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Fantasy a love/hate relationship

The disappointment in Alex’s features once he realized Nikolai wouldn’t be returning the confession hurt more than he’d expected it to. He’d found himself battling between whether stay quiet or to believe the warlock and apologize for not being able to say what he wanted to hear. Could he really love Nikolai? Perhaps so. But…did Nikolai also love him…? His brows had furrowed as they’d made their walk to Marie and almost remained that way once they got there. As of turned out, he ended up not saying anything after all, his mind too plagued by his own thoughts to make room for actual conversation.

Even as they stepped inside the all too familiar shop, part of Nikolai still hung on Alexander’s confession. Until he spoke again, pulling his features into a mixture of disbelief and confusion. “What are you saying, Alex?” The woman, gentle as ever, removed herself from behind the counter. Her surroundings looked a bit different that day. She seemed to have sold some of the items she’d had there for a while, as there were now empty spaces where they used to be. Nikolai watched her approach them both, her kind gaze regarding him first before moving to Alexander.

“I had my suspicions when Niko first walked into this shop.” She turned to him, her hands folded over one another. “I knew you were different, and I hoped…my suspicions would be true.” Try as he may, Nikolai couldn’t follow her train of thought. She’d said those very words to him before, that night after she’d found out he was a siren prince. But now, even if it was the exact same phrase, there was a brand new meaning behind it. Something Nikolai couldn’t quite figure out yet.

Cautiously, she reached out her hands and took both of theirs, bringing the rings closer together. They seemed to almost pull towards one another like a magnet, their faint glow just barely brightening. “I have had these rings for some time now, waiting for the day the prophecy finally came to life.” She confessed, looking at their hands.

“Prophecy…?” Nikolai’s confusion only grew. He knew nothing of a prophecy…or perhaps he did at one point, but was now regarded as no more than a myth. Warlocks seemed to believe a lot more in those sorts of things, but sirens only believed what they could see and feel. “What prophecy, Marie?”

She seemed to think hard about answering the question, but took one look at Nikolai and decided against it. Instead, she turned to Alexander. “You are correct, dear.” She let their hands go then, but Nikolai’s continued to hover in mid air as he listened in an almost trance-like state. Somehow, Alexander didn’t seem as confused as he felt himself. Was there something he was missing? “They do indeed only work for those with warlock blood. But not just anyone…in fact, these…” she gestured to the rings and they shifted through the colors to match the princes’ whirlwind of emotions. “They were made specifically for you two.”

The longer Nikolai tried to piece together what the woman was saying, the less he understood. In theory, he knew what she was implying, but that was such a ridiculous thought. There had to be something he didn’t understand. “What exactly do you mean, Marie?” His dark brows furrowed as he stepped towards her, desperately grasping for a clear answer. “I’m a siren…I have been one my entire life. I don’t understand-“ his heart began to pound against his chest as he spoke. This is exactly what he’d been afraid of. That his entire life, he’d been living a lie.

As ever, Marie remained calm, gently taking Nikolai’s hands in hers. “Yes, my boy. You are correct. You are certainly a child of the sea.” She reached up, tenderly tucking a strand of blonde behind his ear. “But you are also a child of the land.” Her gaze flickered between him and Alexander as she continued. “The moment I gave you those rings, I was able to confirm it.”

“What…I don’t-“ he pulled his hands away, perhaps a bit more briskly than he meant to, and wrapped his arms protectively across his chest. “But both of my parents are…” his gaze had slowly sunk to the ground as his words trailed off. He felt lightheaded, the color in his features draining as he started piecing together what he knew. The reason he looked different from his sisters, why it always felt like he didn’t fit into the family mold, why Rowan treated him as a pest rather than his own child. “My parents…are…are they even…?” He felt himself stumble backwards, accidentally bumping against Alex.

The dizzying amount of information was overwhelming. His heart and chest felt tight, the room starting to feel off balance. All the words he wanted to say were caught in his throat as every possible scenario played out in his head. After decades of living with them, were the Thÿella’s not even his real family?
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Alexander’s eyes were focused solely on Marie as the two of them stepped into the shop. He normally would’ve allowed for his eyes to wander, to take in all of the knick-knacks that were littering the shelves. Her question was not one to surprise him. He was just awaiting the confirmation that he so desperately needed. He didn’t want for his mind to think that he wrong, that this was just another addition to the visions that he was having. Part of him wished to believe that he had descended into the insanity that had been surrounding him.

But the words left Marie’s lips and everything he had been thinking had been confirmed. He wanted to respond, but he couldn’t form the words. He turned his head to look over at Nikolai. His expression softened slightly as he noticed the confusion that was beginning to show on his face. He wanted to give his hand a reassuring squeeze, though his attention had been pulled away by the gentle grip Marie had on it.

Dread filled him the moment the words regarding the prophecy left her lips. His jaw clenched slightly and he forced himself to look away. “The prophecy is a death wish Marie. My mother used to tell me it to scare me into behaving when I was young.” His voice was a bit strained. There were bright parts to it. The union of two was meant to bring peace to the land and the seas. He always assumed that meant his marriage to Nikolai. It was a means to end the war that had been going on for as long as he could possibly remember.

But then there were the terrible parts. A journey to the house of the gods was required to break a curse that couldn’t be spoken. There was more that he couldn’t recall at the current moment in time. His mind was racing through everything that was currently happening. With the new knowledge that he had, everything was truly just falling into place. He felt like he wanted to scream, cry, maybe even throw something. This was all dependent on them. The fate of their people laid on the two of them. It was an insane thought, one he never wished to have.

A sigh left him then. He couldn’t imagine how Nikolai would take the news now that it was being broken to him. His suspicions hadn’t fully formed until that afternoon. It made sense along with everything that had been happening into. “They were made for us…” He echoed, shaking his head slightly. His fingers curled into his palms. He was sure that his ring was flashing through the colors like it normally did whenever he felt confused or lost.

His mind seemed to go into a fog as he heard the conversation continuing between the two. His feet shuffled slightly, only to feel Nikolai stumble back into him. He immediately brought both of his hands up to help steady him. His own concern was evident on his expression. He reached down to grab his hand once more, giving it a firm squeeze. “I am so sorry Niko. I truly didn’t think it was possible until you moved the plant earlier.” His voice was gentle, doing his absolute best to soothe him. He shifted to be able to face him fully then.

“It aligns with the prophecy. Everything that has been happening is exactly what I was told as a child. It is what everyone was told. I just didn’t think it would come true. Out of everything, I didn’t truly believe in that.” He confessed. He was sure that this wasn’t doing anything to help calm Nikolai down in the way that he needed to. He let go on his hand in order to wrap an arm around him instead. He pulled him close before looking back to Marie. “Is Rowan not—?” He broke off, not wanting to say more on the matter.
“I’m not certain…” Marie commented, looking to Alexander in order to answer his question. “But, based on what I know… I believed the king is not Nikolai’s birth father.”

Every muscle in Nikolai’s body felt tense. This couldn’t be happening…not to him. His body trembled with the weight of all the information that was coming towards him. Even as Alexander took hold of his hand, he felt like he could fall apart at any moment. It should have been good knees. To know he was likely not related to the man he hated most. To know there was a real reason why he was treated like an outcast by his supposed father. But all he could think about was the betrayal.

“They lied…all of them, they lied to me…” his words were quiet, breathless. Marina, Delphine, his mother…if she was even his real mother… they have to have known all along and chose to keep it a secret. It’s something he’d expect from Seraphina and Marina…but Delphine. The one person he trusted most?

