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Fantasy A Lovecraftian Tale


Chosen Undead

There is only one place to live: The City at the Center of the World. "The City" as it's called commonly, is a safe haven that contains the entire world's known population. There are only two places on the planet: The City and The Outside.

The City is a lush and beautiful place, bustling with life and honest folk. There is little unhappiness, and much to thrive from. There's a little something for everyone. Some would call it a utopia. However, nobody knows the history of the city, nobody knows its history, roots, or even who made it.

The Outside is a cold, desolate place. The skies are littered with fog and everything is grey. The sun hardly shines through the smog save for the few slivers that appear on rare occasions. Nobody remembers how the world got the way it was. Some say an ancient, unrecorded war. Others say natural disasters. The land is littered with radioactive deadzones and waste. There are hardly any living things. The most common enemy found in The Outside is the Riftwalker.

The Riftwalkers are cold, dark beings. Covered in head to toe by a thick black liquid, that seems to drip off them and reform only to repeat the cycle. Nobody knows what race of animal they are, or how they ended up here when there's no recorded existence of them in ancient texts and records. Riftwalkers are capable of ripping a vulnerable human to shreds in mere moments.

Because of The City's docile nature, and the sanctuary it provides, there are strict laws. Nobody is given a second chance or a slap on the wrist. If you break the law, you're evacuated to The Outside. Dumped and left to die.

However, a chance is given to everyone who is banished: Depending on their crime, they must stay in The Outside for a limited amount of time. The more serious the crime, the longer it is. The tricky part is that only less than .000001 percent of everyone who's dumped ever returns. Most succumb to the dark land and perish, nobody ever knowing what happened to them. Those that do return are seen as the strongest people to ever live. Praised and live a life of paradise.

You have just committed a crime, and now you're being evacuated. How will you use your skills and talents to survive? Will you make friends and try to form a group? Will you stab everyone you meet in the back? Maybe you'll go on your own to die a lonely death.

The Outside tends to bring out only the best, or the worst, in people.​

Nate opened his eyes slowly, his back soaked and the sound of heavy rain and thunder pounding in his ears. He saw brief strikes of lightning in the sky, tearing holes in the world briefly before returning to normal.

"Of all the times they could get rid of me, it was in the middle of a thunder storm?"

He stands up, shaking from the cold. He reaches to his hip, feeling that his rapier is still in its hilt for comfort. He supposed that, since he clearly wasn't the only one getting thrown out today, he could at least find shelter nearby. He had to find himself a group, he didn't know the first thing about survival. Especially in the wild. He's never been in a 'wild' in his life, nobody has and lived to tell the tale in his lifetime.

He takes a quick look around, moving his head frantically until he saw an enormous tree, seemingly blocking all the rain from the downpour.

I just have to get there, I need to survive for at least a night. It wouldn't even be funny to die from rain.

He thought to himself, blocking the wind from his face with his arms and trudging through the mud slowly, marching over to the tree.​
Alicia was numb as strangers strapped a quiver to her back, loading it with arrows as she had requested. She gripped the bow with shaky hands and stumbled out beyond the walls; not even the cold rain shocked her from her blank state. The droplets clung to her hair, which curled bright red against the dull backdrop of The Outside. She might as well have a target on her head. Not that it mattered anymore, really. Surviving The Outside for four years was unthinkable for her, and the very idea that she'd be considered a legend if she did...it was horrible. She never should be considered so highly for slipping a knife into the back of her romantic interest.
Leah's voice was raw from all the pleading she had done with the courts, the soldiers, and now the transporters. The transporters where no use, considering they were just robots following instructions. But during her dismissal, even her closest friends had turned away from her, disgust in their eyes and betrayal into heir hearts. If only they would listen to the truth. Leah was dropped from the ship and into The Outside. She wouldn't scream. She wouldn't cry. She would survive. It was decided. And in order to do that, her first order of business would be to look for shelter form the large thunderstorm spilling its anger above. She topped her eyes with her hands, and searched almost blindly for a safe spot in the hard rain.
Ray was hiding in the thick of an evergreen not far from the walls of civilization. He had been thrown out nearly a week ago but already he had faced near death and dangerous situations that couldn't be counted. He still had eight kunai hidden in his clothing, two had been lost in hard to retrieve areas. He noticed a few others getting thrown out at close intervals of time. One of them ended up under a different tree within Ray's sight. He hadn't met anyone outside so far but he was planning on changing that as he stealthily swung down from branch to branch until he landed on the wet ground softly.

