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Fandom a new home for you and i [closed w. Writer_Princess53284]


Unlucky Member
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Wanda Maximoff has been through so much. The years have not been kind to her, and she spends her days thinking about the family she has lost to time. First her brother, lost to a war he should not have been part of. Her husband, to another war he could not escape. Her children, to her own magic weaving a world of deception. Now she is alone, without true friends in the Avengers or family she can have. As she mourns the life she has lost, she came across one truth. She has the power over reality itself. She can choose something else.

The Darkhold gave her many chances, for many options. She found the way to travel between the worlds, connecting with her energy there. Dreamwalking was an option, but so was finding her blood and chasing it through the walls of the universe. It was not precise, and it was not without its dangers. After everything she had been through, she had to try. To find her family, to find a home again. She was so, so alone.

And so the walls came down in front of her. She plunged in, and found the danger of the multiverse intoxicating as it was fraught. She pushed herself through the darkness, through the endless waves of possibility, shaking as she pushed and tugged herself. The first stop she made wasn't the right one — this world had their Wanda, and that Wanda had her sons. They were happy. A type of happy this Wanda had never had. She watched them, for a while, and enjoyed their happiness secondhand. Then she had to move on. She saw half a dozen worlds with her family in them, but all of them had a Wanda. There was no place where she was missing.

Until she reached this world. This world that was ravaged by something. An unknown force from beyond the known universe. All of reality was falling apart. Yet right at the center of it, hidden away, she detected something. The small bastion of safety left was nothing more than a bubble. A lucky chance in a million that a small hovel still remained safe from the carnage, and she could feel something inside. She felt drawn there, as she shielded herself from the onslaught around her.

Wanda was so nervous. She knocked on the door, then considered simply spiriting herself away, leaving them to their eternal isolation. But she couldn't. She had to know.
Pietro had lost her. His sister was lost to the world after the Incursion. Which left him with Billy and Tommy, who absolutely missed their mother. He tried to reach out to Carter, but there was little avail in that effort. Moreso a case to stay back, that she was still afraid of further hurting him, the twins, the last piece of Wanda that still lived. Pietro missed his friend, but she was looking out for their safety, in what little bubble of safety that was left in this reality. A safety bubble created by Wanda before she went to meet her destiny.

If she lived, it would have been wonderful to see, her dream life in those old sitcoms she would watch growing up coming to place. A small neighbourhood. Grocery stores (stocked mainly by the last person that he cared for as a sister in her own bubble of isolation.), school for the kids...it was everything Wanda would have wanted to have in life with her sons.

The boys played happily in the backyard. Namely, Billy was playing with his powers and Tommy working with the ones inherited from his cooler older uncle. Pietro, for his merit was working to try and make lunch yet again for the boys. He wasn't as good at being domestic as Wanda was.

A visitor...Pietro paused, turning his gaze towards the door. No one came to call this way. Not unless it was one of the twins' school friends. "Boys! What did I say about inviting your friends over without telling me?" He asked as he moved to tell who he thought was a kid that the boys were due to eat lunch.

"We didn't invite anyone, Uncle P." Tommy sped to Pietro's side, raising a brow as Pietro moved to open the door, eyes widening at the sight that was before him. Impossible...it couldn't be?

"Wanda?" He whispered.

"Mom!?" Tommy gasped. "BILLY! BILLY IT'S MOM!"

"Stay in the backyard." Pietro warned, eyeing who he thought was his twin sister carefully. "Both of you." He added firmly. "Wanda...is it really you?" He asked. He definitely wasn't getting his hopes up that his sister suddenly materialized back into their lives.
"Pietro." That was all Wanda could say, at first.

This little community was everything she'd dreamed of. Her family, together, happy. A quiet street in a quiet neighborhood. A school in walking distance, even for non-superpowered children. A life for them. Of course, what they couldn't tell in here that she could was that this world was going to collapse. Not instantly, but quietly, over time. This was a doomed reality from the moment the incursion happened. All she could do now was offer something to her family.

"It is me. I'm not…I'm not the Wanda you lost, but it is me. From another world." Tears began to fill the Scarlet Witch's eyes. She heard her children's voices calling to her. She saw their eyes poking around the corner in the background. It was a dream come true. In Sokovian, she said, "I'm home, brother."

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