The tears lingered on the edge of his lash line, threatening to spill any second. He could barely focus on what Alexander was saying, but what bits he did tune in did little to calm his racing heart. “No…no, no…This can’t-“ All the talk of this prophecy. What did this mean for him? For his people? What was he supposed to do now? How could he be the sirens’ future leader if he wasn’t even a full blooded siren? How could he be part of a peace prophecy when all he'd brought was chaos and destruction to everyone around him? How was he supposed to be of any help? Without realizing, the tears had begun to quietly fall down his cheeks, one hand clamping over his own mouth. Had it not been for Alexander’s arm around him, he would’ve fallen to the ground.

“Oh, sweet child…” somehow, Marie’s soft words only amplified his need to cry. He swallowed a quiet sob, not even bothering to push down his emotions. It would be useless now. “It will be alright…”

“No…no it won’t, Marie-“ his words were strained, working through the waterfall of tears that covered his features and shortened sobs. “Don’t you realize I’m a danger to everyone around me?” The woman’s eyes seemed to swell at his words as she let out a quiet sigh.

“You’re not…” she attempted to calm him, but his emotions mixed with adrenaline were already too high. “The gods chose you…”

“Well they chose wrong!” He hadn’t meant to raise his voice, and immediately felt guilty for it. But the weight of the burden felt like it was crushing him slowly. He couldn’t breathe. He had to get out. “Sorry, I’m sorry- I just-“ he cut off his own sentence, slipping out of Alexander’s hood and immediately headed out of the shop without another word.

Marie watched in silence, letting out a quiet breath as she turned away from Alexander for a moment. She turned back with a book in her hands, holding it out for him to take. “After he calms down, you two should read through this together.” She moved to the counter, taking a piece of paper and a feather pen. After quickly scribbling down a few details, she set it on top of the book. “Com find me here after your wedding.” She gave Alex’s shoulder a gentle squeeze before gesturing towards the exit with her head. “Now go on. He needs you.”
Alexander’s expression became unreadable for a few moments, his mind working on processing everything that was coming forth in that moment. It was almost too much for him to believe himself. He couldn’t imagine the anguish the other male was experiencing. His entire world was being turned upside down and everything that he knew was being rewritten. His eyes shifted to focus solely on Nikolai as the words left Marie’s lips. The siren seemed like he was about to collapse on the ground if he wasn’t the one holding him up at the current moment in time.

“Nikolai.” The name passed through his lips in a whisper. “Nikolai, I am so sorry.” He was aware the apology wouldn’t mean much to him. There was nothing that he could say to make things right. He didn’t even know how to properly address him in this moment. While he felt the upmost sympathy for what was occurring, he was far too aware of the prophecy now looming over their heads. It was something that they couldn’t ignore. Doing so would only ignite the anger of the gods. They would have to make that journey to Œrnak and break the curse. He hadn’t a clue just how they would do such a thing. That alone terrified him.

The mention of Nikolai ruining everything in his life caused a pain to fill his chest unlike anything he had experienced before. He loosened his grip on the siren prince, allowing for him to pull away and run off. His feet shifted in order to follow after him, an instinct he was unable to stop. He would’ve gone immediately if it hadn’t been for Marie speaking to him. His eyebrows furrowed slightly while he forced himself to turn and face her once more. He bowed his head in silent appreciation for all she had been doing for them.

“Thank you Marie. I truly appreciate all you have done for us.” His voice held little emotion, even though he fully meant his words. He reached out and carefully took the book from her. He made sure his fingers held onto the paper that was sitting upon it while he turned and finally made his way from the shop. His steps were quick in order to find where Nikolai had gone. He trusted his instincts, knowing in that moment that it was the wisest thing to do. The two were bonded by the gods. He decided he needed to do finally fully trust the path laid out for them.

His expression softened with sympathy when the ring finally led him to the other male. The tug that had been leading him along like it had earlier at the cave finally subsided once he got to his side. “Niko, I know that there are no words that I can say to you that will make this alright. I truly cannot imagine just how hard this is for you. I am still here for you, if you wish to speak to me about it.” He reached his free hand out to gently grasp his shoulder. “You aren’t alone in this. While the prophecy is absolutely terrifying, it can be fulfilled. I believe in us. The gods chose us for a reason.” He doubted the words would be any reassurance to him, but he had to say them.
Losing track of how long he’s walked was easy. There was no direction, no purpose. He just needed to escape. Escape from the sound of the world he knew crumbling around him. His black boots struck the dirt path harder and harder each time, kicking up puffs of dust. There was a sharp pain in his chest, a pounding in his head that was entirely different from his usual headaches. Marie’s words replayed time and time again in his head like a broken record.

A son of the land and the sea…

None of it made sense. Living as a siren had come as naturally to Nikolai as breathing. How was he supposed to lead his people now? Were they even his anymore. Not a siren, but not a warlock. So what the hell was he supposed to be? A monster?

His feet slowly came to a stop, breaths coming out in rushed huffs as one tear fell to the ground. Followed by another. The burning behind his eyes only grew stronger by the second. Where even was he. Identifying his surroundings through tear clouded vision was difficult, but he was able to make out a few familiar trees and flowers. Clochés e’oure shone against the peaking rays of sunlight that managed to get through the thick foliage. Of course he’d ended up at the forest.

The tears didn’t stop, but they led up long enough for him to spot a stump to sit on, bringing his face in his palms. What was he supposed to do now? Where did he even belong? He wasn’t sure how long he’d sat there feeling lost, hopeless, until the ruffling of leaves and the sound of footsteps pulled him back to the present. He stared, eyes squinted in an attempt to see through the gaze of salty tears. After a few seconds, Alexander’s face came into view.

Nikolai rose to his feet, the traces of his outburst of emotions still trailing down his cheeks as the prince for closer. He felt the warmth of the other’s hands. Part of him wanted to pull away, escape again, lock himself up for days on end and not see a single soul. The other wanted to permanently stay within Alex’s arms, crying until there were no tears left in his body. His words only brought out more tears, and for a moment, he believed he truly could talk to him about it.

But the mention of the gods and the prophecy brought a bitter taste to his mouth. “The gods…?” His voice trembled in the slightest as his pulled his hands away, balking them up into fist. “The gods?!” His tone lifted above the hum of the forest around them, fresh tears leaving their mark. “The gods can’t help me, Alex!” He hadn’t meant to raise his voice, every muscle in his body tensed, but he couldn’t get himself to stop. “I’ve brought nothing but death and misfortune to everyone around me! My people, my supposed family, you!” His palm hit against Alex’s chest with enough force to make a sound, but not enough to hurt. “You suffered for days because of me, you could’ve fallen sick- or worse! I’m not good enough for the gods- for you-! I’m just…just-“ his words faded, followed by a quiet sob as he lowered his head, afraid to say out loud what he was thinking.

Droplets fell down his face and to the ground one by one as his fingers curled around Alex’s shirt. As much as he felt he needed to run away, he didn’t want to be alone. As much as he believed his own words, he was selfish. Pulling himself away from the prince now was nearly impossible. His legs gave in first, closing the distance between them as he hurried his face into Alex’s shoulder, his subs muffled by the fabric of the clothing, both hands gripping into his shirt as if his very life depended on it.
Alexander’s expression softened as he saw the appearance of the other male. He couldn’t say that he had seen Nikolai so distressed and defeated before. It caused a pain in his chest that he couldn’t connect to anything else. He refused to slow any pity to show though. He knew that it would only make the situation worse for the both of them. Nikolai didn’t deserve that, nor did he deserve any of what he was experiencing. The siren prince had been through enough during his childhood. He had witnessed it firsthand with his visions. This was just too much for the other male.

