A Never Ending Conflict - HBIQ & Ricia

The Empress of Ice

Shitpost Overlord

Three Kingdoms, multiple wars and forbidden love; shall we begin?



The Royal Kingdom of Elador - The Kingdom of Trade


Stationed at the port of Cayne Western, the most important port of all the land of Castoria; The Royal Kingdom of Elador. Known for its politics and trading, a heaven for merchants. The Royal Kingdom of Elador lacks in knights and strong military positions yet it aspires in the world of politics with a Queen as its ruler. One would not hear of a poor villager in this vast kingdom as it has quite a revolutionary way of taxing and repayment made by King Arthemis, the first ruler of Elador.

Noticing the poor state his home was in, the constant losses at war, the lack of taxes and the starvation among his people; he decided to gather his closest consultants and plan a new way of action. They started with exploring the kingdom through maps and horseback. Trying the best to find useful resources.

The dark forest which they once hated is now their gold mine as The Kingdom of Elador is known for the finest furniture and paper on the whole of Castoria; beautiful homes towering over one another. The sea which was nothing but a fishing place is now a welcoming port to thousands of ships as they set sail for Castoria and merchants have made a home of the Cayne Western port, a heavenly trading place.


Though nothing compares to King Arthemis Taxes & repayment system. A system where the overly rich payes 25% of their earnings, where 10% procent of the gathered taxes goes to the less fortunate. 5% to the construction of port Cayne Western and 2% to uphold the Royal Castle of Elador. The remaining 8% are used for the military. This has not only made the inhabitants stay loyal to their kingdom but revolutionized the coming rulers way of thinking; turning them into politics and strategists.


The Royal Kingdom of Lotham


The Royal Kingdom of Lotham is like any kingdom out there; it has its moment of peace and its moment of war. Time to prosper and time of despair yet with the new ruler, they have fallen. His wicked ways, high taxes and hate for peasants makes the royal walls of Elanora Castle shake in fear. His hunger for power is also a displeasing sight as he wishes for more land; the lands of Castoria that is.


The last Kingdom is yours; The Kingdom of Florencia - The Kingdom of Knights. I´d love it if you´d take the honour of explaining it but here are some basic things that should be included; Its strong points is their military strength and power. Yet they are quite weak when it comes to politics and trading thus why they are in need of political and economic help while Elador needs their knights.


Character Sheet;

Name; Please include title.

Age; King´s or Queen´s have to be between 28 to 32.

Position in society;

Background; Long or quick, whatever you prefer



I´ll post my chars a bit later, yeah?

Name; The Queen of the Righteous, Amelia Alexandra Arthemis

Age; 28

Position in society; The Queen of the Royal Kingdom of Elador.

Background; Amelia wasn´t only a disappointment to her father as the first born, she was also the only child he ever conceived. As great as her father was in the field of politics and trade, he was old fashioned when it came to whom in a royal family should rule; a male to put it simply. He wanted a son, a ruler that he could apparently count on.

But her father did not hate his daughter, he adored her, loved her. She was after all his child, the only child his deceased wife gave to him before she passed. He simply didn´t want his daughter to take such difficult decision when there was better people for that job in his point of view. This lead Amelia to a goal; to please her father, to show him she could handle her birth right perfectly.


She spent her time following her father around, observing his decisions regarding a problem, his strategies and found a love in not only reading books about politics and strategies but about war. After a few years of constant observing and self-learning, she started to put her own opinions in her fathers decision; proving her quick-minded and effective ways.

Her father started to see reason and did not send her off to get married as he had planned but trained her like he would have trained his own son if he had one. So when he passed, not only did Amelia cry herself to sleep in her chambers for days but this opened her eyes to another goal; To please and protect her people.

To save them of coming conflicts, wars and poverty. She would be the first Queen of her land and she would lead to an era of prosperity. And with that she gained her new title. The Queen of the Righteous.

Yet she was still a young, beautiful lady that hadn´t at the time been married. That soon changed when Amelia went out to visit the returning knights of the battle with a small neighboring island. Within those knights was a man that made her shiver in delight and cry tears of pain as he swept her of her feet.


A man with scars from a past she wanted to heal, a man she married within a month. A man she truely loved yet he never could stay away from the battle field, refusing the title of King and keeping his oath as a knight. She loved him more than anything yet she was unable to protect him. She lost one of two things she dedicated her life to.

She lost her ability to love.


Only difference is Ice green eyes instead of the violet ones.

Personality[other]; Amelia is very witty, smart, patient, cunning, fierce and calm but she can be ruthlessly cruel and far beyond rude if you dare to anger her. She has a hard time of letting people in as she feels that she may lose another person she deems precious.
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The Kingdom of Florencia - The Kingdom of Knights


Name: King Tannis Easum

Age: 31

Position in society:King of Florencia through vote of the people

History of Tannis and his kingdom before his reign

Tannis had become king through force. He was born wild like most Manticore. Worked every day for his survival in the wilds, living every day looking for the next meal and water. Tannis found a Manticore like himself that was much younger however, deciding to fend for her like he was his sister. Through the day to day motions, Tannis livid his childhood until he came across his first hominids, both injured. An elf clad in armor and a gnome covered in robes. Curiosity got the better of him as he moved to help them the best he could. The gnome in the robes was a mage and diverged a spell to speak with him. They conversed with each other for a long time, months while they recovered. With Tannis's help and protection they stayed safe deep in the mountains. When they recovered they offered to bring Tannis to the kingdom which they then disguised as human.

Thrown into a kingdom that supports many different races, Tannis was taken to the castle where he was introduced to the current king and hailed mostly as a hero, saving two of the most revered men in the kingdom. Tannis was then welcomed to stay at the castle, so he began his work. He was taught how to speak and write in several different languages and often brought to deal with the peasants and commoners of the kingdom. Tannis found a fondness of working close with people who needed his protection and care.

Tannis grew up with a quick understanding on how things worked between classes.

The Kingdom slowly started a descent into disarray as the king's health slowly deteriorated. When he suddenly died without assigning a successor the kingdom turned into a split kingdom, breaking into war.

For years until adulthood Tannis fought loyally for one of the to-be kings. He fought until he realized how corrupt his lord had became. His eyes slowly opened and looked away from battle and to the people they lead. Unnecessary death was happening, underhanded tricks and horrible famine in his people. War had ravished their land and Tannis felt he needed to do something about it, this was not what the previous king wanted for his kingdom.

Slowly Tannis started to open the eyes of those around him, his closest friend whom he had shared the battle field with. The knight and mage also turned with Tannis, following him without question. Tannis didn't stay on either of the nobles fighting for the throne's side. He left them and gave himself to the the peasants who were deeply in need. It was then he lead them as a third force in the fight for the throne, not to take the throne but to end the war.

With the help of those around him Tannis was able to end the the wars and destroy the two corrupt noblemen. When the time came to crown a new king, his supporters voted that Tannis had lead them to the end of a war and he should lead them once again through their peace. It was then Tannis accepted the offer and took up the throne as King.

It took Tannis years to rebuild and reunite the kingdom, his army strong, but his economy still suffering. Unsure how to fix it, he reached out for help form the most successful economic kingdom.

Human Form:


Manticore Form:

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Name; Princess Caroline Easum, The Mother of Dragons.

Age; 18

Position in society; Princess of the Royal Kingdom of Florencia



A dreaded storm, a screech for help and a sacrifice unknown was all the young Manticore could remember before getting picked up by Tannis at the age of six. Unaware of her past she assumed almost instantly that Tannis was her father but came to know him as simply her brother. Her most precious brother. Seeing his caring side had changed her point of view of things, making her quite stubborn and rude.

She was determined to protect her only family in any way possible, not letting anyone fool her or her brother. That is why she felt not only hesitance to let the two men into what was at the time her home but out right refused it. Yet her brother couldn´t ignore the hurt men, softening her heart once again for him.

When the two men recovered and was ready to leave; She was more then happy, she was ecstatic. They would leave to never come back; she and her brother could continue their lives! But no, the men she came to know as a burden; wished for her brother to come with them. Even though she out right protested, her brother simply insisted to just follow them; after all he deemed them as friends in her eyes.

She couldn´t let her brother leave alone so she simply followed him; clad in her new human disguise. At the time her hair and eyes were a perfect crystal blue, to match her manticore form she supposed yet she hated it. Despised it. Caroline looked nothing like her brother, reminding her that they were not siblings of blood. Maddened and depressed, she had asked the wizard for a new form; a form which she had red hair and green eyes like Tannis. The wizard complied to the small girl wishes and changed her human appearance to what she wanted.


Life at the castle wasn´t what she wanted; her brother off somewhere, either helping someone or learning new things. It bothered her even if she was quite spoiled. Yet she couldn´t complain, seeing the happiness in his eyes as he solved a peasants problem. Holding her feelings in, spending her time in the small forest either roaming around or thinking about her current state in life. She had no dreams, no goals, no wishes. It was at that time she found them. Her hope, responsibility and what she deemed as her own children.

