A New Kind of Force

Character(s): Kayla A. Blyedart, Maika K. Blyedart

12, 17

Unknown, Fire Demon and Fallen Fire Angel


She is very shy, not very fond of loud people, but does love company and flowers. She hangs out in meadows a lot, although she is very special. She is very fierce and strong at heart, and she always carries a sword around with her that has the name "Mary", their mother's name, carved in the metal of it. She always protects her sister from the Jedi and Sith, not wanting to join them.

History: They were a happy family, Mary, Maika, their brother Joshua, and Kayla. They did everything together, and loved the outdoors. Then the war happened, the Dark Ages, and Kayla and Maika ran as their family got killed by the Sith. Maika grabbed her mothers sword and used that to protect Kayla. From then on, they have always been careful.

She's always thought of the jedi being good, until they killed her one and only dog. She has never trusted any of them.

She can be very harmful if you p*ss her off. Other than that, she loves to read and draw. She is very fast and a good weapon-master, although people pick on her because she's a girl.

Equipment: She always carries a sword
Has a protection knife....

'Normal' person

Name : HK-1000 , or simply 'the last' or 'centurion'

Age : he was created sometime after 1000 BBY , hence the '1000'.

Species : assassin droid.

Appearance :<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.791c18b1d15c37195c6478b994b0e352.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17970" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.791c18b1d15c37195c6478b994b0e352.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality : very eager to please whoever he deems his owner. He can be extremely rude to many others terming them as 'meat bags' he also frequently voices his opinion. Being 'the centurion' he sees himself as something to be valued , but will become uncaring on his personally status. In addition to this he doesn't get many jokes , can be incredibly funny without meaning too. He's somewhat of a recluse as well , as he has 7th level intellect and sees most regular humans as 'boring'.

History : created long ago by an unknown source , he was owned by many. Mostly owned by politically corrupt individuals , he later adopted a hatred of the senate. Around 32 BBY he broke from the 'droid grinder' and went to the builder forge (Rakatan computer) on kashyyk , hearing of such a machine from fellow assassin droids of the A-series. There he learned of his predescor HK-47 and then named himself 'the centurion' after what he thought was his creation date of 1000 BBY. The computer also fixed his memory core , allowing him to remember his true purpose ; to aid the sith in the battle of Russan. Disgusted by being a 'simple battle droid' , he later have himself into the Jedi order's sphere of influence. He worked as a spy during the clone wars , but went back to the builder forge after the conflict's end. For the entirety of the galactic civil war he was in hiding , but then the galaxy came to him. He agreed to join the new republic. How hat turns out remains to be seen~

Side/alignment : he's allied with the new Jedi order currently , along with the iron knights.

Skills : stealth , accurate rifle shot , hand to hand combatant , assassination programming , multiple languages known , and a 7th level intelligence.

Equipment : prototype mandolorian repeater , vibrosword.

Extra : just put me on a team , I don't know which one he would fit with haha.



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Known purely as 'The Master', her real name is unknown. And impossible for me to write down anyways.

Age: 54

Species: Diathim


Personality: Kind and benevolent, The Master is also incredibly prejudiced, and believes that all should be freed from the Force. She hates both the Sith and the Jedi equally, but believes that all have the path of redemption. The Master pursues her dream with a passion, using her natural skills to convince others to help her in achieving her goals. She's not afraid to sacrifice a minion if it means that they are moving toward a greater cause, but does her best to avoid such a situation.

History: The Master's past is shrouded in mystery, much like the rest of her is. What is known, however, is that she began recruiting seemingly random people and organized a small organization dedicated to the Freed. The Master's minions would go out and collect willing recruits to be 'Freed', and she would unravel these volunteers from the Force. In this way, her little empire grew, but always managed to avoid detection due to none of the members being detectable using the Force. Now, she's become more bold, and has sent out her best troops to capture force-users for her to 'Free'.

Skills: Beautiful and lithe, The Master is an expert at smooth-talking, and her disconnection from the Force makes it nearly impossible to tell when she is lying. With non-existent combat skills, she avoids fights by flying out of reach, and can even escape into space if needed.

Focus: The Master can 'Free' someone else from the Force after continued contact for about a minute. This time increases and decreases depending on how 'entangled' the person is in the Force.
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Age: 60

Species: Human



Personality: A bitter and grumpy old man, he likes his alone time. Inside, though, he is a kindly old man who merely looks forewards to his bed, and little else.

History: He was from Alderaan, and escaped with Y'drenna, and has raised her for about 50 years. He was in stasis, in an escape pod, so he is like a fish out of water, yet surprisingly adept with technology.

Skills: Technology, wordplay, logic.

Focus: Freezing, (Freezes force strands in place)

Equipment: A screen which he uses to hack things, a vibroblade of his own invention.

