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A little Info

Dr. Leprechán

New Member

I see many many posts in the forum and i know that this forum is for a much larger corss platform RP community. :D

Can I ask one question with the exception of promoting RPs, RP and discussing other issues what else can be done here?

Ja I know I am a novice to this site lol but I am sure some advice would not go astray :)  

All the best

*runs off to add a signature*
As we are primarily an RP site, playing them and discussing them is primarily what we do. ^_^

Check out or Discussion section for other things; we even have a subforum for those who like forum games as well as RP.  In this section, stickied near the top, there's a post that lists our Site Rules; I highly recommend reading that.  We're about to update it with some changes, but most things will be remaining the same (and there'll be an announcement when it changes).

You might also enjoy rummaging through our Tutorials section - there's a button at the top of the page, but it may be tucked away in the "More" dropdown depending on screen size.

I hope you enjoy your time with us!

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