Eyes, almost the color of crimson to match the frilled clips in black-as-night hair, scanned the wall that separated the woman from her demise. Though she was skilled at surviving on her own, Tsukiko was skeptical how long she would make it against radioactive monsters of black goo. The woman let out a sigh of air, glancing over her leather clad shoulder back at the people who herded her towards the smog-ridden wasteland like a pig to its slaughter, the faces hinting at their happiness to see a criminal walk to their death, to rip a little parasitic pest from their perfect little flower bed. I may be a parasite, but at least I admit to it.

Clicking the guns into her holsters and fixing the leather jacket that helped to cover some skin that her strappy black bikini top didn't, Tsukiko let out a huff of air, watching with little amusement as the gates to hell creaked open. "Well... Out into the wilderness. Maybe I can wave hi to Pops..." She muttered with a poisonous tone, yet smiled through each syllable. The woman went through to the other side, the doors closing behind her with a loud clank to confirm her new life for two years in the outside.

Tsukiko knew other fugitives had been kicked out recently as well, other parasites to the system like her. Maybe she might find one of use? It might be possible. She started out into the smog, not knowing where she was headed, and not really caring either.

Ray's attention was torn from the boy under the tree nearby and he focused on a clearly older girl who had just stepped onto the ground of her likely grave. He instead went towards her since he figured the boy probably needed rest anyways. Rain pelted him and easily soaked through the mass majority of his clothes. Ray walked towards the wall and to the new girl with his face hardly changing from it's slightly furrowed black eyebrows and serious expression that he had worn since his sister had died years ago. He shook away the thought and waved at the older girl. "Welcome to the jungle."

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The amber eyes turned to the surprising voice coming from the darkness, the girl stopping in her tracks. It was times like these she was glad she had bought the leather jacket with the hood, since without it the rain would have soaked her through to the bone in just a bikini top and shorts. Tsukiko didn't even seem to feel the harsh needles of icy water plunging into her bare legs, seeming almost casual as she scanned over the person who had so suddenly greeted her. "Thanks for the warm welcome. Nice to know there's still hospitality out here." Her voice was smooth, coming out in rolling syllables, the voice of someone who knew what she wanted to say and said it without question. "You are?"

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He enjoyed small jokes even if his face portrayed the opposite. "Rayazin, but if it's easier you can stick to Ray." He had never realized how dull and cold his voice was. Well, at least that's how his voice was so long as there wasn't danger or someone trying to provoke him. He held out his hand to her so they could shake once she spoke her name. Big droplets dribbled their way down his purely black hair and, annoyingly enough, soaked his headband- which was the only thing he really cared about out of the things he wore since it was a little sentimental.

"Tsukiko. Nice to meet you." The woman took his hand with a firm yet gentle handshake, returning her freezing and soaked hand back to her short pocket to keep her fingers from going numb. "I hate to ask you, but do you think you can show me to some kind of shelter before we continue our chat? I'm not exactly in the correct attire." She nodded down to her pale, smooth legs, looking like porcelain from the water stuck to them and making them reflect under the little light the sky gave.

Ray slightly shrugged before his cold voice struck out gently. "Basically just make the best of your surroundings since you shouldn't stick to the same place for too long. That's one of the most important things I've learned this past week." His icy eyes darted around to check for good spots to steer clear of rain. So far he'd been hiding in the evergreen but that only provided slight shelter from the elements. Ray started walking back over towards the evergreen and motioned Tsukiko to follow him. It was the closest place they could find any sort of shelter. He lept up and scaled a few of the branches so he was kind of hidden from both hungry eyes and the rain.

Issadora walked, holding Levi's hand. The Judge had granted her request to see her brother one more time. Their steps echoed in the metallic halls, along with the revving of the escort robot. Her mind dulled with each step, eyes peering from the corridor's window. The closer to the Gate they got the more her thoughts of 'possible plans' to escape slipped from her mind. They stood behind a security door. Issadora looked beyond the glass, seeing a girl who also had black hair. She couldn't tell what the girl looked like since her back was to her but she didn't look frightened. That's when Issadora could feel her own self shaking. And looked down at the small hand holding her's. I have to be strong for him. The whirling from the Gate closing could be felt, when Issadora looked up, the girl was gone. This was it. It was her turn. This was the end. The security door opened.

As she entered the halls end, the crowd seemed to die down just a bit. Some wondering if the child was to be released. The Robot, using it's automated voice,

"You have Ten minutes with the child."

Levi looked at Issadora, his tears silently pouring out. Issadora knelt down, hugging her brother.

"I don't want you to go." Levi whined, as a tinge of pain hit her heart.

"I know, I know.." She cooed, petting his hair. "Remember that time Mom and Dad took us to Camp Park, where we got to eat smores, and climb trees? I'm going camping, just like that." She smiled to his face. "See, I've even got a pan!" She opened the backpack to Levi. His tears still fell, so Issadora picked him up and began to sing to him like she did every night.

(music)"Dragon tales and the "water is wide". Pirate's sail and lost boys fly. Fish bite moonbeams every night. And I love you.

