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A Long Time Coming

Viviane and Carson live together, just a little add on.


Viviane was in the kitchen stirring her cup of coffee and looking aimlessly at the wall. She was numb, motionless, didn't know what to feel. She had known for a while that Carson was with another girl behind her back. Well, didn't really know she just had a gut feeling. A woman's intuition is almost never wrong. Last night she had taken his car to go pick up dinner for them, and seen a pair of red laced panties in the back seat. Yeah. She was right. She didn't say anything to him last night, acted as if everything was normal. She had to admit she was hard to deal with. They had been fighting so much. No wonder why he got pushed into another woman's arms. Anyway, she wasn't able to sleep all of last night. She was up in the living room after he had fallen asleep just thinking about the next step. What do to. She finally decided that she was going to confront him when he woke up. She needed to tell him she knew, and that she was going to leave. Her eyes darted back down to her coffee, taking a sip and then pulling her dark hair into a bun. Her eyes were swollen. He would know as soon as he wakes up that something's up.

Brock knocked on Abby's room quite loudly, trying to get her to wake up. It was 12 in the afternoon and she was still asleep. He was an early bird. They're pretty much complete opposites. "ABSSSSSSS. WAKE UP!" he said as he opened the door, seeing her twisted in the blankets, her hair all over. He grinned a little. They both knew they had feelings for each other. More then a "brother sister" type of feeling. They hadn't acted on it yet but Brock was getting pretty impatient. He really liked her. They were both in the same house, both adopted by the same family and he couldn't deny their attraction to each other. It was just so complicated being that this was the first family that actually wanted to keep him. He sat on the end of her bed, gripping her feet. "Lets go on an adventure." he said, seeing her open one of her pretty blue eyes to glare at him. He chuckled, rolling his eyes. He had no idea how to contain this thing. They flirted practically all the time. Did everything together. He could tell the foster parents were starting to get suspicious.
Carson was sound asleep in bed. Well, as sound asleep you could be with a guilty conscious. Don't get him wrong, he loved Viviane a lot but damn, all the fighting was really getting to his head. It was like she nagged at him over every little thing she didn't like which was just turning him into a total asshole with his responses. It wasn't until recently that he'd started the whole thing. He went out to a bar one night with a few friends and met this blonde whom he'd been seeing pretty regularly since things started to get bad with Viviane. He hated himself for it and hated that he was stabbing her in the back like he was but he felt like he was just in a black hole now with no climbing back out. He'd already fucked up. He rolled out of bed probably closer to noon than any actual morning time and shuffled into the kitchen in his sweatpants and messy hair. "Morning.." He mumbled, looking in Viviane's direction. He was always hesitant to talk to her until he gaged her mood but today was different. He could tell just by looking at the way she was standing that something was wrong. Like, bad wrong. "Viv? What's wrong?" He asked her softly, making his way in her direction.

Abby loved her sleep so it was easy to say that she was a little irritated when Brock came waltzing in, yelling and talking about adventures. She glared with those pretty blue eyes of hers and instead pulled the covers further over her so that only her eyes peaked over her pale pink comforter. "You're rude," She informed him with a little grin although he couldn't see it. It was hard to stay angry at Brock. He was handsome as hell and a charmer.. He knew it too. They both did. It sucked that they were in this situation. Brock had been here before she was brought in. He'd been so warm and welcoming that it was hard not to fall for someone like him. Abby had it really rough until she was taken in by her current family and having such great people around was a really nice change. She sighed deeply and pushed herself so that she was sitting up in bed. She pushed her pale hair out of her face and rubbed her hands under her eyes before looking back to Brock. "If I don't look up to par because you ruined my beauty sleep, you better sleep with one eye open," She threatened jokingly with a smile,"What "adventure" are you talking about? There's nothing to do around here..."
Viviane lifted her head up when she heard him walk in, then looked back down at her coffee. She moved out of the kitchen, walking closer to him too and pushing her bangs behind her ear. She looked up at him with her hazel eyes, taking a deep breath. "Geez I don't even know how to say this." she said letting out a burst of air and moving backwards to sit on one of the dining room chairs. "I uh.. found the red panties in your car last night." she said, looking up and waiting for his reaction. "Before you start making excuses or come up with lies, I just want to say I know. Everything. Okay?" she said. "I'm just... wore out. I can't pretend like I don't know anymore especially after seeing that. You're really dumb, I hope you know that." she said, shaking her head. "I'm leaving. I'm not going to stay here anymore" she said biting her lip. "I don't hate you, I just don't want this." she said.