His eyes scanned his face, not immediately realizing what he had said would be enough to cause the other male to react in the way he had. There were times where he forgot that the sirens held different beliefs than his own people. His own mind was still reeling from the fact that the prophecy was real, that it was made about that. He couldn’t fully understand the repercussions that would follow the events that were going to occur. He hadn’t a clue as to what the timeline on this all would be. They couldn’t avoid it forever. He knew it would only make things worse if they did.

“Nikolai, that was not your fault. You know that as well as I do now. None of this was your fault.” He began to explain, not knowing how his words would be taken. He needed to be careful with what he said then. “You were cursed when you were nothing more than a newborn babe. You had no control over what was going to happen to you.” He reminded. His tone was a bit firmer. He wanted for the other male to believe him. While he couldn’t ensure it, he would do his absolute best.

“You weren’t the ones that sent me the visions. There is no reason for you to take blame for that either. If you want to blame someone, to be angry with someone, let it be with the warlock that cursed you. Let it be with the gods that made this proper by for us to solve. I don’t want to hear you blaming yourself for things that are far out of your control.” He blinked as the palm hit his chest. He didn’t want to allow his surprise to show, though he hadn’t expected the strike. Some shock crossed his expression for a moment, but it quickly faded and he focused back on Nikolai.

His arms didn’t hesitate in wrapping around the other male once he moved closer to him. He held him tightly, one hand coming up to hold the back of his head. He buried his face in Nikolai’s neck, pressing a gentle kiss there on the soft skin. He lifted his head after only a few moments, though he kept the grip on the siren prince. “I am so sorry that this all is happening. You have no clue just how terrible I feel right now. But this will be something we can overcome together. I know it.” He whispered.

His fingers curled into the blonde locks on Nikolai’s head. He hoped that his touches were too much for the sobbing male at the current moment in time. “We do not need to discuss everything now though. We have time. You can take as much time as you need. I will always be here for you, no matter what. I truly do love you Nikolai.”
Nikolai felt his entire body trembling, and even in the warmth of Alex’s embrace, he couldn’t get himself to calm down. The feeling of impending doom and destruction stuck with him now, more than ever. The trees and water around them seemed to tremble with him, the wind mingling with his clothes and hair. Alex’s words seemed to blend in with it, and for a while, Nikolai couldn't bring himself to respond.

All he could do was cry. Cry for all the years he’d been lied to. All the people he thought he knew. All the things he could have done…if he only knew. He could have lived a different life, far way from it all. The sirens don’t need a king that can’t protect them. And yet…the idea of leaving hurt most of all. WHere would he go if not to the ocean? Where could he spend his nights, if not at the market? Who was he supposed to cry to…if not to Alex?

“I truly do love you, Nikolai.”

Out of everything the prince had said, nothing stood out as much as those words. It was the second time he’d heard them that day, and perhaps the cynical part of him still refused to fully believe it. But, after all that was said and done, what would someone like the warlock prince gain from lying? What could he possibly gain from keeping Nikolai around if not destruction. Try as he might, he couldn’t find a real reason to push Alexander away. And, if he was being honest, he didn’t want to.

His sobs eventually quoted into sniffles. The tightness in his chest still present, but not as strong. He pulled away enough to while off the remaining tears with one sleeve.

“And you say you’re the mess…” he attempted to joke, voice raspy and weak, but still holding on. He eyes Alex’s shirt where his hands had been clenched, taking note of the obvious wrinkles left behind. “I’ll get you a new shirt..”

Hesitantly, his head lifted, the blue in his eyes looking brighter than ever. He reached up, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. Even if he couldn’t bring himself to say the words Alexander wanted to hear just yet, he could allow his actions to speak for him.

“Thank you, eu’steilla.” The idea of going back to the palace now sounded terrifying and exhausting. Perhaps they could stay here. Just a bit longer. “I can’t go back there… and face them…not yet.”
Alexander hadn’t expected for his feeling to be reciprocated as he knew the other male had quite a bit happening in his mind. He had also sprung it upon him without truly meaning to. He didn’t know if Nikolai felt anything close to what he did himself, though he hoped that he might in time. Everything that he felt for the siren prince had only gotten stronger in his absence. He hadn’t been able to function without him, partly due to his visions and partly due to his absence. The thought of losing him forever was enough to send a chill down his spine, causing for him to visibly shiver.

He vowed mentally in that moment to allow nothing to happen to Nikolai, no matter what the cost would be. He would do everything in his power to protect and help him in every way possible. The two of them had been bounded by fate whether they originally liked it or not. For the first time in his life, he felt as though he had a purpose. He knew that he wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for Nikolai.

His eyes softened as he gazed down at the male sobbing into his shirt. His fingers delicately traced small patterns on his back, doing his best to soothe him in that moment. Nothing he could attempt to say would ease the anguish he was experiencing. It was the reason he allowed for himself to fall quiet in that moment. He didn’t want to push him any further. He would stand here as long as he needed to, as long as Nikolai wanted him to, in order to help.

His grip loosened when he felt the other male shifting, allowing for him to pull back. He studied his expression for a moment, his concern finally fully showing. He had done his best to hide it as he believed it would only cause Nikolai more pain. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, though it didn’t meet his eyes. “Don’t worry about it.” He assured. His eyes shifted to focus on the wrinkles on the shirt. He raised his hand to touch where they were. Soon enough his shirt had returned to being smooth, as if nothing had ever happened.

“I am still far more of a mess than you are. I think my clumsiness tops everything in that matter.” He pointed out in a joking tone, trying to lighten the mood in the only way he knew how. His lips had parted as he was about to speak again, only to be cut off by Nikolai’s lips pressing against his own. He gratefully returned it, his shoulders visibly relaxing while doing so. He pulled back in order to gaze at the other male once again. “Why don’t we go back to the cave? It is quiet there and you can swim some more. I know that usually seems to calm you.” He suggested. He offered his hand for Nikolai to take then.
The couple of days between their time spent by the moon pool and their wedding were far from calm. Putting outside the hectic schedules that came with such an event, all the time Seraphina had Nikolai try on his wedding attire to ensure nothing was out of placer, the piles of official documents that they had to read over and approve, Nikolai’s state of mind was unstable to say the least.

Getting married in just a couple of days should have been his main concern, but each time he looked at Rowan’s face from across a room, something hot and vengeful burned deep. Though he hid it well, Delphine was quick to notice the shift. She also didn’t miss the few times Nikolai’s emotions got the better of him, leading him to unintentionally throw or break things. It seemed the closer they got to their vows, the less in control Nikolai was of whatever power lurked within him.

The day was finally here. He and Alexander hadn’t seen each other since the night before, and they wouldn’t see each other again until the ceremony. Nikolai found himself missing the prince’s present. Despite everything that had happened, having Alex beside him seemed to be the only thing that had kept him grounded.

He stared at himself in the full length mirror of the guest room he’d been occupying this visit. The jewels adorning his crisp, white suit glistened against the lights of the chandeliers hanging high above him. The past days’ events loomed over him, bringing fear for what was to come in the future. Now that Seraphina had left the room, he allowed his shoulders to drop, turning to face Delphine as she held out a silk necklace, lined with their finest pearls to compliment his crown. Marina watched from her sitting place on the lavish couch. It was always hard to tell what she was thinking.

“Are you okay?” Though a simple question, Nikolai found himself staring at Delphine, wondering how he should answer that. For a few moments, he didn’t. Unsure of where his answer would lead the conversation. What finally came out of his mouth was not what he’d planned on saying, but by the time he realized it was too late.

“Did you know?” Delphine’s brows furrowed, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see Marina shift in her seat.

“Know…what?” Her hands lingered by the clasp of the necklace for a moment before closing it and taking a small step backwards.

