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Realistic or Modern a long, and arduous, journey (apocalypse RP)


One Thousand Club
a like by me= an acceptance and you may do your first post immediately.

NPCs are actually incredibly helpful (feel more than free to post some and OOC chat about use and stuff)

Character death may occur but not without prior consent and discussion :)

Rules (if there need be):

* semi-literate posting (but it does not have to be as frequent; i will not kick anyone out for not responding in a set amount of time)

* realistic photos and scenarios please

* diverse and human characters (no god-modding or weird ass super hero people)

* this RP will only be fun if we involve everyone who joins and talk in OOC about what will happen in further plot points

sign up:

Full Name:



Brief History: (anything significant before, during, or after the apocalypse)

Relationships: (include group/what you want them to be in, job, and relationships)

Apparel: (what do they carry with them)

Other: (all extra things, make sure to include strengths/weaknesses)

Looks: (written description and optional::realistic image)
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NPCs (that I will play):

Full Name: Hope Addison Pelegaia

Age: 52

Gender: F

Brief History:

Apprenticed a doctor in the apocalypse as she was NH nurse who traveled here, over the past 7 years she has helped build the New Boston hospital. She has no children, her husband committed suicide in lieu of the apocalypse, and she was taken in by a doctor who she tried to drag him to upon his last breaths.

Relationships: One of the head medical team members


stocked first aid-kit, pager, walkie-talkie, and a single gun concealed by her waistband

Other: (all extra things, make sure to include strengths/weaknesses)


-trained medical professional

-excellent stock-keeper, record-keeper, and smart at distributing sparsely but efficiently

-good at hiding things

-good at keeping a straight face and lying

-surprisingly good shot


-not very fast or strong

-bad vision (farsighted)

-was only trained as a nurse-but had to apprentice a doctor in the apocalypse (is considered a doctor by this hospital)


Looks: (written description and optional::realistic image)


Stands at 5'3 with a somewhat portly figure, weighing in around 140 pounds, and stout. She has dyed bottle blonde hair, of which she still maintains in the throes of the apocalypse (as its more white than blonde at this point from stress)


Full Name: Colton Gage Brooks

Age: 41

Gender: M

Brief History:

He killed a man on the first day of the apocalypse, out of spite, upon knowing this was the girl who cheated on his son and broke his son's heart (as he found out prior).. His son, tragically, was soon to be found as one of the first walkers Colton encountered. This sent him into an extreme depression, he works as a maintenance and 'body crew' of the hospital. He's the one they call when someone has to be held down with no anesthetic.

Relationships: (include group/what you want them to be in, job, and relationships)

Apparel: (what do they carry with them)

military-grade guns (x3), half empty tylenol bottle, and a hunting knife.

Other: (all extra things, make sure to include strengths/weaknesses)



-skilled in hunting

-strong willed


-addictive personality

-emotionally unstable

-has a temper

Looks: (written description and optional::realistic image)


Standing at 6'4, his primary survival tactic has been his bulk. He is a well-trained apocalypse man, having joined the ROTC in college (only to be kicked out because of his drinking problem). While he still has an affinity for alcohol, he has primarily avoided his addiction.

My Characters:

Full Name: Nicholas Anthony Bard

Age: 26 (apocalypse started at 19 for him)

Gender: M

Brief History:

While he wasn't too significant before the apocalypse, living in an uncommon but abusive situation. His father was a severe manic depressive grew abusive, and finally left his mother upon the threat of being shot with a rifle by Nick's uncle. That uncle had to watch Nick primarily throughout his youth, and only fueled Nick's self-destructive ways. Upon the apocalypse he was with his best friend and secret lover, another farmboy he'd known and loved all his life. He was separated from his lover about 4 years ago, as he was knocked unconscious on a run with one of the other team members who hated him. He keeps in mind to find his lover, as they are both skilled in living on the land. But loses hope day after day. He has made it alone and grown to be somewhat of a madmen.


Lost lover- strong tall brunet male- more than likely alive.

Apparel: (what do they carry with them)

carries his uncle's rifle, two hunting knives, box of matches, a stash of lighters and cigarettes, bottle of Xanax, and a photo of his lover.

Other: (all extra things, make sure to include strengths/weaknesses)




-thinking on his toes


-bad shot

-has a weak leg (from injury) that is crudely wrapped in a brace at the knee to keep it from further damage.

