The Missing Link
Namuraan felt a pang of sorrow for the young elf sitting across the table from her, and she pulled out one of the few wholly-impractical things in her bag, a small flask of dwarven bourbon. After she pushed it over to his side of the table, she spoke softly.
"I lost my elder brother and my father on the flight from Argus, I was barely an adult. And then I lost my two younger brothers, twins actually, during the crash landing of the Exodar. My mother had never even made it off of Draenor. Despite all of this, and no matter how much I'd love to have them back, I still don't believe that becoming a death knight is something they would ever have wanted. Your brother may be different though, your race doesn't have the taboo on dark magics that we do."
"I lost my elder brother and my father on the flight from Argus, I was barely an adult. And then I lost my two younger brothers, twins actually, during the crash landing of the Exodar. My mother had never even made it off of Draenor. Despite all of this, and no matter how much I'd love to have them back, I still don't believe that becoming a death knight is something they would ever have wanted. Your brother may be different though, your race doesn't have the taboo on dark magics that we do."