Brock shook his head, his thumb grazing her cheek. "You don't look bad. You never do." he said quietly, then quickly looking away. "UHMMM we can go on like a road trip. I don't know take a couple left turns, right turns for like an hour see where we end up?" he chuckled. He loved adventure. Random things too, he didn't care what. "Or I mean we could do something simple like go to a water park" he shrugged, laying back down on the bed and looking over at her. "I just want to spend the day with you." he said quietly, giving her a smile. "Go get ready or something we will figure it out from there." he said giving her a look like she looked disgusting, just teasing her of course. He chuckled when she hit his arm and jumped out of bed, seeing her nightgown go up just enough to see her little laced panties. There was one thing that definitely caught his eye and it was her booty. Lord. And him just seeing it now without a skirt or anything over it kinda freaked him out. He got up on the bed quickly, looking away. "Uh I'm gonna go uh tell them we will be leaving." he said quickly, glancing over once again.
Carson swallowed hard when he heard Vivane began to start talking. Even if it wasn't what he thought she was going to say, whatever it was sounded like it was going to be bad. But it was exactly what he thought. She knew. His heart began to beat quickly out of anxiety and he began to pull at the skin around his nails, a nervous habit of his. Fuck. How could he have been so stupid to not check his car?! That blonde probably left them there on purpose. She seemed like the jealous type... She was right. Lying would be stupid at this point but what was he suppose to say?... "Vivane... I... I'm sorry..." He began to tell her as he walked in her direction over by the chair. He dropped down to his knees in front of her and swallowed. "I know I'm stupid. I'm not going to deny it either. I just... When we started fighting really bad... It's not because I dont love you, because I do. I love you a lot. I just fucked up once and then I was just dragged into it again and again. Viv, you have to believe me when I say that it didn't mean anything. Please don't leave... If you really don't want to be around me, I'll leave. I deserve to give you that at least..."

Abby looked over at Brock with a bit of a grin as her cheeks blushed a pale pink. Well, if it wasn't obvious enough already it was now. She mumbled a thanks as he quickly moved on to listing some things that they could do. "I think a road trip sounds good," She told him with a smile. Even if it wasn't far, she wouldn't mind seeing some place new. Abby scoffed and with a smile hit Brock's arm in a playful manner before climbing out of bed as if she was going to chase him out of her room. She raised an eyebrow, seeing Brocks eyeliner shift downward and she couldn't help but smirk a little bit with the look that was on his face. In all honesty, Abby wore short stuff like this in hopes of having Brock come in and catch a glimpse. Maybe if she taunted him enough he'd make a move. "Alright," She chimed in a sigh as she walked over to her dresser, purposely bending over to the last drawer to open and find a pair of jeans to wear. Was it wrong? Probably. Did she care? Not one bit. "I'll be down in a little bit," She told him with a smirk on her lips as she pulled a pair of skin tight jeans from the dresser and stood back up. She turned around and ran a hand through her hair with a pretty smile.
Viviane didn't look at him when he kneeled in front of her, saying it didn't mean anything and this and that. She shook her head, tears starting to well up in her eyes. "I'm leaving, Carson. As in I'm breaking up with you." she said quietly. "I've uh... already packed a couple of things." she said motioning to the couch where she had a backpack. "That stuff should last me for like a week. Then we can figure out how to get all the other stuff out of here." she said, looking down at him. "Look I know I'm not easy to deal with, but I'm here. I've been here through everything. I don't know how you could do something like that to someone you love." she said. "I thought I could do it. That I could forgive you and stay and make it all okay but there is no way. I just hope she was worth it to you." she said coldly, looking back over at her coffee cup.

All Brock could think was fuck fuck fuck. Why was she doing this to him. He watched her bend over, her ass in the air, then quickly darted his eyes towards the door when she turned back, putting her jeans on. He smirked, biting his lip and nodded. "Oh okay yeah I'll be down there," he said motioning to the door, walking towards it but glancing back again to see her back turned to him, and taking off her nightgown, seeing her soft skin and that she wasn't wearing a bra. Oh my lord. He couldn't see the front of her chest but just the back drove him wild. He quickly started walking closer to the door, eyes still on her until he ran right into it. "Shit.." he muttered, quickly looking away and opening the door to run out. He heard her little giggle as he walked out. Damnit she knew what she was doing to him and she was enjoying it. He grumbled to himself as he walked downstairs. "Me and Abby are going out. Probably on a little adventure or something." he shrugged as he joined his family at the kitchen table.
Carson swallowed, listening to Vivane straight up tell him that she was breaking up with him. No beating around the bush. His eyes started to well up with tears too, which was beyond surprising to him. He couldn't remember the last time he'd cried in all honesty. He thought it made him look weak which was the last thing any guy wanted. "Oh," was all that he managed to say in a sad pathetic voice, sinking back onto his heels and looking at her. He looked down, listening to her as she spit venom. She was right. She was always there for him and he deserved way worse than how she treated him. "It wasn't worth losing you. Just know that at least," He told her, looking over in her direction. His blue eyes were watery and he felt like a child looking at her, as if he was completely powerless in this situation and he supposed that he was in a sense. He'd brought this upon himself. "I'm so sorry, Vivane," He told her sadly, swallowing after a terrible voice crack.

