A new adventurer sets foot into the RP Nation.


New Member
With a leather satchel on his back and rugged clothing he enters through the wooden door that said "RPN Inn". With no hesitation he shuffled towards the nearest free table and sat there, throwing his satchel on it. It was quite interesting around here. People were sitting, chatting, fighting, and even making love in one area. It was chaos, but it was the good kind of chaos. The walls were warm, the inside - cozy, and the waitress actually seemed to be quite good looking. He was thinking to go say hi for a moment, but then changed his mind. Where he comes from no one really does that anymore.

Andrew pulled out a notepad and a fountain pen that he always carries with him, and started writing something. He was in love with writing, and when he heard of this place, he couldn't resist going here. And the first impression seemed to be good, despite the fact that he saw two drunkards fighting in the corner of the inn. Being a sixteen year old teenager, it was quite hard to fit in when traveling, looking for home, but this time he actually believed that he won't have to leave again.
"Hail adventurer and welcome to the great land that RpNation is. Hope you get the experience you seek and much more. In case of trouble or small talk, to converse with one of us lot," said a young maiden with a wink as she passed by the stranger's table with a drink in hand.

Welcome to RpNation. We're glad to have you with us. Remember to check out our site rules and have lots of fun. Can't wait to see you on the forum.

Love the intro!

Welcome to the best role play site on the net the Role Play Nation is certainly glad to have you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to further assist. We are here to help.

Your friend


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