-suffers from anxiety, depression, and anger issues

Looks: (written description and optional::realistic image)


Stands at roughly 5'11, has skin that tans easily, black hair, and beautiful blue eyes. He looks like his mother. He usually wears a snapback and dresses in dark monotone colors to camouflage well.
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Full Name: Oscar Tucker Faire

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Brief History: Pre-Z, Oscar was your "model" citizen. Fresh out of college with a enough education about physics and other useless crap he wouldn't use working in as a manager at a local home improvement store, he made it day by day, living with what he had. Even then, that wasn't much. Scraping by, and filling his time with escapes from reality, Oscar wasn't particularly social outside of where he worked. Between managing stocks, encouraging labor, and generally being unhappy. By day, he worked, by night he played video games, watched movies, and anything else he could manage on his limited time to keep his mind off of what a waste he'd made of his life at such a young age.

Post-Z, Oscar had been a walking charity. Giving to those who needed help, and faced the consequences for it. In his mind's eye, he hoped to gain respect for his deeds. Too many times had be been stabbed in the back for sticking his neck out for someone else, and came to the revelation that the world he lived in... It wasn't the place for random acts of kindness. Not anymore. He grew paranoid, and would cling to what good people he could find. He'd stand at their side, and defend them, regardless of their case, or who had accused them. Loyalty was a strong emotion he carried now. And loyalty, he hoped to find among the few honest people that were left in the world. Though it goes without saying that even if the world has ended, Oscar doesn't have the heart to kill another person. He'd grant the undead the mercy they need, and end their suffering, but... To kill another person? He couldn't manage such.

Relationships: I'd prefer that Oscar takes part or supports the hospital as a scavenger, to venture out into the streets, and do away with what few Zs that are still roaming the skeleton of society. He's given little information about himself. No family. No spouse, or anything of the sort.a

Apparel: Sporting a pair of running shoes, patched and padded jeans, a long sleeve sweat shirt, and a letterman jacket, Oscar occasionally dons "zombie proofing" over his clothes to reduce the likelihood of being infected while scavenging. This "zombie proofing" is really just padding and bits of leather he's taken from other clothes and football gear to protect the vitals areas of his body that are most at risk when exploring. I.e, neck, ankles, shoulders, wrists, and so forth. He's often seen carrying a dufflebag over his back, and a crowbar.

Other: Oscar is an emotional man and will stand by someone if he deems them an ally, and worthy of his trust. He carries himself with a sense of helping people for a cause greater than himself, and hopes to see humanity flourish again one day. Though he has noble goals, he can be a glutton, a bit brash, and certainly quick to judge someone at first glance. He can be paranoid, and often be a bit too cautious.

Looks: Oscar is a man of dark complexion. His eyes are deep brown, and his hair is black, though often kept cut close to his scalp. Despite being fairly round, if not a bit overweight, he's a strong willed, and able bodied young man. He stands roughly about six feet, and two inches high. If one were to look closely, they'd notice the number of small nicks and scars on his palms and fingers.

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Full Name: Tae Xi

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Brief History:

She finds it funny sometimes; she was twenty-four, and a veteran, sent home on honourable discharge. She's not quite sure what's so honourable about getting your left arm blown off at the elbow, but here she is. She enjoyed it back home, sure; but in the back of her mind, or sometimes when she tried to read but saw nothing but letters swim across the page, she would hear and see gunfire, the hot shells of wasted bullets branding her skin. She craved the battlefield, in a sick, twisted sense. Which was ridiculous because she had a loving family. A dog. A girlfriend, that she dimly remembers, although still the clearest memory out of the lot. It's almost like everything before had been scraped out, replaced; her therapist told her it would take a while for her to adjust, her PTSD might make it hard for her to enjoy simple pleasures, to connect. It took too long, and soon Tae lost her too.