Abby wiggled into her jeans, smiling over at Brock who was watching shamelessly. She guessed nonchalant wasn't a thing with them anymore? She didn't mind. "Alright," She said with a smile and a nod before turning around to the dresser again. She pulled off her nightgown, fully aware of his presence because she hasn't heard his heavy footsteps yet, and leaned over to search for a bra in one of her top drawers. She looked over her shoulder when she heard him curse and giggled as he left. It was cute seeing him all flustered and it made her feel pretty damn good about herself in all honesty. She put on a bra and pulled on a tight-fitting white tank top that was slightly cropped before moving into the bathroom where she did the usual; hair, brush her teeth, put on the minimal amount of makeup she wore. All of that before heading downstairs to join her family.
Viviane seen him start to tear up and she couldn't look at him anymore. She knew that if she did she wouldn't be able to walk out that door. She swallowed hard, sniffling back the tears and looking away. "I don't hate you." she simply stated, biting her lip and closing her eyes to stop the tears. They sat like that for a while, just in silence. Both obviously crying. Both obviously not knowing what to say. Finally she mustered up the courage to look at him with her watery green eyes, and lean down to place a kiss on his cheek. She stood there for a minute as well, her lips pressed against his cheek, then finally cleared her throat and stood up, walking to the bathroom and quickly closed the door, gathering some more of her things and finally the tears rolled like they've never rolled before. She looked at herself in the mirror, an absolute mess. She pulled her hair out of the bun and let her curls fall, pushing them out of her face and grabbing her bag of stuff and walking out the bathroom, eyes down on the floor.

Brock was busy pleading his case with his parents. "Look, I'm just trying to make her feel welcomed okay." he said full of attitude. They were lecturing him about how they see the way they look at each other, and they spend way too much time together. Blah blah blah. All this shit. Even though they were right he couldn't help but to get pissed. He really liked her and why does this situation have to be so damn complicated. His parents shifted around as she came down, the conversation coming to a stop. Brock rolled his eyes and grabbed his car keys, looking back over at Abby. "Let's go." he said giving her a small smile, walking out the door and her following quickly behind. Once they got in the car, he could see by Abbys face that she was confused and knew something was up. Her lips were pursed in thought, it was really cute. "They think that we spend too much time together." he shrugged, starting the car and looking behind him as he reversed. "So. Where do we turn first?" he asked with a smirk, putting his hand on her thigh and giving it a gentle squeeze.
How did she not hate him? Carson didn't understand it. She had every right to hate his guts and hit him and scream and she did nothing. She cried and then got up and left. And all Carson did was sit there, pathetic and crying. It was his fault. As if he thought he could get away with it. He should've known it was going to bite him in the ass.. He heard her in the bedroom and Carson pushed himself up from the floor and wiped his cheeks. He turned when he heard her walking out, sniffling and avoiding him. "Vivane, please. I know I messed up.. Bad.." He began to say as he walked in her direction. "Let me make it up to you. Please don't walk out on me, Viv. I love you. Don't do this. I'll be better. I'll fix it all. It didn't mean anything," Carson began to ramble, trying anything that might make her change her mind. He reached up to her face almost cautiously and moved her dark hair out of the way and frowned, seeing her face. Teary and splotchy. He'd never seen her so upset before and it was all his fault.

Abby glanced around almost anxiously, hearing the conversation hault as she came into the kitchen. That was a pretty universal sign that meant everyone had been talking about you... Great. Abby just nodded at Brock and gave a little wave to her parents before scurrying behind Brock and following him out to his car. She climbed into the passenger seat and say crisscross before putting on her seatbelt and looking over at Brock with a raised eyebrow. She groaned and rolled her eyes at what he said. "So what? It's not like we're actually related..." She told him and then sighed deeply and looked out the window. It sucked. She was sure that if it really got bad enough in their eyes, they could ship them off to boarding school or something. She looked down at his hand and blushed a little bit but smile. "Left at the light," She suggested, looking over at him with a smile. Even though having to keep everything on the DL kinda sucked, spending time like this made it better. In her eyes at least.
Viviane couldn't handle it. Once he had his hands on her she completely broke down. "I just... I can't.." She said stuttering almost stupidly, not being able to get a word out. He just kept going and going and he was so frantic. She looked up at him, "just stop!" She yelled through her tears. "You do not love me. Look at us! What have we been doing to ourselves!?" She said barely breathing. "We've been fighting non fucking stop! You can't love me!" she said, moving his hands away from her face. "What if I messed with another guy? How would you feel thinking of some other man touching me and seeing parts of me only you've seen!? How would that feel!?" She asked through tears, watching his face.

