A New Kind of Force


Evil Mastermind of the keyboard







Side (Jedi or Sith):

Force Abilities:

Fighting Style:


Extra (anything else you'd like to add that you feel is important?):











Extra (anything else you'd like to add that you feel is important?):

Normal Person







Job/Side (who do you support and how?):



Extra (anything else you'd like to add that you feel is important?):
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Force - User



Venice -9102 (Or Venice only)



28 years old



AI Cyborg






A Typical AI with Human Emotions. Still sounds like the Female Human Voice in evie.com



A Beautiful Venice -9102. It was originally made for the Sith as a more Advance Protection for the Sith Lord.

A Malfunction caused by the Clumsiness of Bobba Fett. Now Venice works for the Jedi, as an Elite Soldier. Partnered with R2 - D2. She wants to become a True Human someday & has a secret crush on Luke Skywalker



Jedi (Formerly Sith)


orce Powers:

  • Force Absorb
  • Force Stealth
  • Force Valor
  • Alter Damage
  • Alter Image
  • Force Influence
  • Mind Control
  • Dopplegänger
  • Drain Knowledge
  • Force Fear

Name:Renok Marak




Personality: When meeting him he appears pragmatic, introvert and sarcastic, care only to self preservation and the next paycheck. If you get him on a bad day he can deteriorate to cold and bitter, lashing down to those in reach. Be with him long enough, he shows a softer side which goes out of his way to help people.

Equipment: Hold out blaster, detractable blade attached to gauntlet, curved hilt lightsaber with yellow crystal. Voice box similar to darth malaks from KOTOR cybernetic right hand and left leg.


Fighting Form:Makashi, soresu

History:Joining the order from a young age, he was proud to be a jedi growing up with stories of the feats of the jedi during the wars. As a padwaan he was mixed blessing to his masters as though a good student and a quick study. he was a bit of joker and trouble maker match to their chagrin. Despite the disapproval of some of his master, he was eventually promoted to a Knight as a Jedi Sentinel tasked into hunting down Sith. However he was overconfident and often got him into trouble he barely could get out of. One such event, he fought led a group of fellow jedi and troops against a sith compound. However the fighting was tougher then anticipated and Renok had to face of against a sith lord beyond his skill, she severed Eenok sword arm, leg and lower jaw before pushing him into a crumbling pillar bringing it down of him. He woke up in a bacta tank, surprised that he was one of the few to live through the attack. However the experience of losing his limbs, a lot of people he knew and the shock of the attack changed him. He became disillusioned with the jedi order as it fractured around him, and the once joker and kidder became bitter and sarcastic. He left the order when he was well enough to do so, becoming a mercenary and smuggler.

Side (Jedi or Sith):Jedi (sort of)

Force Abilities:

  • Force lightning
  • Force Choke
  • Force stun
  • Standard push/pull
  • Mind Trick
  • Telepathy with willing subject
  • force acrobatic
  • force scream
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Hey, can i suggest fighting form(e.gsoresu/shi-cho) section for the jedi/sith and general weapon section in the Character creature? I am sure some people would want to show of their lightsabers or blaster.

Name: Ydrenna

Age: 15 (in human maturity)

Species: Nautolan



Personality: Sassy, sarcastic

History:Born an exile, she was found hiding a jedi, and seemed to repel the force lightning back at the sith. (More will be revealed)

Skills: Martial arts, musical arts, mental arts... art, duo pistols

Focus: Controlling the force/ controlled repelling
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Name: Klowde Apollon

Age: 19

Species: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-2.jpeg.2b771c67540fdc456870595184d663a8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17775" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-2.jpeg.2b771c67540fdc456870595184d663a8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-1.jpeg.999679a04e42291da6f28847afeeea10.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17776" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-1.jpeg.999679a04e42291da6f28847afeeea10.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Knowledgeable, Heroic, Protective, Instinctive, and Creative.

