A New Kind of Force

Can we, or more accurately i, have more details on the planet, its politics and some such ? With it i can have a better idea how to enter into it.
Sure. I kind of created the planet on the spot, so let's see what I can do!

The world is set close to the Outer Rim, and is sparsely populated due to the heavy winds that practically scrape across the ground. Small villages dot the hilly landscape, often near water sources and out of the wind. A single large city sits out in the open, founded by intrepid explorers who had the aid of technology to create a wind wall. These now rule the planet, using a dictatorship to enforce their rule. The current king is an obese man, one who cares only about his own delights.
Hahah! Yeah, I'm kind of glad. It gives me time to catch my breath and work on The Master's character sheet.
Haha. I don't feel like I'm in the best place for RPN. The times people are most active to me is between 1am-6am 11am-3pm
To be honest, I have some of the same problems. But my problems come from when I have access to a computer.
It probably blew a hole in the ship, but I think that with your Jedi senses and reflexes, you'd be able to at least get back into an air-sealed area.
Pretend my guy (HK-1000) just left before they arrived , Becuase he wanted to find his A-series. You found what was left of him on (the current planet) your on. You repair him , but you realize he's HK-1000 and not just 'any' HK unit. Your happy to see him , you thought he was dead/deactivated. But he has servered himself from the force (like the exile from KOTOR2) and he doesn't want it back for some reason. His memory core can't tell you what happened to do this , Becuase it's damaged. He also has a sith lightsaber with him.

edit : bette yet , @DarkWolf13

character finds parts of HK-1000 on the ship , along with those of an A-series assassin droid. His character reactivates HK-1000 , but can't do the same to the other droid. (Jumps back in le RP or tries to. Tag me when/if you board the ship. Otherwise it's the same as above , servered force , sith saber , etc. HK-1000 with in turn take the remains of the A-series , no matter what. Unless you just take his remains out of the ship , THEN fix him.)
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