A Never Ending Conflict - HBIQ & Ricia

Ignorant brat...

Arthur gave Mika a slight glare before continuing with his breakfast, he was not pleased with the Queen's decision of bring Mika around yet he had not enough power to engage with her decisions. Frustrated, he ignored the girl and instead he would add bits and pieces to the conversation between the nobles. They seemed more calm then before, anticipating the meeting ahead. Especially Ser Joshua as he would exchange excited glances with the Queen.

She, herself, found Tannis to be too nice and somehow it made her smile genuinely. How long ago was it that she met such a selfless man? She could not remember... Well she could but it would only bring her to tears. And so she tried to distract herself by adding to the conversation. "Is that so. Then I'd enjoy to ride along that course then... Do your children tend to be there a lot? The garden..."

Caroline shook her head with a light smile on. "Not much, recently they tend to stay inside since winter is coming. Though usually they tend to come along there during their workouts." She couldn't help but get a slight twinge of affection in her eyes as her children were mentioned but hid it quickly when it was time to go. Amelia took Tannis hand to once again be lead by him.

She had looked away when the two siblings talked privately. Instead she found herself addressing her own entourage with a serious face. "Now, I suppose you have enjoyed my kindness as I haven't addressed your gossiping at all but for now I want you to show that indeed; you aren't some old hags in an inn, drinking tea. I want you to show why I picked you as my entourage, because if I'm not delusional; you are the best politics of the royal kingdom of Elador, no?" Her voice was low yet strong enough to make the ladies of the kingdom smirk. This is why they loved working with Amelia and they all replied with a serious yes. The women which had been merely seconds ago nobles were now opinionated ladies with a mind of their own, listening to their Queen. The men turned from spoiled lords to confident politicians, their gaze set on the doors which would lead them to work.

And so Amelia followed the King to the meeting room, taking her seat while Caroline muttered about how she always was on her best behavior but she herself gained a smirk as she listened to Ray. She had promised to let the kids listen through their bond and they had rolled their eyes multiple times at their mother.

I bet the hag doesn't know half of what was said. What you think, kids?

Sheesh Mother, you do know that this hag of yours is a queen right?

Pfft, a queen my arse.


"I find the treaty suitable yet the three month visit may be to long. But this is to be discussed later on in private between me and King Tannis, I insist. I have already decide on who to leave behind to take care of things while I'm away. Lady Kierra Heine from the noble family of Haynn. She is young but perhaps the best in the field of economics." Amelia uttered before she waved Mika over, quietly telling her to note down the meeting so she can review it for herself later on. Her tone let noone object to the point where she would discuss privately with the King but indeed her words made Lester, one of the more strategic politicians in her entourage, frown.

"My Queen, I would recommend Ileana for that instead; she has countless years of experience and her view point of the Arcanum Families affairs have proven that point. But then again, it is your choice, My Majesty." He objected slightly but the respect for his queen in his voice was not easy to miss. It shocked Caroline a bit but made her frown, who was this Arcanum Families? Some idiotic nobles perhaps. Yet she didn't have to much time to ponder on that as the same blonde man spoke again. "On the other hand we'd also have to discuss the Royal Kingdom of Lotham. I think they will come from the west since they conquered the Republic of Orxcanila and if my resources are correct then they will head for Elador next before striking Florencia; they would obviously need more power before they would strike such a heavy armored land. This also gives them access to Florencia's flanks from the Kingdom of Elador's protection." He had asked one of the servants to bring him a map and ink. Drawing on the map after asking for permission, he showed what he meant as he spoke.

"I know that Ileana has done not only well but exceptionally in the cases of the Arcanum Families but we need a fresh mind, especially since the Arcanum Families were more organized in their economics. Kierra was chosen due to her argument in the change of the tax-system which quite honestly was groundbreaking." Amelia responded to Lester and Caroline felt more confused about the whole ordeal but the rest of Amelia's entourage nodded in understanding. The Queen took a deep breath as she continued with her speech. "The king would expect us to take action but instead I think we should move our knights steadily over to the places where we deem necessary while not causing suspicion? But then again, I had come for help so what do you think; King Tannis?"


Mika quickly followed her Queens orders, Tannis provided her with some paper and an ink quill. The maid tried her best to write everything in detailed notes. Just as one of the other scribes were writing down on Tannis's side. He was using his two twin bards, Chango and Chemi to write down notes of the meeting. Specially since they knew how to write official documents.

"I think we should try and stay on one subject at a time, we can get to the war in a moment... also, I agree to speaking privately on the matter of times to meet...."
There was a small pause and it was quiet while Tannis seem to consider something.