She found a dragon egg, abandoned by its mother on the forest floor. Feeling a sympathy and slight closeness to the found egg as she once also was in that position, she secretly brought it in to the castle. She stored it in a box when her brother or the servants came, talking to it at times. Telling it about herself. Caroline became attached to the dragon before it even hatched, so when it did; she loved it.


Yet she was in for a surprise when it the dragon egg hatched and revealed not one dragon but two. Pure opposites yet they were entangled with each other in ways she had never thought possible. And they

didn´t hesitate to surround her as if she was truly their mother. Though merely days after their birth, she was found out by a servant which screamed so much she thought she´d bust an eardrum. Caroline begged her brother and the king to keep them, promising that they wouldn´t cause any trouble and would be quite the help in coming battles as they grew.


After many days of begging and crying she was allowed to keep them; at the promise that they shall behave and behave they did as came to learn how to communicate with them as they formed a bond. And while they grew to massive sizes, the peasants and townsfolk noticed them; naming Caroline, The Mother of Dragons or at times Dragon Mother. She didn´t mind, she was quite pleased to see her ´children´ grow.

Yet when the king passed away and war broke out, she kept her dragons away from the battle field. The nobleman her brother fought for wanted them to slaughter his enemies; a evil deed she couldn´t care to do. The lord tried to force her but he soon learnt to not mess with her as her dragons were by her side, not his. Waiting for her brother to open his eyes to this mans evil deeds, she stood by him.



And as time passed, so did life. The war ended, her brother claimed the throne through a vote and she was now a princess but she didn´t care; she spent her days with her dragons and brother in bliss.

That is; until he asked for help.

Human Form



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Name: Mika Lenchester, Prized and most trusted servant to the Queen.

Age: 19

Position in society: Servant, caretaker, assistant and guardian to Queen of Elador


Born to a prostitute in the low part of town, she was immediately given away to the man who had sired her. Not wanting her either, she was put on the streets to die, only to be picked up by a young maiden who had just recently lost her own baby son from sickness.


She was raised by this woman, although still in poverty, until she was 6. The woman was by no means strong and died from sickness early in her life. Left alone and no where to go she wondered the streets till the local street rats picked her up, a gang of children that do nothing but steal to survive. At the age of 9 so was a full fledged member of the gang stealing and conning people, she was elusive and smart, keeping herself and her 'family' alive.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Kid5-2.jpg.292805ff04aec495997bac7bdbac8057.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Kid5-2.jpg.292805ff04aec495997bac7bdbac8057.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Though it was not long till one of the older children and given away their secret hide out and they were attack by men who captured as many of the them as they could. She tried her best to get the younger children out, a lot of them escaped, but she sadly did not.

Sold into slavery she bounced from master to master until she was sold to the castle staff of Eladro. By the time this happened she was 13.

She was shy, scared and obedient from years of being molded and beat. She never meet the queen but she serves around the castle without much thought. Though it was not long till she had one fated meeting with the queen herself. It was a meeting by accident, but a meeting none the less.

She seemed upset about things and the only thing she could do was offer a small word of advice. Though it was wrong to speak to royalty out of place, it seem to strike the queen to a deeper level. She asked her for her name and the next day, she was her personal maid for her daily activities.

Working hard she stayed by the queens side, encouraged to speak her mind to the queen when behind closed doors. Mika considered herself the queens most trusted and closest. She even developed a strong crush on the queen herself, wishing nothing more for her to return her affections. Though she knew after the loss of her husband that she maybe never love again, and in her eyes she was just her most trusted.



Personality: In public, Mika is dignified and strong. She has a hard composer that never breaks. She carries herself confidently and fears very little from royalty. Behind close doors, Mika can actually be quite cruel herself. Mika is reliable and can be a bit tricky. She has a bit of innocent side of her that actually enjoys toys, mostly because she never had any as a child. All thought she still has a lot of hard embedded fears of a slave, she tries not to let them show.



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The warm water was soothing against Amelia´s skin as the maids smeared some herbs into her long hair, running their fingers through it. She could feel the torturous scrub on her legs, the filth coming off and as the maid asked her to close her eyes, she knew that a bucket of water would soon be poured over her head. Yet something seemed wrong.

"What herb are you using?" She asked with a polite yet direct tone. Amelia wasn´t cruel nor evil, showing her servants respect yet she didn´t let them see her as weak, someone they could take advantage of. The maid gave the queen a curious look before answering.

"Three crushed mandarin roses, Your Highness." Amelia smiled at the new young maid before telling her to let it settle; the roses would have a much better effect that way.

"Also dear, as it settles; send Mika here. I have something to discuss with her." A tone of demand yet coated with a sweet melody made the new young maid scurry away with delight. Amelia simply stretched her arms out for the other maid, as she started to scrub them. Awaiting her trusted maid.


Caroline couldn´t fathom anything better than the position she was in now; laying on soft grass which tickled her bare feet, watching the clouds as they swirled. A glimpse of black made her smile as she saw Kahlua descend, her black wings making a breeze of its own.

She enjoyed that breeze for a mere second before Kahlua´s alarming voice entered her mind. Sitting up abruptly before she heard a chuckle then a full out laugh boom in her mind, giving her a slight headache.

You seem to find scaring me funny, Kahlua. Caroline muttered as a response. Though what do you want? You never disturb me during free time... A glance up at Kahlua and what Caroline deemed as a serious look. Though she never knew how she came to analyze her children and their ´expressions`. Maybe it was the look in their eyes or the way they moved yet she always knew what they were feeling before they had the chance to speak.

You´re right, Caro; I wouldn´t bother myself with you during the free cycle but you should know that your brother... He accepted Queen Amelia´s request. The dragon´s gaze full of worry as Caroline silently stood up, took on her boots and descended the hill she had been upon. Her eyes made of steel as she walked up to the castle and with a slam entered her brother´s office.

"You ACCEPTED the request! Even though I begged you to not? Do you ever listen to me!" Her sweet voice laced with anger, disappointment and pain as it boomed through the office. First those two men he followed here to this! She was furious.

"That woman could hurt you! Who knows what kind of guards she brings with her; if she is plotting anything else but help!"

[[sorry, it´s so late!]]
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Mika was about doing her daily chores, mostly things that needed to get done for the Queen. Morning bath, breakfast, paper signing, meetings, tea and snack, more meeting, reading, lunch.... the list goes on. She didn't mind this job though. This was far better then her older slave jobs long ago, when she first became a slave was the worst. She had to be molded and broken, to keep from disobeying. Being servant to the queen hasn't change the fact that she is a slave, but she was a trusted and treasured slave and she was not broken anymore. A slave she was, but as long as she was slave to the Queen, she will be happy.

Ah, the Queen. She was so powerful, dignified and kind. Mika closed her eyes for a moment and held a image of the Queen in her head, the woman who ran a kingdom and held her heart. Of course, her heart was not the only one she held. She held the heart of her kingdom! her people! Oh how she wished the Queen would hold more then her heart! She could--

"Her Highness requests that you come speak to her Mika." A small timid voice interrupted her thoughts, with impeccable timing. She was getting off track and needed to be put back on it. The Queen had a busy day, per usual.

"Alright, I'll be on my way. Thank you." Mika answered back without much of a second thought. She didn't need to ask where the Queen was, she knew her Highness's entire schedule. She was bathing right now.

It only took her ten minutes to get from the study up to her Highness's bathing room. Stopping by the door, Mika took a few moments to herself to straighten up. untying her sleeves so they lay flat, earlier moved out of the way so they didn't get dirty. Straightening her clothing out or wrinkles. Finally taking her hair out of the tie and letting the blond locks fall lose to her sides.

After she was sure she looked relatively decent, she knocked on the door twice,
"It's Mika your Highness." She called, before opening the door and come in, shutting it behind her. When she turned to face the queen, she gave a quick bow to her before smiling, "What is it I can do for you Queen Amelia?"


"Of course. You'll need to prepare the whole right wing of the castle for the Queen." Tannis said loudly. There were a few head servants gathered around his desk right now, not to mention other nobles looking for his attention. "We will need a few extra staff to be assigned down there for the 3 weeks she will be here. I expect you to treat her as you are expected to treat me... and if any discrepancies arise, come to myself or Javus..."

"Yes your Highness." One of them said bowing slightly at the instruction.

"Also we will..." The slamming open of his office door made him pause. Only one thing could sound like it was on a war path after hes made a big decision like this. Of course he was right when his sister came into view, even with the rage in her face and eyes, he could only smile at her. She still looked like a child, even as she grows into an adult. He also wish has had kept her beautiful pelt color, the snow white. Such a rare and beautiful color for a Manticore. Alas, she just wanted to closer to him. Oh how he loved his sister, no mater if she didn't look like him, no mater if she grew older and flew away, she will always been in his heart. That is what truly made them siblings.

