A mysterious figure appears out of the wind...

Child of the winds

One Time Luck
Hey guys,

I am new here, coming from a small forum where we roleplay. Since a short time ago, a friend of mine joined this forum and told me about it, which is why I'm here. I hope it'll be fun here too (^U^)
Why can't it be snow? Snow's prettier.

Hullo, Child. This forum IS pretty big, isn't it?
I see.

YanaAi said:
Why can't it be snow? Snow's prettier.
Hullo, Child. This forum IS pretty big, isn't it?
Sure in comparisment to the other forum I know. But the only thing is that I'm not really liking how XenForo works. It feels a bit uneasy for me to rp with it. but I know how bbcode and such works though, so that'll be all right.

I already searched for some roleplays, but haven't found one I want to join yet.
So.... I was the one who bought this forum to @Child of the winds 's attention. Not out of the goodness of my heart or anything, but because I need somebody else to be confused with me over the size of this forum. Anyways, welcome!

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