A New Challenger Approaches

Mr Magiik

Wielder of the Spade

Wait, no... That's not right...

Hello! I am Mr. Magiik, known by quite a few by other names, such as the Spade-Wielder and Tiger-Dragon of the West. I come bringing wonderful news of my arrival. Feel free to worship or idolize me. Or both.

Most jokes aside, I'm just looking for a new roleplay home, and I'm hoping the community here will welcome me. I do have quite a bit of experience with roleplay, so don't worry about teaching me.

I mean... I could say more... but that would be useless information, mostly because I wouldn't use it here. Suffice it to say, I'm a pre-med student with a bit of writing experience.

So, yeah. That's me. Hope to see you all out there.
Oh Mr. Magiik, I must be forever in your great honoring gaze.

Most of our members here are more than willing to give you a guide, if you need one, and our staff community is absolutely amazing [most @Grin and @Jon_14 and @Paranoia and @Chaotic]
On that note, showing up in shoutbox is another phenomenal way to learn your way around. Most of the time we are more than willing to help! (Although sometimes you will find that conversations are moving so quickly that comments get lost ... in which case you should try again)

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