Of course... the rage came along with some yelling and Caroline's worried delusions. He understood her worry... but she worried too much.

"You all are dismissed for now. Please shut the door after you have all left." Tannis said to the servants in his office. The all bowed to Tannis lightly, before turning and doing the same to their princess, leaving in an oddly fashioned walk out of fear of royalties rage, shutting the door close behind them.

"I was hoping to tell you myself before one of your children did, but of course I they two little mischief makers can't seem to wait." Tannis said with a light chuckle, "Come here Caro... lets talk about this together... and not so loudly. Something to drink will be nice as well." He said with his usual soft smile. Extending his hand out for his sister to hold. They will go outside, in the sun. There was nothing he loved more then to be out in the sun and in the grass. Tannis was calm, almost unblinking, even with his sister's rage in front of him.
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A knock on the door and a few seconds later, Mika was here. Amelia smiled sweetly as her hair was washed. She adored the young, sweet maid which had helped her out of her depression with a few words; a irreplaceable friend rather then a maid. A maid she simply could not leave behind for three weeks.

"Lori, you are dismissed for the moment, Mika shall wash my hair." After one or two more strokes of her fingers in the queen´s hair, Lori smiled politely at Mika as she closed the door behind her. Amelia waited a few seconds before her velvety voice was once again heard. It was not demanding as when she was talking to the other maids but friendly, soft and polite. "As you know, I am off to Florencia at dawn for three weeks. I will take an entourage of guards and the royal council of course but I can not afford to take to many servants; So I decided to simply take a maid."

Amelia felt how the water was starting to cool down and with a lovely sigh of relief she continued. her voice turning soft a fragile.
"I want you to come with me, as my personal maid, adviser and friend. I need support...Support and a realistic mind set. I need you." With that she waited for her beloved friend´s answer as she slowly stod up from her bath, bare naked and walked to her closet. Trying to shrug of her moment of weakness.

"So...Shall I wear royal blue or midnight red?" She glanced back with a smile.


It was not until she noticed the men gathered around her brother´s desk that Caroline grew silent, letting them leave as her brother ordered. He was smiling and it got on her nerves. He smiled? Smiled when she was absolutely steaming, furiously mad!? Did he not care of her opinions like every other king did not care much for their daughters thoughts? It hurt her, pained her and she felt as if he never even cared about her in the first place though she knew it wasn´t true.

He started to speak of her children and held his hand out, waiting her to take it. Asking her to not be loud after he once again
blatantly threw her opinions in the gutter of his thought. A tear rolled down her left eye as rage and sadness filled her eyes."Do not worry, I shall not dis-respect you in front of your men again because I refuse to take this no more. Do you not care for my feelings? My worries? Am I simply your unwanted sister!?"

Her voice broke at the end of the sentence, showing nothing but pain and hurt.
"Of course, my worries are ridiculous unneeded words blabbered in your ears every time you decided to go against my wishes. I understand that your people need you but I need you too!" With a shaky breath and a sob-filled voice she released words her brother may hate her for as she continued. "Quite honestly, I do not give a care about these unknown people´s lives as I would sacrifice them for yours and my childrens any day!"

[[>.< Caroline is the more dramatic one in my chars
xD ]]
(Poor... poor Tannis... xD )

Mika smiled and walked in rather slowly, re-rolling her sleeves up so that she did not get wet. She came to the Queen's side and slowly began to pick up where Lori had left off. Gently she massaged the soft of her scalp with her fingers listening to Amelia speak about her trip. Mika assumed she would be going, though she was still waiting for Amelia herself to tell her she was going. Though her heart dropped a moment when she said that she was only taking one maid.

The Queen might be leaving her here to watch things among the castle staff, possibly. Before the Queen could continue, Mika had picked up the bucket of flower water,
"I am about the pour the water my lady." Mika warned before she did dumb the warm water over her Queen's head, rinsing her hair of any soups. After that she began to ring her hair of the extra water as she resumed telling Mika about her trip.

She felt a small tingle of surprised as she started to dry her hair and the queen told her how much she wanted her to come with her. Oh how she loved when Amelia said such things to her. It made her heart swell knowing she may very well be the only person the Queen spoke to like this. Having wrapped the Queens hair, she left her side to get a bigger towel for her body, returning to her side to dry her as she came out of the water.

Mika tried not to think about what a gorgeous body her queen had. In fact, the queen was still waiting on and answer. When she finished drying her, Mika smiled a bright smile,
"I am honored that you are taking me. Honestly I was worried for a moment that you were leaving me here by myself. What a lonely fate that would have been. Three weeks? I wouldn't know what to do with myself." Mika joked, though it was a true statement.

Mika walked into the small room where the Queen kept most clothing and actually picked out a purple dress, "
May I suggest Starlight Violet?" Mika asked. "I do enjoy how well the color matches your hair, but if this is not to your liking, I would say next best is Midnight Red, though the blue would look just as lovely."


Tannis looked a bit hurt at the accusation that she was unwanted. Tannis loved his sister and he made sure he had time to spend with her as well. He knew how unhappy she has been since moving into the castle. Though her happiness grew when she found the two dragonell eggs in the forest. Although the late king almost didn't let her keep them, Tannis begged for his sister's sake. In the end... the king said yes. He wanted his sister's happiness, he really did.... but he wanted happiness as well. Did this make him selfish? Did this make him a bad brother? But what about his people? They needed him.... at least... he felt like they needed him...

Doubt clung to Tannis's soul as his sister started to cry. Though he looked as stoic and calm as ever on the outside. He wondered if anyone ever knew when he was questioning everything he was doing.

"Caroline..." Tannis said quietly, "You know I love you... I know you are worried... but the people... they are suffering. I must take a risk to help them. Your words have not gone unheard... I've ordered... or was in the process of ordering for increased security in the castle during the queen's stay. I was hoping that would help put your mind more at ease..." Tannis sat back down in his chair, to afraid his sister would lash out at him if he tried to hug her.

"I always listen to you Caroline... You are my sister. But as your children mean to you and make you happy.... the people of this kingdom is what mean to me. Do you understand?" Tannis said trying to explain how he felt. Truly, Tannis felt alone. His sister didn't like it here and most royals seeked his friendship for power and favor more then true friendship. His sister had her 'children' to be with. Now, lately, even his sister was splitting away from him. The mage he knew long ago died in the war and Jarvus the elf warrior was all that was left to those he knew. Even then he was busy and growing older.

Tannis touched the side of his head and let out a heavy sigh.
"I'm sorry Caroline, but our kingdom needs this... we need ally's and we need help... I won't be changing my mind in this mater."

(I actually love the misunderstood tension between Caroline and Tannis haha.)
A smile graced Amelia´s lips at Mika´s suggestion. Indeed Mika was her friend but a great servant too; her skills in fashion always at the top. Yet the a simple glimpse of the sky indicated that there was barely an hour or two left before night arrives. She couldn´t afford to be late and thus nodded at Mika. "Oh how I need your fashion advice in a foreign country on my own but go on and pack your things, we leave at midnight sharp! And dear, call Jeannette for me after you are done giving her the schedule for the next weeks which I believe you should be done with by now?"

It was not a question but more like a reassurance of sorts, she was worried for her kingdom and its people. "Oh yes! Let us not forget, tell Clarence to ready the horses and carriage for the council, the weapons for the guards and Eleanor; my white stallion. Also let him ready Arth for you, that black little pony should suffice, I believe."

With that Amelia dismissed Mika, dressing herself in the vivid starlight violet gown. She had since long ago always dressed herself, she refused to let a maid do so for her.


Caroline looked at her brother with doubt. He tried to sooth her, it made her feel weak but she also felt his words. Her children and brother meant the world for her and if anything happened to them she´d go insane. Sighing she slowly but surely stopped crying, the increased security felt ridiculous as her brother would be near the queen for the next three weeks but she had come to an conclusion. "I want to be in the meetings, I could not care less if they are private; I shall attend to make sure she doesn´t hurt you."

Her eyes turned a determined ice-blue color for merely a second before she smiled, embarrassed by her sudden outburst. If he had not been her brother nor her one and only true friend she would have not given a care for his business regarding the kingdom but he was. "You and my children mean the entire world to me, heaven and earth all the way to the depths of the flames of hell; What ever reason you have for me to not attend those meetings won´t stop me. And if that woman dares to touch a lock of your hair, I´ll make sure she bursts into torturous flames."

Taking determined steps up to her brother, she embraced him in her arms. "And sorry for doubting you... I feel as if we are drifting apart, going to other waves of this sea called life."
"Of course, it will all be done by midnight." Mika assured her queen as she quickly dished out her orders. Though Mika's mind fell to how much she truly detest horse riding. Without much of a choice however, she put on a brave face and left to carry out Amelia's wishes. It only took her an hour to get everything done, asking Jeannette first and foremost before anything else. Most of the time spent was from her walking the castle grounds.