“That Rowan isn’t my birth father. Did you know?” In truth, the idea of Delphine keeping something so important from him hurt more than the truth itself. However, the shock that flashed across both hers and Marina’s faces spoke louder than any verbal answers they could have given.

“What…?” Delphine answered. Marina slowly rose to her feet, and suddenly, Nikolai regretted having said anything at all. “Niko…what are you talking about?” In that moment, he realized one of the things he’d been torn up about the most wasn’t even true. Neither of them had a clue. His lips pressed into a thing line, gaze lowering to the ground.

“So you didn’t know after all…” He lifted his head again to find the shocked expressions still in place. Out of all things, he surely hadn’t expected Marina to react so openly. “Never mind.”


“It’s fine, Delphine.” He knew getting into it now would only complicate the rest of the day for him. For once, he just wanted to be at peace, even if just for a few hours. “We can talk about it later.”

As if on queue, Seraphina’s head peaked through the door, giving her children a quick look over before reminding them the ceremony was only minutes away. Neither one of them said a single word about the subject anymore. Delphine placed the white hood carefully over Nikolai’s head and they walked with him in silence towards ceremony space.
Nikolai’s presence back in the castle was a welcome relief from the anguish that Alexander had been experiencing in his absence. Despite the hectic nature in which they were able to see each other before the wedding, he was truly grateful to be around the siren prince again. He knew that the news of his birth had been weighing heavily on his mind since the news had been broken. He had done his absolute best to give him all the reassurances he possibly could. He offered gentle squeezes to his hands as well as quick pecks to his cheek, glancing over towards him whenever he got the chance to ensure that he was alright. He had even been able to sneak away and visit him in his room a few nights in order to check on him. Those moments only caused for him to realize his affections for Nikolai even more.

He hadn’t minded the fact that the other male didn’t return the words he had spoken to him on a few occasions by that point. He understood completely that it would most likely take time before Nikolai felt that way towards him. Even if the two were nearly inseparable by that point, he would bid his time and wait for whenever he was ready. He had no intentions of ever crossing boundaries that Nikolai wasn’t ready for him to. It was the least possible thing that he could do, especially now.

Yet he found himself longing for the presence of his soon-to-be-husband while his eyes studied the suit that Eloise and Edmund had tailored for him. His mother had been insistent that he wore this particular suit, especially since it was designed similar to what his father had worn during their wedding. He shifted uncomfortably under his own gaze in the mirror, the material already heavy and scratching against his skin. He reached a hand up to adjust the placement of the jacket on his torso, smoothing it out once he was pleased with where it sat. The crown on his head was filled with emeralds reaching high towards the heavens. The weight would’ve normally bothered him more, but his attention had been solely on the suit.

He had been so entranced with his own reflection that he hadn’t realized both of his parents had stepped into the tool behind him. It was only when he saw the movement in the mirror behind him that he turned his head to look towards them. His father’s expression didn’t give much away, though Eloise did have tears brimming in her eyes as she looked to her son. He could tell that they were of happiness and pride. He almost thought he saw a similar glint in Edmund’s eyes, but he couldn’t tell for sure. The king never gave much emotion away no matter the circumstance.

His mother held both of her arms out towards him and he turned fully to step towards her. She carefully gripped his arms as she gaze up at him. “You look incredible, my dear.” She confessed in a breathless tone. Alexander could feel a smile tugging the corner of his lips up as he looked to her. He bowed his head slightly, refusing to let his cheeks beat and the compliment. “Are you ready, my son?” He hadn’t expected the deep voice of his father to speak next. He turned to look to the king and nodded. “I am.” He spoke quietly.

For the first time in his life, he truly was ready. He knew that this is exactly what he had been yearning for all these years. His doubts were nonexistent in that moment, and they didn’t appear while he walked down the long hallway towards the open-aired cathedral that the ceremony was to be in.

It had been decorated to fit the ceremony that was to take place, though the sacred space still held much of what made it so. The statues of the warlock gods and goddesses stood tall surrounding the interior, the circle of them meant to protect whoever came to pray. In the center of the cathedral, the largest tree that stood in the warlock lands reached high towards the opening in the ceiling. The leaves were unlike any other plant native to the area. They shimmered gold against the light bark with hints of autumn colors scattered within. This space normally was reserved for the highest of lords and ladies as well as the priests with no outsiders meant to see. Royal weddings were one of the rare occasions others were allowed in.

His steps brought him across the small bridge that led to the base of the tree, the running water from the river surrounding it. The sound was soothing against the murmuring of the crowds that had gathered. He stood not far from where the priest that was to wed them stood, his gaze turning to look towards where Nikolai would walk in from. His parents had taken their place for the ceremony. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest. It wasn’t from nerves, but rather from excitement.
The closer he got to the cathedral entrance, the tighter his nerves got. Somehow, it felt like he was doing the right thing and making a big mistake all at the same time. The feeling of dizziness didn’t help either. Nikolai was barely aware of Delphine’s hand holding onto his arm as they walked. He only realized they’d made it to his entrance once his sister stopped him. Seraphina and Marina also came to a halt. Their mother stood in front of him. The sight of her made Nicole’s stomach twist in knots. He could see the uneasy stares of his sisters out of the corner of his eyes.

“You look absolutely ethereal, Niko…” her words were quiet, delicate, almost sincere. But Nikolai found it hard to believe anything that came out of his mother’s mouth now. He merely responded with a hum as she gently squeezed his hand before heading off towards the general entrance to take her place by her husband, he assumed. Marina lingered, seemingly conflicted on whether she wanted to say something or remain silent. It was the first time in a long time that Nikolai had seen this much emotion from her in such a short span of time. Finally, after a few moments of the silent battle, she took a step closer.

“Let’s talk later…” her hand reached up to straighten the crown before falling to her side once again. The gestures were small, but entirely out of character. Nikolai nodded, knowing that whatever she wanted to talk about likely had to do with the sudden shift in her attitude. She too left, going inside to take her place, leaving Delphine behind.

“You really do look…so-“ the tears that lined her eyes were somewhat surprising. As much as Nikolai knew Delphine loved and cared for him, he’d never seen her this emotional over anything. It almost left him speechless.

“What is happening? Are you crying?” The question was meant more as a teasing statement complete with his usual playful smirk, which Delphine immediately understood.

“Shut up-“ she lightly smacked his arm, but quickly straightened up the cape again, giving him one more look over before reaching up and placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. “See you inside.”

It was only after she was gone and Nikolai was left alone again that he realized his nerves were beginning to ramp up again. A couple of deep breaths did little to ease his pounding heart, and the sound of the doors opening for him had him holding his breath. The sound of the river immediately reached his ears, the natural light washing over him as his steps took him inside. For a moment, he could only stare at the ground, not yet ready to see the crowd staring back at him. Much to his surprise, once he looked up there was no crowd…no royal families, no diplomats or priest. There was only Alexander.

Their gazes met and suddenly every ounce of uncertainty, fear, nerves, all drowned in the deep ocean eyes that stared back at him. How he’d gotten there, Nikolai wasn’t sure, but before he knew it he was standing in front of the warlock prince. For the first time that day, he felt safe
Alexander’s senses were overwhelmed with the sounds coming from within the cathedral. He could understand why it was such a sacred space, one that he had only visited a few times before. The rushing of the river surrounding the tree was enough to help soothe the excitement within his chest. He could hear the chirping of birds within the large tree near them, a slight breeze ruffling the leaves above. He swore that some of the leaves were larger than himself. He cast a glance above him and said one quick prayer to the gods. It wasn’t until he felt a sudden tug in his chest that he brought his gaze forward again.