Godspeed, little man...

(music)"Sweet dreams, little man

Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings


Sweet dreams

The rocket racer's all tuckered out

Superman's in pajamas on the couch

Goodnight moon, will find the mouse

And I love you

Godspeed, little man

Sweet dreams, little man

Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings


Sweet dreams

God bless mommy and match box cars

God bless dad and thanks for the stars

God hears "Amen," wherever we are

And I love you

Godspeed, little man

Sweet dreams, little man

Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings




Sweet dreams"(music)

"I love you Levi. I'll be back soon." She smiled but her eyes failed her as the tears began dripping down her face. The Robot pulled Levi back, Levi squirming as much as he can.

"Issy! Don't leave! Issy did nothing wrong. Issy!!!" Levi repeatedly screamed out Issadora's name. She shook, forcing herself to not look at him. The Gate opened. The rain pouring down. She stood there, taking in the moment. Rain, something she loved, would forever haunt her with this memory.

"GET GOING OR WE WILL LET OUT THE DOGS." Issadora jumped at the speaker system. She pulled up her coat's zipper and grabbed out the pan, placing it over her head. Her steps were slow, and just when she was two feet from the Gate. It began to shut. Don't look, don't look. But she did look. Seeing the horrid, red face, and blue lips of her screaming brother.

"LEVI!" She shouted running back, but it was too late the door was closed too far to fit. She pounded on the Gate. "Dammit..." She mumbled.

Issadora would have stood at that gate in sorrow forever, but the crackling sound of thunder brought fear into her senses. Stepping hurridly, she found her way into the trees.

"Hello?" She called out, turning her head violently at every sound. "Heeelllo?" She called again, hesitant if speaking was even something she should be doing.

(The Girl at the Gate) @Cherrywitch

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Tsukiko followed with hesitance, but stopped hearing the gate close again. How many were they sending out tonight? It wasn't like it mattered much to her.

'Hello? Heeelllo?'

The dark haired woman sighed, turning her back once more and relaxing at the base of the tree, the rain halved in its downpour under the leaves. Tsukiko stared up at the shaking leaves, face neutral and in thought.

@Kayla @Yellow Swan
(Btw I lead Tsukiko to an evergreen tree so there aren't really entirely leaves)

Ray watched and wondered if he should try to make contact with the other new one. Back beyond the wall he grew up on books and fairy-tails. Something he had been taught through those stories was that being alone was almost always bad but being in a large group would likely be even worse. He sighed before whistling to gain the attention of the girl trying to find others. Besides, it wouldn't sit right with him if he did nothing to help her.

@Cherrywitch @Yellow Swan
Issadora watched her footing, remembering that traps was how you were suppose to find food while camping.

"I'm going to be fine, I'm going to be find." She spoke to herself, almost slipping on the wet vegetation.

A whistle beckoned to her.

"Oh thank goodness!" She began sprinting in it's direction.

The land changed to an evergreen. Issadora halted suddenly seeing the two humans. The girl from earlier and a guy.

Issadora hunched slightly over, breathing heavily, one hand on her side the other still holding the pan up.

"Was, the, whistle... you guys?" She asked breathy.


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Ray quickly jumped from the tree with a smooth roll to disperse his weight and along with that, any possible pain. He nodded and took in the details of this girl and how she behaved. She seemed like a decent girl who was probably feeling pretty down right about now. She seemed like a good person, so Ray was already starting to trust her well enough as he so far trusted the other girl. "Yeah, that was me."

@Cherrywitch @Yellow Swan
Issadora could tell quickly the guy had been out here for a while. Well, that he was at least not released today. Someone friendly! Issadora wiped her face trying to make herself look presentable but instead began wiping dirt in it's place.

"Hey, um, I'm Issadora, you can call me Issa or whatever you want." She looked at the girl sitting against the tree. Wow, she's so cool looking.

"Umm, I can cook..." She added trying to make herself seem like she was useful. Something she remembered from the Lord of The Flies book that she didn't pay much attention to.

@KayIa @Cherrywitch
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The seventeen year old nodded before sticking his hand out and stating his name in his usual yet suprisingly dull and cold voice. "Rayazin, or just Ray. Nice to meet you Issy." He didn't entirely see the need for her to state that she could cook unless she thought he viewed her as useless, which he didn't. He knew he just needed to figure out how to catch any animals to be able to put the skill to use. So far he's lived off of a few bushes of harmless berries he'd come across along with some plants that seemed okay to eat. Ray's guessing game with food had been flawless thus far. He felt his body start to finally catch up to the wet clothes soaking through as he shivered a bit.

@Yellow Swan
As "Issy" left Ray's mouth. Issadora flinched, Levi, was all she thought. She wiped her hand on her pants before shaking his, and smiling.