After that, she immediately went to her own quarters to begin packing to go to Florencia.


Tannis smiled lightly, taking his sister into his embrace and hugging her tightly to his chest.
"Caroline, I'll let you come... but you must behave yourself. Besides, would it out your mind at ease to know that the queen is human? We are two scary Manticores with the power of fire at our whim. We came from the heart of the forest. Also I am sure your children will be watching out for us as well. I could eat the queen long before she hurt us." He said with a light laugh, cupping her cheek with his hand and raising her head to look at his face. "Now... about that tea and sun. Did you still want to come join me?"
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Amelia sighed at the long mirror in front of her, her hair in a side-braid and her bangs falling at the side of her face. She loved the freedom of horse riding yet she was stuck in a royal blue gown as the starlight violet was put away for the meeting. Jeanette had braided her hair, taken a long lecture of what to do and not to do; the poor maid was afraid of failure. Though she had also asked the queen if she need not another carriage, after all would she be able to ride a whole nights journey.

She had been slightly insulted with that statement but she did understand her; a queen refusing to relax throughout a journey wasn´t something you heard often. So she had laughed and smiled before she left, merely minutes before midnight; got on her horse and surrounded by guards, the council and her friend, she started her short journey.

[Mika´s next post can be when they arrive?]


"Humans are cunning people, brother; don´t underestimate them." She giggled, leaning into his hand. "The tea and sun shall be another day´s worry, I´m quite late for war-practice with my children, Aphrodite will surely be mad if I´m late for her oh-so-grande fire-breathing session." Thinking about the mighty white dragon´s rage made Caroline wince slightly as she left her brother´s embrace, taking a step back; she put a finger on his chest.

And you have to prepare for a queen, her spoiled entourage and some much needed security. Immediately." With that Caroline ran out, wishing that the flames of a white dragon wouldn´t burn down the castle just yet.
Tannis let out a light sigh and a soft smile grace his features, she was such a mess. Not that he wasn't a bit of a mess as well. Oh... if Caroline was going, she needed to get into appropriate attire. This was going to be a long night. Tannis groaned inwardly at his work load before getting up and continuing with preparation.

He stayed up through most the night giving orders to his staff, Jarvus included. Ray, his head mage, was asked to be attended to all meetings. Tannis was never sure about Ray, she was very... dark. But she was next in line to take the head mage of his kingdom. Her little brother was a bit strange too, but nicer then Ray was.

Tannis had sent one of the maids to get Caroline dressed and properly looking for the arrival of the queen. He knew it was going to be brief, her and her council were going to be tired from their travels. Tannis himself was dressed in a white coat with a light gold trim. Oh how he loved the color of white. He waited by the entrance of the castle for the arrival of the queen, he also was waiting for his sister to appear by his side, hopefully dressed properly.


Mika was so tired of riding! Horse back riding was just not fun. Horses were not fun. For someone who has experienced a lot of harsh things in her life, she still disliked the hooved beasts. She wished Amelia would have taken the carriage, but the woman hardly takes the easy way about any situation. She wondered if Amelia secretly liked to punish herself, or the people around her.

Amelia could proububly tell Mika was miserable and uncomfortable through a good majority of the ride. Never once did she speak a word against it however, specially with the council present and riding beside them.

When the castle was coming into view, Mika could only let out a sigh under her breath. A sigh of complete relief. This horrible ride was almost over and she could have a nice break. A three week break anyway.
Amelia wanted to during the journey seeing the astounded glances of the councils ladies and the pain on Mika´s face. Had she known that the poor girl hated horse riding she´d bring a small carriage just for her but now it was to late as they were half-way through the journey. The whispers of the council was quite annoying, Amelia hearing every word once in awhile yet she couldn´t really leave them behind in the castle. Afterall they were the most intellectual nobles in the whole of Elador.

When the castle came to view, a small party of people near the gate; Amelia was exhausted, her butt sore. She could without doubt guess who the king was, a beautiful man with a pure white coat on. He had, who she believed to be his sister by his side; dressed in similar fashion with a white gown, trimmed with gold and embroidery on her chest. She wasn´t smiling, the young lady but seemed to be bothered.

Once they arrived, the men and women from the council exited the carriage dressed in long, beautiful gowns; coats of fur and silk from different from the queen´s simple side braid, the woman had fixed their hair flawlessly. Amelia waited for her head guard, Joshua; a old man which had stood by her side since her birth; helped her down the horse. His blue eyes a mix between trust and protectiveness as he followed her closely behind.

Amelia didn´t concern herself of Mika, knowing she either be getting of her horse or standing by closely. She headed directly to the two royalties, bowing slightly. "A pleasure to meet you, I am Queen Amelia Alexandra Arthemis of the Royal Kingdom of Elador. I hope we shall strength our new found friendship." Her voice a soft, velvet-like melody. Her eyes a steely blue with a taint of kindness.


The day had continued on for Caroline after calming down Aphrodite and her tantrum. The young dragon was one to always make unnecessary drama unlike her older brother, Kahlua. She had practiced, lectured and played with her children; warning to behave in front of the queen or else they´d face her wrath. And Tannis.

Though her offspring wasn´t exactly happy to hear that they would not accompany her to meet the queen they had obeyed, afraid from Tannis. She felt as if was ridiculous. They weren´t afraid from her but as fast as she had mentioned her brother they had ran quicker then a rat facing a cat. So when her brother sent a maid to dress her up she was acting like a mere child; refusing to dress in the light blue gown she had offered her. She had demanded to know what her brother was going to wear and found out it was one of the few clothing of his, she could match.

Letting the maid style her hair into an elegant up-do knot and side coil, she merely came late to her brother´s side; seeing the carriage approach the castle. She had expected to see the queen come out of the carriage, analyzing the elegant woman; wondering which one of them was her. Though when they turned to a woman with eyes of ice-blue steel, dark violet hair on a white stallion; a old chiseled man helping her down, Caroline was shocked. Her royal blue dress was slightly crinkled but she walked with a confidence that astounded her.

Yet it wasn´t her crinkled dress or simple hair-do that astounded her but it was her elegance, her grace as she came upon them. "A pleasure to meet you, I am Queen Amelia Alexandra Arthemis of the Royal Kingdom of Elador. I hope we shall strength our new found friendship." Her voice was soothing against Caroline´s ears, she bowed sweetly before Kahlua´s voice entered her mind.

Seems like you won´t burn her to crisps any time soon.
Mika got off her little black pony before straightening herself. She bowed lowly at to King and Princess before taking the side of her queen. She looked at both of them. They both matched and looked like the definition of siblings. She wondered if they planed to match the way they did. Though she saw the surprise when Amelia had gotten of the horse and not out of the carriage. That was her queen, always keeping people on her toes.

Although Mika looked a bit worse for ware at the moment, she composed herself in a dignified manner.


Jarvus, a old elf stood clad in his armor meant for show smiled at Caroline's reaction to the queen. Tannis had been fretting all day in fear that his sister was going to be completely hostile to the Queen. However, he had to admit he was just as pleasantly surprised at Caroline and Tannis. Jarvus was still not even sure if Caroline liked him. He knew she proububly blamed him for where Tannis was not in life. It was his and Pai's fault that Tannis came to the kingdom.

Tannis's eyes flashed pleasantly when the queen had gotten off the horse, though he was still smiling none the less at Amelia.
"Welcome." Tannis said loudly, bowing a bit in return, "Queen Amelia, welcome to the Kingdom of Florencia. I am self named Tannis Easum, King associated by popular vote." Tannis stated softy. He was not of royal blood at all, so he didn't bother adding on extra titles that didn't apply to him. Not that he really knew what made him royal. "Also, this is my sister, Princess Caroline."

The thought of if her kingdom knew that they were Manticore crossed his mind. It was not like it was any secret, but he and his sister were so often in this form that people forget.

"This here," Tannis motioned to the elder elf in armor next to him, "Is Jarvus, head of my military. We will be working closely with him as well as my head mage, Ray, who is not currently attending this quick meet and greet." Tannis turned to offer his hand to the Queen, "But of course that will be for later, for now I believe you must be tired from your ride here. I will show you to where you and your council will be staying." He knew it might be a bit wired for him to personally attending to the queen, doing something a servant was meant to do. Tannis never blended well with others doing things for him what he could do himself. He was a wild Manticore many years ago providing for his basic needs to live, it was a drastic change from that to this.
Caroline simply muttered some curse words as an reply to Kahlua before deciding to let her brother speak. A smile on her face. A slow movement to the side to see a maid, bowing lowly before standing at the side of her queen. Slightly behind her to show respect. Caroline couldn´t help but notice her deep blue eyes as she composed herself, her fair skin shining.