His eyes landed upon Nikolai and he could’ve sworn his heart leapt from his chest. The siren prince truly looked stunning, each part of his outfit specifically tailored for him. It was unlike anything that he had seen before. He supposed it was the fashion of the sirens, but he loved it. His heart swelled as the other male walked closer to him. The entire ceremony was much more intimate than he had anticipated, but he assumed that he could thank his father for that. The news of their engagement had spread through the warlock lands rather quickly. It was well received by most, but some still hadn’t accepted them. It would be best to keep things in this small vicinity for the time being.

A warm smile spread on his lips as Nikolai stopped in front of him. His entire expression had softened with the affection he felt for the other male. Despite the hood covering part of his face, he could still see the sharp features that he had grown to love. He managed to move his gaze away long enough to look to the priest to their right. The nod from the man was all he needed to carefully reach both of his hands up to remove the hood from Nikolai’s head. He could feel the pace in which his heart was beating in his chest and he could’ve sworn the two’s hearts were beating in sync.

He carefully took Nikolai’s hands in his own. Slowly silk-soft vines encompassed their hands, binding them together in that moment. Small flowers bloomed on the vines, something that didn’t normally happened during ceremonies such as this. It was a warlock custom for the two being wed to keep their hands bound for the ceremony as it signaled the combining of the two souls. He opened his lips and spoke the words his ancestors had many times before him.

“Yîu vegûo ta aqiûl prènye, nuî moîon tvè quètryu. Loi vuî bœrn væî un thuî muone, arÿe thuî dæwy ov yîu ûm vuîs.” The words slipped from him smoothly, his accent melding together in them. It was normally custom to say them just in the warlock language, but he wanted to make sure that Nikolai knew just what he was saying. Even with the rehearsals, he wanted this moment to be perfect. “I promise to always protect you, no matter the circumstance. As we bind ourselves together in this moment, from this day on I am yours.” He repeated, the emotions clinging to his every word. It was obvious that he meant them.
Exclusive weddings weren’t anything new to Nikolai. The royal siren family was often invited to them, and though they declined many, they had also attended their fair share. Sitting in the crowd, Nikolai always thought it was all so overdramatized. The declarations, the crowds, the vows, even the tears the couple getting married often shed. Even as a special day, he never understood the emotions that painted themselves in the couples faces.

Today…today it all made sense.

Alexander’s eyes pierced through even his thick skin. His easy smile struck like an explosion of stars, burning bright and beautiful. Heartbeat paused along with his breath as the white hood was removed. Nothing mattered in that moment, except Alex’s gentle grasp of his hands. The vines no longer phased him, nor did the sprouting flowers. The wind gently circled around them, almost as if it was forming an invisible bubble for just the two. The words that were repeated for Nikolai to understand dug much deeper than they should have.

It was a traditional vow. Nikolai knew that, and yet…

“From this day on, I am yours.”

Nothing could have prepared the siren prince for how nervous those words made him, butterflies set free inside his stomach. He could only stare at the vines now, afraid that if he looked up, saw that face, he would come to realize what he'd been trying to avoid from the start. He hadn’t just grown attached. Not just cared and found comfort.

He, Nikolai Thÿella, was utterly and undoubtedly in love.

“Today…I not only give you my body and soul, but also my heart…” the vow started just as any other he'd seen in the past, first in Céllis, its native language, then in English for Alexander to understand. But the words fell short for what Nikolai was feeling at that moment. And perhaps he wouldn’t be able to properly articulate his emotions here, and those rehearsed words would be the only thing he could offer, but Alexander needed to know… even if he couldn’t actually say it, even if at times it may be denied, he needed to know he held the siren’s heart.

“To love and care for… until the oceans run dry.” In all the times he’d heard the wedding vows before, he'd never heard anyone alter them. But who better to do so than the siren prince himself? He took in a breath and continued. “Until the stars fall from the sky…I am yours…eu’steilla…” he finally lifted his gaze to meet the warlock’s, his heart racing, drumming loudly in his ear as he translated his favorite nickname for the prince.

“My star boy…”
Alexander could feel his breath beginning to hitch in his throat as his eyes stayed focused on Nikolai in front of him. Despite the many times he had felt connected to him in a way he couldn’t properly described, he felt as though the two were one being in that moment. His heart was beating in sync with Nikolai’s. Everyone around them seemed to be completely drowned out. It was only the two of them in that moment. They were the only ones that mattered. Nikolai was the only one that mattered. His mother hadn’t spoken on how intense the ceremony was, though he had his doubts that anyone had experienced it to the extent that he currently was.

His expression softened as he listened to Nikolai speak, his native tongue flowing from his lips. He hadn’t mentioned before just how beautiful he thought the siren language was. It was so much lighter and cleaner than the warlock’s native tongue. It was even reflected in their accents. He knew that the shared tongue sounded much harsher from his own lips compared to how it sounded from Nikolai’s. A part of him was grateful that he would be able to listen to the sweet sound of Nikolai’s voice for the rest of his life. It dripped down like honey, soothing any aches that his mind had.

One thing he could’ve never been prepared for was the translation of the nickname that Nikolai had been giving him since the moment they met. His lips parted in surprise, his heart soaring in his chest. His blue eyes were filled with emotions that he knew he could never express, studying Nikolai’s own for a few moments. A smile began to creep onto his lips, brightening every aspect of his features. There hadn’t been a time before that he had felt as much joy as he currently was feeling and it was all thanks to the man standing in front of him.

He could barely hear the priest talking beside them, finishing the ceremony by binding the two together. He slowly lifted the hands that were bound by the vines. The flowers that had sprouted matched the vibrant colors of the leaves on the tree beside them. The oranges glittered in the light, almost looking yellow depending on how much sun hit them. The reds ranged from maroon to light enough to match the base of a fire. He pressed two kisses to the back of Nikolai’s hands, one to the center of each knuckle.

“In the name of the gods, I announce you to be married. May they bless you for as long as you live.” The priest stated, taking a few steps back from them. Alexander brought his gaze back to Nikolai’s as the vines loosened and fell from their hands. He brought both of his own up to carefully caress his cheeks. Without hesitation, he connected their lips. He held the kiss until he felt like he couldn’t any longer. “My husband.” He whispered as he pulled away, resting his forehead against Nikolai’s.


Oh no…

If the heat quickly rising to Nikolai’s cheeks wasn’t telling enough, the way his breath hitched when Alex whispered those words was louder than anything he could've said.

My husband…

He didn’t hate it. No…in fact, it brought him so much warmth and comfort that he thought he might melt into the ground beneath his feet. His resolve to keep a distance, his plan to not grow attached. It failed, and failed miserably. In fact, it had failed long ago. It began to fail the moment Nikolai had invited the prince to his solace. The moon pool he treasured. He still didn’t understand what had driven him to take a total stranger there, but he had. And in doing so, had unintentionally let Alexander into his world.

Except now they were a part of each other’s worlds. Suddenly, freedom didn’t seem as enticing as spending his nights next to this man. To feel the warmth of his embrace. To watch him fall asleep in their mess of tangled sheets. Anything that involved Alex sounded so much better than freedom. Freedom was fun, but it was lonely. Something he never felt with the warlock prince.

His husband…

“Husband…” Nikolai’s lips repeated the words, almost in a trance. He hadn’t realized there were tears rolling down his face until they hit his lips, salty like the ocean water. But unlike all the other times he’d cried, this time it was from sheer happiness. Bliss. Something he’d never been allowed to fully experience in his lifetime. It was overwhelming, to the point he almost felt weak to his knees. Did he even deserve to feel this way? Perhaps not, but he refused to let the feeling go, even if it was selfish.