Jarvus looked up at Tannis and nodded lightly, "The king as I disguised who would be best to send with you for help in your military... we came up with two options... but first we wish to ask you how your people felt about... races that were not of the four main races.. Humans, Elves, Dwarves and halflings." Jarvus said standing up lightly, "A very large potion of our kingdom is of people who are not of the four main races... instead we have a lot of what is classified as monster races. Vampires, golems, half dragons, beatkins. If your army would not be comfortable being commanded or taking suggestions from things that sometimes tend not to be friendly. Most times such races are hostile to the four main races. "

"Of course I would understand if they would not be comfortable." Tannis said with a nodded, "I would be willing to carter to such a choice. But not always. I can promise those who are under my rule will not wreck havoc like many stories suggest."
Amelia nodded at Tannis, feeling a bit weirded out. She wasn't used to having meetings like this with other countries neither did she expect him to keep up with them so when he had pointed out how they recklessly strayed away from the first subject; she felt inferior. Not that she wanted to be superior but she wanted to at least be an equal to him and everyone else in the room. She didn't want to be seen through eyes of prejudice, like her father once did; she was a woman with high standing and a keen leadership talent. Amelia refused to lose to herself, even for a split moment and so she recovered quickly. "Indeed we should, I am utterly sorry that we got carried away, King Tannis. The excitement had taken me with it."

She said with her usual tone but her eyes wavered but for a second. Amelia cleared her mind as she listened to Jarvus and a small gentle smile graced her lips as she kept her eyes on Lester. His hand trembled but he did not lash out as he had promised his queen and kept his gaze on her, as she silently reassured him. When Tannis had said his part, she turned to them but gave Lester one last glance. "We won't have any problems with that race issue, we respect each other in Elador depending on ones personality rather then origin. As long as when they 'don't tend to be friendly' doesn't cause us any harm physically," She paused and took a deep breath, "Or mentally. We'd love to hear who these two are, if possible but it is your choice whom is coming with us."

Caroline frowned at them and then decided to speak up. She had been quietly watching everything going and was annoyed with all the nice comments her children would give Amelia when she spoke. "I would not dare to ask but curiosity got the best of me, Queen Amelia. Is there any particular reason you'd believe that any of us would bring harm to you? I do think that we should know, so my brother can chose to your best comfort."

Amelia wanted to strangle the girl for asking such a sensitive question as Lester's hand started to tremble again but with a discreet nod from him, Amelia revealed the truth. "Four core members of a noble family in Elador were exterminated by a vampire merely a few months ago. It has caused suspicion in our military ranks as those members were either generals or strategists. The newer members are a bit agitated due to this but I believe that if possible, a 'monster' race as you said, would be great influence since it'd teach them to respect others I guess."

Caroline shied her eyes away from Amelia's and turned to her brother, awaiting his answer when her children once again mentioned Amelia's skills.
Tannis's eyes seem to sparkle a bit when Amelia said that race would not be an issue what so ever. He seem to listen thoughtfully to Amelia, even giving a small bow to his head for the tragedy that had happened in her kingdom. Of course he didn't think it was going to be as easy as Amelia saying there will be tolerance. Her people will have to follow in line as well.

There was a man on Tannis's council who's eyes shifted onto Lester, his eyes digging into the man. He had a very even, if not bored, look on his face. This man was Fredrick, a vampire. He had a bit of a superior attitude mostly because he was a 'genius'. Tannis put him on his council because he came up with some of the best strategic plans Tannis has ever seen. Almost no one could come close to what Fredrick did. It was always a known fact that Sage and him didn't get along. Caroline might also know, Fredrick hated his own kind. He thought Vampires were disgusting creatures. Fredrick spent his free time hanging out with his 'brother' Garth, a drider, which is basically a spider centaur. Garth also was known for being a muscle head, the opposite of Fredrick.

Fredrick almost grinned at the look Tannis had given Caroline. Fredrick likes her because she always caused so much mischief, the best part was she did most of it under good intentions. She was most amusing to watch through out the day. Sage of course was the same for him, the female was always up to something daily, but for some reason she didn't much like him.

Jarvus smiled at Amelia, "Queen Amelia, we have two choices.... I am the Major of King Tannis's entire armed forces... however I am getting on in age. We are currently training someone for my own replacement. He is a human named Hiro, one of our brightest and best. The runner up for such a place was going to be a Rock Golem named Yues. He is a very bright man, very strong and has a great sense of judgement. If your kingdom was uncomfortable at the idea... then we would have sent Hiro with you... but since you feel that you are very much open to having a different race in such a postion, then we would be thrilled if you would consider taking Yues. With the incoming war as you mentioned... I stress the importance of finishing Hiro's training."