Slightly shaking herself out of the small daze, Caroline frowned before turning to her brother. Listening as he greeted the queen. When he mentioned Jarvus, the eld, she felt a slight anger start in her heart. He was the one who took her and her brother away from their home. He was the one who also gave her the opportunity to find her children. Him and Pai... Though she had never opened up to the old elf she did open up to Pai and his gentle heart.


Amelia was not expecting the king to not mention any royal titles at all. She found it pleasant, and selfless of him to not pass down the royal title to himself like every other man who had conquered a land. A polite smile graced her lips as she turned briefly to inspect the old elf with a nod before taking the kings hand.

She found him unusual to service his quests but not wrong nor bad. She couldn´t say the same for the council as she could hear their whispers all the way from the carriage to where she stood. A quick glance back made them shut their trumps before she smiled apologetically to the king. "Ah, yes; it was quite the journey."


Caroline had been staring and listening to the queen when she had heard the whispers. Annoyed she sent a look of disdain at the council before excusing herself. Aphrodite and Kahlua would need sleep yet they refused to lay down as long as she was awake. Nonsense, she had told them but the two children had almost thrown a tantrum.

She could barely handle Aphrodite, so a bunch of roaring dragons wouldn´t do her any good. Smiling at the queen and her brother, her voice turned sweet and innocent. The total opposite of her emotions. "I´ll excuse myself, Queen Amelia, brother. My children won´t sleep without me by their side."

A giggle escaped Caroline when the queen turned her head, her eyes in a slight shock and a weird grimace. A crossing between a polite smile and a face of shock.

"I hope to see you soon then, Princess Caroline."


Children? So young! She looks younger then me. Mika could only manage to think. Then again, she could have been in that situation many of times... Being a slave and all. She was glad she didn't have to worry about being forced to do things anymore. It was still her job, but she was almost sure if she ever told the Queen she didn't feel comfortable she wouldn't force anything on her. Mika made sure she didn't make eye contact with anyone of higher rank then her, she she kept her eye's, though her head was still held high.

"Caroline." Tannis said before she turned to leave, catching her attention, "Don't stay up too late, bright and early tomorrow.... and make sure Aphrodite and Kahlua behave or I'll chase them." Tannis said, though he gave Caroline a small wink. He knew her dragons fear his wrath, and for reasons completely unknown to him. If anyone, between of Tannis and Caroline, was to be feared, it would be his beautiful snow white sister's temper. Though Tannis was not a foe you would want to fight in battle, he was kind hearted and soft. Perhaps too soft, thus warranting his sister's over protectiveness.

After he watch his sister walk away as gracefully as he thought she could muster, he gave Queen Amelia a smile. He was a good brother, and was going to let his sister have fun with the Queen. If Amelia asked, which he doubt she would because it would be rude, Tannis would not lie. He thought it was harmless, invalid to anything that they will be talking about. Although it may reflect badly on his character, it will reflect even worse on hers for assuming. So, he left it. Her council was already showing much disrespect for their whispers about his choices. Showing the Queen to her quarters would only be the gentlemen's thing to do.

With that, Tannis looked at her council, all of his prier thoughts of them, hidden beneath his smile,
"If you all feel uncomfortable with me showing you to your stay, I can have some of my staff help you. Just stay here and Jarvus will see to it." Tannis looked at Jarvus before nodding at the man to show it was an indirect order. His pride would not be hurt if these nobles were offended, though he would think they would have been more concerned with offending him. With the way he said it, it did make it sound like he was offended. "Queen Amelia." Tannis said softly, before turning her hand around in his grip to where it was resting on his forearm and their shoulder's touched. It was as if he was leading her to dance.

As he lead her down the hall, he spoke softly to her. It was a welcoming tone as he offered her choices for the coming day,
"I would like to know if feel up to join us for breakfast in the morning. If not, I can have some of my staff bring you breakfast to your room. Since the meeting is not till the noon. My head chief and her assistant can be a bit... enthusiastic in the mornings, but they serve the best foods. I often take breaks for tea and sun if you would like to join me with those as well." He polity invited her to do relaxing things with him, knowing that the meets might be a bit intense. She might not want to spend so much time with him however, specially if things start out rocky, they shouldn't however. "Of course... the Council is welcome as well, unless I am still offensive to them." He chuckled at the end of the statement, sounding more good humored about earlier's blunder of her council. He didn't blame Amelia for it, but if they found him abrasive now, he could only imagine what they will think about the rest of his lax castle. Most his staff were very... relaxed.

Mika traveled behind them, holding some of the Queen's belongings, dying to just sleep on a bed of her own. She didn't care if she had her own room or if she went to the servant's quarters, she was ready to crash. Of course she had to be dismissed first. She listen intently to Tannis and Amelia's conversation to make sure she was prepared for what to expect for tomorrow's events. They stopped in a rather long hall way of the castle, a few doors here and there.
"This is the right wing of the castle. There are guards and servants posted here at all times. So if any of you need anything, there should be some one here to assist you." Mika heard Tannis explain. That was fantastic in Mika's opinion, it meant more protection, but at the same time slightly creepy.

The red maned King lead them to the first door, where he opened it. It was the bigger room out of all the ones in the hall. It had a large bed as well as completely furnished with its own bathing room. It all was covered is a light blue color. Mika invited herself into the room to bring in some of her lady's things, placing them down and beginning to put them away for later use in the morning and during the three weeks they will be here.

"All servants will be in the servant's bunk, which is at the very end of this hall. If you wish for your maid to sleep separately, there are a few extra rooms among this hall. Just please ask one of my staff." Tannis said, "If everything is fine, I will leave you to settling it." Tannis gave a soft smile to Amelia, hoping she found everything acceptable.
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Sending her brother a smirk before she chuckled. "Ah, do not worry; They won´t disobey me with that in thought!" The Queen had looked down for barely a sec as Caroline and her brother shared the small moment. She affection yet not the kind she had once experienced. She had once lost. It made her feel sick, thinking about him and how her feelings had shut down. Puffed into the air, leaving her a half-dead heart.

Amelia had not felt any feelings of affection, whether it be innocent or not, not even for her friend Mika. Yet she cherished those she got a slight tinge of trust for as she knew that if her heart was in fact intact, it´d beat for them a million times.

And when Tannis turned to her council a slight minute, it annoyed the young lady. He had noticed her council´s whispers, she should have told them to behave as they have gotten to relaxed since she has ignored their whispers for quite awhile.

Throwing Arthur, her most trusted man in the council, a glance made him shush all the woman. "Thank you, Your Highness, for the kindness you show. My Majesty Queen Amelia." He bowed graciously, his long black hair falling in waves before he stood up, his deep emerald eyes following the King leading Amelia away, his long-time love.

Amelia nodded at Arthur as he bowed before she was taken away by Tannis and felt a bit pleased when he offered her relaxing moments through out the day. "Surely most of the council will attend breakfast since only a few have a tendency to be... Absurd in the morning. I have to apologize for their behavior before; You know woman and their gossip, especially in between the nobles but when it comes to their job they will be in the best of their behavior. They take certain care to politics." She replied, her voice a bit apologetic yet still strong and free-willed. "And of course, I, Myself shall attend."

Amelia gave Mika a slight glance filled with amusement. The poor girl was tired and the queen felt guilty. "I would love to share tea-time and surely it will let us discuss separately." Amelia made a slight indication of personal affairs of the two kingdoms though she knew they would mostly discuss things in meetings rather then alone yet a ruler should always take things a bit more cautious. Getting to know your new ally is never a bad thing after all. "Thank you for your hospitality, King Tannis."

Barely minutes after the king had left, Amelia stared at Mika for a few seconds. "Go tell one of the servants of this castle that I want another bed in here and bring your luggage over. Afterwards, please go to sleep. It has been a long journey after all." A sincere smile reached Amelia´s eyes and they softened, her voice sweet. And as Mika got help from the staff, she had changed her clothing before falling asleep on the velvety bed after the Maid had settled in, in her room.

[i thought Arthur would be a small rival for Amelia´s love ;P)
(Tannis will destroy him!! Lol, figuratively. :P More love rivals haha! Hmm... Tannis needs one as well possibly haha. Maybe Jarvus :P )

Mika was pleased with not having to sleep in an unfamiliar place alone. When Mika informed the servants of the Queen's wishes, they immediately set to it. A few minutes later, a small cot was placed in the room. Mika took the bed gratefully, not very picky about it. She had slept in worse places in her life and after the horse riding the whole day, this cot was a godsend. Mika was sure as soon as her head hit the pillow did she fall asleep, unaware if Queen Amelia had fallen as well.

