A Mixed Night

Penelope Burns

Forest, of run fame.
So, as the thread says, Friday was a very eventful night.

Basically, a good friend of mine invited me to a nice LGBT+ club in downtown Dallas, and I thought 'sure, why not?' And it was a great time. I loved it, it was a great place to meet new people and a nice, safe area for me to dress the sex I identify as in public. Either way, I 'passed' (for those who don't know, 'passing' is passing off as the sex/gender you identify as in public. People don't see you as trans or the sex you were born as, but someone of the sex you identify as, in my case female.), and had a lot of fun. Met a nice girl too, Phantasia. Got someone's number for once, god does that feel good.

Anyway, I got tired at about one in the morning, and we left. Since we didn't carpool (we live in opposite directions, each half an hour away from Dallas) I drove myself home, and stopped at a local gas station for a midnight snack and gas. Things were going well, at first. The clerk was someone I knew and was friendly with, he'd worked there a few years. But when I left, things seemed to rapidly deteriorate.

These three guys, people I went to school with, graduated with, showed up drunk to the gas station for some shitty reason, stopping right in front of me. I kept walking, not really caring about them (note that I have NEVER actively tried long term to go out as Nicole alone, this was the first time.), seeing as, when people see you as male, nobody gives a shit in most cases. One of them, the driver, tries to get my attention but I ignore him, not thinking anything of it.

He then walks up to me with my friends, grabs my arm, and asks me why I ignored him (I'm note quoting him word for word beyond this point. Basically add a racial/homophobic remark in every other sentence). I ask him to leave me alone, and he laughs. I get out of his grip and run to my car, unlock my door, and try getting inside when he leans on it, keeping it near shut. I ask him to leave me alone, he tells me to give him a reason. I ask again, he asks if I went to the f*g school North Forney. I lie and say I'd never heard of it. Lucky for me another car pulls up, and he and his friends leave me alone.

Basically I didn't really think about anything other than that these past few days because it was a horrifying experience and I didn't know what to say or who to tell. In the wake of the recent suicide of another transgender youth, I decided to post this. I don't know why I'm posting here, but I am. Feel free to post a response, or don't. I just wanted to share and hope that I think less about what happened.
How are you doing now? I'm sorry you had to deal with that. So much hate breeds in small minds.
Poor baby. Don't let people like that get to you- they don't deserve it. And good luck with that number!

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