The faint applause hitting his ears was the only thing that tethered him to reality, suddenly hyper aware that they were not in fact the only ones. He needed a moment. Too many people were watching, most of them people he didn’t really care for. It felt like they were intruding, but he had to recover. For just a few brief seconds, he buried his face into the crook of Alex’s neck, taking in a breath in an effort to compose himself. It wasn’t much, but at the very least he felt less dizzy when he finally pulled away to look at the crowd. He wondered then if there was a way they could skip the reception all together.
His words had been endearing, the official title slipping out of his lips. He hadn’t been able to truly control himself from calling the siren prince his husband in that moment. He felt as though he had been waiting so long for it, to finally be able to claim he would keep Nikolai by his side for the rest of his life. He knew there wouldn’t ever be anything he could say to properly express the emotions that were rushing through his mind. Each one kept tumbling over one another, combining with each of his thoughts. It was a cascade of everything he had yet to experience in his life. The only thing that had been able to pull Alexander from the whirlwind he was experiencing was Nikolai’s response.

The title had been whispered through his lips, the breeze carrying them to his ears. The gentleness of his accent swirled into the word. Truthfully, he felt as though he could melt into everything Nikolai normally said. But in that moment, his emotions became even more amplified. A bright smile was spreading on his lips as his eyes stayed locked with the man in front of him. He almost hadn’t noticed the tears that were slowly beginning to drip down his delicate face. He brought a hand up to caress his cheek, thumb moving to carefully wipe whatever tears he could away.

Each movement he made was delicate, in his best effort to keep the moment as light as he possibly could. He allowed for his hand to drop as the other male moved forward and buried his face into the crook of his neck. He pressed a quick kiss to the side of his head once he did so. He shifted in order to wrap an arm around Nikolai’s waist, pulling him closer to his side as they faced the applause of those surrounding him. He was suddenly, and rather unfortunately, reminded in that moment that they wouldn’t have much time to spend alone for the rest of the evening. The celebrations would surely last well into the night.

Yet, he had plans to at least get the two of them some time to themselves.

He turned his head to look back to Nikolai, his eyes soft with affection for the siren beside him. “I found us an escape route from the reception when we get bored of everyone singing our praises. I also might’ve bribed the chef to make us a few pastries for our little adventure.” He whispered. He had plans for the two of them to disappear into the gardens when it all got to be too much. He knew that this would be far too overbearing after a few hours. He was already dreading that portion of the evening. He let his arm slip away from his waist and to his hand instead. Lacing their fingers together, he began to walk towards the reception with his now husband beside him.
It was a bit embarrassing, he had to admit. Now that Alexander wasn’t the only one in his line of sight, he was hyper aware of all the eyes on him as they stepped off the small stage and down the aisle. Out of his peripherals, Nikolai noticed the looks of almost shock on his sisters’ faces. He was aware he’d be acting a bit out of character, lately more than ever. But for the first time ever, he felt like he was finally being himself, and not just the family disappointment. Because what Rowan thought of him mattered less now more than ever.

Alexander’s arm around his waist was a quiet reminder that he wasn’t just the rebellious, unruly child of the royal siren family. He didn’t exist just to be the black sheep of the perfectly powerful family. He was loved. For as much time as he’d spent questioning it, he was finally starting to believe it. Alexander’s words at the altar dug deep within him, laying a warm blanket of comfort over his typically cold exterior. As the warlock -his husband- spoke, Nikolai found himself shifting a bit closer. He allowed a faint smile to color his lips as they headed towards the same doors that had marked Nikolai’s entrance.

“Oh- so rebellious.” He joked with a quiet chuckle. “Are you sure you’re Alexander and not some imposter?”

It wasn’t long after they’d exited the cathedral that Delphine caught up to them. The surprised expression had now settled into one of contentment, even behind her carefully guarded features, Nikolai could see she was happy for him.

“I just came to collect this.” She explained before either of them had a chance to question her presence. Moving towards Nikolai, she reached up to unlatch the hood cape from the suit jacket, carefully folding it up into a small square of fabric. She seemed to hesitate, her eyes shifting between the two princes for a few beats. They finally settled on Nikolai and she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

“I’m really happy for you.” She turned her gaze towards Alexander. Though a bit cold in contrast to the way she looked at Nikolai, her usual threatening glare wasn’t there. It was softer, a bit kinder even if still guarded. “You too I suppose...” It was certainly more than what Nikolai had been expecting. “I know you two are planning on escaping somewhere, but at least get something to eat first.” She warned as she turned on her heels, calling over her shoulder. “I better see you in that dining hall.”

Nikolai watched her leave with an amuse smirk on his lips, turning to Alexander the moment his sister was out of view.

“Congratulations, she doesn’t hate you!”
Alexander could feel the way in which Nikolai pressed into his side as the two stood together. He appreciated the gentle touch of it, a reminder that the two were bonded for the rest of their lives. It brought him more comfort than he could ever properly express to him. There would probably never be words that he could use to encapsulate just how he felt for the siren prince, for his husband. The title brought a giddy happiness to his chest, almost bringing a smile back onto his face. He managed to keep it away as he didn’t want for anyone to grow too concerned with him smiling at his own thoughts. Many he already believed he had gone crazy due to his outbursts with the visions. He was only now finally regaining his sense of credibility once more.

He let out a gentle hum as the two walked, his words finally forcing his lips to twitch back up into the smile that had been on his face for much of the ceremony. “Perhaps you have begun to rub off on me. You are a terrible influence.” His own words were a gentle jest, lightly nudging him with his elbow while he spoke. Though his smile was quick to fade as Delphine caught up with him. That familiar tenseness returned to his shoulders, blue eyes widening slightly. He knew he shouldn’t be afraid of her, especially since they were now related through marriage. Yet, he couldn’t help the fear that coursed through his veins at the sight of her.

He stayed quiet during the sibling’s interaction, not wanting to speak out. He was sure it was a bittersweet moment for the two. He knew Nikolai had his closest relationship with Delphine. He would forever be grateful for her supporting him throughout that time, even if he would probably never find it in himself to confess such things. Though when the attention turned to him, his eyes widened more. “Oh, thank you.” He hadn’t believed he had spoken at first, words slipping past his lips without realizing.

He immediately clamped his mouth shut afterwards, only nodding his head at her warning. He let out a deep breath once she stepped away from them, turning to face Nikolai. He truly had never found much in life to be terrifying, but there was always something about Delphine that got to him. “She might not hate me, but she doesn’t like me. What if she still intends to butcher me in my sleep?” The thought was an irrational one, one that he knew Nikolai would tease him for. His grip on his husband’s hand had tightened slightly. “It would be a shame if I only spent such little time with you before my untimely death.”
Watching his sister walk away made Nikolai realize that there were still things that needed to be talked about. He’d made the mistake of bringing it up. Now both her and Marina had heard the truth. There was no avoiding it. Part of him was thankful for the big reception. It would hopefully help avoid her. And when that didn’t work, he could escape with Alexander.

He couldn’t help but chuckle at his comment, absentmindedly straightening the lapel of the warlock’s suit jacket as he turned to face him. “Trust me, if she wanted you dead, you would be.” Perhaps that wasn’t the most reassuring, but Delphine didn’t waste her time on petty revenge. If she truly hated someone, she’d easily find a way to get rid of them. It was obvious she didn’t hate Alexander. He might even dare to say she was starting to warm up to him.

The walk to the banquet hall was slow, due mostly to Nikolai’s stalling. He wasn’t hungry, and he didn’t want to have to deal with fake smiles and feigned congratulations. But Delphine had made her demand clear. She would not let him skip out on it entirely without going to look for him. Just outside the hall doors, his steps came to a stop. He turned to Alexander, fingers still intertwined with his.