When the morning came, Mika woke a little before the sun rose into the sky. She always woke at this time. This was the time in which she got herself ready before going about the castle to do her job. Not that she got paid being the castle bought her to work and she was a slave before hand. Getting out of the cot, Mika made the sheet straight, fluffing the pillow and putting it back at the head of the small bed. Next she opened up her bags, trying to be as silent as she could muster so not to wake Amelia. She left to a mirror before brushing her hair with her hand to try and flatten it.

Next she pulled out a maid outfit in which she got to match her Queen's. She had several that ran around the same color as Amelia's, but in a less vibrant and bright color and more cheep fabrics. She couldn't outshine the Queen, not that she could if she tried. When put on her maid outfit, she began to arrange her hair so she could put a violet bow on her head. She took the two long strands on either side of her hair and brought them together, tying the bow around them to hold them. She looked at herself with a small smile, brushing non-existent dust off her maid dress and going to put on her shoes.

Once she was finally finished with that, she went to go arrange for warm water so that her queen could bath before the meeting. Now that she thought about it... she had not bathed since their journey here either. She should have gotten up earlier, but she was so exhausted last night. It is to late now, perhaps she won't smell offensive today. After talking to a few of the servants, who where all for the most part incredibly bubbly and nice, they had helped her carry some hot water to the tub. As soon as the warm water was filed, she thanked the staff quietly before shutting the door.

Walking over to the window, Mika moved the large sheets in front of it, exposing the sun from the outside into the room,
"My lady Queen Amelia, it is time to wake and bath." Mika said cheerfully, "You did agree to meet King Tannis at breakfast." She sung lightly before turning around to look at Amelia laying in the bed.

(So I totally didn't pre-read this at all... I just wrote it so you had something to read and respond to when you got in. I'll have Tannis's view once they get to the dinning room.)

Amelia sighed as the sun hit her eyes, turning around in her small daze. She was a light sleeper so she had heard the small preparations but decided to ignore them but the sun. No, the sun could not be ignored. Groaning she heard Mika´s cheerful voice and with a frown she sat on her bed. "How can one be happy this time of the morning..." Amelia hoped Mika wouldn't´t hear her slight mutter as she stood up and undressed.

Embarrassment never entered a pore of her body as she shamelessly walked over to the bath, putting one feet in after the other. Laying down she relaxed, her tense body seemed to fall down to a sleep during the journey but now it was like jelly. "Oh, how I needed this." A sigh of relief escaped Amelia as she felt fingers brush through her hair, her arms and legs getting scrubbed and her body being washed in hot water.

A few minutes later she was dressed in the starlight violet gown which flowed elegantly around her, her hair falling down in waves as a small forehead crown graced her hair. Looking at the long mirror in front of her with a smile she looked back at Mika. "Come on, we do not want to be late to breakfast now do we?"

On the other hand Caroline was a lot more busier during the mornings, taking charge of the few jobs she had around the castle. They were not many but always involved her children and with no trust for mere human servants to take care of a dragons needs; she had taken it upon herself to do so. Waking up merely a quarter of an hour before dawn, she awakes her children; which in itself takes awhile. After that she has to bathe them, throwing buckets of water one after the other.

Yet the worst past is going to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast. A sigh escaped the young maiden as it was the only thing left this morning. She had decided to leave practices to later during the day, after the meetings. And it was during her walk to the kitchen that she came upon most of the council. They had eyes of curiosity and wonder as they saw the princess in the castle. Dressed in white pants, a white satin shirt and a dark green vest! They simply bowed to her before continuing their journey to the dining hall, their whispers heard by Caroline and she felt slightly pleased.

She entered the kitchen and asked the chef if he had done as she instructed the night before. He nodded and as they carried out the meat she smirked. "Move away, I don´t want to roast the meat outside today. It´s foggy." Snapping her fingers, she felt the spark of a fire at the tip of her finger before it engulfed her whole hand. She turned to the meat and walked towards it putting her hand on the big pieces, she let the flames of her heart burn and engulf the meat until the lovely smell of perfectly cooked steak. The humans stared at her in shock. Never before had she roasted meat in front of them and it was beautiful. A shine seemed to engulf her as she left the fire burn.

Ah, the way humans were easily astounded! Especially as the queen entered the dining hall to see Caroline come out from the kitchen with at least ten servants behind, carrying large pieces of meat on two large plates. Caroline bowed slightly with a smile. "Queen Amelia, It is certainly nice to see you well and good. I shall join you and my brother a bit later after I feed my children." Her voice was slightly meaningful, indicating that she´d be back to check on her brother. And if anything had happen to him, she would take the queen as responsible. Caroline had learnt the ways of royal speech and its hidden meanings long ago during the late kings time.

The Queen caught on to her small threat and chuckled. "Good morning to you too, Princess Caroline. I´d love to chat more but we both have different tasks at the moment. I need to eat and you need to feed." Caroline smiled politely, a strained smile as she left the queen to feed her children. One sentence resonated in her head. That Hag of a Woman.

Amelia was slightly embarrassed that the king may have seen the words exchanged between the princess and her. After all she didn´t want a rocky start to this new found treaty.
The small dinning area seem busy with cooks walking a bit of everywhere. Mika stood by her Queen's side, just slightly behind her, her eye's meeting the ground, though her head stood straight. For now was breakfast, then the meeting.

First thing Mika noticed was Princess Caroline. She thought the young lady was beautiful, yet such a mystery. If only she had more freedom or standing in the courts. Mika had this strange feeling of wanting to get to know her better. She felt like the young princess had a hidden personality under the rough royal like exterior. Much like the Queen herself, hidden under a tough shell of protection, cradling her broken heart.

The exchange between her and Queen Amelia was... rough to say the least. She could tell Caroline was not taking the Queen's presences in the castle well at all. She felt bad for her lady, dealing with Caroline. Part of her wanted to tell the Princess to buzz off, her Queen was the one who should be shown respect. She had left her kingdom to come here and help their own kingdom. Yet, the want to know Caroline's reasons buzzed lightly in Mika's chest, keeping the angry feeling at bay.

Just as Caroline started to walk away, a blue haired male came flying out of the kitchen,
"PRINCESS CARO!!" He said before stopping and pressing himself against a wall, the girl already long gone. He turned around so that his back was on the wall and pressed the back of his hand on his forehead, "Alass.... her love for me has bubbled down, her children taking further priority then to say hi to me in the mornings.... The fate or the world unknown to me as my own only gets darker from the neglect my Princess has shown me today... Deeper... Deeper into despair."

"Sage... what are you doing?" A man with blond hair asked walking to the blue haired looking male. His hair seem to wrap around his long face, allowing one critical looking eye to show. He was holding in his hand a pan while he looked down at the other chief. Both of them were wearing chief outfits, and both were slightly different from the others, these having insignia on the from.

"Fate is taking me to the other world... the Princess didn't come to say good morning to me... her love for me has grown stale.. I am as unwanted as the fog outside this fine morning. Left to lay on the ground and steep with only myself as company only to disappear when the sun comes to a full shine." He said, sliding down on the floor, his hand still well pressed against his forehead.

"Oh.." The blond one said. It almost sounded like as soon as Sage had confirmed why he was there, it all made sense. The next thing to happen was unexpected, the blond haired man picked up his foot and then kicked Sage, "YOU ARE THE HEAD CHIEF, WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!! GO DO YOUR JOB!!" he yelled at the man.

Sage jumped up from where he was and actually started to laugh heuristically as he ran into the kitchen. Then a moment later, Sage poked his head out and looked at the man,
"I can't believe you just kicked me in front of the Queen. Riiick! You naughty yet very bold man..." He said slyly with a smirk of unmistakable pleasure. Rick seem to turn his head and noticed Amelia and Mika for the first time, his eyes mimicking complete shock and embarrassment. He then bowed deeply between them, "I am so sorry for my and Sage's actions. Sage is a bit..."

"I am head chief and this is my wonderful assistance Hot Pants. We are the best chiefs in the entire kingdom! If you have any craving at all my lady, I can make it! I can make and it will be the most amazing thing you have ever tasted!" Sage said coming out of the kitchen to stand next to Rick. She gave a low sweeping bow to the Queen before coming back up smiling. Rick just looked irritated at being called 'Hot Pants'.

Mika on the other hand was a bit loss for words at the entire situation in front of them. For a moment she was thinking the servants got beat if they did not do their job, but now that the two were standing together, it was obvious they were just good friends. Mika's mouth almost hung open in awe at the small comical show in front of her, but moments later the head chief Sage looked at her and his eyes seem to have lit up.

"My! Look at this beautiful maid! One who simply compliments the Queen, yet has her own beauties on her own! Of course you my Queen I would--" Rick's hand landed on the back of Sage's neck mid speech, gripping it so hard Sage stopped talking and looked a bit horrified.

"I apologize once again for Sage's behavior. She is loose. Is all the definitions loose can mean, Queen Amelia." Rick said bowing and making Sage bow as well.