History: He actually grew up under the care of a sith who was desperate for an apprentice. They lived on the one of the moons of Mandalore. The sith was horrible to him and made his training way to harsh. So when he entered his teen years, his quickly made sure everyone new the man was a sith lord. The sith lord was killed one day by a clan of Mandalorian warriors who on that day adopted Klowde. Since Klowde was a force user among them he was given the Black Lightsaber which was actually stolen from the Jedi Temple over a thousand years ago. He was trained by the only other force user who was a former jedi in the ways of the light. Then he learned the story of the two entities of the force that each controlled a side. He learned that they could be called gods of the force. The Girl was the goddes of the Light and the boy was the God of the Dark side. Apparently, one factor that affected the fall of the jedi over 500 years ago was the death of the goddes of light. He learned that technique don't separate Sith and Jedi techniques but rather the color the force manifest as a true sith's force would appear red. (the force god thing is from that episode in Clone Wars where Obi wan and Anakin met Mordis, also details about the history with madalorians will be revealed in the rp)Yet Klowde force is blue.

Side (Jedi or Sith): Jedi(i guess)

Force Abilities:

Force Lightning

Force Telekinesis

Force Telepathy

Force Choke

Mind Control and Manipulation


Force Stealth

Force Acrobatics

Fighting Style: Mandalorion hand to hand, Altered Shien Style

Equipment: Mandalorion armor complete with jetpack, gaunlet blaster, and gaunlet flame thrower.

Black Lightsaber

Extra (anything else you'd like to add that you feel is important?): He wishes to explore the jedi library for there are some important books with knowledge of force techniques and what not.



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Name: Mondas Maran

Age: 17

Species: Anselmi

Appearance: He has long, dark red hair along with a family marking on his face. (War paint was so commonplace within his clans that it gradually became part of the family's molecular structure. Green and Gold are the colors that appear on his face.) He is 6'3 and dons traditional Anselmi battle gear along with his Jedi robe.

Personality: A little arrogant, aggressive, and protective. But underneath all of this, he is really a good person.

History: He was born into one of the dominant Anselmi clans, and over time rose to a high rank in his area. He is one of the first recorded anselmi Jedi. More revealed in RP.

Side: Jedi

Force Abilities:

Force Levitate

Force Telepathy

Force Heal

Force Image

Force Push/Pull

Force Jump

Force Acrobatics

Fighting Style: Anselmi Karate, Vaapaad

Equipment: Green lightsaber with waterproofing crystal. Sniper rifle from Anselmi wars. Anselmi armor (Family battle armor).

Extra: The family battle armor is important to him.
Also, heere is my gun if i am not in close range:

Also, i wanted my character to seem snappy, and bitter about something. 
And, if allowed, my vehicle:

Well, since we have several Jedi, I guess I'll be playing the Sith! Woohoo! I believe we have enough to start, but I have to go, so I'll post an update once I get the starting line up.
yeah, you are on, has it begun? 
A modification, my person is a mercanary, but not a bounty hunter, for the alliegance.
Name: "Ghost" (Arii Rexxt)

Age: 23

Species: Human (Mandalorian)


(Height: 6'2, Weight: 150 lb)

(She has generally longer hair then in the photo and a teal tattoo on her right cheek, let's just say that was her at around eighteen. Her hair reaches the very top of her butt yet she tucks it in when in combat. She now has a more female stereotypical body but tends to try and dismiss it. She likes to wear eyeliner and eyeshadow, which she buys from Coruscant every week to use.)

Personality: Ghost gets the job done, but is actually very sensitive when around those she cares about and calls friend or when she's alone. Ghost only shares her name with those she really trusts because she feels like she'd endanger her Clan if her name got out. Ghost is actually very scared of things but when she puts on her armor it almost seems like she's some sort of famous hero, as the armor was actually her mothers, who was killed by a jedi. She usually throws fits of rage when spotting a jedi in combat, but when out of combat she seems to show interest and care in everyone she meets, as long as her armor is off that is. Her armor is the only thing people recognize her by, her logo being a big mandalorian symbol on her back painted in black and white smears.

History: Ghost's father, Delek Feri, was a jedi youngling found by the Clan Rexxt after his master was killed and the youngling was left to die on a planet named Beaudonia, not too far away from Mandalore. There Ghost's father grew up to become a mandalorian, with a general knowledge of the force. Ghost's mother, Jina Mordes (Feri), was a city girl who usually hung out with gangs when she was a teenager in the very urban and dark grounds and undergrounds of Coruscant, where she made music and stole things. She later became a bandit of sorts and ran into Delek, where the two fought only to encounter a third enemy, a bounty hunter. The two killed the bounty hunter and relied on each other as they were both lost, and Clan Rexxt took Jina in after she ultimately gave up on finding her friends and followed Delek. Arii was born and her parents loved her very much, and still do. Arii doesn't have much of a history, other then she aided Clan Rexxt in many battles against other Clans, galactic gangs, authorities, and later became a bounty hunter to simply get a job, which her parents were very proud at as she became one at 15. She still bounty hunts, and her parents still support her.

