloof and she tilted her head a lot when she spoke. It didn't even bother her that the girls were dressed so strangely. "You're both so wet, please, come with me. Gretchen and I will help you find something that fits."

The oldest sister held out her hands for the girls to both take. Rebecca let go of Adam and unwrapped herself from his cloak. She was glad he had offered it, because without it the breeze was too much for her skin to take. Instantly she sneezed, her whole body jumped at the reaction. Finally, she was able to hand off the cloak, shivering and chattering like she had been at the lake.

Victor paced over to Adam, glad to have another source of testosterone in the house. "I was only worried because, well. They're all rather attractive, but they don't seem to realize the effect they have on people. Adam, I didn't want you to get tangled up with my sisters, I'm sorry, it was a dumb reason, but. Oh gods, I don't even know." Victor shook his head with his hand placed over his forehead, embarrassed he didn't have any better reason than that."

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