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Nation Building A Muse for Amusement [Sample Thread]

Juniper "Juni"
Haunted House

"I'll take it," he had said to the stranger with the clipboard. He couldn't remember their voice, their face, or the name-- to him, they had been little more than a silhouette resembling a person, reaching through the haze of sleepless weeks to offer him a pen. He had signed his life away, minutes flew by like seconds, it seemed; but eventually it ended with him being left alone in this house. He didn't remember when he had gotten there, he didn't even remember being handed the keys, unlocking it, and stepping inside. But when he came to, and awareness finally took hold of him, he was able take in his new home.

It had been like he was sleep-walking; that would explain why he felt as though he had never even seen the place. It was at least clean, and it could be described as quaint: the den was small, the fireplace was old, the dining room had a small and dated chandelier. But despite it being completely void of furniture and barren of color other than the whites of the walls and the cherry oak of the floors, something about this house felt lived in. There was a warmth that lingered around him, clinging to him in a way that made his skin prickle and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

He had made a terrible mistake.

But it was much too late now; the house was bought, paid for in full with settlement money at the peak of the budget that he'd set-- at least, that's what the papers on the kitchen counter revealed to him. He couldn't believe that he'd been so impulsive; it was true that he had been looking for somewhere to live, and it would be nice to not have to worry about paying for much beside what he needed to eat and to keep the damned lights on, but it had only taken him a moment of being less than catatonic to realize that there was certainly something wrong with this place. He had moved to get away from all of that, and yet, here he was. Again.

"It's just paranoia," he had said to himself in the mirror the following night. He had spent all night trying to find a source, and came up with nothing. He then spent all day trying to make the best of the situation. He bought a bed to sleep in, a table to eat at, and a bookshelf for the box that he had found in the back of his car. At least his overnight bag had still been in the backseat too, so he could brush his teeth and shower. Through the steamed glass of the bathroom mirror, he finally caught a glimpse of himself. The dark circles under his eyes weighed like sandbags, making how pale he was even worse by comparison, and their usual brown looked like coal. His hair, dirty blond, damp and curling, had been growing freely for who knew how long, and was down past his shoulders. The scars across his throat were still a bright and angry red.

He looked like someone who would be paranoid. He told himself that again and again as he found his way back to the bedroom and put on a fresh set of clothes-- a white shirt and black athletic shorts; comfortable enough to sleep in and modest enough to cover him if he had to flee out onto the street. But before he could lay down for the night, he flipped through the papers of the deed to the house once again, to be sure that he had really, truly done this.

At the bottom of each page, as clear as day by the light of the candles he'd lit: Juniper A. Cassidy. He squeezed his eyes shut after reaching the last page-- the official document stating that he was now the sole owner of this little house on the edge of town. Exhaustion dragged him down at last to sprawl against the brand new sheets that still smelled like the stored he'd gotten them from, and he looked up at the ceiling instead.

"Welcome home, Juni," he had murmured to himself as his eyelids finally closed for the night. Maybe he could sleep for an hour or two tonight. After all, he hadn't found anything yet.
"O Death!"
God x Sacrifice

There was a moment of pause, perhaps consideration, before the man shot up to full height, his hands pressed tightly together and he bowed so deeply at the waist that he nearly toppled over. He caught himself, then tried again, trying to withhold some sort of dignity. After all, he had just been caught spying in the bushes.

"My Lord!" he blurted, then realized that his voice was the loudest it had probably ever been. He swallowed soundly then stepped from his hiding place only to drop to his knees in a full on worship, his spindly arms splayed out full in front of him. "I did not mean to intrude on your betrothal... Please spare me, O Death!'

Julian had been recovering from another, much milder bout of shock when the rope had all but disintegrated at this man's touch. He was starting to feel lightheaded, and was able to cling to the post now while he tried to get his barrings. Could he run? There had been an opening, just behind him-- but that was likely where the group of psychopaths had disappeared. But since his legs still felt numb and boneless from absolute terror, he instead chose to work on removing the duct tape. He had some experience with it, just not from his face. It wasn't painless, but he managed to peel it off and spit out the cotton (was it from a stuffed animal?!) just as he heard what the other man was saying. Betrothal?

His eyes went wide. "WHAT?"

The man was startled into looking over at the intended sacrifice, and sputtered. "You should be honored! Y-you were chosen for Death to be his bride--"

There was no restraint as Julian shrieked in response: "I'M A GUY."