Job/Side (who do you support and how?): Bounty Hunter / Merc. Supports Jedi by usually doing jobs for them, sometimes for free.

Skills: Hacking computers, making music, seducing people, lying, combat with melee weapons and ranged weapons, and is very skilled in piloting a ship.


De-10 Blasters, two. (Kind of like Han Solo's)

Clone Army chaingun that is customized, which switches from bullets to lasers depending on what the setting is set unto. The bullets are usually good for simply knocking and forcing the enemy to retreat, while the lasers are more for damage on many targets, yet require much more ammo, which is expensive. The chain gun is also built of light material and can fold up to fit into a bag.


Beskar'gam (Mando Armor), and many different visions to her helmet.

She has a yellow lightsaber.

A vibroblade extending out of her left glove when a button is pushed.

DC-15 rifle transformed into a strange sniper rifle.

Extra: Arii loves the idea of romance, yet she hides it so that she may look tough around people, due to her reputation as Ghost.

The Force flows through us? I think. Everything has midichlorians so I think the Force is everything, right? I don't know anymore. I'm going to go drink some brandy at the cantina and listen to some Biths play music.
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Normal Person


Tyla Creel




Zelosian (Near-Human)



Emerald green eyes and a mixture of red & orange hair.


Sarcastic, brave, and bold. She doesn't let anyone order her around no matter who they are (Sith, Jedi, who cares? Don't boss me around unless you want your face blown off). Tyla is also very unsympathetic, she doesn't care who you are she won't get involved with you unless you can pay her the right amount of money.

Tyla WON'T take a side with the war, since she is neither light nor dark

(Or so she says).


Tyla's father and mother died when she was three, making her an orphan from a young age. She grew up bouncing from whatever place would take her to the next. During that time she was able to pick up a few skill, one of them including an unchallengeable Engineering knowledge (she favors large star ships and other transportation vehicles). When she was 13 she was picked up by a group of merchants who allowed her to travel with them if she tended to their ship and gear, she agreed. It wasn't until a year later that she took a job in a smuggling circle. She's been working as a smuggler since.


Tyla is a Engineer, one of the best in fact. Not that many people believe; she's a girl after all. It's true though, give her anything and she can fix it. Give her a blueprint and she can build it. DESIDES that, she's a smuggler and tends to know the ins-and-outs of the black markets.


Mechanic Abilities

Hand-to-hand combat abilities

Deadly aim with a gun (Blaster, pistol, anything...)

Persuasive skills (Nothing like a Jedi, but still dang good)


(She doesn't have all of this on her person, but she owns it. She is heavily armed, she's a smuggler after all!)

Riot Gun

DL-18 blaster pistol (Personal favorite)

T-21 light repeating blaster

Air Pistols & Stun Grenades (Though these are things she smuggling)

Tracker Utility Vest

PX-7 Heat Sensor

Tools/ repair kit

Camouflage netting (That she keeps with her Freighter)

A Freighter & JR-4 Swoop


The Force flows through us?

Tyla HATES the dark, though that's mostly because Zelosians are completely blind in it.

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Name: Cielo Nathia

Age: 31

Species: Corellian


Personality: Cielo is a sadistic temptress, loving to cause pain using her natural good looks to distract and get her way with nobles. She may scorn her beauty as something unfitting of a Dark Lord, but it does help when trying to assassinate someone. Holding a special hatred against Jedi, Cielo is not one for formalities. She will stop at nothing short of death to achieve her goals, and even then, that might not stop her.

History: Cielo was born to a Cerellian merchant who had received funding from a Hutt, but his business kept getting plagued by pirates. Eventually, the Hutt demanded repayment, and being unable to comply, her father instead gave the Hutt his only daughter as a slave. Due to Cielo's beauty, she was served very well, but Cielo didn't like the idea of being a slave. So when a dark stranger approached her and told her of her ability to control the miraculous Force, she was enthralled. Under his secret tutelage (he kept getting past the Hutt's defenses), Cielo learned to use the Dark Side of the Force, and eventually took her master's life using Force Lightning. Freed from the Hutt's bondage, Cielo asked the stranger who had helped her if she could continue to learn under him. He accepted, and thus Cielo became Jagat's apprentice.