"Perhaps later you can meet them. I will be taking you around the castle another day, both you and your council through our normal training routines. Just as I hope you to sit down with myself and my council to help better our economies." Tannis suggested lightly, "If we are finished with this subject, I think we can move on to the next." Tannis stood up and then pushed his chair in, "Excuse me, I think best when I stand and walk over sitting down. I hope you don't mind."
Caroline gave her brother a shadow of a smirk as she let her gaze travel through the room, ignoring his rather meaningful look. She wasn't comfortable here, no, she never was comfortable talking about war and bloodshed. It seemed to bother her to the point where she would lower her eyes to the table, thinking about something else; the words stirring memories she never knew the meaning of. This time, a small voice echoed a word in her ear which she couldn't comprehend - the words muttered in a language unbeknownst to her.


The word was told in such a gentle manner, the girl found herself smiling unwillingly and tears seemed to brim her eyes for but a second until she returned to reality. Caroline feared them, these unknown feelings following her around as she would get flashes of a life she never had. Amelia on the other hand, noticed nothing of the girl's strange behavior nor did she care as she listened to Jarvus, responding with a small smile herself.

"Worry not, I'm not planning to take your best man from you and I'll gladly settle for Yues." She said before turning to Tannis, her eyes glittering with a slight respect for his people. They seemed... Different... From the rest of the usual leaders, their authority didn't seem forced upon their people but accepted, trusted even. She, herself, was usually hearing rumors which traveled the castle; some not so nice and others rather ridiculous.

"Economics are more about resources and numbers than physical action, it settles easily if you're patient and wait for it to slowly be solved. On the other hand, the incoming war isn't so easily taken care."
Amelia responded at his suggestion, and it wasn't to be rude but she truthfully knew that with a bit of time, all economical problems can be solved. Her fears for this war was beyond normal, she wasn't one that knew much about the battlefield. His sudden stance made her worry if he got upset with her words but luckily, it was but a habit of his.

"I don't mind, actually if it helps you think clearer - I'd recommend it." She chuckled out without a trace of happiness, humor yes, but no happiness as her eyes grew dim at the thought of war. "As Lester mentioned before, our council believes that they would come from the west to invade Elador before heading for Florencia. I think they would move more silently or perhaps try to rile up the people, make us vulnerable before they strike. But once again, our folks are more into political war... Any thoughts, King Tannis?"

[sorry, I know it is suckish but meeeh!]
"Fredrick." Tannis called attention to a red eyed gentleman. He looked like noble men, dressed in nice clothing. He had an alluring charm about him. His eyes went from Tannis for a moment before they traveled back to Lester. From Lester, they went to Queen Amilea. "My Queen. My name is Fredrick. I am merely the coordinator for... much that happens in the kingdom." He talked so smoothly, so confident of himself... it almost stuck a cord of annoyance. "Allow me to tell you your fears could be very much correct. Specially since you have just reached out to us. I would highly suggest sending someone immediately to your kingdom to help well equip your army. I also suggest we spare some of our own troops and a bit of our own supplies: weapons, armor, trainers... in exchange for some goods to help jump start our economy, you know high sell items. I think we will talk in more detail in another meeting about how to best defend your Kingdom. However... I think it would be to yours... and our, benefit to assure your kingdom's defense as soon as possible."

Mika listened carefully trying to write down a few special notes that Fredrick had said. Man this guy was long winded.

Tannis nodded,
"We would like to try and help you as quickly as possible so your situation is a timed clock. It is a mater of when that the other kingdom will strike you, not if. Trying to strike me would be suicide." Tannis took a few steps to his side of the table near Caroline before laying a gentle hand onto her shoulder. He saw her change of attitude. She was scared, everyone was scared. He will protect her though... nothing will happen to his little sister.

"Of course it would be. Unless he had ultimate goal that losing a battle and expending men and resources would work for a massive betterment and turn the tide of the very war itself." Fredrick said with a confident shrug.

The women dressed in black finally spoke up for the first time since the meeting started,
"Any kind of dark magic.... demon deals.... things like that... but even then it's a steep step to take..." She sounded monotone. Her voice just lacked any kind of emotion as she spoke, if anything she may be sounded a tad.. angry.

"I would be hard pressed to think anyone would take that road... even in times of war." Jarvous said. The elf moved a bit uncomfortably in his chair as their head mage spoke.

Ray shook her head,
"Depends how desperate and stupid a man is..."

"I think it would be best if we only crossed the bridge and prepared for such things when there are signs of being endangered by them." Fredrick said putting his hand up, "Don't you agree King Tannis?"

Mika watched at Tannis's council actively started to talk about the war, speaking of things the enemy may attempt to do. It all sounded like they were just guessing... she wondered if that is what it took to actually be successful at planing attacks and what not. She looked to her queen to see how well she was taking in all the jabber that was happening between Tannis's council.

Tannis nodded and listened to the small of his council speak before nodding when Fredrick spoke to him,
"Yes... I agree. However mage's are very rare... specially mage's like Ray and Pai." Pai being dead and Ray, her replacement once she had passed on. Tannis missed Pai so very much, as did Jarvous.

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