Extra (anything else you'd like to add that you feel is important?): He built much of modern tech, knoiws how to use it, and how to disable it.
sorry had to go to class before I was able to post the edited version


Name: LinwoodMcduffie

Age: 29

Species: Corrilian Human (Male)

Appearance: light tan, blond hair, dreamy deep blue eyes, scare across his chest from Corrilian cutlass, tattoo on his left arm of his family's crest

Personality: womanizer, friendly, talkative, short temper, no remorse for killing people

History: was being trained to be a Jedi but found another uses for his powers as a padawan and left the order. He got more intone with both the light side and dark side, on his adventures he bought a ship and made friends with three other humans. This band of friends are working as soldiers for hirer as well as bounty hunter apart of the Ragnar Syndicate of bounty hunters. One of there retrieval missions he was slashed across the chest by a Corrilian cutlass and killed the man how slashed him with his saber in twelve pieces and walked away to the ship to get medical attention. He has learned that no remorse and killing people he doesn't know for money is the most accepted path in the galaxy. When ever he goes into bars the women ( any race) gravitate to him for some unexplained reason. Jedi and Sith have kept there distance do to his reputation of killing any force user that crosses paths with him.

Side (Jedi or Sith): he is a dark jedi (so this means he has no allegiance to either side)

Force Abilities: force choke, force move ( he can move objects with the force), force lighting, force mind control/ telepathy, force illusion, force rage ( when down to his last bit of life force he suicides and kills anyone around him in a 100 foot radius).

Saber Fighting Style: scorpio.

Other Skills: survivalist, sniping.

Equipment: black lightsaber, slugthrower sniper rifle, com link that's in a wrist holder, gun holster on his thigh- heavy blaster pistol, utility belt six poach- (items in belt) 5 extra ammunition magazines and credit card in the other, military pack-(items in pack) crash survival kit ( breath mask- for harsh planets, emergency rations, emergency blanket, two fire sticks- starts a small fire to keep you alive) two plasma grenades, nomad great coat, catch vest with two magazine poaches on it- (what's in the poaches) two extra sniper magazines.

Ship: S-Type Racing Sloop

navacomputer class 8, forward firing dual laser cannons
Normal Person

Name: Axela Seta

Age: Almost 16

Species: Human

Like this, but obviously with a Star Wars-y twist. (Very baby-faced btw)

Personality: Smart, quick-witted, extremely adventurous, a tiny bit reckless, kind

History: Orphaned as a baby, left home to seek adventure

Job/Side (who do you support and how?): Serves as a reporter/detective of sorts, Not really on anyone's side

Skills: Good at finding clues, getting into trouble, getting kidnapped (||||)0, solving mysteries/unmasking criminals

Equipment: Uses a gun if neccessary, though mainly just uses common sense and quick wit

Extra (anything else you'd like to add that you feel is important?): She has (the Star Wars equivalent of) a dog(?) named Snow
Normal Person

Name: Spencer "Specs" Tolran


Species: Human


Personality: Silent and tenacious, he doesn't turn his back on a job, no matter how weird.


Job/Side (who do you support and how?): Runs a business called Spec's Odd Jobs, he supports whoever get's to him first.

Skills: Advanced training. Tactical abilities

Equipment: M7 Ptolemy PulSAR(Pulse System Activated Repulsor) Assault Buster, PulSAR CC-Aid and Utility, Galax PulSAR Battlesuit

The Incoming


Extra (anything else you'd like to add that you feel is important?): Unlike most mercs, he works for whoever get's to him first.

The Force flows through us?

Name: Alecai White

Age: 25

Species: Mandalorian


Personality: Silent and brooding would best describe Alecais' appearance to those that are around him, but behind the carefully crafted visage is a man full of anger and hatred. Quick to anger and even quicker to draw his Lightsabers in even the most trivial of circumstances. Though at times, when the need arises he can be calm, collected and a crafty tactician. He is brusk and upfront, telling people exactly what he thinks of them whether it is positive or not. In battle he is fast and ferocious, complimenting the Juyo style.

History: From a young age Alecai was another Mandolorian mercenary, using his blaster for the highest paying clients, protecting them, killing their enemies or acting as foot soldiers. At 19 he was hired by an archaeologist to help pathfind and kill any dangerous beasts that they might encounter on the moon of Duxun. The archaeologist was searching for ancient Sith ruins and the almost priceless artifacts and holocrons that were kept in those tombs.

The party had been there for almost 2 years, finding nothing more than already raided tombs and dangerous traps that killed many. One trip deep into the jungles Alecai was separated from the group and left for dead in one such trap that left him unconscious and his right arm broken. Stumbling through the dense undergrowth he came across a clearing and an ancient stone archway. Using it for shelter he holed up and splinted his arm before heading deeper into the tunnels (to slate his own curiosity). He came across chambers full of ancient sith artefacts.

He was found days later by the archaeological party and praised, handsomely rewarded for finding what may have been the last repository of sith knowledge on Duxun and all artefacts were removed to the starship they had arrived on.

The lure of the darkside was great and more than appealing to someone like Alecai, who had never know of his force sensitivity. The whispers of the holocrons drove him to take up his weapons and kill or subdue everyone he met on that ship. He took the knowledge for himself and has spent the last 5 years trawling the data of the sith, he took 2 Lightsabers as his new weapons and practised the Juyo form.

He is nowhere near as strong a sith as he could be, which is why he came back into republic space, following rumours, looking for sith who will help him become stronger.