Side: Sith Apprentice

Force Abilities:

  • Force Illusions
  • Force Lightning
  • Empowering natural abilities
  • Force levitation (includes pushing and pulling stuff)
  • Sith Sorcery

Fighting Style: Ataru

Equipment: An ancient Sith blade, once used by the first Sith. It's been imbued with the Dark Side of the force, making it just as formidable as a Lightsaber, and also serves to channel Cielo's Force attacks. She also uses Sith Alchemy created armour, although it doesn't cover much to be truly effective.

Extra: Cielo has two hounds of an unknown species that she keeps at her side. These hounds usually keep her protected from flank attacks, but are more often used for scouting or pincer movements. Both of them have been subject to Jagat's Sith alchemy, and can somewhat use the Force as a result, as well as being another focus for the Dark Side of the Force.


Name: Jagat Sinigaird

Age: 78

Species: Unknown (His armour conceals any recognizable features he may have, and he doesn't have any special traits, so it's safe to assume that he's human)


Personality: Jagat doesn't speak much, using Cielo as his front face, as much as she may hate it. Instead, he's the mastermind behind many schemes that have gone underneath the Jedi order. Probably even more cruel than his apprentice, Jagat drags out the death of his opponents, preferring to watch them writhe in pain rather than get rid of the threat.

History: Jagat was born on one of the planet of the Outer Rim, out of sight of the new Jedi Order. He was a powerful Force individual, and was found and trained by Sith Lord Bathumuz, who had scavenged a large amount of Tomes about the Dark Side. Jagat and Batuamuz trained in seclusion, until Jagat started to create ornate schemes behind his Master's back. Bathumuz found out, and was going to punish his apprentice for his folly in jeopardizing their position, but Jagat killed his Master instead. Continueing his plan to make the Dark Side once again known, Jagat met Cielo and took her under his wing.

Side: Sith Lord

Force Abilities:

  • Sith Alchemy
  • Force Lightning
  • Force levitation (includes pushing and pulling stuff)
  • Force choke
  • Empowering natural abilites
  • Force Illusions
  • Battle Meditation
  • Sith sorcery

Fighting Style: Niman

Equipment: Jagat wears altered Mandalorian armour, that has been imbued with his Sith Alchemy to make it stronger and serve as a focus for the Dark Side of the Force. He wields two lightsabers, one of his own creation, the other a lightsaber he took from the single Jedi he has killed so far.

Extra (anything else you'd like to add that you feel is important?):

[by the way, I'm creating these two with a lot more power, due to the fact there is a bunch of Jedi (or used to be Jedi) and I don't want to create 5 different Sith]
I guess I'll try my luck with this.


Name: Axel "Hex" Brett

Age: 26

Species: Human


With armour:


Without Armour:


Personality: Axel is pretty laid back, and only does something out of his way if it's for friends of him, or if it could get him dough. His one motivation is to become the greatest close combatant in the universe.

History: Axel was born on a djungle planet, where he got raised by a retired Jedi he was taken in by when he was very young, as something terrible had happened to his family, and the retired Jedi never told him what. He always looked up to the Jedi, but as he got to know himself in time, the force didn't seem to have any effect on him, so Axel gave up his pursuit of becoming a Jedi, but he had already become quite proficient with dual-wielding swordsso when Axel set out to try and make money as a mercenary, the old Jedi gave him two custom made vibroblades. He's currently working for the New Jedi Order as a mercenary.


Twin Vibroblades made out of Mandalorian Steel which is somewhat resistant to lightsabers

Heavy Blaster Pistol

Multiple throwing knives + 1 Large combat knife

Light Mandalorian Armour with a added Low-Grade stealth field

Skills: Dual Wielding, Melee Combat, Ballistic Combat, Sneaking, Awareness

Focus: Aura

Edit: The force doesn't flow through me!

Edit: Hex has a tendency of talking to himself. Kinda inconvenient for a sneaky guy.

Even more Edit: The old "without armour" picture broke. Well, at least for me, so I added a new one.
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A focus is whatever special you have in your resistance to the force. Like mine is control, so i can control and deflect the force. there are a few others, like aura, and unchain, which give special benifits. 
but a problem with your ecquipment, is that lighsabers and similar weapons don't work for the freed
Huh. I tried looking it up beforehand, since I thought I had heard about something like that about lightsabers, but I never saw anything about requirements about force usage, and I read something about lightfoils being for the non-gifted. But I'll roll with your rules. I'll just switch to vibroblades or the like.