Smiling was her best tactic right now. She wont survive if all she did was cry. Which of course thinking that made her cry.

"Sorry." She hiccuped, turning around to stop her tears.

Turning back around, she could see Ray shiver. "Do you want my coat? It's warm." She couldn't help worrying, and besides she's only been out here for 15 minutes tops. The pan was delaying her head from feeling the cold.

Today was a messed up day, and she hope she wouldn't die on such a horrid day.

@Cherrywitch @KayIa
"Eh, don't worry about me although thanks for the offer." He started taking off various items of clothing off of himself until he was sitting with only his black jeans on as he wrung out his clothes quickly but thoroughly. His icy eyes looked up at Issy wondering why she flinched and started crying and hiccuping but he knew it wasn't his place to ask what was wrong. Even so, his voice made it's way through the air calmly as he continued wringing out his clothes. "And by the way, it's okay to cry. It's unhealthy not to, I don't don't since I've cried myself dry." What he said was true. Back beyond the wall he had had a younger sister that he loved much but who had gotten terribly ill and passed away a few years ago. His shoulders and face carry the weight of the tears he had shed so many times before.

@Yellow Swan
Leah stumbled blindly into a metal outcropping, which was most likely from some lost ship abandoned in The Outside. She blinked multiple times, regaining her vision. It wasn't big, and the ship didn't go all that deep. Leah decided this place would only be temporary. She pulled her sopping wet hair into a tight bun, and sat down, ready to wait out the storm.

'Well, well, well, look what we have here...'

Nate turned to see some big men standing at his doorway, he recognised them immediately. They're the men he essentially scammed, looks like they caught onto the act.

'You really took us for a ride. Pretty hilarious, we didn't even see it until you were long gone. But guess what? We know where you live.'

The slowly shut the door, a big grin on their faces. The big guy in the front pulled out a knife.

'Heh, you guys sure are hilarious. We can work this out, though.'

Nate said worriedly, his demeanor shaking and his insides squirming.

'No way, kid, it's way too late for that.'

They lunged at him.

Nate sat up quickly, caught in a cold sweat. He was shivering all over. He fell asleep under the tree, in the middle of a storm.

Smooth move, jackass.

He thought to himself. He promised himself he'd only make smart choices, so far, it's not working out. His clothes were soaked and muddy, he supposed he could pass it off by saying dried mud would make a good insulator. He tried to be optimistic, but each thought just lead down the path to pessimism.

"One day down... 1824 to go. Slowly but surely making progress..."

He said to himself, trying his best to cheer himself up. In reality, he was doing the exact opposite. His stomach howled in hunger, and his mouth was like sandpaper. He can't die from hunger, exposure, or thirst. Those were his only rules. He has to survive, if he's going to die, it's going to be in a situation where he didn't have a choice. Then again, in The Outside, nobody has any choices...


Alicia peered around herself, trudging through the mud that the storm had created for her. Other than a few cuts and minor abrasions, she appeared to be in good physical health. She pursed her lips and looked for a place to find shelter. She had been lucky enough to find a large tree to defend herself against the rain, but she was too close to the entrance to be safe. Others would arrive soon enough; she didn't want to wait and see if they were friendly.

As she scouted for a location, she spotted a boy, roughly her age, quivering under a tree nearby. He appears safe enough. And if he turns out to be a bad person, he doesn't look like he's in any condition to take me down. So the young woman approached him, a hand resting on her bow.

"Who are you?" she asked, trying her best to keep her voice from shaking.

Nate jumped at the sound of a voice, something he hadn't much of (except for his own) in a great while. Her turned to see a girl, probably around his age, standing before him, a hand resting on her bow.

"I'm Nate... who are you?"

His hand was timid and shaking from the cold, but it was ready to jerk for his hilt if things go sour. However, she has a range advantage, but it will take her a second to knock the arrow and draw the bow to fire it. In the time she could do that, he could close the gap. He wasn't sure if she knew that, but if this exchange of names turns into a fight, he might have the advantage. She clearly seemed alone, otherwise she wouldn't be so close to him.

"If you're from back before I was thrown out here, you might have heard my name before... Austen? Nate Austen?"


"...Nate Austen..." Alicia tested the name on her lips, wondering where she had heard it before. Not a single memory surfaced in her mind. "Sounds familiar, but I'm not exactly sure. These past few days have been a blur for me." Her voice grew so soft as to disappear, her grip on her bow tightening. She heaved a sigh and released her hold on the weapon; it wouldn't be good to appear hostile. "Anyway, I'm Alicia Trancy." She prayed to whomever might hear her that the young man wasn't aware of what she had done to be banished. She doubted anyone would want to stick around with a girl who had stabbed her ex in the back.

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