• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy A new era of the Dark Brotherhood


The bender of Time and Space.
This is were all Character creation will be done, I accidentally deleted the other tab, I know I'm stupid ;-;

For those who are good with BBCode, let me know how this came out :P

Available Roles

Brotherhood Members:







- @Seraphina Valentine

Neutral Characters (Not members of the Brotherhood):




The lines do not represent the amount of members allowed to join. More people may join if all spots are filled.

Character Sheet

As a personal preference, please only use "anime" type pictures or at least try to. If your race does not have an anime picture available, you may use whatever fits the bill. Also, feel free to spice up your CS with BBCode and such! As long as you retain the information needed, you can add, alter, modify the CS to your heart's desire!

Copy + Paste the Following

insert picture here; anime only (Make sure to center it)


What's your character's name?


How old? Please try to keep this within reason.


....? Male? Female? Non-Binary? Lack thereof?


List of Races:

Altmer (High Elf)

Argonian (Human-like Lizards)

Bosmer ( Wood Elf)


Dunmer ( Dark Elf )


Khajit (Cat-like Humans)


Orsimer (Orc)





Just a paragraph or two, nothing too crazy.

Short History:

Two or more paragraphs, you don't have to go into detail if you don't want to.

Writing Example

This is just so I can see how you write. This won't affect the story in anyway. Write as if you were just accepted into the Dark Brotherhood and are getting ready for your first day.

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Runa had a very mixed personality. She had a talent for acting, so you can never truly tell whether she's being truthful or not. She is kind and generous towards the people who deserve it, cold and harsh towards the people who do not. She is extremely protective of anyone she feels close to, and believes in loyalty above all else.

Runa has a fierce aura about her. She doesn't take no for an answer. She's always been good at persuading people to help her out.

She hates the stereotype that men are better than women, and works very hard to show that she is able to do just as much, if not more, than any man.

Though she is younger than most of the people she stays with, she is often viewed as the leader, able to strategize and make complicated plans with ease. Everyone looks up to her and admires her courage, bravery and wit. While her outward appearance exudes confidence and fearlessness, Runa does not always feel that way. Sometimes she desperately wants to be allowed to feel scared, to cry, to not know all the answers.

Short History:

Ammon was overjoyed when he found out his wife, Laelette, was pregnant. Sadly, his happiness disappeared as soon as he saw his so-called "daughter". While both he and Laelette had sandy blonde hair, Runa's was almost white. Her skin was much paler than the other Altmer. He knew there was no way the child belonged to him. Ammon was outraged, but he allowed the anger to simmer for years, playing the fool and raising Runa as if she were his own until, one day, in a blind fury, he attacked Laelette, stabbing her and then going after Runa. She managed to escape and ran as far away from him as she could, taking nothing with her but the clothes she wore. By this time, she was intelligent enough to have figured out that her mother must have had an affair. She looked nothing like the Altmer she had grown up with, and she had caught her father sneaking disdainful glances at her when he thought she wasn't looking.

Runa just barely scraped by, staying hidden in the shadows, stealing bits of bread when she could, moving from town to town so she wouldn't be caught. At one point, she had gone almost a week without eating, and she could barely move one foot in front of the other, much less sneak into a house and find a meal, but that's exactly what she attempted to do. She climbed through the window and fell down on the other side, bumping into a table and making about as much noise as a 13 year old was able to make. Lucky for her, a much more experienced thief had been following her, interested in the young girl who obviously had no idea what she was doing. He broke into another room and caused a distraction, allowing Runa to escape. Shortly afterwards, he found her and gave her some food before inviting her to Riften where the Thieves Guild was located. Runa gladly accepted, and she's been living and training there ever since.

The members of the Guild were apprehensive about her presence at first, but took a liking to her as soon as they saw she was already a skilled bandit. She quickly became one of the most successful and valuable members of the Guild. Two of the oldest members, Delvin and Vex, treated her as if she were their daughter, and taught her everything they knew.

Writing Example

Runa stared at the piece of parchment in her hands, feeling a rush of worry coupled with nervousness and fear. In the middle of the paper was a black hand print and two words - "We Know". To an inexperienced or uninformed individual, the note would have meant nothing. Perhaps they would have found it ominous, or strange, but they would most likely throw it on a desk and forget about it, allowing it to be buried by other papers and books they considered more important. But Runa was neither inexperienced nor uninformed, and she knew exactly what the note signified. It was an invitation - or, more, a demand - to join the Dark Brotherhood.

She didn't know nearly as much about them as she would like, but she had heard stories. The group consisted of murderers, liars, traitors, evildoers. A more violent version of the Thieves Guild. Her breath caught in her throat when she imagined Vex's reaction upon hearing the news. She hadn't told Delvin or Vex about what she'd done. It had been an accident after all. Well...maybe not an accident, but it hadn't been done with malicious intent. In fact, it hadn't necessarily been intentional at all. Runa had been tricked into committing a crime worse than anything she'd done before.

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