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One x One A Mysterious Calamity Beyond the Rim

Name: Jaden Lance Black

Nickname: Simply "Black" by many

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

~ Physical ~

6 foot

Weight: 160

Race: Caucasian

Build: Muscular, though he looks rather thin.

Birth Marks: Jaden's eyes are a very light blue, and in the dark his pupils enlarge so that his eyes appear nearly black. Because of this he can see in the dark.

Tattoos: He has a small, open tear drop under his left eye.


~ Background ~

Jaden Lance Black was born to a High-class family in Delarin (Different RP). Before he was born, it was discovered that he would be born with certain 'problems', due to the chemical warfare that had plagued the city. Because his mother had chosen to stay behind in the chemical-flooded city to help those in need, he would be born a "miscrit." Promised a cure of any possible deformities, the doctors attempted a risky procedure, which seemed at the time to work. Besides the eye color, Jaden's parent's assumed he was normal. That is, until he was hit by a fast moving car at the age of 3 and recovered without a scratch. Through a difficult chain of events that are not important for this RP, he was kicked out of his home, forced to live on his own. His older sister resented his father for this, and chose to move out with him. They began a Bounty Hunting business because of Jaden's... unique... skill set.

~ Skills ~

Powers: Healer, Sharp shooter

Limitations: "It", Pride, Cocky attitude

Random Stuff: Jaden Loves fast cars, isn't afraid to protect those he loves, and is loyal to those he loves to a fault. He would give up his life for those around him.
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Name: Geoffry Collin Myotis


Uncertain as Vampires Age More Slowly than Humans... appears to be about 21, Though

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Occupation: Assassin, Spy and Body Guard for One Sidious Bane

~ Physical ~


Weight: 145 lbs

Race: Em... Vampire? ( Passes Himself off as Caucasian)

Build: Trim and Wiry...there is something almost Feline about them.

Birth Marks: None... though scars is another question. None , that is, unless you want to count some of his vampire characteristics... NOTE: When he is not actively trying to pass himself off as human, which he is capable of doing when he likes, he is significantly paler than any healthy human being would be... also, his eyes are an odd vampiric red, and when he is angered they pupil appears to swallow the color entirely leaving them jet black. His canine teeth are elongated into fangs for... well... for getting dinner.


~ Background ~

As members of the vampire race, the backgrounds of Allan and Geoffry Myotis are shrouded in mystery. Much of what IS said about them is rumor, hearsay and outright made up. One such rumor, for example, holds that they are, in fact, the sons of an important member of the Night Council (the High Council of the Vampires) who had a disagreement with their father and set out to make their own way. Whatever the case, they aren't the ones to ask for the information.What is known for sure is that Sidious Bane happened across them late on evening on an Errand through Delarin. Deciding that a pair of vampires would be... useful... to his organization, he offered them a job and they, wanting more out of life than scrounging for their next meal, agreed. Since that time, they have worked loyally and diligently to please their boss in the hopes of earning the rich rewards he has promised them.

~ Skills ~

Powers: Vampire Stuff... Speed, Agility, Stealth.

Limitations: Fear of the Boss, and Again Vampire Stuff... Territorial, Dislikes Garlic, Is Weakened and made Sick by Sunlight and So on. A vampires particular dietary requirements become a problem as well at times ( Human foods are unsatisfying and unnutritious to them... blood contains certain elements they require... and if they attempt to live on such for any length of time, they will become weak and sickly.)

Random Stuff: Geoffry is the twin brother of Allan. has a weakenss for expensive things... especially fancy cars.Their boss, Sidious Bane, is the only human they have any real fear of, though they begrudgingly respect their rival, Jaden Black.

Name: Allan Connor Myotis


Uncertain as Vampires Age More Slowly than Humans... appears to be about 21, Though

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Occupation: Assassin, Spy and Body Guard for One Sidious Bane

~ Physical ~


Weight: 145 lbs

Race: Em... Vampire? ( Passes Himself off as Caucasian)

Build: Trim and Wiry...there is something almost Feline about them.

Birth Marks: None... though scars is another question. None , that is, unless you want to count some of his vampire characteristics... NOTE: When he is not actively trying to pass himself off as human, which he is capable of doing when he likes, he is significantly paler than any healthy human being would be... also, his eyes are an odd vampiric red, and when he is angered they pupil appears to swallow the color entirely leaving them jet black. His canine teeth are elongated into fangs for... well... for getting dinner.


~ Background ~

As members of the vampire race, the backgrounds of Allan and Geoffry Myotis are shrouded in mystery. Much of what IS said about them is rumor, hearsay and outright made up. One such rumor, for example, holds that they are, in fact, the sons of an important member of the Night Council (the High Council of the Vampires) who had a disagreement with their father and set out to make their own way. Whatever the case, they aren't the ones to ask for the information.What is known for sure is that Sidious Bane happened across them late on evening on an Errand through Delarin. Deciding that a pair of vampires would be... useful... to his organization, he offered them a job and they, wanting more out of life than scrounging for their next meal, agreed. Since that time, they have worked loyally and diligently to please their boss in the hopes of earning the rich rewards he has promised them.

~ Skills ~

Powers: Vampire Stuff... Speed, Agility, Stealth.

Limitations: Fear of the Boss, and Again Vampire Stuff... Territorial, Dislikes Garlic, Is Weakened and made Sick by Sunlight and So on. A vampires particular dietary requirements become a problem as well at times. ( Human foods are unsatisfying and unnutritious to them... blood contains certain elements they require... and if they attempt to live on such for any length of time, they will become weak and sickly.)

Random Stuff: Allan is the twin brother of Geoffry has a weakeenss for expensive things... especially fancy cars. Their boss, Sidious Bane, is the only human they have any real fear of, though they begrudgingly respect their rival, Jaden Black.
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