"...Spouse." The man amended, face coloring with embarrassment. "...I-I'll admit, my Lord, we were hasty. But we didn't want to miss the opportunity to appease you u-under the rite of the blood moon."
Charlotte "Lottie"
Pokemon RP

Lottie shifted uncomfortably in the arm chair, fussing with her coat for a moment longer before she sighed and looked away. Her fingers clenched around the cloth she had been using to scrub the blood away. She chewed on her bottom lip as she weighed her options. Could she be honest? Alex didn't seem to be like the people she had run into around Sinnoh. He had mentioned being a Pokemon Ranger, and those were few and far in between these days.

"...My parents sent me to Alola when I was small." Her attention seemed to be solely on the window, watching as snowflakes fell past the frosted glass. "My father is a reporter for the Eterna Times." She hesitated and her voice softened a bit. "...He was." The words seemed to draw all the air from her lungs and she took a deeper breath, looking back to Alex with a wavering smile. "They gave me a hard time about getting clearance to even catch the boat here, but we made it."

But her expression broke again as she thought back to the Vulpix she had rushed in. Her gaze ultimately ended up on the stain on her coat and she began wiping at it again. "There were these... I'm not sure I would call them 'Trainers.' But the Vulpix ran past me and there were there three guys chasing it with Pokemon I haven't even seen before. Scary looking things that knew Fire type moves and had fangs and horns. I didn't even think to get my Dex. The Vulpix was already hurt when I saw it, but they were really after it..."

Lottie paused to shake her head. "It was almost as if they were hunting it. I went after them, and one of those Pokemon hit it so hard that it got thrown off the side of the cliff... I knew Mt. Coronet was dangerous but..." She sighed, deflating a little. "If I hadn't been there and one of my Pokemon wasn't able to fly, it would have fallen to the bottom of the mountain and..." Her eyes watered and she shook her head again. "I just hope the poor thing pulls through... I know it'll be expensive, but I couldn't have just let it die, you know? Pokemon shouldn't be treated like that."
Multiple Characters
Selby, Cassia and Keiran
"It's Dark Out Here"

Selby's smile was warm as he got up to follow her with no hesitation. This had been a good start, he decided-- and he really had no intention to go any further than they'd already gotten that night. It was more than either of of them had likely been expecting, and for some reason, Selby was very sure that they were going to have plenty of time to go wherever this was going to lead-- there was no need to rush.

So, in the days to follow, Selby found himself spending his days helping the rest of the crew get settled into the new base and adjusting to life as pirates on Tortuga, and his nights at Beretta's side. He was surprised to find her company, while lively and thoroughly entertaining, just very comfortable. Most their private time that they spent was in bed, simply enjoying each other's company before the toils of the day claimed them, and there was rarely more than a few kisses before they ultimately fell asleep, tangled with one another. Selby had honestly never shared a bed with anyone before, but he was very much a fan. Waking up with Beretta's warmth beside him had quickly become one of his favorite sensations.

Vega had not yet been in contact with them yet-- apparently he was off on his on conquest somewhere in the galaxy; but the crew had been given access to the job board, as promised. They were also awarded the credits for the massive job that they pulled off, as well as granted an account for them to be paid for any of the future jobs they accepted. It had all been delivered digitally, but the system was unlike anything that had been implicated, since it needed to be completely untraceable, given the origins of the funds.

On this morning in particular, Selby had woken before Beretta did, and though he'd wanted nothing more than to stay curled against her, he needed to stretch. Upon doing so, he noticed that there was a notification blinking on one of the tablets that was on the makeshift nightstand beside him. He and Beretta had had a few drinks the evening before-- something new and terribly strong that Yende had found during one of his outings-- so he was sure that she would be sleeping for a bit longer. Curiosity got the better of him and he grabbed the tablet and found it was not yet password protected. It was probably one of the newer devices that Uri hadn't managed to get his hands on yet. The notification led him to a page that immediately was just a flood of numbers and code, and it sort of made his eyes cross by how much data was suddenly loading onto the screen. But he was able to gain his barrings, and he hunkered back down in bed next to Beretta to try and make sense of it all.

"Oh, it's a bank..." he murmured to himself after a few minutes of searching and tapping. He'd seen accounts similar to this before; his father was always very proud to show him little inside things that he claimed to help the company run smoothly. Selby faintly wondered how much of that was actually true now. But he pushed the thought aside and continued to work his way through all the information. It sort of slipped his mind that it wasn't his place, but it sort of felt nice to have some kind of familiarity for once.