She?! Mika thought, Sage looked everything like a guy. Though his face did have a few feminine features, and his body was a bit lanky for a male...well she guessed she could have been a girl now that you really looked at her. This must have been what Tannis had warned them about in the morning about his chiefs being... well he choose the words enthusiastic... Mika thought more a long the lines of crazy.

"Sage...Rick." Came a low voice behind the Queen and Mika. When Mika turned she saw it was King Tannis. She bowed lowly to him and then moved to get out of his way and behind her Queen."Making apologies so early in the morning? I told you two to behave..." Tannis said with a laugh. He was wearing white again, though this time it was trimmed with a light red. At the moment, Tannis was not wearing a crown, just as he wasn't wearing one the night before. Mika did take noticed that he was sporting yet another white outfit. His sister was wearing white as well earlier before she left.

"Of course King Tannis. I am trying...." Rick said with another bow.

Sage bowed as well before spewing off a long instance of a menu to Tannis for the day,
"Of course that is only breakfast. Lunch will be a juicy roast with a healthy array of brain food, complimented with the latest berry juices, or wine if that is your preferred drink of choice." That was more aimed at the Queen since Sage knew Tannis drank tea. Green tea most of the time. The leafy taste was said to 'remind him of home'.

Thank you Sage, Rick. Now, I believe you two have a job to do." Tannis said, dismissing the two to get to work.

"Of course. Ah! My King, Princess Caroline has said that she will be here as soon as her children are feed." She told him with a smile, before turning around and with a bow to the Queen and King, left to the back with Rick to complete their tasks at hand.'

Tannis let out a light sigh, then a low chuckle, "
I do apologize. A lot of my staff had very vivid personality... and I like when they shine instead of being held captive by rules of being quite and unheard or unseen. We are not use to having other royalty around who might like their servants to be like shadows around the castle... This seem much more lively. I feel happier and invigorated with such lively activities in the castle, specially in the morning. I hope you find it as pleasant as I." He paused and looked around the dinning hall at the tables before looking back at the Queen, "How rude of me. I forgot to greet you. Good morning Queen Amelia." Tannis said before giving her a short bow. After that he stood again and offered his hand much like the night before. "Would you do me the honor of sitting next to my sister and I?" He asked pleasantly.

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Amelia was just about to look around to see if the King was near yet the sudden shout made her gasp silently. A young man with blue hair and a slightly different uniform compared to the others came into view as he muttered words of despair. Dramatic was the first word that came to thought and yet the show wasn´t over as a blonde man came over, asking the boy, apparently namned Sage what he was doing. Amelia curiously stared at the boys interaction as her eyes filled with amusement and a sweet smile graced her lips. She found Sage absolutely hilarious. Ah, how she wanted to laugh out loud yet she couldn´t as the Queen of a foreign country.

Would they take her laugh in the wrong way? As an insult? She didn´t know and she decided to keep it that way. This made Amelia quite stunned when the blonde got embarrassed apologizing not only for his actions but for Sage´s but once again Sage interrupted the young man before the Queen had the time to answer.
"Do not apologize, you have done no wrong. Actually you were quite amusing and energized my morning, dear."

Her answer may been unheard but she left it as she found out something even more astounding, Sage was a female. Was that possible? Now that the blonde had mentioned it, she did have more of lean body yet one would easily mistake her for a man without somebody to inform them.

Soon enough the King´s voice was heard and Amelia´s body tensed as she turned around recalling her and the princess´s short yet meaningful conversation. He´s laugh was pleasant, a easy way to know he wasn´t mad atleast. Amelia had nothing to complain about the breakfest and when Sage mentioned lunch she didn´t expect to complain about it either, being disrespectful but when he mentioned wine; Amelia´s world seemed to stop for a second. Memories flooded her mind of dark times before she stared at Sage.
"Please, I know it may sound rude but do not serve me wine. Ever."

Her voice hiding her true feelings, sweet and polite. Yet always demanding. A rule she never broke since her father made it a law in her heart. And with a bow and a smile she took the kings hand. "Ah, no it´s merely my own honour to sit next to you and your sister, King Tannis," Amelia continued to speak as they walked towards the table and sat down. "It is true that my staff are not vivid in that way but they have hearts of gold and I trust them with my life. And honestly, I love your staffs enthusiam, it is absolutely refreshing. Do not take this to heart but a quiet staff can be the best of them all, even if they are unheard and unseen; they certainl become good companions of a ruler."

Amelia could not help but glance at Mika with a slight glint in her eye; not love nor deep affection but trust. Never-ending trust. On the other hand Caroline had heard Sage´s scream and chuckled. She liked that odd lady and her weird tendency. One of few humans she had come to call a ´friend´. An annoying one at that but nontheless a friend.

So as when she was walking down the corridor to the dining hall, her pants having a small smudgey of blood at her left thigh, her vest in pieces and her hair a frenzy. Yet she had a smile of mischevousness all over her face. Oh, how she hoped that Sage would agree to her plan or she was screwed. Surely her brother would find out otherwise. But the worst part was Ann, which stood there. Right in front of her with eyes of steel.
"No, YOU ARE NOT!" The blonde frowned at Caroline, looking her up and down before dragging her away.

Merely seconds later Caroline entered the dining hall with Arthur, whom she had met on the way back after Ann had ´beautified´ her in a fiery red gown which brought out her delicate skin and eyes. Arthur bowed deeply before getting seated near another council man. "Your Majesty Queen Amelia, Your Highness King Tannis. I wish for you nothing but a good morning." Arthur voice was delicate and deep, his eyes having a depth of their own.

As Caroline sat down next to her brother she glanced over to the kitchen door. "I hope I´m not to late to join you, Brother, Queen Amelia." Her voice showed no trace of hatred or hostility but care and love, for the King and politeness for the Queen.

Amelia found it funny how she acted differently in front of her brother. "I would love to see your children some time, they must be stunning like their mother." Caroline wanted to smirk badly which turned her grimace to a weird combination between a smile and a grin. "Oh! You will, soon enough."


It hasn´t been edited so sheesh! I´ll edit all of my posts when the rp ends!
(HAHA! I hope this wasn't totally horrible, but I knew I had to get this up for you. I am so sorry love this took so long.)

Tannis was pleased with the Queens answer and glad to know that things may very well be going well. Sitting at the head of the table, he offered the Queen his right, Caroline to sit at his left. Tannis also acknowledged Author's presence when he greeted him. Tannis smiled at bit at the awkward grin of his sisters, she really was enjoying this a bit too much. He could only hope that she did not do something over the top. Like getting the two misfitted makers to scare the queen in some unorthodox way...

It was not long till there was a small ding to get their attention, and standing by was Sage along with Rick, Aka Hot Pants,
"May a introduce myself as Sage, head chief of this kingdom, in wonderful service to everyone here! I welcome My King and Queen as well as the lovely Princess. I also welcome My lords and... Ladies," Sounded slightly sexual with the way she said it, Rick visibly scowled, "of the beautiful kingdom of Elador, Welcome again! Today's breakfast is a healthy serving of some of the freshest of fruits, cheeses and meats. Ham, specifically. Quail eggs cooked to perfection complimented by the flawless blend of spices and joined by a chilled drink of a mixed berry. Non-fermented of course. If you would like any kind of stronger beverage, please ask one of the servers... enjoy." Sage said with a low bow before some other chiefs began to come out with plates and other such things.

When everything was said, Caroline could see Sage wink at her before she turned back into the kitchen with Rick. Before they got all the way back, Rick had smacked Sage in the back of the head, causing her to laugh and run into the kitchen faster. Tannis chuckled a bit at the two, they were rather close as friends. More like Rick was keeping Sage in line, but she had the leadership skills others lacked.

Mika truthfully felt very out of place. This was not in her usual castle duties. She usually ate in the mornings before she came to take care of the queen. Today she had not done that, not sure where to even get food. Now she knew, she would hold out to lunch. Did she just stand here till everyone finished? This would be long ride... Perhaps she should go see if there is help needed else where. The Sage girl/guy would make her nervous and her violent partner... Hot Pants.

However, Mika felt her eyes slowly moving to Princess Caroline. She couldn't help but stare at her and her lovely dress. She noticed that her entire attitude has changed now that her brother was present. It only added to Mika's fuel to know what she really was like. Was this another part of her, or just the fake part of her?

Placing a cloth on his knees, Tannis smiled at Amelia,
"I hope sleep found you?" Tannis said, reaching for pleasant conversation as he reached for the metal utensils.
Caroline smirked at Sage before shaking her head at her antics. Never in her life had she seen a woman taking interest in another woman! It was fascinating indeed and it made her plan even easier. Rick was more of the shy yet protective brother of Sage, which made Caroline smile as she could understand their connection and friendship. Amelia on the other hand found it fascinating as she never had heard nor seen of such things. She listened to the menu with a smile as she watched the two chefs and decided that she would do good with some fruits, maybe a quail egg by the side.

