A lonely Monster

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Name- Jasper Denver Prezlocki

Age- 18

Gender- Male

Birthday- December 5th

Nationality- British

Hair- Black, white dyed into one side on the tips of his bangs.

Eyes- Blue

Skin- Pale

Height- 6’1

Family- Mara Prezlocki (Mom) Ada Prezlocki (Twin sister)

Occupation- College Freshman/ Part time model

Money situation- His family is rather wealthy

Living situation- Having just started college, Jasper lives with his Mother and identical twin sister who is also just starting out in the world.

Upbringing- Mara Prezlocki having been Jasper’s inspiration and reason for going into modeling and also clothing design, was an actress and model herself. She loves Ada and Jasper very much despite having raised them on her own 100% Their father had walked out the moment he heard the word “Twins” Even though Jasper had no male figure in the house, he never wanted for anything, nor did he miss out. His upbringing was slightly different from most boys but in the end he was a happy kid. Mara is no longer an actress, she’s left that life to better care for her kids and instead sent out a line of her own clothing designs. Very loved, Jasper grew up close to his beautiful mother and musical sister.

Clothing style- Jasper is rarely caught in jeans and a plain t-shirt. His style reflects his model career and also the fact that he is rich. Adorning denim jeans and expensive flannels, button downs and calvin klein dress coats.

Personality- Unlike his bubbly, rather loud twin sister, Jasper is actually rather quiet. His smiles are a faint twitch of his lips. It’s not that he’s unhappy, more so that he is reserved and rather professional in his shy ways. Mara has made that statement that Jasper actually takes after his father’s more reserved personality.

Fears- Death, being alone, the dark,

Flaws- Anxiety, Asthma, not very strong physically

skills- Drawing, designing clothes

Goals- Take over the family business after his mom calls a quits and have his own line of mens clothing.

Deepest wants- See Ada succeed

Name: Aiko Lou

Age: 17

Gender: male

Nationality: Japanese-American

Family: Kazou Lou (father) Mae Lou (mother) Yumi Lou (younger sister)

Occupation: High school senior

Money situation: Upper middle class

Personality: bold, smart, sense of humor, charismatic, Afraid of heights, a bit lazy

Clothing style: T-shirts or dress shirts, and slacks

Hobbies: drawing, reading manga, hanging out with friends, playing soccer

Other: He was born in Japan, but his parents moved to America when he was five.

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