Meanwhile, Keiran was up early, per usual. He grunted as he shoved another large crate across the floor-- something that should have been easy, given his cybernetic arm, but something must've gone wrong with the power cell. He recalled Hadden mentioning that there was a huge market on Tortuga for body mods, so he was going to have to find time to track another one down for his model.

...If he could ever get from under Cassia's thumb, of course. For a little thing, she definitely ran a tight ship. And she was very eager to remind him that he would not have a place on the Charon's Crossing if it was not under her supervision, and that she would be fine with his help, or picking her teeth with his bones if he screwed up.

"Cass, do you really need this... what the fuck is it, anyway?" He smacked the box.

"Scans," came the clipped reply.

He couldn't even see her for a moment, then happened to glance up as black, white-speckled ooze seemed to be seeping from the vents. The sight gave him goosebumps and he instinctively backed away as the mass dropped to the floor, then reformed as the petite medic, fully clothed. She regarded him with a cocked head, likely noticing the wrinkle to his nose. "You know, you're going to have to tell me how you do that."

"The thing I am having to tell you is what to do," Cassia responded with a smug, toothy grin. She reached up and patted his cheek then went to go investigate the box he'd dragged in for her. "Ah, good. With this, if there is damage inside, we will know. Where did they find this to have on Tortuga, I wonder?" She hoisted herself on top of the box to read the print atop the box.

"I'unno. Probably from one of the downed carrier ships. Everything's gotta come from somewhere." Keiran leaned against the wall and checked the time. "Izkra should be getting up about now. I promised I'd take her to find out how to uh... dye her hair, today?" He gave a wry smile. "Am I free to go?"

"Mmh." Cassia didn't have an answer for him until she'd finished reading, then looked up. "For now, I suppose. I will have Avoh do something, for once." She'd actually been looking for him in the vents and had purposefully scared the absolute shit out of him to get him out of bed. He'd been slacking off, but what else was new? She crossed her legs on the box and turned and shouted, "AVOH!" so suddenly that it made Keiran jump. She glanced at him with a raised brow. "Jumpy?"

"No, you're just very loud for something your size," he snorted as he turned to meander from the room. "Don't beat him too badly. He's old, his heart can't take your abuse." He headed up the hall towards the area that had been claimed as the dormitories, wondering if he was going to be able to catch Izkra before she ran off to get into trouble.
World Building Plot
Alien Battle Royale

The Braoria Star System has been rumored to be uninhabited for years. At the furthest reaches of the galaxy, three planets revolve around a red sun, Idiri. Long ago, Braoria was the site of a terrible war that ended abruptly when mysterious black ships began to loom near the planets, and soon after all life was inexplicably eradicated from the surface of the planets. For many years, those planets were left to fester and float in space. Braoria became synonymous with "wasteland," and the three small worlds were known as the Dead Planets.

But there were rumors of life beginning to appear on the planets again. No one dares to venture that far out, for fear that the Phantom Ships will resurface to finish the complete destruction of Braoria's planets. But broadcasts had begun appearing on the Galactic Network, chronicling the lives groups of people as they navigate one of the dead planets. With no viable resources, these people are shown to be dependent on air drops that provide sustenance, materials for shelter, and means of self defense. No one knows where this broadcast is coming from, but it is well maintained and seems to stream without interruption.

Eventually, it was widely decided that this must be some kind of TV show, though the creator remains unknown. Forums began on the Galactic Information Network to discuss the show. The public began to formulate theories, chose their favorite characters, and soon a very loyal following began from most technologically advanced worlds from all reaches of the universe. One day, a website appeared on a closed server with a ranking system. Every person on the show was listed, and people were able to vote for their favorites. As a result, those with higher rankings received better airdrops.

Years later, the broadcast has a strong, if not obsessive following. Aside from the ranking system, betting pools began in different regions; the most notorious being known simple as "The Watch Room." This exclusive groups of elitists are able to sponsor their choice of players and directly influence the game that they seem to be playing. Politicians, business moguls, and even royalty have been known to take place in the bets from The Watch Room. They even have made appearances on the show, seen aiding those of their choice.

No one knows if Dead Planet is real or not. After a while, people stopped caring. It's entertaining, and that's all that matters.

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