Yet she also found something weird and with one quick glance around the room she instantly noticed Mika awkwardly standing around. A chuckle escaped her before she excused herself. "Oh, yes; Sleep certainly found me... I´ll just have to attend to something. Please forgive me."

After a few seconds she was by her maid´s side and rolled her eyes at the girl. "Come on, I´m sure none are occupying the seat next to Arthur. Your schedule must be slightly out of line here, I should have noticed this morning." She took the girl by hand before making sure that she sat next to Arthur and served herself. Arthur himself couldn´t help but smile at the Queen with adoration at her caring nature.

After all, he had never encountered a lady of her esteem; caring for her maid enough to simply ignore a invitation from a King which she had recently made a treaty with. Nonetheless while she was in his land and at his mercy. But he also felt a slight malice against Mika for making his queen seem rude in front of a foreign king. "I´ll take care of her, My Majesty. Please, do enjoy your breakfast instead of disturbing yourself with this."

Amelia nodded at Arthur with a small grin and a quick glance of concern sent to Mika. "Do not disturb the Queen by making her take care of you. It is quite annoying seeing you and her switch jobs." His voice a slight tangle of advice, hostility and warning; Arthur whispered softly to the maid he found useless next to him. Yet Caroline did not miss the Queen´s actions and wanted to chip her head off for daring to simply brush her brother of to help some lowly human maid!

Her plans may never been set on stones but now they certainly were and Sage would be in them whether she wants to or not. Caroline herself seemed to boil as Amelia sat down again, smiling apologetically at Tannis. "Hm, You´re quite the lady, Queen Amelia; forgetting simple needs for a mere maid." Caroline never learnt to hold her tongue back and she certainly wouldn´t start now because of a rude Queen. No, she was going to face her head on. "Ah, yes; please forgive me. I never meant to leave you but my maid seemed to be a bit lost. Also, Mika isn´t a mere maid; she is my maid, so please refrain from speaking like that about her."

Amelia´s come-back was innocent when one heard it but underneath there was a warning for Caroline that she heeded as she knew her brother way to well. He´d butt in and forbid her from enjoying the embarrassment of the Queen during the meeting when they talk war. Little did she know that Amelia and her political crew, they were deemed the best of the best in their homeland and Amelia was the sole reason for that.

"You have quite the garden I see, good for horseback riding..." She referred to the garden just outside her window, which belonged to Caroline and her dragons making the Princess roll her eyes in secret. Amelia slowly put a few fresh fruits on her plate and decided against the egg as it gave her a bad stomach after a good ride. "Perhaps I´d be able to enjoy it one day? Or is it not allowed here, King Tannis?"
(Just noticed my characters are rather passive haha. Sage is soooo going to jump on the band wagon for pranks. xD Sage and Rick are also head of the assassins. But Tannis doesn't really use assassins that often so they do other things around the castle when they are not working. I figured that Caroline would know that)

Tannis smiled as she got up to go attend to help her maid. He really didn't mind as much as everyone seem to think he minded. Really. In his mind he was the servant to his people. When they needed him he was to go to their aid. As why the queen was here, because his people needed her insight. Maybe it was just he was completely accustom to royalties being a wild beast man years ago.

"Its quite alright. I respect your decision." He said with a smile, assuring her that he bore no ill will or disapproval. Tannis felt the tension between his sister and Queen Amelia. This... this was going to be really hard to keep the peace between the two. Tannis felt himself sigh quietly and with a bit of dread, he resisted the urge to rub his temples from the tension already building in the back of his head. Stress made his glamour hard to hold sometimes, so he tried to take breaks to make sure he didn't just scare people.

Mika on the other hand was embarrassed beyond embarrassed. She felt pretty ashamed she had just stood there. Yes this was completely different from her usual castle duty, but now. She should have gone to help like she thought. Hesitating was proububly what made Amelia get up to come help her. She'll needed to not make such silly mistakes from now on, she was better then this.

The bastered Arthur didn't help her embarrassment, or the look of pity from her Queen.
"Of course Lord Arthur, it won't happen again. I will be sure to apologize to the Queen for my incompetence. Please excuse my intrusion and thank you for looking after me." Mika said, though she made she not to sound the least bit thankful. She made sure she sat straight with her head held high. She won't let this happen again.

"We... don't really ride horses in that particular garden." Tannis said as he cut up some meat. "We do have a trail for horses, though its more of an obstacle course during training hours.... I usually run sometimes around the area as well. Its good to stretch the legs. It will also be where we will be taking the tea break. You'll meet the children there as well, it is where they spend a good portion of their time." He explained before he took several bites of food, eating slowly. When he did finish to took a few long sips of his tea before putting the finished cup down on the plate. He really hopped his sister would behave more and hold her tongue. She was rarely involved in castle politics.... he would be surprise if she knew anything about them, or the state their kingdom was in.

When Tannis was done he set his plate neatly and arranged things so that they looked neat around the table. He would push things every now and again to make sure they lined up together correctly, but when he was satisfied he nodded a bit. Standing up after the Queen was done as well, he offered the Queen his hand once more,
"Well.. should we be off to the meeting?" He asked politely. When Mika saw Amelia get up to leave, she also stood, excusing herself before getting behind the Queen to follow.

When Tannis reached the room that the meeting was going to be held, there was a maid waiting with two crowns.

"Excuse me." Tannis said before letting go of Queen Amelia to put his crown on. He placed it snug on his head before he picked up Caroline's crown and placed it on her head. He would have none of her not wanting to wear it or not. She had to play by his rules if she wanted to stay in the meeting. "Best... behavior." He whispered lowly to her after he laid the metal on her head. After that he turned around and looked at the two wooden double doors before pushing them open.

Creaking doors opened to a room that was large and meant to hold several people. Along the middle of the room was a long table that was seated with two noticeably 'royal' chairs at either heads of the table. One side of the table held Tannis's counsel while the other side reserved for Queen Amelia's counsel. Most of Tannis's counsel was present, including Jarvus, who usually sat next to Tannis, but today was one seat away, reserved for Caroline. Next to Jarvus was a young lady who was frowning fiercely and actually looked a tad frightening. She had black hair that fell just bellow her chin and she was wearing a royal blue cloak.

When Tannis and Queen Amelia entered the room, everyone in the room stood and waited for them to be seated.around the room were other tables that looked to be meant for strategic planing. Maps of the kingdom were on the other table. It was obvious this room help many meeting through the day.

Standing on a podium near the table, but not too far away was two people. One looked like a woman, but she had ears and tail of a tiger and her hair was a pale orange. Next to her was someone who looked exactly like her, but male. He had hair about to his shoulder, but up in a pony tail while she had her long falling down her back. They both had long parchment rolls of paper, ready to take notes of the meeting today.

When Tannis got to the other side of the table, he pointed to Caroline where she will be sitting. When everyone was in place, Tannis cleared his throat before speaking,
"All may be seated. This morning will be a quick recap of the treaty we have already put in line. We will put open to discussion for adding on, taking off or other problems associated with it. After that, All present in the counsel will sign it and there for hold down the new laws for this new bond." Tannis said finishing. "The floor goes to Chemi, who will ready the treaty."

Mika knew she was going to have stand this whole meeting, well till one of Tannis's servants showed her to a seat that she could sit in. Her eyes glued to her Queen in case she motioned for her to come to her.


Half crown instead of a full.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Ray.png.1e92dbb62566b10d51ffb359e2982f4e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6119" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Ray.png.1e92dbb62566b10d51ffb359e2982f4e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/fe-Ephidel.jpg.9ce9543f2fa730b8ee5a1faede6cca1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6120" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/fe-Ephidel.jpg.9ce9543f2fa730b8ee5a1faede6cca1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bump till I fix. 
With a motion of Tannis's hang, he had one of the tiger like twins stand up with a paper to start reading it off. She spoke loudly and with clarity, "Under the treaty of Prosperity the rulers of the Kingdom of Elador and the rulers of The Kingdom of Florencia will be working together to help keep each other's economic and military standing at strong terms to help with prosperity in their own lands. Each ruler will be opening up a fair and healthy trade between each other. An exchange programs for specialized personnel to be transferred from one kingdom to another for growth will also be meet. If there are any disputes between the kingdoms, it must be met and solved in a civil matter, even if royalty must get involved. In times of war, if a call for help in issued, the other must respond immediately to go help the other. In conclusion of this treaty, royalty of both kingdom's must meet once every three months." She finished with a low sigh, it was quite the mouthful for herself.

"I accept those terms. It is the terms we agreed on pre-meeting before today. If anything else is in need of being disguised... then we can proceed to the signing and decide who we can exchange for when Queen Amelia returns home." Tannis said after there was a small silence.



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