Edit: How 'bout that?
Okay. So if you read all the way through the Overview, I have the three different focuses so far. I assume by your description that you have the Aura part?
Are you still excepting people? 

Name: LinwoodMcduffie

Age: 29

Species: Corrilian Human (Male)

Appearance: light tan, blond hair, dreamy deep blue eyes, scare across his chest from Corrilian cutlass, tattoo on his left arm of his family's crest

Personality: womanizer, friendly, talkative, short temper, no remorse for killing people

History: was being trained to be a Jedi but found another uses for his powers as a padawan and left the order. He got more intone with both the light side and dark side, on his adventures he bought a ship and made friends with three other humans. This band of friends are working as soldiers for hirer as well as bounty hunter apart of the Ragnar Syndicate of bounty hunters ( link- http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ragnar_Syndicate ). One of there retrieval missions he was slashed across the chest by a Corrilian cutlass and killed the man how slashed him with his saber in twelve pieces and walked away to the ship to get medical attention. He has learned that no remorse and killing people he doesn't know for money is the most accepted path in the galaxy. When ever he goes into bars the women ( any race) gravitate to him for some unexplained reason. Jedi and Sith have kept there distance do to his reputation of killing any force user that crosses paths with him.

Side (Jedi or Sith): he is a dark jedi (so this means he has no allegiance to either side)

Force Abilities: force choke, force move ( he can move objects with the force), force lighting, force mind control/ telepathy, force illusion, force rage ( when down to his last bit of life force he suicides and kills anyone around him in a 100 foot radius).

Saber Fighting Style: scorpio.

Other Skills: survivalist, sniping.

Equipment: black lightsaber, slugthrower sniper rifle, com link that's in a wrist holder, gun holster on his thigh- heavy blaster pistol, utility belt six poach- (items in belt) 5 extra ammunition magazines and credit card in the other, military pack-(items in pack) crash survival kit ( breath mask- for harsh planets, emergency rations, emergency blanket, two fire sticks- starts a small fire to keep you alive) two plasma grenades, nomad great coat, catch vest with two magazine poaches on it- (what's in the poaches) two extra sniper magazines.

Ship: GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat (link to it- http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/GAT-12_Skipray_Blastboat ).

Ship Crew: Joshua Berate- gunner, demolitionist, cook, rifle specialist.

Douglas Thornton- gunner, doctor, close combat specialist.

Jeremy Brewer- pilot, astronavigationist, rifle specialist.

LinwoodMcduffie- Co-Pilot, details above 
If so that's my character

Name: Silver Satori

Age: 14

Species: Cathar

Appearance: Silver has bright red eyes which can scare quite alot of people since they do not expect somebody that young to have eyes like that and she has slight claws where just her finger nails would be and her ears are well like what a wolf would be as and they can swivel, she has light silver fur covering her entire body except her head which has long silver hair that goes down to the middle of her back but it is usually kept in a down the back braid, she is always seen wearing a black cloak most the time with the hood down.

Personality: Silver is a feisty little thing and loves to fight but when she is not fighting, she can be quite happy and cheerful to be around but other times she will be depressed or stubborn and serious.

History: She had been abandoned in the lower levels of Couriscant as a young child because her parents never wanted her so she was used to little food and water also very little warmth for a year she survived like that just barely scrapping by, she even became a excellent little thief because of that and when she was found by a Jedi who had been chasing a criminal deep into the city's depths and the Jedi had found her, a overly skinny and shivering young girl who was standing shakily pointing a blaster at the Jedi like he was going to hurt her and they had just stared at each over for a moment before silver had passed out from exhaustion and the Jedi had taken her back to the place he trained people to become Jedi and she has been there ever since and everybody there knows to not try to take her on in a fight since she has mastered just about all forms of saber combat and does not show fear, in fact she shows no emotion while fighting and she has beheaded more than one sith in her lifetime.

Side (Jedi or Sith): Jedi

Force Abilities: Force lightning and force choke

Fighting Style: Form V: Shien/djem so

Equipment: A dark purple light saber, a com link that is actually like a necklace and she is always wearing it, a survival kit just in case her ship ever crashes in the pack is, one blanket, a extra Lightsaber, food if she is cant find other sources of it on the planet and two bottles of water.

Extra: She has a ship, it is a Jedi starfighter

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