When the outbreak started, there was a dark part, a large part of her, that was almost grateful. Grateful to be thrown back into it. She had been catching the bus back from her therapist; when she finally reached her house, hours later -courtesy of the spotty public transport system- her family was gone, their things gone, house empty except for her belongings. Tae believes that they're alive, or hopes. Not a lot of that sort of hope these days, not for her. She immediately went to work; the zombies were no different than an enemy soldier, an opposing man clutching a rifle and staring at her with death in their eyes. She had her pistol, although now she mostly just keeps it for intimidation; she doesn't like how loud it is, not when the world is so quiet now. Her survival pack, tent, sleeping bag, provisions... Things she couldn't bear getting rid of or not replenishing, after her discharge. She fortified her house; two layers of boards on the windows, a way out through the attic if you knew where to leap, rooms neatly filled with provisions and traps, along with a fence extended all along her house (courtesy of the neighbour's fences), covered in haphazard stretches of rusted and jagged chicken wire, something she had spent quite a time on creating, hacking at the links until she could bend them outwards. Most noticeably is a large trench, running right outside the fencing that was a bit too wide to jump and a bit too deep to crawl out of if you had been decaying for a good year. She's had years; more than enough time to heave up dirt, unused pipes, the sprinkler system, pack it down along the sides. She's generally rather welcoming; no one makes the trek to her neighbourhood, a good twenty or so minute walk from the nearest (tiny) former shopping district and town centre, without a reason. She's called to help, sometimes, when people want to euthanise loved ones turned animated corpse, or to help them do some hard grunt work. She doesn't really mind, and usually just asks for some provisions in return. Other than that, she's alone.


Family(Father, mother, younger brother) - MIA

Girlfriend - MIA

Mildly well-known among more cityesque inhabitants. Often sought out by those who need to complete arduous physical or mental tasks that they themselves cannot finish.


Jeans, steel-tipped combat boots, a tank top, and a slightly bulky jacket, all in cool shades. Her old, much fancier prosthetic broke a long while back, and has since been replaced with her old prosthetic socket attached to two tough metal strips on opposite sides of her arm, tapering down into crude hooks that face the direction of the natural curve of a hand. She has a large camping pack, filled with survival provisions, along with a sleeping bag. Other than her pistol, she carries around one small penknife and a kitchen knife, and a metal baseball bat. She still wears her dogtags.


Tae is not easy to work with, at all. A bit alienated from real world and emotions (Keep in mind that her mental illness was treated for about four months, nothing more) she has certain eccentricities that must be heeded, as well as very irrational phobias(loud sounds, bright lights, and taps on the shoulder, among others) and a thirst to have all-encompassing control of any given situation. Despite that, she is not unreasonable nor is she unkind, nor is she trying to be unhelpful; rather, she simply keeps her head in a warzone mentality, leading to a lot of unfounded aggressiveness as well as a certain degree of pedantry. Obviously, her left arm is a weak point and the prosthetic often makes what arm she has left ache terribly at the end of the day, but the metal is sturdy unless you decide you want to and are able to bash it into concrete more than a few times. She has one bullet wound on her left calf that still gets sore easily, and is slightly farsighted.


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Tae is tall but well built, standing at 5"9 and weighing 148lbs. She's very fit, although it rarely shows under her layers. She has long black hair, almost always tied back and unevenly chopped like she tried to cut it herself, as well as light brown eyes and a tan complexion. Her expression is most often hard set. She has numerous scars all over her body, a noticeable one cutting perpendicular to her jaw and running an inch above and below the jawline.

OOC: I can create an NPC or two as well. ^^ The history was sort of written/said from her perspective, so there's bias and information left out on purpose. c;



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Full Name: Anastasia Joanne Blaire or otherwise known as Aunty Annie

Age: 38

Gender: Female

Brief History: Annie had been been a mortician at the hospital before the outbreak. She took care of all the bodies and patients that had died during their visit. With her job in mind, it's easy to understand her comfort with dead bodies. She never did get queasy at the sight of a corpse no matter how bloody or mutilated. Before the outbreak, a few odd patients had perished and were sent to the morgue because of some virus after having been bitten by one person or another. Imagine her surprise when they sat right back up and tried to take a bite out of her. Luckily because of a variety of medical tools she was able to defend herself with a few scalpels. Unfortunately however, the morgue was a more separate part of the hospital and was sealed shut during the initial outbreaks for fear of corpses coming back to life and sealed while she was in it. Since the morgue deals with a lot of bodily fluids and other liquids of the...pungent variety, it was connected to the sewers. Luck prevails yet again! Annie was able to escape into the sewers through the basement of the morgue using a fire ax to open the grate with a few items to bring with. She had brought a few protective masks, a pair of goggles, gloves and a few medical tools for weapons. She spent a lot of time down there during the initial panic that threw everything into chaos. She occasionally found a way up for food and clean water but kept down for most of the time to avoid the walkers and any people who wanted to cause trouble. Over the next seven years, she's learned the sewers like the back of her hand. She keeps out of sight for the most part, avoiding contact with most people after having seen countless raiders and bandits simply kill others for goods. With her steeled stomach and experience around a body, she prefers to loot corpses for supplies. Any walkers who've been killed or any unfortunate mishaps or killings that happened to leave behind after skirmishes. She keeps the now rusty fire ax on her back and almost all of the medical tools have been lost or broken at this point. However, given her experiences, it makes sense for her to be carrying around a blade or two made from human bones she had carved herself. Nowadays she's on the surface a lot more than she used to. Able to pop in and out of the sewer grates like a mouse and it's hidey holes. Down there is where she rests and hunts for rats for food, luckily she's figured out a good way to boil down sewage into clean drinking water but even that takes a long time so resurfacing is necessary at times. During her hunts for rats she found a small nest. She decided to leave it be for future meals to be hunted later however she decided to take one infant rat with her. She's raised that rat from then on out and keeps it around as a pet. The little thing loves her and always comes back no matter where she lets it out. At times, she uses her sweet little pet to look for food either on bodies or places. Setting it down and following it until it finds food or gives up. The little thing's name is William. William has been her only company for a very long time, she's not even sure how long it's been since the outbreak.