Side (Jedi or Sith): Sith

Force Abilities: his abilities are severely limited due to being self taught

Force push/pull

Force jump/leap

Force speed

Force Choke

Fighting Style: Form VII: Juyo

(Dual Wield) 
Edited and Completed 11/6/14
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Name: Smichal

Age: 13

Species: Human


Personality: Quiet and reserved, doesn't feel right speaking unless spoken to, and is exceptionally good at following orders. He really just wants a friend, if nothing else, and he can tell if people are good or bad most of the time. Even with all the bad things that have happened to him, he is naturally sweet and kind and not at all vengeful.

History: Has been on his own barely a month, after running away from that h***hole they call an orphanage, wherein he hurt his left leg 5 years ago from a rather brutal beating they claimed was his punishment for not listening and doing as he was told (which he really was). It is hard to walk on, and therefore he limps, though it healed pretty well. He was put there by his father's servant, as his father was a Freed, and the servant hoped to save the boy's life, not knowing the orphanage was a terrible place.

Side (Jedi or Sith): He's not really sure yet

Force Abilities: He's not entirely sure what he can do, yet, being a young kid and never having any real training, though he can sense some things and also pick up tiny things like buttons or cans

Fighting Style: He's never learned one

Equipment: Nothing; he's an orphan who's only recently run away

Extra (anything else you'd like to add that you feel is important?): Well, I kind of already said he limps oh his left leg, so...idk what else *shrug*
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Name: Miria Corrend

Age: 17

Species: Cybernetic human

Underneath, half of her face is cybernetic, and she has long black hair. Her right arm and leg are both cybernetic as well.

Personality: Easily angered, slow to trust, tries to do whatever she thinks is right, regardless of what she was paid to do

History: She grew up in a normal enough family on Coruscant. Until the day a crazy Sith sympathizing terrorist blew up her house, killing her parents and her brother, and horribly injuring her when she was only 12. They cybernetically repaired her. Refusing to go to an orphanage, she instead took her parent's starship, and fled out into space. She was found in space with little fuel and no supplies by a group of bounty hunters shortly after. They pitied her, but they saw great potential in her. They trained her in the art of bounty hunting. Eventually the bounty hunters were arrested, and she was left with their ship and equipment. She discovered she was one of the freed when a Jedi attempted to arrest her along with the other two bounty hunters on one of their missions, but she was completely unaffected by his powers.

Skills: Rifle shooting, hand to hand combat, demolitions, hacking

Focus: Although force users can still use powers around her, she is completely immune to them.

Equipment: Blaster rifle, blaster pistol, sniper rifle, vibroblade, suit of armor.

Extra (anything else you'd like to add that you feel is important?):

The Force flows through us?
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Hmm....since Prim is having trouble getting on a computer, and she was controlling most of the Freed, perhaps we could have a conversation with the Master? I've honestly been out of the loop for a while...

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You could be hired to kill the Jedi that grabbed Shylynn's characters. Freeing them in the process.

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Okay. Jedi: Harvey, Male, Age 43, human.

Lily, Female, Age 21, Gamorrean.

Silver, Male, Age 19, Duros.

They are currently traveling through hyperspace toward Coruscant.

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I'm sorry. Hmm...don't quite feel like searching through the acres of posts, but you might just want to abandon your absent comrade.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk

Name; Athedj Heat

Age; 24

Human (Doesn't know which planet)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Jedi_knight_I_by_dywa.jpg.16b5bbcd2f73b9ef68f8cb90d645dafa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Jedi_knight_I_by_dywa.jpg.16b5bbcd2f73b9ef68f8cb90d645dafa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personalty; Athedj Heat or Heat for short. is a very calm man. He is naturally more intertwined with the living force and is at more at eases with the way he deals with his problems. Heat values the friends and the bonds he forms. He is a strong man in the way of the force and saber combat. For one is not complete with out the other. He will often be the quiet one but when needed he will speak. He holds himself to a high level of honor and self respect.

Side; Jedi

History; Heat was left at the steps of the new order. Where they quickly learned that he is more intertwined with the force of living things which lead to being very wise at a very young age. heat spent many years training in the way of the Jedi and he follows the Jedi code to the letter. {Datacron corruption}


A Kylan blaster pistol. He believes he might one day need it.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/vJ397sX.jpg.267e978cee90e9311c00c26725a0cdc5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21785" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/vJ397sX.jpg.267e978cee90e9311c00c26725a0cdc5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His custom silver lightsader Zero<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/lightsaberblade.png.7510696553a782702b50b69188104add.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/lightsaberblade.png.7510696553a782702b50b69188104add.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/lightsabertop.png.a5b0acdd551da7a60f1c653c4b95bb94.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/lightsabertop.png.a5b0acdd551da7a60f1c653c4b95bb94.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And his private ship Jupiter<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Republic_Interceptor_zpsc8d1186b.jpg.00b612221771371ac3cabed7bb50990e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21784" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Republic_Interceptor_zpsc8d1186b.jpg.00b612221771371ac3cabed7bb50990e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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