Brock was going to make his move. He was going to hold himself to it and he wasn't going to flake out like he has the last almost three nights. He wanted so badly to just go in her room and lay it all on her. Literally. He plugged in his phone to the aux cord and put on some jams, turning it up. "Got it, navigation!!" He chuckled, turning left and then making a sharp right. "I hope we end up somewhere with water. Like the beach or something" he chuckled. He really wanted that to happen. He'd see her with her bra and underwear because he purposefully forgot to remind her to bring a swimsuit just in case. "Let's just go straight for a while?" He asked looking over at her. This was fucking tight. He couldn't think of anybody else who was as down for his adventures as she was.
Carson flinched, listening to Vivane start to scream. He should've seen it coming but she was so even-key usually that it was weird coming it all come out of her mouth. He dropped his hands from her and even took a step back, listening to her yell about their deteriorating relationship. He couldn't disagree. Things were falling apart between them and he didn't know what was going to fix it but he also knew that he didn't want to give up on it. "I would hate it, Vivane! I would kill the guy! I know! I'm a huge asshole and I'll have to live with this for the rest of my life! It doesn't change how I feel about you though. We were falling apart, Viv. I was basically on the couch and we couldn't do anymore than mumbled toward each other. I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't talk to you and it's not like my friends understood.. God. There's no excuse. Vivane, I'm sorry. You have to believe me!" He began to beg her, nearly losing his wits because he knew she was slipping right out of hands.

Abby giggled and smiled, listening to Brock. She nodded along to the music and looked out at the window as she sang along quietly. "Ooh. The beach would be nice. Or even a lake or something," She agreed,"Oh! Or a hot tub!" She looked over at him and grinned. A hotel with Brock for a night... That would be something else. She wa crazy about about the guy but could you blame her? He was handsome as hell and chaming. She tilted her head back and yawned, obviously a little tired from being woken up earlier than usual. She wished that she had the balls to just ask Brock how he felt but she almost liked the mystery of it all. The fact that they'd get in trouble. It was almost a rush just thinking about it.
Viviane was trying so hard not to give in. She couldn't. What kind of woman would she be if she did? What made her really upset was that they made love last night. Before she found the red panties they made love. He touched her with the hands that has been gripping some other girls ass. "Who is she?" she asked, seeing his reaction of surprise. "I want to know her name. I want to know what attracted you to her. I want a clear understanding of why you did this other then blaming it on us fighting." she said, hoping this would give her some clarity. "Because the picture I'm getting in my head, its hurting me even more and I need the truth. Maybe that will calm me down." she said peeling the nail polish on her nails. "We can sit down and you can tell me everything." she said, moving over to the table. She wanted to know it all and she wasn't even sure why but she felt it would make her feel better. Because right now her imagination was screwing her up even more. She did believe he was sorry, but could they really fix this? She had no idea.

Brock loved this secret little crush thing they had going on for the exact same reason that Abby loved it. It was new, exciting, thrilling. He's had dreams of them doing some pretty dirty things, tangled with each other in between her purple sheets, trying to keep things quiet although both of them wanted to scream in pleasure. It really turned him on just thinking about the whole thing. What would it be like to have her hands gripping his back? He cleared his throat, trying to clear his thoughts. "Alright should we go straight around this loop or just make a right here?" he questions raising an eyebrow. It was the perfect day to this. It was bright and sunny. He turned over to her, smirking as he seen her close her eyes and yawn. "We're polar opposites." he said with a chuckle, shaking his head. He kinda liked that part of the whole thing too. "Let's stop here, get some coffee or red bull or something to wake your ass up." he said with a wink, pulling over at a little gas station, getting out after her purposefully just to see her lift her ass out of the seat. He was terrible. He needed to stop or do something about it. He entered the gas station with her, hand on her lower back mostly just a protection thing. She was a petite little thing with an amazing body and curves so he didn't want any guys looking at her, even if he wasn't her boyfriend.

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