“Thirty minutes” he stated plainly, knowing Alexander would understand what he meant. Staying even thirty minutes sounded like an eternity, but Nikolai figured it would be enough time to make their appearance for everyone to see before escaping. He could handle that much. At least, he hoped he could. But the moment they walked in and his eyes landed on Rowan’s face, he wanted nothing more than to run up there and punch him square in the face. He hadn’t meant to glare so openly, and did his best to keep his facial features under control. It was going well, until a familiar face cute them off.

Nikolai instinctively let out a scoff, and the woman feigned offense. “Well I was coming to congratulate you both, but it seems you’re not very happy about your marriage,”

Nikolai’s lips pressed into a thin line, looking the woman over. After everything she’d said in the gardens, she still had the nerve to show up? The siren couldn’t help the sarcastic chuckle that escaped him, his fingers unraveling from Alexander’s so that he could wrap his arm around his husband’s.

“I was perfectly happy until you got here…” faking pleasantries was never something Nikolai did, and especially not now.
Nikolai’s words didn’t do much to soothe the pounding of Alexander’s heart at the interaction with Delphine. He truly believed the woman would always hate him, even if they were technically now related through marriage. “You can keep saying that as much as you would like, but I know she is plotting how to kill me in my sleep.” He mumbled his reply, shaking his head slightly. He did his best to not show just how much he feared her in her actual presence, but he knew that he couldn’t hide such a thing from Nikolai. The bond that he felt between them felt strengthened now that the ceremony was completely. It made him feel much happier than he truly ever had, but that could mostly be blamed on the fact the other male was finally back on his side once more.

He didn’t mind the slow pace the two of them took to get to the banquet hall, though he knew that they would have to deal with everyone staring at them when they arrived due to it. A part of him was wanted to just drag Nikolai away from the dinner before it even started. He knew his plans for the garden would be enough for the both of them. Yet, the other part of him was reminded that they did have a duty to at least make their presence known. His feet came to a halt as the man beside him’s did. He turned to face him as he did.

The corners of his lips immediately tugged up into a smile. “Thirty minutes.” He agreed, echoing the words just spoken to him. He gave his hand a gentle, yet reassuring, squeeze before the two stepped into the banquet hall. He could hear the sounds of chattering people surrounding them as they began to walk towards the head table they were to sit at. He didn’t know how he truly felt about it, but he knew that they would feel better the sooner these thirty minutes were up.

He did his best to keep his attention focused straight ahead in order to get them to their table until they were cut off. The familiar yet grating voice immediately came to his ears. His eyes shifted to look at the woman standing in front of them. For the first time in his life, he was unable to mask the disdain from his face. His lips curled slightly, though he wasn’t able to get a word out before Nikolai responded. The gentle tug of his arm around his waist did little to calm his mind. He leaned gently into the man beside him.

“I believe we both were quite happy until you showed up.” He confessed, tilting his head slightly. It was rare for him to ever allow this amount of anger to overcome him. “I do think it is time for you to leave though. It would be a shame if something were to happen, especially to the kingdoms newly wed princes. I wouldn’t want for anything to be traced back to you. Even if you deny it, who will they believe? The two princes or some poor girl who was jealous she wasn’t able to secure a title for herself?” His tone shifted to be quite cold, the threat clearly stated.
In a room so full of officials and their guests, all looking to congratulate the newlyweds, it would have been easy to see this interaction as innocent and harmless, but the look on Nikolai’s face made it obvious that he was not happy about it. In fact, he’d prepared to be the one to insult the woman until she’d left. The memory of the fight she’d caused the last time still stained the back of his mind, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Admitedly, he was a bit dramatic. At that time, he truly believed he was angry because of the accusations thrown at him, at sirens as a whole.

Now it was clear. He was angry, but he was also jealous. Jealous of the woman’s claims that she could love Alexander better. Angry at her assumption that Nikolai wasn’t capable of loving the warlock prince like she would be. He’d let the words slip out back then, that he could possibly grow to love Alexander. Part of him knew deep down he was falling, despite the resistance, but it wasn’t until he’d stepped up on that altar, until he’d looked at the man in front of him and heard those words leave Alexander’s lips, that he realized he wasn’t falling.

He’d already fallen, landing hard and fast. So quick in fact he never really had much of a fighting chance. It was in his nature to be bitter over it, and perhaps a small part of him still was. Falling in love with anyone came with a lot of consequences. Falling in love with Alexander could be the death of him. But at the same time, it was a thrill. The kind of adrenaline he'd never felt before, and quite frankly...he really enjoyed it.

This time the woman’s presence didn’t make him angry, only annoyed at the fact that their time was being interrupted. He opened his mouth to speak again, but much to his surprise, Alexander’s voice sounded instead. Even while standing beside him, their bodies as close as they could decently get, he almost couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of the warlock's mouth. This was the Alexander he’d seen only in private. Now stronger, braver. Nikolai found himself staring for a moment, eyes wide with surprise, not fully registering the prince was finished speaking until the woman chimed in again, her arms folding defensively.

“And what exactly would I be accused of?” Her tone made Nikolai’s insides twist. It was the same tone she’d used with him in the gardens the day of their engagement. That sense of mockery and disdain she seemed to have for sirens. It was nauseating. “I only came to congratulate you.” A quiet sigh left Nikolai, his arm detaching from Alexander’s for a moment as he leaned in towards her. A charming smile spread across his lips for everyone around them to see, as he whispered a short phrase into her ear, only loud enough for her to hear it. He watched, satisfied, as the woman’s features contorted into a mix of anger and fear, immediately tucking tail and walking off where she’d come from.

Nikolai immediately turned back to his husband, disregarding the woman's existance all together, taking his hand and tugging him towards their designated sitting spots. “Let’s go, I’m hungry.”

Thankfully, it was a short walk to the table. They settled into their spots at the center as the staff immediately began to serve out the food. Delphine not so conspicuously gave them both a questioning glance. No doubt she saw it all.

“What was that all about?”

Nikolai shook his head, as if to say it was nothing, and waved off her question. That situation wasn’t one he wanted to get into with his sister right now. But there was one thing he had to comment on. He leaned in closer to Alexander’s ear, making sure no one else could hear except him.

“Where did that come from?” Surely Alexander knew what he was referencing. He paused for a moment, debating on whether to say his next phrase. As ever, he chose to throw caution to the wind and openly flirt with his now husband.

“It was very attractive, I have to say.”
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Alexander’s eyes narrowed at they stayed focused on the woman in front of the two of them, his disdain for her presence showing the longer she spent hovering near them. He could feel Nikolai’s eyes on him for a moment before the grating voice left the woman’s lips once more. He couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling at that moment. He truly just wanted to enjoy his time with his husband after being separated from him for such a long time. Even if the two were planning on escaping from the ceremony as quickly as they could, he would savor each second he was granted to stay by Nikolai’s side.

A small smirk twitched the corner of his lips up as he stepped forward and whispered in her ear. It seemed as though the situation resolved itself immediately. His smirk quickly shifted into a proper smile when his hand was taken. He laced their fingers together before he quickly followed after him. Affection was shining clearly in his gaze for the man beside him. “I can’t believe she thought now would be a good time to interrupt us.” He commented in a murmur with a slight shake of his head. He honestly didn’t know how she managed to weasel her way into the reception itself.

He gladly took his seat at the table once they arrived, leaning back in chair some while he did so. His shoulders were aching from the forced posture that he had to keep during the ceremony. He was quite excited for them to step away just so he could allow this facade to fall. He glanced towards Delphine as the words graced his ears, but he didn’t speak. He chewed gently on his bottom lip while Nikolai responded to his sister. The smell of the food reached his nostrils, his stomach beginning to grumble more. It was only then that he realized he hadn’t eaten at all that entire day. He had been far too nervous that morning to get the slightest bit of food down.

