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A Mysterious Calamity Beyond the Rim


What is it that makes us human?
“This. is. ALL. YOUR. Fault!” Two voices, with a slight hissing accent to them shrieked at each other over the frigid wind that blew all around the snowy mountainside. Allan and Geoffry were NOT happy. not at all. Not ten minutes ago, they had been attempting to protect one of the boss’s labs, as per his orders, from on Jaden Black. A thousand curses on Black and his constant, infernal meddling, the Geoffry to himself as he stood, up to his knees in snow.Now, of course, they were on a snowy mountainside in the middle of… who knew where!

“Like I was to know it would blow up like that!” snarled Allan, who was every bit as cold and miserable as his twin brother. “If Black hadn’t…”

The younger of the two myotis brothers launched itno a litany of complaints and excuses.

“Shut UP!” spat Geoffry.

“Why should I?” Allan hissed at his older brother. “It is cold.. wet… and I furthermore…” the laundry list of complaints continued. He didn’t want to hear it. Whatever excuse his brother might have been planning on making, he wasn’t interested. The older bat brother narrowed his eyes in frusration.

It had all begun when Black had tried to get into one of the Boss’s laboratories…. and in it there ahd been a machine of some kind. What it was for, or how it had worked, neither of the twins knew… thy weren’t kept informed of all that the Boss did, but Geoffry would have been willing to bet that it had been something for the Boss’s plans. He always had plans of some kind or other. Not that that was important, now, he reflected miserably. In the fight that had ensued, the machine had gotten damaged and began to malfunction… and it had exploded! Well, ripped a portal, more like. the next thing they knew, they had both been pulled through and landed… here. Wherever HERE was.

“look!” Said Allan, suddenly cutting his griping and complaining short… as if he were the only one with anything to complain about, thought Geoffry sourly. “It is Black!” Well that was news, thought the shivvering Geoffry… apparently the obnoxious bounty hunter had gotten himself pulled through as well.

At least that might mean ONE last meal before they froze to death out here.
Jaden stifled a laugh (not all that well, either) as he noticed the ice coating Allen's face. It wasn't as if the injury would be serious, as the ice had managed to only cover his mouth, but it did seem that the small creature HAD grown tired of the vampires incessant talking. Of course, the little ice snake had not been the only one.

"What's the matter, Allen, ice snake got your tongue?" He said seriously, before descending into a fit of giggles that was almost uncharacteristic of the man. After regaining his composure, Jaden nodded to the two vampires and quickly started walking South once more, still determined to make it to the city of Whiterun.

"Honestly, if we continue to move, I think we can make it by noon tomorrow. It is hard to tell using the map we got from those two back at the cave... but I think we would be better off in town than out here with.... Talos knows what," Jaden sighed. There again, with the foreign deities. One thing is for sure... Jaden would be careful the next time he approached random sculptures out here.


Several hours dragged past as the three pulled their way through the snow and hills. They had come across nothing but forest for several hours now, and even Jaden was beginning to slow down. He thought about at least taking a break to have a bite to eat, but the noises around them drove him onward. Simply put, he was not eager to face this strange land's monsters in the night.

Suddenly, however, the mountains dropped off, the trees thinned, and they were left in a clearing, plains dispersed with rolling hills stretching out in front of them. Jaden surveyed the land, looking for some sign of a city. Still, there was nothing.

"If you would like we can take a brea--" Jaden trailed off, noting that the twins were no longer behind him. Where in the name of this foreign land had they even gone? Looking around, he didn't see anything at first. He quickly flipped his goggles up, and suddenly something in the dark came into view. Out in the distance, a small herd of... well... mammoths... was grazing in a field. Mammoths!! Jaden thought with a start. They have been extinct long before the great wars! Hell, they were extinct before there was any civilization! With a second glance, it quickly became evident just where the twins were.

Hungry from the long walk, they were sneaking up on one of the massive beasts, apparently ready to take it down.

That was not the worst of it.

Jaden would bet money that the giant creatures that were yards away owned those beasts.

Oh. Yes. This night could simply not get any better, could it? Jaden mused, taking off across the fields in an attempt to intercept the two vampires.
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"No, No!NO!!!" The elder of the two Myotis brothers shrieked as he tried to hold back his younger brother.

One moment, they had been following Jaden along, through the snow, and over hill and dale. The sun was, by this time fading fast and soon, very soon, night would be upon them. It wouldn't be long now, the elder Myotis reasoned, and Jaden would want tomake camp for the night. humans were funny like that, preferring to go about their business under the sun instead of int he cool and dark of night...or in Skyrim that would have been the ice cold of night.Not, Geoffry had thought to himself, that he could entirely blame the man, being as they were in strange and unknown territory... territory that harbored more than a few strange creatures. Exhaustion had caused the vampires' whining to finally cease entirely...and at that point, just as the sun was paining the sky in the blazing colors of a Skyrimian sunset... the path they had been following suddenly wound its way out of the forest, and down a slope and into an open plain. As the sun finally disappeared they wound their way across the plain,evidently looking for JUST the right place to camp. It was THEN that Geoffry realized that Allan had turned off the path and headed to the side.

Heading towards WHAT at first the elder of the two twins couldn't POSSIBLY begin to imagine.

It was THEN that the vampire's night vision picked up the large shapes towards which his brother was headed. His eyes went wide..."WHAT in the WORLD?" Was all he could say for a moment. the things looked like elephants... very large and SHAGGY elephants. Elephants were rare enough in the world they had come from, having been hunted to the brink of extinction by the humans any number of times over the years. NEVER , however, had they heard of elephants like these. These were elephants built for the cold and snow found here... woolly of coat and with smaller ears than the images they had always seen of elephants.

Though peacefully grazing, they were huge, massive and powerful...and his insufferable brother was making RIGHT for them.

"Allan, NO!" He had shouted, but the smell of the creatures had apparently caught his hungry siblings attention.

He hurried after his brother and caught him by the coat sleeve, attempting to pull him back.

"Allan you idiot. Did you see the size of those? They could crush you in an instant!"

"No,big brother," Grinned the younger vampire smugly," they are placid and lazy from what I can see. Why! I bet we could both eat our fill and the beasts would never even notice the loss. We just have to be careful is all." It was true that vampire BATS paled a similar game with cattle...the tiny creatures were able, it was said, to land on a sleeping cow and eat what they liked, then flying away leaving the sleeping bovine none the wiser. It was a dangerous game, though, to try with a species of creature they knew nothing about. Geoffry wasn't convinced and he said so with stern shake of his head. "There are reasons elephant poaching is a dangerous business. they may SEEM calm enough, but they can be lethal if they charge." Trying to tug his brother back in the opposite direction, toward the path, the continued to attempt to make him see sense. His brother ignored him, apparently hungry and too enchanted with the idea of walking 'all you can eat buffets' to leave it so readily... regrettably for Allan and Geoffry.

Regrettably because these mammoths... for so they certainly were... were by no means wild animals. No indeed. If the vampires had been watching carefully, they would have seen that the mammoths were being guarded by a group of gargantuan humanoid beings... giants,of course. Skyrimian giants were well known in their native land for raising mammoths... and for being highly protective over their heard. Unfortunately,as foreigners, the twins knew nothing of this and noticed the giants only too late. They were already much too close tot he mammoths for the liking of their owners.

Things were about to get interesting.
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