Relationships: Annie does not belong to a group, she's a straggler and on her own most of the time. She used to be a mortician and because of that she's more comfortable with bodies than an average person. The closest thing to a relationship she's had with people before the breakout was the person who wheeled down the corpses and she's sure that man is dead by now, not that she cared for him but that would have been the only person she'd have known. No loved ones, no family and not all that many friends left her lonely, which turned out to benefit her in the end having been isolated in the sewers for so long. She has her pet rat, William she keeps around and feeds. William is pretty much the only thing keeping her sane without much human contact.

Apparel: Annie wears some pretty ragged clothing, her face is usually covered with a mask of some sort up to her nose. At first masks had been the ones from the morgue but now it's simply a rugged scarf wrapped around her mouth and nose around the back of her neck. She wears clothes she finds on bodies, anything that'll fit her which is not much considering how tall she is. Most of the time, she's barefoot with rough and calloused feet because no one's shoes have fit her and it was a waste of time in searching for them. Her pants and shirt, along with her jacket are ones she's found on bodies, and holes have been hand patched. She carries an old faded Swiss Army backpack she found on a dead teenager, she has many hand made weapons she's carved from human bones as well as her old now rusty fire ax hooked on. She carries a water bottle that came with the bag. She would use the bag to carry loot and currently contains a small amount of pet food she found for her rat, a few cloth bandages, a couple suturing needles from the morgue and thread to go with that she luckily has only needed to use for stitching clothing together. Her jacket has some pockets, and stitched in ones as well she keeps a bone blade or two in and of course William tends to hide in one of them when they're on the surface.

Other: She's comfortable with dead bodies (walking ones as well). She has nerves of steel, not very afraid in many situations. She has a real soft spot for kids and children and most likely has risked her life for some during the seven year period. If one is friendly towards her, she will be sweeter than cherry pie and because of that she's a bit gullible. A diet of rats and cleaned sewer water leaves one more than a bit malnourished so she's a bit weaker. She's tall, easy to spot if she's not trying to hide. She knows the human body a bit too well, certainly can take down walkers a bit quicker than average with knowing weak points in the skull, tendons to disable their limbs, etc. Her pet rat can be used to sniff out food and clean water at times but not completely reliable.

Looks: Annie is Caucasian, standing tall at 6'7". A real tall gal with thin arms and legs, but luckily with all the manhole cover lifting she's gain a little bit of strength. Her eyes are hazel, hair is pretty dark and long but at this point it's become a tangled mass beneath her scarf. She doesn't weigh all too much for her height, looking around 180lbs because of her malnourished diet.

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Full Name: Boskar Saldsea

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Brief History:
Boskar was born in London, England. He worked at a voulentary job with the RSPCA for 4 years before moving to Boston, U.S.

A recruitment agent liked the way Boskar acted and asked him to do a training course for the Millitary Police Corps. After completing the training with 97% effort, he was enlisted into the local millitary police force. His parents are probably at home in England, watching daytime TV and Downton Abbey.

Relationships: Millitary Police Corps, Alone at the start

Apparel: Beretta M92, 4 Mags, Sagia 12 Shotgun, 6 Mags, DV2 Combat Knife, Infantry First Aid Kit, Hersheys Bar, Flashlight, Rigid Handcuffs, SPSON Tortilla Backpack, Flare, Spare ammo

He can negotiate firmly and well. He has access and training for an M92 Beretta sidearm and a Saiga 12 shotgun. Boskar is easily softed and scared. He would not hurt anyone unless they were shooting at him.

Looks: Dark Brown Hair, White, English Accent

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