He blinked when Nikolai leaned in, a soft shiver going down his spine at the warm breath that graced his ear. His mouth parted and cheeks tinted red. Realizing that he was reacting far worse than he should’ve, he turned his head to gaze at his husband with gentle eyes. “Oh trust me, there is a lot that I haven’t shown you just yet.” He murmured, leaning in to place another kiss to the siren’s lips. He almost couldn’t get enough of the sweetness that came along with it. He pulled back only slightly, their lips hovering inches from each other. He didn’t care that everyone could be watching them in that moment. Nikolai was all that mattered to him.

“I do appreciate the compliment. I just hate when someone tries to tear down something I am quite sure of. After all, I do love you tremendously.” He added after a few moments. He placed one more peck to his lips before he pulled away fully.
Realistically, there was nothing wrong with the way Alexander’s kiss made Nikolai feel. After all, one should be attracted to the person they married. And he knew it was rare for it to happen within arranged marriages. In fact, nine out of ten times, anyone forced into a marriage ended up miserable. Nikolai was, by definition, immensely lucky. Not only had he fallen for this man, but he received that love back. In fact, he received more.Alexander -his husband- loved him. It was incredible.

And terrifying.

Not only had Nikolai grown dangerously attached, now having to deal with the fear of losing him. Something he’d never truly experienced. But there was also the fear of not being enough. Of falling short. Of not being deserving of this love Alexander had shown him time and time again. The fear of being a disappointment had never hit Nikolai until now. As he kept the warlock’s gaze, his insides twisted with the thought that one day, Alexander’s love would fade, and there would be nothing he could do about it.

He felt the back of his eyes threatening to burn, and he quickly swallowed the small lump that had begun to form in his throat. Ignoring his screaming thoughts, he stole another kiss, lingering a bit longer than Alexander had. “Well as luck would have it, there’s a few things I’d love to show you too.” His words came out more sultry than he’d meant them to, but it seemed to keep his negative thoughts and emotions at bay. “Too bad we’re still in public…” the flirtatious smirk came naturally as he sat back in his chair once again, taking a long sip of his wine.

It didn’t take long for their food to be placed in front of them. Nikolai immediately began to eat. He was hungry, yes. But more than anything, he wanted to leave this place. He needed salt water, fresh air. He needed Alexander all to himself. To drown out his fears and focus on the now, while he still had it.

Before he knew it, his food was gone. As was his third glass of wine. The heat had crept up to his cheeks, dusting a light rose over them. It seemed most were still eating. Perhaps it would be the perfect time to slip out.
Alexander’s lips parted as he couldn’t get words to flow past them, instead a soft breath taking their place. Nikolai always seemed to know exactly what to say to get his mind racing in directions that it most certainly should not. Once he realized that his mouth was still gaping open, he quickly shut it as a tinge of pink filled his cheeks. A smile quickly began to spread on his face though while he looked down to his plate. It was clear that he felt like a giddy child in that moment. Despite never having been in a proper relationship before, this was something that he was finding an incredible amount of ease in. He only hoped that they would share many moments of happiness before they would inevitably have to confront the prophecy.

The dinner flashed by in a blur, the chattering voices of nobility surrounding them. He picked up on bits and pieces of the conversations shared, but deemed nothing to be a good use of his time to engage in. Instead he kept an eye on the time as he ate the food on his plate. He lost track of the glasses of wine that he drank. Glancing to the pitcher that sat between Nikolai and himself, he realized the two of them drank it dry by that point in the evening. Normally he would’ve allowed for himself to be embarrassed by that fact, but he didn’t care. Not tonight.

He turned his gaze back to survey everyone surrounding them once more. No one bothered batting an eye at them the entire night. If the two princes were lucky, they would even be able to slip away before the speeches began. The thought of having to sit through a never ending cycle of listening to people since their praises made dread linger in his chest. He shook his head slightly before he reached a hand over to rest gently on Nikolai’s leg. He gave his thigh a quick squeeze to gain his attention before he gestured towards one of the many side doors with his head.

He slowly removed his hand from the position it had taken before he carefully took Nikolai’s hand. He laced their fingers together as he quietly stood. He was grateful that he had learned the ability to be rather stealthy during his many years of life, though it had taken a few centuries to master. He waited for the other male to stand with him before he began to lead the way out. His steps barely made a sound as they passed the various tables of people still engaged in conversation.

Luckily enough for them, they managed to slip from the grand dining hall without anyone seeming to notice they had.

A soft laugh shook his chest as he continued to walk through the servant’s hallway that he had taken Nikolai down. “Well, that seemed to work out well for us.” He mused as he ducked his head partly through the narrow hallway. He led him out into the gardens like he originally planned to. He knew that they could easily make their way into the forest if they pleased or could stay here. He paused his feet in order to turn to face the siren prince. His heart was pounding gently in his chest, his own face still flushed from the wine he drank. He didn’t hesitate before he crashed his lips into Nikolai’s once more, his free hand coming to wrap around the other male’s waist. He tugged him closer while he did so.
Nikolai allowed himself the satisfaction of seeing the pink on Alex's cheeks, blazing like a quiet campfire. He'd sat back and enjoyed the rest of dinner, never truly keeping count of how many glasses of wine he'd had in comparison to the man beside him. It wasn't long before the bottle was empty. For the most part, he felt okay. There was a subtle numbness to his limbs, almost as if he were floating in a large body of water. But he was thinking clearly, at least he believed he was. He didn't question it when Alex took his hand, stealthily leading them both out and away from the dining hall, down a familiar passage, out into the fresh air. The breeze felt nice on his skin. So much so that a quiet hum of content left him. It took him much too long to realize it was Alexander that was laughing beside him.

His attention zeroed in on the prince again, eyes lhalf lidded and an easy smile forming his lips where the usual smirk took place. "Well aren't you in a good mood-" he teased, though never truly let go of the hand keeping him tethered to this moment. The gentle hum of the trees and leaves around him was so mesmorizing, it almost made Nikolai want to keep silent just so he could hear them. He heard the shuffling on Alexander's feet beside him too, turning to meet that gaze. "Do you-" only a fraction of a thought slipped out before Alex's lips crashed into his like waves crashing against the shore. At this point, they'd kissed enough that Nikolai should not have been surprised. But it was the boldness with which the prince took control, something he hadn't done before, pulling a quiet gasp of surprise out of Nikolai.

There was no time to question it, his arms instinctively wrapping around Alex's neck. Giving full reign over the rest of his body. The remaining logical part of him carefully reminded that they were still technically in public, even if away from the crowd. Anyone could walk in at any given moment. However, it was nowhere near loud enough to drown out the wildly impure thoughts that filled Nikolai's head. Truthfully, the idea of a stuffy court official accidentally finding the newlyweds having their honeymoon in the open air of the palace gardens was almost funny enough to have Nikolai hoping it came true. But at the very least, he wasn't worried. His body moved in the most transparent way he could manage, hips pressing against the lower body, knowing from experience that subtle hints never really did much for Alex. Even if his mouth was currently too occupied to say it, his body could easily do the talking.

One hand slid away from the neck, down the shoulder, pressing lightly against Alex's chest. He could almost grab the warlock's heart the way it beat against his chest. Albeit, his wasn't any calmer. It had been a while since he'd felt such excitement, the adrenaline rushing through his veins, giving his body a new life. He pressed on, fingers delicately grasping onto the lapels of Alex's jacket, tugging on it until it fell to the ground behind them. He immediately moved onto the vest, plucking at its buttons one by one. This was probably more than what the warlock had prepared for. It's likely that he'd stop Nikolai at one point, but so long as he didn't, the siren was commited to go as far as his husband allowed it.

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